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Fantasy The Pub on the Edge of the World || OOC

Extremely excited for this, it looks super interesting so far
though I do apologise in advance for Va's dickishness towards anyone's characters - it'll go away if/when she respects or trusts them, whenever that is (i promise it's not personal lmao) for some reason, i tend to write characters who are super emo until they gain the ~power of friendship~
Extremely excited for this, it looks super interesting so far
though I do apologise in advance for Va's dickishness towards anyone's characters - it'll go away if/when she respects or trusts them, whenever that is (i promise it's not personal lmao) for some reason, i tend to write characters who are super emo until they gain the ~power of friendship~

I love it. Va's awesome, and I love her attitude. I love it when there's at least one character that's like, "I'm not taking this shit, and you can't make me."
I love it. Va's awesome, and I love her attitude. I love it when there's at least one character that's like, "I'm not taking this shit, and you can't make me."

Thank you!! Va is probably one of my favourite characters i've made through this site and I honestly can't wait to dig into her a little more
I must say, i find this RP really good, and i'm exited to see where it'll go. I loved how you used our backstory to make a little something :)
I must say, i find this RP really good, and i'm exited to see where it'll go. I loved how you used our backstory to make a little something :)

Thanks! I have something planned for everyone, and I can't wait to see how yours turns out.
Writing Delastarh's dialogue is at the same time fun and a pain since he doesn't use contractions and speak in a noble manner.
I never RPed a character with the same personnality as Albaran before, i was used to RP the "Associal asshole" type of guy before, but i must say, i enjoy RPing Albaran!
Ignie Ignie Mystikelh Mystikelh Lixy Lixy Sammv Sammv MuskyMuscovado MuskyMuscovado Oreo Cookie Oreo Cookie

Now is the time to say that you guys are making this a remarkable experience, and I'm having so much fun writing these posts. We have so much flavor and variety going on that I feel like I might explode.

Aw, thank you!! I'm really enjoying myself as well. There's a distinct D&D adventure vibe that gets me pumped to reply!!!! Can't wait to see where this goes
Hey, sorry if my post seems shorter than usual, i haven't much things to say. I hope this is still okay. If not i will change it back if you really want to. ^^"
I hope I can properly express my character's opinion while still retaining his lack of articulacy.
Any criticism given will be appreciated and I'm enjoying this overall. Especially how different each character is.
I think you are expressing your character's opinion greatly. Perhaps developping more on his thought, maybe? Even though i'm not really good at doing it either haha.
Ignie Ignie Mystikelh Mystikelh Lixy Lixy Sammv Sammv MuskyMuscovado MuskyMuscovado Oreo Cookie Oreo Cookie

I will be gone next all next week, from Sunday(6/25) to Saturday(7/1). I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm almost 100% sure I will not be able to make it on at all due to crappy Wi-Fi.

Don't worry, I will return with a fantastic post. Don't any of you dare to drop out on me, because this will not die.

I'm not going anywhere. This is the best RP I have been in for months and there's no way I'm letting it die like all the others. :U
Have fun in whatever you are doing for a week, friend.
Just wondering what's happening and if there's any update since it's been two weeks.
I would be sad if this roleplay died.

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