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Fantasy The Prisoned Mystics - NPC



Architect of Worlds
I ask that all role players not post here. This tab will be dedicated to NPC Character Sheets. While NPCs are playable by everyone, each NPC will have a role and a personality that you will need to abide by. If an NPC says, "Constantly enraged," you can't go and have him hand cupcakes to all the prisoners. I'm sure you all know this. Three NPC's will be posted before the RP starts.
(Always put her posts in orange if you roleplay this NPC.)

Name: Annebelle Freyton
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Human

Job: Overseer of the branch our characters are trapped in. She dips a bit into everything. From forcing the characters into dire situations to making sure the cages are working properly.

Personality: Annebelle is likely one of the most sadistic of the team. She doesn't consider any of the characters as actual living things. She tends to say, "I have made a grand collection, it's a shame I can't put them on display besides my rock collection." If anyone cries, screams, whimpers, becomes angry, she enjoys every bit of it.

Description (image will come once I draw them.): She has a crazy sort of fashion. Annebelle's hair dawns many different colors in her originally, brown, near-black hair. She wears a lab coat that appears to always be tattered. Below the coat she wears slacks and a purple blouse, along with a belt that holds surgical tools and a gun. Annebelle's ears are filled with metal earrings that she can use as weapons. Tends to bear a smug smile.
(Always put his posts in blue if you roleplay this NPC.)

Name: Jack YeLid
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Human

Job: Tends to the cells and the food of the characters. He is well versed in technology as he is the brains behind the cells.

Personality: Jack is a genuine guy. He doesn't agree with what is happening to the mystics, and figured that if he slowly outgrew his rank, he could alter the way they are treated. He attempts to make the characters laugh when there is nothing to smile about. This is the type of guy that everyone loves.

Description (image will come once I draw them.): Dirty brown hair, with icy blue eyes. For the most part, he always has his lab coat sleeves rolled up and the rest of him is average, besides the holster on his right hip. He'll also always try to wear a different tie everyday of the month, just to see if the prisoned will notice.
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(Always put his posts in purple if you roleplay this NPC.)

Name: Jon Reegle
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human

Job: Constantly studies the characters and their bodies. He is the one who usually will order tests to be done, as well as, subject the characters to strange things.

Personality: Jon is in a strange in between. As he recognizes the characters as living things, he doesn't see anything wrong with what he is doing. He find the entire situation intriguing and loves to learn more. He values knowledge above all else, and will go out of his way to gain such.

Description (image will come once I draw them.): Black haired along with pair of glasses. He appears to be the most put together with his uniform. Shirt buttoned all the way up, lab coat ironed and clean of dirt. Tie stark black and nothing else.
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