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The Prince and the Peasant

Michael lead her the kitchen, "Cook, I will need a word." He told the cook and the cook nodded, Michael turned to Celia, "just a moment."
Michael came back with a smiled, "The chef will show you around and then you can get your siblings."
Michael smiled, "I'll see you later, ok?" he said, before turning to Freud, "Let's go." he said, and together they started down the hall.
Celia smiled shyly as she went of to find the chef so he could show her around. She turned though, as a thought hit her. "Your Highnss?" Celia called.
Mike smiled, before he turned to go with Freud, to get back to his classes, "I'll see you at lunch." he called to her.
chef showed her around the kitchen, explaining everything before he turned to her, "Any questions so far?"
chef nodded as he continued, he paused only once more before he looked at her ad asked again, "Any questions?"

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