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The Prince and the Peasant

Binnie Ryman

Long may she reign
Celia walked down the streets to the apothecary, needing to get medicine for her brother, whom she always called 'Papa,' since her parents died when she was young and she always saw him as her father. She was stuck doing all the farm work since he was so sick and her sister, whom she always called 'Mama,' refused to do anything to help and only chided Celia for not doing enough work,
Michael listened to the lecture, that he had heard so many times before. "And another thing." Oh brother here it was coming.

"Freud, do you know what color the flowers blow? The ones that face the sunrise?" Michael interrupted, knowing it would give him some time before Freud answered and of course, it gave Michael an opening for some peace and quiet. He sighed, as looked out, if they were going a bit slower he would jump out.
Celia reached the apothecary and got the medicine for her brother before walking to the market to get some food for dinner. She looked through the food picking out not he best of the food, but only what she could afford, which was the worst of the food.
Michael sighed once more, "Can we not talk about this anymore, Freud? I get it." he snapped.

"If that was true, I would not have to find you." Freud stated.

"Can I get something." he asked ignoring Feud's comment.

"If you must." Freud stated, as he motioned them to stop. Michael grinned, as he opened the door and started towards the market, it was a rare occasion for him to be able to get out and actually have time with his people. Freud trailed behind him as normal as he started towards the fruit, looking through what was out he couldn't help but be excited.
Celia realized all the food was too much for her to afford, so she sadly put the things back. She had very little food left over, not nearly enough to feed her siblings and her. She felt a tear come to her eye but she quickly wiped it away.
Michael notice a girl that had to remove items, he turned to Freud briefly before stepping up to her. "Hello." he said to her, quickly to make sure Freud was not paying him any mind for the moment.
"I was kind of going to ask you the same thing." Michael smiled, "I saw you put a few things back, maybe I can help you get them?"
"I would be offended if you didn't allow me." Michael smiled, "I just want to help, if you will allow."
Michael smiled, turning to the merchant he instructed him that he would be paying and did, before taking an apple, "I have to go now." he told the girl, "Maybe I'll see you again." he grinned before passing by her to return to Freud.
Michael smiled, as he waved bye to her, "What was that?" Freud asked.

"Nothing. Just talking to my subjects. It's that what I do." Michael smiled innocently, before returning to the carriage.
Michael sighed, as he fall on his bed for the first time, he was glad he was not allowed to leave. After avoiding a lecture he was glad to just be in his room. He smiled at himself thinking of helping that girl, she was cute and she looked like she has going through something. He wanted to help, but he had to keep himself invisible to his people for now. Only the older people knew his face, because they knew the mischievous prince that wondered into own to escape classes.
Celia went home and immediately gave her father his medicine. He didn't seem much better afterwords, yet that always happened. She just hoped one day the medicine would kick in.
Michael had to have in dinner in the dinning hall with his parents, but it was an awkward silence the whole time.
Celia chose to have dinner in her brother's room at his bedside. He was weak, yet not too weak that he couldn't have a good conversation with her, something Celia appreciated.
Michael laid down on his bed, closing his eyes, tomorrow he would have to find a better way to sneak off. He smiled, He couldn't help but be impatient.
Celia fell asleep in a chair next to her brother's bed. It wasn't the most comfortable, but her bed wasn't either.
Michael woke up early, quick to sneak am Apple before he started towards the stables.
Celia woke up with the sun, like always she making bread for her stand in the market, which is how she got money. She didn't go yesterday because she had errands to run. Once the bread was done, she headed to her stand.
Michael sneak through the stables and started to untie the horses, he smiled at they started running off through the yard. He would have enough time for a quick visit before he had to be in class, but with the horses running wild, he would have to start later. He made a quick jump on one, and rode it towards town, as he saw the stable boys starting to attempt to round up the horses.
Celia waited to make a sale at her stand yet, she had no such luck. Luckily it was early in the day and she still had time.

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