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Realistic or Modern The Politics Of Ruling Interest Check


One Thousand Club
Young women and men of the 4 kingdoms, Fiyer, Alia, Wicerillian and Birocoac, have been sent off to a lone island, where they are to be taught how to be lovely royals and nobles, where they will recieve only the best of the best treatment. the young women with their laced corsets, and the gentlemen with their waistcoats.

But fear not, they will recieve the best tutors in all one could need. Politics, warstrategies; for the men of course, dance, and other forms for art and communications. For what else would these young souls need?

Well... That is where our darling school comes in. These princes and these princesses, these nobles, they all need a match, do they not?

Their parents belive so at least.

They arrive here to get contacts, to get information, to gain new allies, though perhaps they'll earn a new enemy?

Each one will be paired up with another. Perhaps the young princess of Fiyer is to marry a nobleson of Birocoac? Or perphaps the prince of Wicerillian is to marry a fair maiden from Alia? Only fate will show, and by fate, we mean some very.... Elegant gentlemen who have reported from the kingdom and to the school regarding the young students, where they have all gathered, to pair them up.

A victorian era rp dealing with the political game of ruling and how it affects the next generation of blue bloods, whether they want it to or not.

Anyone interested?
Me and @Nat are just finishing the organising of it, should hopefully be done tomorrow. We just wanted to be sure we weren't doing it all for nothing.
Now it is really just the kingdoms we need to finish, which hopefully will all be done tomorrow sometime.
Yes I can understand that since it seems like you put quite some work into it. Though I really love the idea and everything. Let me know when it is done please (tage me or pm me or anything you want) since I will have to go in a bit. and please keep a spot open for me :P I am able to play every role
I'm glad people are interested :)

We're going to let you know when the kingdoms are up and ready to claim :)

Also, the kingdoms are in the making but some (-cough- me -cough- ) have bad habits of going far in detail and chosing to make whole religions for the kingdoms. So they are in the process, it's just taking some time.
Question. The writing sample does it have to be related to the roleplay or could I also use something I have written at another time (other character?)
Just a sample in general. Could be from any rp. As long as you have written it.
Nat said:
Well, to my defence, I created a whole religion with legends and myths :P
You seem to have done really well on this roleplay so far. I expected nothing less from you, cause your roleplays are usually good. Did you and @LittleWolfie work on it together?
Vampirelovee said:
You seem to have done really well on this roleplay so far. I expected nothing less from you, cause your roleplays are usually good. Did you and @LittleWolfie work on it together?
Generally, 90% of the roleplays I create, are made together with littlewolfie, as I know she understanda what I mean, and translates that stuff into understandable english, and becauase we work pretty well together.

And thank you. It took us what? Past 24 hours to create everything? :P

Thankfully Fiyer i could base of a Kingdom I already had made before.
I'm interested in this! I just have to wait a bit before sending in my writing sample.

I just want to get it out there that I'll be giving you one as soon as I can. And this idea is really well thought out! Kudos to you guys. c:
Go ahead and send us a writing sample as soon as you can. You can just send an rp reply that oyu have given earlier too if you wish, you don't need to write a whole new one :)
I would, but I'm new here so I have to wait a while. :T

I promise that doesn't mean I'm new to Rp though.
We're still open and looking for these roles btw! To anyone who wants to join :)


Prince - Open (Heir to the crown)

Noble Female -Open

Noble Female- Open

Noble Male- Open

Noble Male -Open


Prince - Open

Noble Female -Open

Noble Female- Open


Prince - Open

Noble Female- Open

Noble Male- Open

Noble Male -Open


Prince - Open

Noble Female -Open

Noble Female- Open

Noble Male -Open

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