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Fantasy The Poison Of The Seven Seas

Yay, Scarlet's going to be happy to find out there's a barrel with her name on it in the food storage xD (You'll... understand the constant mentioning of barrels a little once you see the character sheet, or you could just ask me now and I'll explain it ^.^)

Yay, got her sheet up! Hope she's okay for the RP 3:

Oh yeah, I'd like to give a warning... Any characters found eating food will have a little bit of their food snatched from them by Scarlet, who'll use her sword with her foot to take a piece and then eat it off of the sword, all while doing a handstand.

For example, Crystal's going to find that sword of Scarlet's snatching a tiny piece of honey cake xD
Don't worry, it'll only be a little piece of it xD

Also, how does Crystal plan to throw Scarlet overboard? She's just a kid, and she's a good bit faster than everybody else on the ship ( :P )
Well, she wont actually do it but taking her cake is bad xD she'd chase after the little girl
Well then, maybe she'll get a chance to brag about her bounty and title with that wanted poster ^.^ All things aside though, I think the first concern for Crystal and several others would be who the hell Scarlet is and how she got on the boat xD
Scar's finally with 'er favorite Louise! Anyway, g'night. Lookin' forward to seeing how things play out now that she's gettin' involved with the rest of the crew for the first time.
I spent forever on a post, only for the draft to be deleted... I hate how every time I work on a post, the draft gets deleted... Alright RpN, I give up on ever trying to get a post up for RPs while I have stuff to do that makes me rely on drafts in order to complete a post...
Well, at least you always get to live with the excitement of seeing if your draft is still there next time you jump on the page :)
@Goddess I've got to congratulate you another lovely CS.

Damn he's cramping Mio's style though. Acting like him, looking like him (at least body-wise), and even using pistols? He's going to hate this guy regardless of relations.
@Prizzy Kriyze thank you ahah I made him to where everyone was going to hate him. I'm making three more >.< so I might make a girl and two guys or something, I don't know!
Yea , and idk I just like Pirate role plays, and usually the ones I participate in doesn't last long for me to make more. I have high hopes for this though!
Well, I'm indefinitely dedicated to it, only problem is due to Rai having some IRL stuff a while back, lotsa people just up and left it seems. I hope most of them come back though.
I'm still here by the way; just still suffering from headaches, still having to revise a ton and now busy planning some fellow-y stuff for my time on this site, so I'll only post anywhere if I really need to!

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