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The Pain Of Silence


How curious might this be?
A Victorian style home, on a hidden street. Very few houses are near by, most of them being empty and small. The large beautiful home is owned by Mr and Mrs Montgomery, who are known around the town and great business people. Very little is known about the couple out side of the business world, except they have a daughter.

Helena was their only child, and that's all the town had known. Across the street from their Victorian, a new family had been moving in. Helena watched from her bedroom window as what seemed to be a single mother moved in her two children. A young man, who seemed to be her age, and a little girl. She watched him curiously, the only person she'd seen her age in a very long time. He carried the heavier boxes into the one-floor home across the street, helping his mother while the much younger girl ran in the front yard.

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