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Fantasy The Other Side OOC

Holy shit, I hope you heal up well man. That must've been a nasty fall, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Injuries like that suck.

oh my God! That sounds awful, I hope you heal quickly!

I'm sorry to hear that, hope you heal up soon. Will you need more time to rest or do you wanna join back in at time skip?
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling much better, though my ribs still ache something fierce. I've been told I'm lucky I didn't break my wrists with the way I landed and I can't imagine dealing with that. Ugh. I'm not good at resting and being patient with myself, it turns out. I wake up feeling pretty good, haul a few boxes about at work and immediately regret it.

I'll be OK to join back in at the time skip, I think.
I apologize for my disappearing act. I miss my lovable, grumpy, bear man. Work has been busy, my mental health hit a deep low, and just as I was climbing out of that pit, my super awesome ability of tripping over nothing (because I'm blind in one eye and have zero depth perception) kicked in and my face bounced off the pavement after I fell while running at a full sprint to catch a bus notorious for waiting on no one. I broke my nose, bruised my ribs, tore up my knees and hands and sprained three fingers on my left hand.
I am so sorry! That sounds so painful. I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling much better, though my ribs still ache something fierce. I've been told I'm lucky I didn't break my wrists with the way I landed and I can't imagine dealing with that. Ugh. I'm not good at resting and being patient with myself, it turns out. I wake up feeling pretty good, haul a few boxes about at work and immediately regret it.

I'll be OK to join back in at the time skip, I think.
Offering gentle hugs if you can stand them. I hope you let yourself heal! You come first!
Offering gentle hugs if you can stand them. I hope you let yourself heal! You come first!
I can totally feel that hug. Thank you. Since my mom passed away I went from getting hugs many times a day to next to nothing. I needed that. I went back to a different doctor and he confirmed I managed to get hairline fractures on one fingers on my left hand and either a torn muscle or yet another hairline fracture on the rib near my scapula. I'm trying to be patient and gentle with myself, but I'm so over this.
I can totally feel that hug. Thank you. Since my mom passed away I went from getting hugs many times a day to next to nothing. I needed that. I went back to a different doctor and he confirmed I managed to get hairline fractures on one fingers on my left hand and either a torn muscle or yet another hairline fracture on the rib near my scapula. I'm trying to be patient and gentle with myself, but I'm so over this.
I'm really sorry to hear that, man. No one is ever going to get mad at you for being a little fed up with back-to-back life crisis. If it makes you feel any better, this year has been one of the hardest for me. Mental health and life changes wise. I can't give you any advice that could instantly fix it but just take one step at a time, let yourself grief. Not just for the loses but for yourself as well.
I'll get a post out for my characters within this week, prolly Mon or so.
My laptop has officially kicked the bucket after years of struggling. I’ll have to try and post from my iPad for now 😅
I can totally feel that hug. Thank you. Since my mom passed away I went from getting hugs many times a day to next to nothing. I needed that. I went back to a different doctor and he confirmed I managed to get hairline fractures on one fingers on my left hand and either a torn muscle or yet another hairline fracture on the rib near my scapula. I'm trying to be patient and gentle with myself, but I'm so over this.
*Extra hugs* I'm so sorry. I hate the 'hug short' feeling even for a little bit. My family is not as big on hugs as I am, so I usually rely on my friends, but I haven't been able to get out lately. My mom's sick, so I've been overwhelmed helping her. I'm so sorry you lost yours. I'm not sure what I'll do when that happens.

Did the doctor have any suggestions on healing faster? Idk, physical therapy or even vitamins that could help? I'm so sorry you have to go through this.
We had tornado weather yesterday and will be out of power until Thursday or Friday probably. Plus my laptop is busted. We are losing all of our cold food. It’s just going to be one of those weeks. I’ll be able to check in with y’all through my phone though!
We had tornado weather yesterday and will be out of power until Thursday or Friday probably. Plus my laptop is busted. We are losing all of our cold food. It’s just going to be one of those weeks. I’ll be able to check in with y’all through my phone though!
Oh goodness, I'm glad you're okay at least.
After five days my power is back! I still don’t have a laptop though. My posts will probably be badly formatted for a while 🤣
I'll try to post Yetz this week. Went to a concert/conference on sat and got some acoustic trauma.... felt like frankenstein with needles in my ears for the past 2 days...

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