The Order (forever accepting)

Everest is SO going to be late btw...

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! it just deleted the post i was writing... (:'()
That moment....I know it...that feeling....the despair.... Don't give up man! I know you can persevere! There is hope! Don't give up! Don't give to the despair!

(anyone get it?)
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Complete and utter madness... and everyone's at the bar blacklights... like always...

Unfortunately, "complete and utter madness" isn't really going to help me get into it.
Yay...the waiting game... *shrugs* How do you think Ken should act when he is drunk off his ass? (Bored. so typed the first thing that came into my head)
well i figured Lans was kinda obvious just from the name... not so much amber, but oh well, all shall be revealed shortly...
Posting right now

Hey mates, I am tired. I may pass out while posting my response and I need to wake up so forgive me if I don't respond.
I see and here I thought Ken was special xD He'll just brush him off like he does with pretty much anyone that flirts with him. xD
Cept Lans is an immortal god (he can still be killed and has his weaknesses) who's had years of practicing smooth talk... and... ahem... using his powers for... ahem ... pleasuring others....

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