The Order (forever accepting)

Damn! You are without a doubt a fearful opponent!

(Anyway, hope that entertained ya for a bit! Now on to the actual waiting game *sigh*)
*Takes a bow* You're welcome! I am known to be as entertaining as I am random! I'm also great at coming up with things on the spot! Pen is a witness to my awesomeness!
It was made by Mario Nevado, who's a spanish artist. It's called Deliberation and is about how it feels making critical decisions :P

And yes. Yes you do.
@Jason Carlile make sure you read the terms and conditions! I almost got tricked once because I signed something before reading them! Luckily I am far to crafty and found a loophole! So watch it man! That's how they get you...terms and conditions....the bane of humanity.
Jesters Court]((Hey [URL=" said:
@Penance[/URL] .... learn your fucking character's name please.... because WHO DA FAC IS ANDREW????))
The name of at least three other characters he uses in three different RPs xD
i know, im giving him a hard time, because this is like the 5th time he's done it...

ok, Could i get a list of people who are at the bar please? i don't want to miss anyone...

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