The neighborhood


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
It was a beautiful day in the small neighborhood everyone was out and about. Kids playing in the park people going on walks and bike rides going into town to get ice cream everything seemed to be going perfect. The stores busy as ever more tourists meaning more money all the towns people getting along it seemed nothing was going to break this towns positive stride.
Gus walked over from the big oak tree where he was reading to the the wing set with 2 normal swings and 2 baby swings. He walks through the dirt sometimes sinking into it and getting his feet muddy. He walks through the little strip of pavement path over to the coarse sand. He walks over to one of the normal swings and gently starts swaying back and forth looking at the rest of the play structure with consisted of a green tube to the upper part of the play structure a small slide tick tack tow a few steps on the higher part of the play structure a ladder a twisty slide on the higher part of the play structure a fire poll on the upper par of the play structure and under the higher part of the play structure there was a table with green stools. tweezoid tweezoid
Sorry my description was not the best
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Elio had been eating lunch on his front yard. He had spread out a blanket and set out dishes on top in an attempt to have his own version of a picnic. The people walking by would give him judgmental glances and in return, Elio would scowl at them and challenge them, only for them to speed off immediately. After he finished eating, Elio began gathering the dishes and heading inside the house and towards his kitchen. He set the dishes in the sink and stepped back outside, folding the blanket up and setting it on his couch when he got back inside. Still not ready to go back inside, Elio stepped onto his porch and sat on the bench on top.
After about 20 min he got off the swings and started to walk back home. He had to wash his feet then go to work but on the way to work when he was walking on the sidewalk with his shoes and socks in his hand he saw a a boy with his shoes off. He kind of wanted to make a grossed out face but that would make him a hypocrite and also he was very good looking so instead of doing anything he just kept walking and went right past him.
Malini was exhausted. The last couple months had been a whirlwind of activity. It seemed like an endless meeting and arguments with lawyers, social workers, and well meaning family members who thought she was getting in over her head. All this on top of the trauma of having to sell her childhood home. Malini hadn't wanted to do it, but she wouldn't be able to support her self and Avani in that big house. They had moved into the decent sized apartment above the Suresh Book Store instead. This was where her grandparents had lived when she had been a little girl, but they were both gone now so it was hers. Malini and her sister had been steadily moving in over the last couple of weeks. Like they were finally done now.

Malini had made lunch that day. Nothing fancy; just vegetable soups and sandwiches. Her cooking repertoire was not that good yet. She resolved to order some books in order to improve. The meal itself was tense. Avani had been an emotional wreck since everything had gone down. Nearly everything seemed to make her sister cry these days. Avani seemed to think everything was her fault, which was of course ridiculous. It was their parents' faults. Malini was finding it hard to think of anything positive related to her parents. It was bad enough that her father had been breaking the law, but then their mother had up and disappeared too. At first the family had been worried that she had had an accident or had been kidnapped or something, but no, Malini and Avani's mother had ran off with some truck driver. The twenty one year old wouldn't be surprised if the whole town knew both of these facts; it was one of the aspect she hated about small town life...everyone seemed to know your business.

"I'm going for a walk okay? I'm not opening the store back up until tomorrow. Are you sure you'll be okay here by yourself?"Malini addressed her sister.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'll probably just read a book or something. Maybe unpack a little,"Avani replied.

Malini sighed and left the apartment. Sometimes she questioned herself whether she was actually good for her sister or not. Maybe the walk would clear her head a bit. The twenty one year old picked a random direction and started walking.

Avani did the dishes after lunch time. It was her turn after all. Then she looked around the apartment. There stacks of boxes everywhere. The only thing they had actually set up were the basic furniture and some of their more personal items. The fifteen year old thought about maybe doing some more unpacking now. She wanted to show she could be helpful to her sister. Even if the teenager was having a hard time processing all the changes in her life she knew her sister was pushing herself trying to take care of everything. Avani sighed; she just couldn't face it right now.

She decided to leave the apartment too. The teenager would just go down to the park. Avani would just stay there a little while and be back home before her sister even realized she wasn't there.

Once at the park she started swinging on the swings.
Once he gets home he goes to reach into his pocket to grab his house keys but when he put this hands in his pockets he could not feel the cold metal keys or here them rattling in his pocket. Panic runs through him and he turns around and starts running back towards the park. He passed the guy again and keeps sprinting. He cuts through the grass not bothering to use the long path to get to the park. He passed the oak tree he had been reading under and cuts across the pavement walking path and back into the sand box. He started frantically searching for his keys not even noticing the girl on the swing that he had been on earlier.
FliesandSpiders FliesandSpiders
Avani swung back and forth idly. It had been so long since had just hung out here. She looked around at all the other people going about their day. The fifteen year old noticed a blonde boy frantically digging around in the sand. He looked vaguely familiar. Classmate maybe? No, that wasn't it. The thing about living in a small town like this is you knew almost everyone. This boy definitely wasn't in her grade. He did look close to her age though. Maybe a year or two younger. Something with a G?

"Hey Gary....wait no Gus right?!"Avani called, throwing a completely random name out there. "Are you looking for something in particular? Do you need help?"
He swore he almost had a heart attack when someone started to talk to him. The voice sounded feminine she said Gary then his actual name he looked up to see a Indian looking girl looking at him. She asked him if he was looking for something and was wondering if she could help he responded with “ Yeah if you could help look around those swings and in this area for house keys that would be great because I’m going to be late for work. If I’m late for work they won’t give me as much money so I need to find them in about 5min or else I’m screwed”.

Avani smiled when she realized she had managed to get his attention. So, she had gotten his name right after all.

"House keys huh?"Avani said, thoughtfully. "Yeah, I can help look. I'm Avani by the way."

She turned away from him and may her way back over to the swing area. She slightly bent over at the waist carefully scanning the ground for the keys. Avani trailed over to the actual area under the swings. Nothing yet...wait...she was sure she had seen a flash of metal.

Avani bent down into the grass and closed her hands around the key.

"Hey, I found them."she said. "Where is it you have to go to work anyway?"
He walks over by the swings and quickly grabs his house keys from her hands. “I would love to tell you the place I work but here are 2 reasons I can’t A) I’m quickly running out of time and B) since I don’t really know you I would get mocked for the rest of my life. So maybe we can become friends then I will tell you but for now I cannot tell you and i also have to leave or else I’m going to be late for work and they won’t pay me as much so for now goodbye”. He starts jogging back to his house really trying to get To his house fast enough so he can make it to work on time.
FliesandSpiders FliesandSpiders
He hears someone shouting at him in his mad panic to get to his house on time and he was to out of breath and to much of in a hurry to respond. He kept running right around the corner and ran for a good 10 feet then turned into his drive way turned onto the path to the door way and frantically opens the door runs upstairs to his room then runs down to the kitchen opens the drawer right of the frigid grabs a pen and frantically writes down “had a shift at work today talk to you tonight” . He runs to the mud room door witch has a door to the garage he clicks the button to open the garage and gets into his car backs out of the garage presses the button in his car to close the garage and drives off his drive way and starts in the direction that goes to his work.
The Braxton brothers had bought homes right next to one another. They had only moved in a few days before. Diane was beginning to think the two were in competition with one another over the matter of who could build a better family. However, her own condition had been far from planned. Well -- it hadn’t been accidental either. It wasn’t as if that had accidentally wound up in bed together - in a teepee - on tribal lands - with a dozen tribal members getting a good laugh at the newlyweds. That, of course, had been all in good fun. She had made considerable contributions to a Native American Language database and built a website for them. She had been trying to create a sort of Rosetta Stone for them in digital format.

When JJ, James’ younger brother had shown up with a wife and kid in tow, plus one more on the way, after falling off the face of the Earth for years, James had realized he wasn’t getting any younger and got the urge to settle down and raise his own platoon of marines. Diane glanced down. Well, she was giving THAT notion a pretty good start.

James had taken up a job in town working for the Sheriff’s Department as a deputy. He was WAY overqualified. And he would have preferred Search and Rescue. But this was a pretty quiet neck of the woods. And quiet sounded pretty good to him. Her own work as an author could use the peace and quiet as well.

The sounds of an ice cream vendor turned their adoptive daughter Saiya into a maniac who started begging her new mother for ice cream. Atreyu was an extremely well behaved boy. He stayed right next to Diane. Saiya was darting out and back over and over trying to get Diane to hurry up.

Diane was rather amused. To slow Saiya down she posed a question. “Saiya? Very, VERY important question. What flavor are you going to have?”

Saiya grinned. “I want Strawbree, Choc’late and B’nilla.”

Atreyu grinned and hoarsely whispered, “I wonder if B’nilla is more like Nana or Vanilla.”

Diane chuckled. “Only one flavor. How about Neapolitan?”

Saiya frowned. “What’s that?”

“Why don’t you try it? I think you’ll like it.” Diane winked at Atreyu. He had already picked up on the joke.
When I got to the ice cream store instead of making me work behind the counter they wanted me in the ice cream truck. They gave him the clothes he needed witch was a white shirt a pair of white pants dress shoes a black bow tie and a black belt. He went to the bathroom to change and when I walked back out He was handed the keys. He got in a decided to go back to his neighborhood he stopped on corner right next to park. He see the girl on the swings and look away not trying to catch her attention. When he look back he sees a little girl and boy with money asking for “Neapolitan” he takes the money and goes in the back where there’s a freeze completely dedicated to Neapolitan. When he opens the freezer it’s completely empty. He walks back to the front and catches the parents eyes having a scared look on his face he mounted “we have no Neapolitan what do I do?” he looks back at the kids completely stumped on what to tell them.
Mitheral Mitheral
Diane SAW the silent words on the man’s lips and sighed. So much for the joke. Getting upset never solved anything. And even given the fact that she could probably buy the whole town, she had never become entitled. Neither was she going to spoil the children - much. She was having a hard enough time preventing James from spoiling them as it was.

“Bad news?” she smiled. “Instead she pulled out another bill, a larger denomination. How about the individual flavors side by side? And hot fudge and strawberry as well.” She looked at Saiya whose eyes were bugging out. “Whipped cream?”

Saiya gave an excited nod.

“Whipped topping annnd … a banana…” Diane paused to turn sharply at Atreyu. Too late.

“Like a banana split?” Atreya asked impishly.

Diane laughed at herself. “Yes, man I want peanut butter and something. Not sure what. I better not add it or Saiya won’t want any. Saiya, we are going to share. This is sooo going to ruin your appetite. Atreyu?”

“Maybe a milkshake. Malted if he has it. Peanut butter flavor if he has it - or chocolate, or strawberry or vanilla. Not really picky.”

Diane looked to make sure the man got the message and finished handing the money over. “Just keep the change. Use it for some other kid who’s a little short maybe.”
Elio had finally decided he had enough of people watching from his front porch and hopped off, heading down the street. He noticed an ice cream vendor and thought for a minute as to whether he wanted to get something or not. It wasn't much of a hot day as it usually is around here, but he's never actually had ice cream from a vendor before so it might be an interesting experience. He noticed who was working at the vendor, and immediately realized it was a boy that kept walking by and staring at his feet as if it was weird not to wear shoes, but he had noticed that the boy also had no shoes on. His first thought was that the boy was a snob and a hypocrite, but swallowed his pride and began skipping over to the vendor like a child. "Aren't you the boy who kept running by my house?" He called over and waved happily in an attempt at conversation. He gave the people already paying an apologetic glance, realizing he probably interrupted something.

"Well, bye....I guess."Avani said, watching Gus run away.

She swung for a bit longer on the swings. She was perfectly content being here by herself. The fifteen year had always been an introvert. She had two really good friends from she hung around with, but that was all. One was currently away at summer camp and one was away for the month visiting relatives on the other side of the country. They passed letters back and forth between each other while they were apartment.
Of course there was Gus. He was just an acquaintance so far, but she figured she could take him up on his offer to become friends. If she saw him around again that was.

The teenager stopped swinging after about five minutes. She felt she needed to get home. She walked along the park back in the direction of home.

Malini's walk took her along the main stretch of road where all the shops were. She stopped in at some of the stores to see some of the owners. A lot of them had been friends of her grandparents and later her parents. A couple of them were weird with her as if she had some disease that could be caught from her parents actions. The twenty one year old held her head up high and treated them perfectly correctly. If she was going to be living here for at least the next couple years she needed to play nice with the neighbors. A lot of them were really happy to see her back in town. This was mostly some of the order couples who had been very close with her grandparents. Malini had known most of them all her life from her years as a child when she had "helped" her grandparents around the store.

'We need groceries',Malini thought, after she had made her last visit.

She strolled along in the direction of the town's grocery store. Along the way she was desperately making a list in her head of everything she thought they needed.
Some guy started talking to me when I was right in the middle of making a very complicated desert witch consisted of 3 scopes of ice cream one vanilla one chocolate and one strawberry so they had the Neapolitan ice cream they Wanted with vanilla sauce on the vanilla one chocolate sauce on the chocolate one and strawberry sauce with the strawberry one with a banana and whipped cream on the top. After he gave the desert to the kids and was done giving service to the family saying enjoy and have a nice day he said to the man “yes that was me and what can I get for you.” he said in a monotone voice ignoring the cheeriness.
tweezoid tweezoid Mitheral Mitheral
Mia still had boxes to unpack, but since it was such a beautiful day, it seemed like such a waste to spend it inside. Mia put on shorts, running shoes, and went for a run outside. Being new in town, going out for a jog provided opportunity to exercise and hopefully meet new people. Mia has heard that people from small towns are all nice to each other, she will soon find out for herself.

A bunch of people were hanging around the ice cream truck, including a mother in her twenties with a kid. Mia decided to go and introduce herself. She said to the kid, “Looks like you’re really enjoy the ice cream.” Then to the mother, “It really is beautiful in this small town, I just moved here. I’m Mia.”

Mitheral Mitheral
Elio's face dropped and said, "Just one scoop of chocolate on a cone, thanks.." before bending forward a bit and looking inside.

"This is where you keep all the goods then? I've never had ice cream here in my two years living in this neighborhood. I kinda just stayed home but I thought today was as good a day as any to get to know everyone." He paused for a moment before frowning and pointing at the boys face. "Hey Mr. Droopy Face, what's the issue, you haven't smiled yet."

He gave the boy a large grin and pointed at his own mouth. "Like this, it's not that hard."
John woke up to the sound his phones alarm which he quickly turned off before sitting up and checking for messages. Well look at that nothing new today he thought while he stood up heading to the shower. He got dressed to everything but his shirt which he threw over his shoulder walking to the living room of the little one bedroom 'house' his parents called it. But really it was just his dads hunting cabin that John was staying in. He turned on the television which had the local news station on "... its been a rough season for our hometown boys as they dropped another game today 35-14." John let the sportscaster drone on as he helped himself to some left over pizza out of the fridge and cold beer as well. Closing the door with his foot he sat on the couch plopping the box on the table and starting to flip the channels. Just then his phone rang "Ya hello." John said a bite of pizza still in his mouth "No No dad I wasn't busy.Ya I can come in early getting dressed now. Actually i heard from a buddy about a tryout... not the NFL a Singapore team actually... yes they play football there... no i dont know where Singapore is... i dont know how good the play is but its another shot." John put down the slice putting on his shirt as he walked out making sure to grab the keys to his beat up pickup truck. As he drove to work he passed by the ice cream truck looking out the window considering a scoop but thinking better of it. He puled into the small parking lot of the diner a faded handmade sign hung in front of the word diner that said Hanks his fathers name. When he got inside the usual lot was already there who he said high to before taking off his jacket and hanging it in the back.
Okay he said to the guy that will be 4.50 as he goes in the back and grabs a metal ice cream scoop walks back over and grabs a sugar cone from the big stack of them right next to the rest of the cones and plops the chocolate ice cream on it . The guy starts talking to me he says
"This is where you keep all the goods then? I've never had ice cream here in my two years living in this neighborhood. I kinda just stayed home but I thought today was as good a day as any to get to know everyone".He response with "yes this is where we keep all the goodie also you are in for a treat if you have never had this ice cream. Plus like you said its such a pretty day". while saying all this he kept a straight voice and monotone voice. The guy recognised this and says "Hey Mr. Droopy Face, what's the issue, you haven't smiled yet."

He gave the boy a large grin and pointed at his own mouth. "Like this, it's not that hard." He says " my issue is the looks you gave me earlier and before you came over here and i know how to smile im not stupid. If your done ordering MOVE". He shoves the ice cream at him almost tipping it onto this shirt.

For tweezoid tweezoid
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Elio grabbed the ice cream and fell back a bit. He reached in his pocket and gave him the money. "Well, you did give me a dirty look for not wearing shoes earlier. No need to get bent out of shape, friend." He waved a bit and turned around. As he walked away, he called out, "Hope to see you pass by again soon!"

He made his way back to his house, all thinking about the boy. What was his issue? He hadn't realized he'd given him any sort of look, and was immediately offended that he even thought something like that. He tried to make conversation, but the kid clearly overreacted, he even almost got ice cream on his shirt.

Elio finally made it back to his house and sat on his front porch's bench, eating his ice cream and back to people watching. The ice cream was pretty good, but his opinion towards it was a little clouded by the interaction he just had. Did that thing have Yelp? Is that even a thing they have around here? Well, if they did, he wanted to make one and put one star, just to see the boy's reaction. Maybe that'd make him angrier, but Elio figured threatening him with one stars would make him more inclined to talk to Elio. He shrugged his shoulders as if somebody had asked him something, and continued to eat his ice cream.

As they guy was walking away he screams loud enough for him to hear " Im not the one bent out of shape you are. You were the one border line harassing me as he gets further away her says l"This conversation is not over after work im coming over and were talking". He goes back to his job and takes the next kids order in line but all he can think about was how rude that guy was with the faces and the way her was talking to me and teasing me. This guy is really going to get a piece off my mind after im done working this stupid shift
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Elio finishes his ice cream and gets off his bench, heading into his house. He closes the door behind him and heads to his room. He hoped he'd see the boy sooner rather than later so he could maybe try to apologize. But perhaps that wouldn't really work with the type of person that the kid seems to be. How rude, disrespecting his elders like that. Didn't his parents ever teach him manners? Elio pauses. Does he even have parents, why's he working? He seems so young. Elio shrugs. Not his problem, he goes to university soon and he'll only have to see the kid once in a while for the rest of his life, considering he's decided he'll stay in the neighborhood. If this confrontation continues, though, he may want to move away for university instead.

Elio sits on his bed and grabs his guitar, begining to tune it. He hadn't played guitar since he first moved into the neighborhood, his bias on music a little clouded since going to art school. He still enjoyed listening to music and interpreting it, but couldn't get himself to actually play the damn thing. After tuning, he begins playing and smiles a little. Maybe the rest of the day will turn out just fine.

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After my long day her closes up shop. Hello gives the last kid his order then slid the metal doors over where you order. He put the keys on the ignition and drive all the way back to work and drop off the truck were it was. He grabs his clothes from the back and goes and changed. He grabbed his paper and clocked it out and put it back into the holder with all the others. He walked up to the front and say goodbye and walks out clicking the button to unlock my 2019 Ford Fiesta S Sedan witch is all ready cheap as it is but he got it used. He gets into the car and pulls out onto the street.
He drives all the way back to his neighborhood and parks in front off the guy's house. He could take the car to his garage witch is only a 100 feet away but he was feeling lazy. He get's out and walks onto his drive way then onto the path to the door step. He knocks on the door waiting for the angry man to answer.
tweezoid tweezoid

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