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Realistic or Modern [ the mysteries of crystal lake - ooc ]


New Member

welcome to crystal lake

  • overview

    crystal lake is a small town in the state of maine. it is a place known to all humans for its lush green forests, cold weather, and a large lake with unnaturally blue water that is said to house the entrance to caves filled with crystals. while the caves have been explored, nobody has ever gotten far enough to actually find these crystals. some say that it's because after a certain point, the sound of a loud roar, like a family of bears, scares people off. others say that after a certain point, they just feel compelled to turn around.

    but all the supernaturals of the world know that something much more sinister resides there. something that could cause trouble at any given time, but has yet to show signs of any kind of malicious intent. for the most part, whatever it is stays underground, feeding off of woodland creatures. and while nobody else has seen it, the presence of this creature acts like a beacon to other supernaturals. nobody knows why, but the small town, with its small population, houses various supernatural beings that are trying to adjust to living normal lives.

    however, with the arrival of supernatural creatures, also comes the arrival of hunters. people who devote their lives to tracking down and eliminating members of any supernatural species. people who have this job passed down to them with each passing generation. some hunters are ruthless, wanting to take care of any creature that even dares to cross their paths. other hunters prefer to wait till something goes wrong before taking any action.

    until now, there has been an unspoken truce in crystal lake, between the hunters that reside there, and the supernatural creatures that are trying to lead normal lives. but now, with sudden disappearances in the town, the truce is slowly breaking. supernaturals are going missing, and the rest blame the hunters. but hunters are also going missing, with the rest of them blaming other supernaturals. neither side knows the truth to the disappearances and the incidents are bringing hunters and supernaturals from all over the country to this small town, either for their own curiosity, or to back up the groups they are loyal to.

    it all comes down to whether these two groups will stand together to try and solve the mysteries of crystal lake, or whether they'll slowly tear each other apart.
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> (M) stephen green ; milton pack beta | [ played by apolla apolla ]
> (M) raphael akela ; milton pack beta [ played by Shadow Shadow ]
> (F) odette morgenstern ; milton pack beta [ played by lanabanana lanabanana ]
> (F) celestine auger ; omega [ played by calypso calypso ]

> (M) albert sternhell [ played by Abendrot Abendrot ]

> (F) kaori winterbourne [ played by deer deer ]

> (F) anastasia rivers ; (seer) rivers family [ played by lanabanana lanabanana ]
> (M) colt essa ; rivers family [ played by Shadow Shadow
> (F) seraphime harmon ; lone hunter [ played by apolla apolla ]

> (F) juniper kavanagh [ played by Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy ]

normal humans
> (M) daniel carlson [ played by Cosmo Cosmo ]

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i am here and ready to write relationships !
if anyone has any ideas, do let me know ! i'll be reading everyone's sheets fully soon hehe < 3
sign ups are now closed. here is the list of finalised, accepted characters:

anastasia rivers | hunter/seer | lanabanana lanabanana
albert sternhell | vampire | Abendrot Abendrot
seraphine harmon | hunter | apolla apolla
daniel carlson | human | Cosmo Cosmo
kaori winterbourne | druid | deer deer
stephen green | werewolf/beta | apolla apolla
raphael akela | werewolf/beta | Shadow Shadow
celestine auger | werewolf/omega | calypso calypso
juniper kavanagh | banshee | Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
odette morgenstern | werewolf/beta | lanabanana lanabanana
colt essa | hunter | Shadow Shadow
everyone else, plewse join the discord. you are required to post in the relationships channel with thoughts/ideas of relationships betwee your character and the others before you can be allowed to post in the IC thread.

anastasia rivers | hunter/seer | lanabanana lanabanana
albert sternhell | vampire | Abendrot Abendrot
seraphine harmon | hunter | apolla apolla
daniel carlson | human | Cosmo Cosmo
kaori winterbourne | druid | deer deer
stephen green | werewolf/beta | apolla apolla
raphael akela | werewolf/beta | Shadow Shadow
celestine auger | werewolf/omega | calypso calypso
juniper kavanagh | banshee | Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy
odette morgenstern | werewolf/beta | lanabanana lanabanana
colt essa | hunter | Shadow Shadow

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