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Realistic or Modern THE MUNDANE - OOC

I pm'd IzzyFizzy IzzyFizzy , but I've gotten no reply about the powers thing right now :T Don't know what's gonna happen there
Sorry I just woke up. I am so so sorry I can change it if you want, I wasnt paying attention and i had no ideas and it was the first thing to come to mind
I am changing it to water manipulation so uf anyone was interested in that could you let me know?? i checked all the bios completely this time and nobody had it that I know of.
iijora iijora Love your FC, as well as the Pro Era quote!

Also, it's perfectly fine if a couple of you share the "same" ability, as long as there are differences.
The different variations of shapeshifting can be taken as an example. There could be two shapeshifters in the RP, but while one can only transform into any living thing, the other can transform into inanimate objects.
Okay cool! Love your character by the way :). It took me so long to finish mine :-_-lines:
If you want we can move into pm so we dont spam this whole chat lol

Thanks! Yeah, creating characters is a bit of a pain sometimes, so nowadays I just have a bunch that I can adapt :P Don't mind, whatever you want to do.
Lol, for once I forgot to watch the ooc page. Oops. I regularly check the character page though to keep up on all your interesting characters, cannot wait to begin!

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