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Fantasy The merge of realities (Reboot)


Baby Dragon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
This is a reboot of this thread: The Merge of Realities
The red lights on the wall flashed at a steady yet urgent pace, engulfing the metal corridors in an eerie red glow, along with the lights, an intrusive siren blares at a deafening volume, alerting all that there was a serious problem. The siren quietened for a moment as a voice appeared on the comms system. "The Xenocs have the device, we must get it back at all costs!"

Jason landed in the Xenoc ship, he leaped out of his small fighter, a rifle at the ready. He silently darted through the corridors. A humanoid creature covered in what appeared to be some sort of black metal armour, Jason aimed at the creature and fired 6 shots, each shot his the creature in the head and the creature fell lifelessly to the floor. Jason placed his hand to his ear and spoke. "I'm on the enemy ship and in pursuit of the device!" He said, hearing a reply in his ear moments later. "Good job Agent Mathews, best of luck to you!"

The captain of the human ship looked to his crew as he finished speaking with Jason. "Sir, are you sure he can do this?" One of the crew asked him. The captain looked at the girl who'd asked the question. "Honesty, I don't know..." He said with a solemn tone, "But he's the best we've got, so if anyone can then it's him!" He added with a sense of optimism. "But sir, what is that device?" The woman asked. "I guess I can't keep it from you anymore..." The captain replied hesitantly, the red lights still flashing in the room around them.

Jason took down another Xenoc, he checked a small device which had been in his pocket which showed the location of the device he was searching for. He was getting close. He dashed down corridors and darted through doors until he came to the door leading into the room containing the device. He stopped, making sure his weapon was fully loaded and ready for anything that could be waiting for him inside the room with the device.

The captain looked at the woman who'd asked the question, and then looked at each other crew member who was present in the room at that time. "That device is a contraption created by the best scientist we have, Dr Mckenzie. It's designed to assemble a group of heroes to a specific location when activated, like a mass teleported but much faster and without as much hassle. It was designed with the purpose of assembling troops such as Agent Mathews at a moments notice should there be need of their services in the war." Everyone listened to the captain intently. "So why is it bad that they have it? Surely if they use it it would just make things harder for them?" The woman asked. The captain sighed. "If only it was that simple..." The captain commented. "As I said the device is currently experimental and is incomplete. Dr Mckenzie ordered us not to activate it yet for numerous reasons. Firstly, no one's been associated with it yet, so it could end up transporting anyone to it's location, which puts innocent people at risk. Secondly, it's coordinates haven't been calibrated yet so those people could be sent anywhere, and lastly it's power source is highly unstable so there is a chance that it may explode."

Jason looked to the keypad next to the door, this one was locked so he couldn't just slip through this one as easily as the ones before it. He pulled the device out of his pocket again, placing at against the keypad, the device made quiet noises and moments later the door slid open. Jason put the device away, readied his weapon and quietly slipped into the room. Inside the room was engulfed in darkness, he pulled out a small torch and flicked it on, lighting up the room. He spotted the device and walked towards it. As he neared it, a Xenoc appeared. He fired at it but his gun failed to do anything other than make strained clicking noises. Jason tossed his gun aside, pulling out a sword he charged at the Xenoc, running his blade through the creature. As he did, the device flickered into life. Jason grabbed it, and looked for a way to turn it off, but a moment later it erupted into an explosion of flames killing Jason instantly.

The captain turned as a night glow caught his eye, the Xenoc ship was engulfed with flames. "Activate the shield gen-" He yelled, but was cut off at the Xenoc ship exploded as they were caught in the explosion the human's ship was also obliterated in the blast. Both the human and Xenoc ships, caught in the nearest planet's gravity, drifted to the surface as fiery wrecks, there were no survivors. The device had been destroyed, but rather than stopping it from working, it just meant that there wasn't any way to stop it...


This RP takes place in a sector of space thousands of light years away from earth, there are a few solar systems in this sector and the technology is far in advance of modern day earth. There is currently a war between the Humans as well as some other species who live in this sector and the Xenocs, a merciless species who will stop at nothing to 'cleanse' the sector of any other life.

Due to the fact that the device was incomplete it malfunctioned upon activation, however rather than just failing, it's effects were far more random and unpredictable than could have ever been imagined. The device had fed off the desires of both people present in the room. Jason's desire was for more fighters for the cause to stop the Xenocs and save humanity as well as the other species' fighting against the Xenocs, the desire of the Xenoc in the room was to eliminate all of humanity as well as everyone who opposed them. So the device stretched across galaxies, universes and timelines, plucking heroes from their own timeline and bringing them to help in the war, however it also bought all the villains and anti heroes.


In this RP you play as one of the heroes / villains that were summoned by the device. You can be anyone from any universe such as overwatch, super smash bros, Marvel, you can also be a character of your own creation. Despite your alignment you won't be immediately assigned to either cause, you will just find yourself in this strange place having been snatched from your timeline. Due to the unpredictability of the device you will just be placed somewhere in the middle of the events that are going on and will; have no idea of where you are or how you got there, how you proceed from that point is entirely up to you.

I understand that this is rather confusing so you can use my first post as an example, hopefully that will help clear everything up, if it doesn't, please feel free to ask me any questions you have!

This reboot will take on the same concept as the original with a few minor tweaks.
Heres a basic runthrough of the main plot points.

  1. There is a huge war in a sector of space hundreds of light years away from earth between Humans (and their allied species') and the Xenocs (Pronounced Zen-nocks)
  2. In this sector of space, there is a 'gate system' which is a network of warp gates people can use to travel from one planet to another or from a planet to somewhere like a space station pretty much instantaneously.
  3. As a last resort, a device was created with the intent of summoning a group of soldiers to a single place at one time, like a sort of teleportation device for the 'Avengers' of the war for the human armies
  4. As the device was built hastily, it had a few 'bugs'. Major Bugs. Despite what it was designed to do, what it actually ended up doing was scanning the universe through all timelines to identify anyone deemed as a 'capable soldier' or anyone who would be able to contribute to the war efforts, however it is unable to distinguish between 'good guy' and 'bad guy' so anyone who could help either side of the war is identified and transported right into the middle of the war.
  5. As of yet, there is no way to return people to their original homes and timelines so they are stuck in this war.

Those are the basics that need explaining for an interest check! I promised I'd tag The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald who is the person who suggested the reboot to begin with and Texangamer Texangamer
Just incase I'm also going to tag everyone who was a part of it before: KAmber KAmber FrostFire FrostFire Eliasdagood Eliasdagood Miljonz Miljonz Lazy Taco Lazy Taco The DoomyFish The DoomyFish Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Kirby3178 Kirby3178 The Grilled Charlie The Grilled Charlie

Also, I made this last time cause I was bored, it's terrible but thought I'd add it anyway... seriously though... It's terrible! Plus the QR codes at the end are duds, I don't even know why I put them there.
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