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Futuristic The Loop | CS Thread | Open



a beetle may or may not be inferior to a man
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

─ "Your home is filled with strange and fantastic things..." ─




code by deer of 9 colours.

"...When fusion, particle accelerators and the magnetrine effect were discovered in the 1950s, it broke the boundaries between the possible and the impossible. Huge transport vessels fly, cyborgs and robots can think, scientists create time portals and objects that replace people’s identities. Strange beasts roam the landscape, and humanity can contact people and creatures from other times and places." - Tales from the Loop

You are a teen in Boulder, Colorado, in the waning part of the summer of 1983.

For the most part, your life is like everyone else. You spend your free time doing what teens tend to do, which is essentially whatever you can get your hands on. You have your own problems, whether with yourself, your family, or others, and of course you have dreams and fears and hopes just like anyone else. Like teens in other parts of the country, you also attend the local high school, which comes with its own troubles. Those parts of your life are nothing special.

However, you are not everyone else, as your town sits atop what has been dubbed the Loop.

The Loop, simplistically explained, is the second largest particle accelerator in the world. Built in the 50s, it was done in collaboration with a group in Sweden, and has since opened up entire new realms of science to those willing explore them. Run by the DART- standing for what is assumed to be Department of Advanced Research and Technology -those who work in the Loop push the boundaries of what was considered possible and impossible. This has effected your town in a way that other towns haven't been effected; while the rest of the world has benefited from the work done in both the US Loop and Swedish Loop by getting amazing technology like flying vessels, advanced AI, and more, the residents of Boulder have been subjected to strange happenings.

The adults seem to ignore it. Last summer, the Hendersons entire house disappeared, leaving no trace behind, including the Hendersons themselves. Despite being on the local news, the story went dark after about 2 days, and then things went back to 'normal'. The town seems to understand that some things are best not looked into, especially if you don't want to draw the attention of whoever caused the anomaly in the first place. After all, the DART- if responsible -is a government organization; they are more than capable of sweeping things under the metaphorical rug.

You, however, are not an adult. You're young, maybe looking for trouble or wanting to sate your curiosity. Maybe you get dragged into it, or maybe something ends up happening to you personally. Whatever the reason, you get involved, even if the adults refuse to and even if you don't want to. Between school and the drama of growing up, you now juggle figuring out what exactly is happening to your town and the people in it.

Welcome to the Loop, where stones are best left unturned.

The Computer Geek is interested in new technology and computers. Maybe they hack, maybe they game, maybe they tinker with whatever they can get their hands on, but they are 100% a nerd. [ status: OPEN ]

The Jock plays some sort of sport, whether its basketball, football, soccer or something else. They're likely popular, though whether this is from being a cool person or bullying is up for discussion. [ status: OPEN ]

The Motorhead has a need for speed! They probably know their way around a car and other vehicles, as well as participate in races...even if they aren't all that legal. [ status: OPEN ]

The Party Animal is always looking for a good time. Sociable and wild, they probably know the best hangout party spots around town. [ status: OPEN ]

The Seeker has an interest in the supernatural. Ghosts, cryptids, anything along the lines of that is on their radar. [ status: reserved by cadence cadence ]

The Snob is a popular student who doesn't like to hang around the scum. Prince/Princess/NB Ruler of the school, they have standards and you likely don't meet them. [ status: OPEN ]

The Trouble Maker is a rebel. Maybe they want to go against 'the man' or maybe they just want to cause a ruckus. Doesn't really matter; they're at the center of most schemes. [ status: OPEN ]

The Bookworm has their head in literature whenever possible. Maybe its fiction, maybe they're reading about science, doesn't truly matter. They're another nerd, just not the tech kind. [ status: OPEN ]

The Weirdo isn't necessarily a bad person. Just something about them sets them away from the rest of the teens, and they're an outcast even if they don't want to be. [ status: reserved by elytra elytra ]

Characters will be ages 16-18, and either juniors or seniors in high school. Plotting with other players on previous relationships (of any type) between characters is encouraged, since the setting means that characters likely either know each other or know of each other.

Age: (preferably 16-18)
Grade: (preferably 11th-12th/junior-senior)
Body Mods/Scars:
Clothing Style:
Personality: (at least 3 positives and 3 negatives)
Problem: (is someone in their family sick? did their father die?)
Drive: (what motivates them?)
Public Image: (what are they known for, if anything?)
Important Friends/Family:
Inter-character Relationships: (character|who they're played by|nature of relationship like enemies, friends, etc etc)

01. This roleplay is for those who can write around 2 paragraphs; we're not aiming for novella, but a little detail is appreciated! Quality is appreciated over quantity, though.
02. There is no posting order, but players are expected to post at least once a week, preferably more. If you can't, please just let me know; life happens and I'll always be understanding about it. This rule is just to keep the group running smoothly and avoid stalling due to ghosting.
03. Be polite OOC and engage with other players; I want this to be a fun experience in and out of character! While characters can be rude to each other, players shouldn't be.
04. This RP is not first come first serve; I may accept characters right away or deny them (which if I do, you can feel free to ask for me to tell you whats wrong with the sheet so you can fix it). The reason that some roles are reserved is that those are people I've roleplayed with before and we've already discussed what they were thinking for characters!
06. Real life FCs and descriptions are accepted; please do not use anime or drawings.
07. Have fun, above all, because that's why we're here

Tags: LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Zatanna Zatanna VALEN T. VALEN T. Satan Satan Pokeking Pokeking Brain rot Brain rot Transient Transient cadence cadence smolfluffball smolfluffball feel free to pm me with any questions! But note I'm a bit busy/all over the place today so I may take a bit to get back to you. I'm going to have a OOC up in a bit as well. Lore is going to go up a bit after that with locations and other such things. I'll @ you in OOC about whether or not characters are accepted, and if they aren't you can feel free to talk to me to work on the sheet to make it work!
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Natasha Chandler


Cisgender Female (She, Her, Hers)



Junior (11th grade)

'The Snob'

Natasha is a stunning girl. She had long brunette hair, olive skin, and beautiful hazel eyes. She wasn't very tall standing at 5'6 and weighs about 110 pounds. She is slender and petite, the type that could look good in just about anything she wore. Pouty, full lips and beautiful long legs were some of her best features.

Body Mods/Scars:

Earlobe Piercings

Clothing Style:
Natasha is quite fashionable but likes to keep it classy. Usually wearing dresses, pleated skirts, and shorts. Jeans or pants every now and again. She likes wearing crop tops, sweaters, or well fitted short sleeved shirts. Usually preferring to wear pastels, she will spice it up with some darker colors. Only wearing a simple silver cross necklace or her pearl necklace her Grandmother gave to her and always a pair of earrings. Her go to outfit is usually a matching set, skirt and cardigan with a white undershirt, knee high socks and Mary Janes. She does like to keep up on current trends, however likes to put her own spin on them. Her favorite color is red which she wears often. Very upper class prep.
"To me, fashion is what you see in fashion magazines, music videos, and what celebrities are wearing. Then you have your personal style which is what you like and think looks good. Then you have to find a way to weave them both into something that looks good to you and others. It's important to have both fashion sense and your own personal style. Just fashion can be boring and doesn't work for everyone. But personal style with no care for current trends can be tacky. It's all about balance. Looks like you weren't aware... Don't worry. It's ok, Just try harder next time sweetie."


Polite - If you asked any of the adults in the town what they thought about Natasha Chandler, they would gush over how respectful, sweet, and kind she was. Her mother deeply ingrained politeness into her. She knew how to talk to adults and exactly what to say to make them love her. The type of girl who will insult you softly and with a smile, then walk away like she didn't even say anything.

Stuck up - Growing up in the richest neighborhood of Boulder, Natasha was accustomed to the good life. She went to expensive dinners with her parents often, was enrolled in charm school, went to the country club most weekends. She also shared her parents opinion that there was too many 'trashy' people living in Boulder now. Many of them went to her school. It was sick really.

Confident - As the most popular girl in school, Natasha knew she was pretty much unstoppable. Her parents were very influential people in Boulder and Natasha often reaped the benefits from that. That along with her good looks gave her the confidence to face her problems head on with elegance and grace. She walks through the halls with her head held high. She loved the feeling of parting the halls as she walked down them.

Manipulative - Growing up getting everything she ever wanted turn her into a spoiled brat. She would do anything in her power to get what she wants. She became a master manipulator, learning how to play her parents, teachers, and boys like a fiddle. You'd be surprised at how often puppy dog eyes and crocodile tears could get her out of trouble.

Intelligent - Natasha knows there are consequences for her actions (kind of) so she plays everything smart. Doing things in a way that she can't get into any trouble. She also does really well in school. Even as going as far as tutoring some of the her classmates. Natasha is also very observant, making it quite easy to spot peoples insecurities.

Shallow - Natasha has a very specific vision of how she sees her life going. She wants to marry a rich man with potential, have 4 kids, a nice house, a well behaved dog, drink fine wine, and have refined friends. Anything that doesn't fit that she doesn't like. Giving her extremely high standards.

❀ Going to the local country club to socialize, play tennis, swim, and eat good food.

❀ Shopping with her friends and spending time at the mall.
❀ Driving around in her convertible with music blasting.
❀ Going to parties.
❀ Reading mystery novels.

❀ Like other affluent youth in boulder, Natasha loves doing coke. She does bumps throughout the day, usually in the bathroom her and her friends have claimed for themselves.

❀ Natasha twirls her hair around her finger when deep in thought.
Natasha has a staring problem as well as RBF. She'll often glare at people, making them feel self conscious. She doesn't do it on purpose but she doesn't mind since it keeps her status as Queen.
❀ She gets very whiney when she is tired.
❀ Natasha is known for smoking when she gets stressed but she would never admit it and won't let other people talk about it either.
"I don't know where this filthy rumor that I smoke cigarettes started but I can assure you it's false. The only people who smoke are the same trash who have to go to the public pool."


Natasha's main problem is with her Mother Anna. Anna is over critical and has no tolerance for her reputation being sullied by anyone in her family or herself. All Anna really cares about is her image and how people perceive her and her family. She doesn't care about her families well being at all. Natasha is pretty sure her Father is having an affair and Anna could care less as long as he doesn't get caught and keeps up their 'perfect' marriage. It also deeply hurts Natasha that her mother was so quick to just send her brother to another state so she wouldn't have to deal with him. Knowing damn well he has issues with substance abuse.
"So what if my moms a bitch? Like your family is any better..."


Natashas biggest drive is the want to have a "perfect" family and life. She has a plan of exactly how she wants her life to go and would go to great lengths to meet that goal.

Public Image:

Natasha's public image is varied. The Chandlers are one of the richest families in Boulder, owning a few restaurants and shops, as well as most of the lower income housing in the area. Her parents have a (seemingly) perfect marriage. Her father, Anthony was a handsome, kind hearted man who was born and raised in Colorado. His wife, Anna Sophia was a beautiful socialite from the Ukraine who fell in love with Anthony while she was in the states studying abroad. The two got married young and seemed to live a perfect life. They had the most wonderful daughter. She was beautiful, soft spoken, and polite. The only smudge on their perfect life was Natasha's older brother, Igor. He was known for being a trouble maker at school as well as a skate boarder. Her parents heavily disagreed with the way he wanted to live his life and did everything in their power to make him fit into the family image. He couldn't take the pressure and started heavily doing drugs as well as drinking in excess. His parents realized he would never belong and sent him to New York City. They pay for him to live there as long as he stays out of the way. He is also required to come back every now and then and make appearances. Their parents tell everyone he moved to New York to focus on his 'Art'. In reality he does drugs in excess and slowly drinks himself to death. Anthony and Anna don't care what he really does there as long as he can put on a suit and pretend he's not a failure 3 times a year.
"Don't you know who I am? Natasha Chandler. I'm sure you've heard of my parents. Anthony and Anna?"

Our story begins with Anthony and Anna Sophia Chandler. A beautiful couple who were high school sweethearts. The story was actually really sweet. While Anna was studying abroad in Colorado from the Ukraine, she met Anthony who was a senior the year she was a junior. The two quickly fell in love and dated for years until they got married. That was back when they were young and Anna was still kind. The lovely couple got married and lived happily for several years until they decided it was time to start a family. The two were so happy to find out they were expecting a boy. The named him after Anna's brother Igor who passed away when they were young. Things were fine while Igor was young. A healthy, handsome, young boy who was a bit of a troublemaker but they thought he would grow out of it. Anthony and Anna decided they wanted to give Igor a sister and tried again. Born to this prestigious family, Natasha Chandler was born on a cool summer night. Igor loved his baby sister more than anything and the two spent most of their childhood extremely close. Things only started going south as Igor got older. Anna became extremely controlling of Igor, always nagging him, trying to get him to conform to her perfect family image. Being a rebellious teenage boy, the harder his mom pulled him right the more he wanted to go left. He started skateboarding, finding it to be the perfect way to escape. His mother didn't like that though. No respectable boys skated. He could play a sport instead. Igor had no interest in pleasing his mother and kept pushing boundaries. He started spray painting, which his mother called his 'art'. Started talking back to teachers, destroying property with his friends, partying and doing hard drugs. Natasha was younger than him by a few years and didn't understand why her brother had to be so troublesome. He was always so sweet to her, but would get in the worst fights with their parents. Telling them "he hated them", how he "hated how he couldn't be himself because of his mothers silly image". Natasha hated hearing the things her mother would say to him too. That "he was worthless", "a waste of time", "would never amount to anything". Natasha still remembered the day he left to go to New York. She cried and begged him to stay, for their parents not to send him away. Igor felt skinny when she hugged him goodbye. He didn't seem well. It was obvious he was fighting some demons and was doing it alone. He left and Anna quickly made it be known that Natasha wouldn't be going down the same road as Igor did. She could get anything she wanted if she agreed to play by her mothers rules. So she did so.

Her life was arguably a lot easier when she played by her mothers rules. She knew she could have a great life if she followed her mothers plans. High school was a breeze for her. Since Natasha's parents seemingly had a share of everything in Boulder, she was like a local celebrity. She had two main friends, Kristle and Tiffanie. They were pretty but not prettier than Natasha. They got good grades but not as good as Natashas. Their families were rich but not as rich as Natasha's. Her underlings would do anything for their leader. They thought being friends with her would bring them good fortune and they were probably right. As for boys, Natasha was a little bit picky. She liked the hot bad boys but knew she could never really end up with one. That's why she had several flings with bad boys, none of them turning into anything serious. If anyone asked her she would simply say she was just really drunk. She wanted a bad boy in a good boy package. She wanted passion and real love. Never a marriage like her parents. He had to be from a respectable family, and be able to support her. So she is constantly struggling with what her heart desires and what her mind desires.

Important Friends/Family:
Anthony Chandler - Father

Anna Sophia Chandler - Mother
Igor Chandler - Brother
Tiffanie Westyn - Friend (Minion 1)
Kristle North - Friend (Minion 2)
Open to more <3

Inter-character Relationships:
Open! Message me (:

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Computer Geek

Name: Everett Wiley
Age: 18
Gender/Pronouns: He/him, cisgender
Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual
Grade: 11th
Style: Slacks & sweaters
Faceclaim: Benjamin Wadsworth

"Things Aren't Always #000000 and #FFFFFF".

Everett Wiley comes from a lower middle-class family. He lives with his mom and his stepdad, and their dog, Shadow. He can be most often found in the computer lab in school, or in his parents' basement. He has a deep fascination with technology, especially that pertaining to FM radio and electronic gaming. His other hobbies include constructing 3D train models, volunteering at the KGNU headquarters, and spending copious amounts of time at the arcade on Pearl Street. He also has a budding interest in film.

He is typically seen sporting a sweater of some sort, slacks or corduroy, and an old pair of Chuck Taylors. He considers himself a procrastinator, but his greatest vice may be his inability to stand up for himself. He takes neither pride nor pleasure in breaking the rules, but when pressured, Everett reliably caves to the whims of his friends. He is fiercely loyal, but he is not necessarily kind. He is sensitive, and quick to make a bitter retort if feeling threatened.

His problem? His stepdad. The guy's a total douche. Has a righteous stick up his ass. Everett doesn't like the way old Chris treats his mom, but he's way too timid to do or say anything about it, much less stand up to his stepdad. And that's not his only problem. Everett is relentlessly bullied at school for his geek niche interests, hanging out with stoners, and worst of all, for being so completely miserably awkward.

Everett's main drive is curiosity. His interest in computers, coding, radio, and technology drive him to explore areas he perhaps shouldn't. He craves knowledge and understanding, and is willing to push his own boundaries in order to unveil the bigger picture.

Everett's dad disappeared ten years ago, when Everett was eight. No note. Not a trace. The rest of the people in his life have moved on, much to Everett's frustration since he has found himself unable to. Thoughts of his missing father secretly haunt his nights and daydreams. To admit it he would feel childish, but he hopes that his father is still alive, being held prisoner by some nondescript. government entity. His fantasies run wild. Will he ever find closure?

Mother - Loraine Catherine Wiley (Alive)
Father - Stephan Wiley (Presumed deceased)
Stepfather - Chris Cochrin
Pets - Shadow, the dog

TBD - to be expanded upon once/if approved.

Inter-Character Relations:
I'd really like for Everett to be close friends with any of the following:
The Seeker
The Troublemaker
The Weirdo
And I think it'd be cool if he was neighbors with / lived nearby to any of the following:
The Motorhead
The Party Animal
The Snob

PM me to coordinate / collaborate!

coded by weldherwings.
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Name: Gabriel Collins

Age: 18

Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him

Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning preference towards women

Grade: 12th/Senior

Role: The Troublemaker

FC/Description: 80’s Matt Dillon

Body Mods/Scars: Various, small scars on his torso and limbs, showcasing his adventurous nature. His left ear is pierced, he wears a small silver hoop. He paints his nails black sometimes.

Clothing Style: 80’s grunge. Gabriel is drawn towards the alternative, inclusive scene of the newly born and evolving 80’s grunge/skateboard culture. He wears a lot of band t-shirts and layered clothing, utilizing accessories such as chains (necklaces/pocket chains), converse, punk boots and belts.


Personality: Gabriel doesn’t care what others think about him. He can come across as abrasive or intimidating, as he’s extremely confident with himself and his sexuality, which is rare for the 80’s. With a childhood centered around bringing out his unique qualities, he never hides who he is or compromises on his strongly backed opinions. Given his more rebellious nature, Gabriel never hesitates to speak up when witnessing injustice, a behavior that landed him in detention or suspension many a time. His academic (and criminal) record is buzzing with demerits, misconduct and misdemeanors. Needless to say he has a rocky relationship with following the rules. Generally inclusive with a weak spot for outcasts or those bulldozed to the side by the dominant society, Gabriel can be welcoming and a valuable friend. He focuses his animosity towards positions of authority and privilege. He is generally open minded through the guidance of his parents, who frequently include him in their academic discussions, both professional and casual.

Hobbies: Hanging out, reading, listening/playing music or going to concerts, socratic discussions

Habits: Smoking, drinking too heavily, arguing, graffiti/vandalism

Problem: Unlike the normal familial struggles a typical rebel of his age tends to face, Gabriel was raised by two free thinking rebels themselves. With his father a well respected philosophy professor/academic and his mother participating in the expanding academic discussion of sexuality and gender, all of Gabriel’s nuanced thoughts and behaviors built to run against the status quo were not only accepted, but encouraged. His main problem stems in the vacant, ever expanding black hole that is his future. Having ignored the "capitalist propaganda" from his school in their attempt to prepare students for their futures, Gabriel now faces the sobering reality of his senior year. He aims for freedom and success like his parents, but is unsure how to get there. He has a hidden talent in writing and storytelling that lies untapped within him. If given the right events, who knows, his path may emerge before him.

Drive: Breaking the status quo. Gabriel loves to upset the power balance upheld in his small area of the world, taking after the fire starting attitudes of the 80’s leading rebels. He hates the military industrial complex, mass media, consumerism and capitalist ideals, yearning to live a more natural, free flowing existence. He’d rather die than work a 9-5, dragged along by a tightly wound white collar. Well versed in European free thinking philosophy/art, Gabriel prides himself on being the pesky thorn in Boulder’s side.


Public Image: The bad seed. It’s not out of character to see Gabriel sitting at the principal’s office, being lectured by a police officer, or doing community service, yet again, for graffiti. He’s the type of boy every parent dreads their daughter would bring home to them; most teens in the community have been advised to stay away from him at some point in time. The police know his address by pure memory, and his parents, by now, are far too familiar with the law. When petty crime/vandalism arises in the neighborhood, he's usually at the top of the suspect list (and usually guilty).

Background: Born to two successful professors well renowned in their academic fields, Gabriel had a very free thinking and inclusive childhood. He learned more about the truth behind society from his parents, being exposed to the multitude of forms the human existence can take. Due to this, Gabriel has been questioning and challenging his teachers since grade school, earning him the reputation of the troublemaker among teachers in his district.

Important Friends/Family:
Maxwell Collins: Gabriel’s dad, a thoroughly merited professor/academic writer in the study of philosophy. He has a positive relationship with his father, confiding in him for guidance and perspective.

Doreen Collins: Gabriel’s mother. She leads the charge in a multitude of categories, most specifically in the discussion of gender, sexuality and equality (both gender and racial). Gabriel has always held a close bond with his mother, feeling free to share with her nearly everything. She helped him understand and navigate the confusion of his bisexuality.

Inter-character Relationships: Open for plotting! (more likely to fit well with roles like the motorhead, party animal, seeker, and weirdo. I’m open to a challenge though :) )

© pasta

Name: Gabriel Collins
Age: 18
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning preference towards women
Grade: 12th/Senior
Role: The Troublemaker
FC/Description: 80’s Matt Dillon
Body Mods/Scars: Various, small scars on his torso and limbs, showcasing his adventurous nature. His left ear is pierced, he wears a small silver hoop. He paints his nails black sometimes.

Clothing Style: 80’s grunge. Gabriel is drawn towards the alternative, inclusive scene of the newly born and evolving 80’s grunge/skateboard culture. He wears a lot of band t-shirts and layered clothing, utilizing accessories such as chains (necklaces/pocket chains), converse, punk boots and belts.

Personality: Gabriel doesn’t care what others think about him. He can come across as abrasive or intimidating, as he’s extremely confident with himself and his sexuality, which is rare for the 80’s. With a childhood centered around bringing out his unique qualities, he never hides who he is or compromises on his strongly backed opinions. Given his more rebellious nature, Gabriel never hesitates to speak up when witnessing injustice, a behaviour that landed him in detention or suspension many a time. His academic (and criminal) record are buzzing with demerits, misconduct and misdemeanors. Needless to say he has a rocky relationship with following the rules. Generally inclusive with a weak spot for outcasts or those bulldozed to the side by the dominant society, Gabriel can be welcoming and a valuable friend. He focuses his animosity towards positions of authority and privilege. He is generally open minded through the guidance of his parents, who frequently include him in their academic discussions, both professional and casual.

Hobbies: Hanging out, reading, listening/playing music or going to concerts, socratic discussions

Habits: Smoking, drinking too heavily, arguing, graffiti/vandalism

Problem: Unlike the normal familial struggles a typical rebel of his age tends to face, Gabriel was raised by two free thinking rebels themselves. With his father a well respected philosophy professor/academic and his mother participating in the expanding academic discussion of sexuality and gender, all of Gabriel’s nuanced thoughts and behaviors built to run against the status quo were not only accepted, but encouraged. His main problem stems in the vacant, ever expanding black hole that is his future. Having ignored the "capitalist propaganda" from his school in their attempt to prepare students for their futures, Gabriel now faces the sobering reality of his senior year. He aims for freedom and success like his parents, but is unsure how to get there. He has a hidden talent in writing and storytelling that lies untapped within him. If given the right events, who knows, his path may emerge before him.

Drive: Breaking the status quo. Gabriel loves to upset the power balance upheld in his small area of the world, taking after the fire starting attitudes of the 80’s leading rebels. He hates the military industrial complex, mass media, consumerism and capitalist ideals, yearning to live a more natural, free flowing existence. He’d rather die than work a 9-5, dragged along by a tightly wound white collar. Well versed in European free thinking philosophy/art, Gabriel prides himself on being the pesky thorn in Boulder’s side.

Public Image: The bad seed. It’s not out of character to see Gabriel sitting at the principal’s office, being lectured by a police officer, or doing community service...yet again...for graffiti. He’s the type of boy every parent dreads their daughter would bring home to them; most teens in the community have been advised to stay away from him at some point in time.

Background: Born to two successful professors well renowned in their academic fields, Gabriel had a very free thinking and inclusive childhood. He learned more about the truth behind society from his parents, being exposed to the multitude of forms the human existence can take. Due to this, Gabriel has been questioning and challenging his teachers since grade school, earning him the reputation of the troublemaker among teachers in his district.

Important Friends/Family:
Maxwell Collins: Gabriel’s dad, a thoroughly merited professor/academic writer in the study of philosophy. He has a positive relationship with his father, confiding in him for guidance and perspective.

Doreen Collins: Gabriel’s mother. She leads the charge in a multitude of categories, most specifically in the discussion of gender, sexuality and equality (both gender and racial). Gabriel has always held a close bond with his mother, feeling free to share with her nearly everything. She helped him understand and navigate the confusion of his bisexuality.

Inter-character Relationships: Open for plotting! (more likely to fit well with roles like the motorhead, party animal, seeker, and weirdo. I’m open to a challenge though :) )
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