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Realistic or Modern The Life We Left Behind (Batmang & AvianJen)

Ethan could tell she was definitely shaken up, even though the officer didn't really have a whole lot to go off of. Plus she had her rights and didn't have to do anything, but he assumed given her situation, it was understandable. And then out of the blue she began asking him all sorts of questions, as if he knew the answers. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen." He assured her, placing his arms around her as she leaned into him. Instinctively, he kissed her forehead.

He was just about ready to grab the boxes when she suggested they should wait. Ethan really didn't want to, basically because he had a schedule to stick to, and the drive into New York City was almost 4 hours, not counting traffic, plus he had to be in the office early in the morning. He also didn't really get a whole lot of sleep, but for Camilla's sake, he agreed. "Okay, no problem." He replied as she tugged on his sleeve and led him over to her couch.

He looked around the living room and at all the furniture. The furniture was good quality and seemed luxurious, which for some reason surprised Ethan, not realizing just how much people in her profession made. "You're welcome." He replied back, giving her a smile. "Is this stuff yours?" He asked, gesturing at all the furniture to let her know what he was referring to.

Ethan couldn't help but glance at what she was wearing, it looked more natural, even if it was a little revealing, which he didn't mind. At least not when she was like that in front of him. It did however bother him seeing her dressed the other day, not because of how she looked, but because her friends were around to see it, including Nick. And as much as Ethan tried to get over it, it wasn't that easy. He still loved her and to see her like that in front of his friends and learning about her and Nick, it just hurt.

To be honest, the thought bothered him even in his sleep. Even though he knew he had no right to feel that way, he just couldn't help it. And he was trying to resist saying anything, figuring it was best for the both of them to drop it, but the truth was, he didn't want to drop it. He was still angry. "Are you in love with Nick?" He asked, quickly jumping from his previous subject. "When you slept with him... was it intimate or was it just business?" He added, not even giving her the chance to answer the first question. "I have to know." He says firmly.

Regardless of her answer, he wasn't just going to up and leave and abandon her like last time. He wanted to help her and he was committed to that. But he couldn't continue to pretend that none of this bothered him. He didn't know anything about the life she had lived and to be honest, he was afraid to know what she had been through. He was already pissed off about her and Nick.
Camilla closed her eyes, convincing herself that the only reason she was letting him hold her was because she was scared. And she had every right to be; nobody in her line of work wanted a police officer coming up to their door. Sam would probably move her out if she knew, but thankfully she was already moving out on her own terms. If the officer came back, Camilla wouldn't be there. She didn't want to stay for too long, because the sooner they got out of town the sooner she didn't have to worry about Sam finding out about her little plan or calling her into work, but she did want to give it a few minutes, just to give the officer time to get out of the area.

She noticed him glance at her top and leaned back in her seat, tugging her cardigan around her body to try and hide it. She didn't need to be drawing any attention to her body, not with Ethan. She'd already told him she didn't want to be his girlfriend and she didn't want to lead him on, but because of what she did most of her clothes had precisely that purpose. Everything she owned was sexy to some degree, so until she was able to go shopping for some new clothes Ethan was going to have to deal with it. "Mine?" she glanced around at the furniture. "I mean...I didn't buy it if that's what you mean. Sam bought it for me. Probably with the money I made for him, but..." she shrugged. She had nice furniture, but Sam didn't give her a lot of money. Camilla wasn't rich by any means, she usually just had enough to live week by week and Sam treated her when she felt like it. "I have one of the nicer apartments," she admitted, glancing around. "I make him a lot of money." Camilla was always the girl he sent to the high-paying customers, and in return she was given nicer things. She wasn't sentimental about any of it, though. They were just things, and they meant nothing to her.

When he asked if she was in love with Nick, she didn't know what to say. Camilla thought they'd settled it last night, and how could he even think that? He wasn't bothered by the literally hundreds of other men she'd slept with, but he was bothered by Nick? She didn't get it, and the question immediately put her on the defensive. "What? No!" she cried, looking at him incredulously. "No, of course not! I don't love anybody, Ethan. Not you, not Nick, nobody. Nick was always nice to me so I wasn't exactly disappointed when he called as opposed to others, but no. God, no. I don't know anything about him other than what he wants in bed." She understood that it was probably something that was hard for him to picture, especially because they'd never slept together, but being with Nicholas was far from the worst thing she'd done.

"Why do you care so much about that, anyways?" she asked, crossing her arms. "What does Nick matter? I've been in groups, I've danced in strip clubs, I'm pretty sure there are videos of me on porn sites and Nick is what you're worried about. You don't have a clue, Ethan."
As Camilla explained most of the furniture, if not all belonged to Sam, he couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh. Ethan had no clue who he was, what he was like, but he knew that he was partly responsible and controlled her life more than Camilla was willing to admit. He controlled her finances, the apartment was in his name, and it was obvious he was keeping a close tab on her. No matter what Camilla thought of him, whether she wanted to believe that he was a good person, it was obvious that he was doing was illegal. He had to get Camilla away from here, out of his reach, and help her in anyway he could.

When Camilla answered his question, she was obviously defensive, and also offended. It wasn't any of his business, but he had to know. He knew she had been with more men than he could count, but her situation with Nick was more personal to him because of the history. When she made it clear whatever the two of them did wasn't intimate, it did make Ethan feel a little better for some weird reason. It didn't change anything. She still slept with him, but for some reason, knowing she didn't love him made it a little more easier to accept.

She was right, he didn't have a clue. In her line of work, she did a lot of things she wasn't proud of and it was going to take some time for her to come back from that. But when she asked why Nick mattered and why he cared, Ethan glanced back. "Because I can't get the two of you out of my head. And maybe the other stuff doesn't bother me as much because they don't mean anything to me on a personal level." He snapped back. He was starting to get angry again, but he didn't want to argue about this, not here, not today.

The two of them had been dating for years, but had never once slept together. There were times when they talked about it, but they both decided that they would wait. They wanted it to mean something. It was hard for him to accept her being with anyone else, even though it was a selfish thought, he couldn't help himself for feeling that way. Ethan looked out the window and noticed the police car was gone. "Lets go." He says firmly, as he opens the front door and begins gathering up the boxes that were laying around.

It took a couple minutes, but Ethan was able to bring her stuff downstairs in one trip, granted the boxes weren't too heavy and they were about the same size. He got into the driver's seat, before taking the keys from Camilla, turning on the ignition. He glanced over at the apartment once more, the thought of Sam lurking its way into his head. Would he come for her? He asked himself the question, but he quickly blocked the thought out. Being part of the State Government allows him to work closely with law enforcement agencies and the New York City Supreme Court.

Ethan got onto the road and it wasn't long before they were out of the town and onto the busy highway. They'd get to the city pretty late. To kill the silence, Ethan would constantly change radio stations, he'd go from traffic news to weather forecast to sports news and would occasionally turn on some music. Traffic became more tolerable as the time passed. By the time they were about an hour away from the city, Ethan stopped by a gas station to purchase some fuel and a pack of cigarettes since he was running low.

Once he was back in the car, he glanced over at Camilla. "I've tried to forget about Sam and everything you've told me about him." He informed, "But I can't." He added. He started the vehicle and started pulling out of the gas station, before continuing. "First thing in the morning, I'm starting a case against him and his illegal business. I'll get the approval from the District Attorney and have him put behind bars. I'm telling you this because I wanna be open and clear. I don't wanna keep secrets from each other." Ethan's mind was already made up on the situation, and regardless of whether or not Cam approved of it or not, he wasn't going to turn away.
Camilla gritted her teeth. She didn't understand why he would be so upset about Nick; sure, maybe they were friends, but if their situations were reversed she would be a lot more upset about everything else. It didn't make any sense to her that he would be most upset about one person that she'd slept with when she'd been with hundreds more. "Well then maybe you should complain to him about it because I never had any choice in the matter," she snapped. "He's the one who always requested me. He pays, I do what he wants." Camilla went to the address she was told to go to and never questioned it.

When he finally insisted that they go, Camilla nodded and picked up her duffel bag that contained most of her clothes. She had a few possessions that actually belonged to her, various decorations and pictures that she intended to put up in her new room in the city, but she didn't have much. Ethan only had to carry a few boxes down to the car, and thankfully the police car was gone. When they left, Camilla put her phone and her keys to the apartment on the counter, knowing that Sam would come and check up on her when she didn't answer his calls. He'd likely find out that she was gone within the next couple of hours, and she didn't want him to be able to track her phone.

The car ride was painfully silent. Camilla curled up and leaned against the window, watching the lights fly by in the darkness. She didn't have a phone to entertain her anymore, and she didn't have much to say to Ethan. So for most of their trip, she was lost in her thoughts. It was so strange to not have to go out tonight, and to be with a man that she wasn't being paid to sleep with. It was a good thing, but it was scary as well. She didn't know where her life was going to go from here, and she was almost afraid to find out. She didn't have many skills, and she didn't even know what her interests were anymore. Years ago there had been so many things she wanted to do, but now she wasn't sure. Most likely, she would spend the first couple of weeks just adjusting and recovering from her previous lifestyle. It wasn't going to be easy, but at least she had some time to figure something out. Maybe they'd hire her at a strip club or something for the time being- it still felt shameful and she knew that Ethan wouldn't approve, but it wasn't illegal. And she knew how to do that sort of work.

Somewhere along the road she dozed off, waking up when they stopped for gas. She woke up groggily, turning to look at him when he got back in the car. Hearing Sam's name woke her up the rest of the way, and her eyes widened at his words. Part of her knew that Sam should be locked up, and she knew that most of the girls in his care were essentially trapped in their predicament. But that didn't mean she wanted him arrested...it was a complicated feeling. Camilla knew that Sam was a bad man, but she didn't always feel that way. "They'll charge me with prostitution," she pointed out. "And then they'll charge us both for lying to the police. And I'd have to witness and I...I don't want to. Just leave it alone, please." Even as she said it, she knew that he wouldn't. He was involved in the government, so of course he was going to go to whatever end for the sake of justice. "Listen, it's not just Sam you'd hurt by doing this," she argued. "It would hurt me. And all the other girls just like me. We don't need to think about him anymore, just leave it be."
Ethan couldn't help but roll his eyes at her response. It's not like Nick knew about him and Camilla, and if he did, Ethan knew Nick would never go through with it. Because that's the type of person he was. Ethan was going to say something, but he held his tongue, because he knew he was being unfair and attacking her over something she had no control over. He wanted to vent his frustration, but he tried to get a handle on it quick. But evidently he was failing. She had no choice in the matter? "You keep telling yourself that." He said firmly. Maybe she was right, but she could've run away anytime she wanted. It's not like he had any financial assurance when he moved to the city.

Ethan would watch Camilla as she leaned against the window. He contemplated opening his mouth and talking to her, but the truth was he didn't really want to talk. He knew he was being stupid and stubborn, but he was still angry about their conversation from earlier and if he was honest, he didn't know when he would actually be okay with it. As much as he wanted it to not bother him, it was hard for him to accept it all. He would occasionally check on her as she slept soundly, before he finally pulled over at the gas station to grab some cigarettes and fuel. When Ethan came back, he told Camilla about Sam and how he was going to make a case against him. Camilla's reaction was pretty much how he envisioned it would be. Considering she tries to make some excuse that he was actually a good person. Maybe he was, but he had a strange way of going about it.

"They won't charge you with anything. Or any women working for him." Ethan assured her, his eyes focused on the road during their conversation. "If I can prove that he was manipulating you and other women, the supreme court will look past it, because then you have a case." He informed her, his eyes still glued to the road as he kept up with the traffic. He understood that she didn't want to witness, but if she ever wanted closure, he knew it was something she would need to do. Not just for her, but for other women who worked for him. He wasn't going to talk her into it, he was going to leave her options open, but he knew she'd be helping a lot of people if she did. "If you don't want to witness, that's up to you. But think about the women he's manipulated like yourself. And think about other vulnerable women he'll try to drag into his 'business' if you don't do this."

Whether or not Camilla would agree to testify in court, Ethan fully planned to go through with it. It was his job. That town has always had a horrible reputation, living situations weren't great, and a lot of teenagers and young adults made poor life decisions. And people like Sam aren't helping at all.

Eventually, they finally reached the city, traffic as hectic as usual, with the nightlife alive and well. It wasn't long before they reached a small gated community on the coast of Long Island, it was peaceful and it was over a hill, with a perfect view of the ocean. Ethan followed the road, which lead downhill and stopped in front of a lake house, that was facing the ocean. "I need to take care of a few things back at the office. Make yourself comfortable, alright?" He opened the trunk before getting out of the vehicle. He grabbed the boxes and brought them to the front, opening the door, and welcoming Cam inside. Immediately upon entry, they were greeted by large golden retriever. He planted himself in front of them, wagging his tail, his face filled with excitement. "Hey, boy, sorry I took so long." Ethan smiled before setting down the boxes and petting the dog, putting his arms around him, the retriever licking his face. "This is Goldy. He's super friendly." The dog walks over to her, brushing his head against her leg.

He made his way upstairs with the boxes and set them aside in the room to the far right, which was right beside the master bedroom where Ethan slept. It was spacious and there was already a twin size bed, bedside table, and a lamp. The room also had a decent sized closet. He made his way back downstairs, gesturing Camilla to follow him into the kitchen. "If you're hungry, feel free to use the kitchen." He informed her, before pointing at a small magnetic white board that was attached to the fridge. "I'll grab some groceries in the morning, so if you need anything, just put it down and I'll go grab it for you." He made his way back into the hall, grabbing a briefcase that was resting beside the coat rack. "I'll be back in the morning. I've put your stuff in your room upstairs." Giving her a wink. He petted the dog once more, before making his way out the door.

The Lake House.
Camilla could slap him for saying that, but she held her tongue. "Like I said. If it bothers you, take it up with Nick. I don't want to hear about it." They weren't even together anymore; she'd made that very clear, so there was no reason for him to be pushing it.

She didn't feel any more positive about him starting a case against Sam, though. Cam didn't feel like she needed closure- this, getting away, was what she wanted. Maybe Ethan did have a point; witnessing against Sam could help prevent a lot of other vulnerable girls being manipulated into his business and ending up trapped like she was. But she wasn't sure she believed that she wouldn't get charged with something. Being a call girl was illegal, and Camilla wasn't interested in going to prison. "I'll think about it," she finally relented. "But I'm not making any promises. I just want it to be over."

Camilla soon fell asleep again and missed the sights and sounds of the city, but the sight she woke up to was surprisingly serene. "You live here?" she asked quietly, clearly in awe. She didn't even what to know the what a house like this in Long Island cost, but it was stunning. And he lived her alone? Tiredly getting out of the car, Camilla dragged her suitcase up to the house and let Ethan take care of the boxes. Inside, her assumption was proved to be wrong- he didn't live alone. He had a dog. An incredibly precious dog, at that. "Aw," she cooed, leaning down and petting his head. "Goldy. That's creative." She giggled when the dog licked Ethan's face. He was so sweet.

Alright, if there was a dog then this was going to work.

She stayed downstairs and explored with the dog a bit before Ethan came back down. This house was beautiful, but she was too tired to take any of it in properly. "Oh...okay," she stammered, looking at the white board. What did she want to eat? Camilla usually ate pretty simply- pasta and microwave meals and cereal in the morning. But she would be fine with whatever he had, and she wasn't hungry now. "It's past midnight," she reminded him. Leaving at eight with a four hour drive ahead of them might not have been the best plan if he wanted to go to his office. "Will it even be open? You need to sleep." Smoking, not sleeping...and she was the one who didn't take care of herself. Regardless, it seemed that he was leaving. He winked at her and Camilla just blinked, stunned by how fast everything seemed to be happening. Then he was gone, and aside from the sound of the dog's footsteps the house was silent.

Okay, then.

After grabbing a small yogurt container from the fridge, Camilla ventured up to her room. Goldy followed beside her. She stood in the room for several moments, trying to decide if she wanted to bother unpacking...but no. She had all the time in the world for that, and right now she was exhausted. After throwing away her yogurt she dug through her bag of clothes just long enough to find an oversized t-shirt that she threw over her head before crawling into the bed. Goldy curled up at the foot of her bed to guard while the girl fell fast asleep.
When she reminded him that it was midnight, Ethan nodded. "I know." He replied, as he picked up his briefcase, opening it, making sure he had everything he needed. "I have an access key, it'll be fine." Ethan would be lying if he said he wasn't tired, but he was still dwelling on their little fight from earlier. She was free to be with whoever she wanted, and even when she made it clear she didn't think of Nick in the way, it did make him feel a little better, but he just wanted a little space. As weird as it was, Ethan enjoyed his job and felt it was a nice distraction.

Ethan got to his office about half an hour later, and used his access key to get in. The building was obviously empty, it was after midnight and most people wouldn't start coming for another 5 hours. Ethan thought he'd get his work done early and leave once everything was taken care of. He didn't usually have a fixed schedule and his superiors normally just gave him assignments and tasks that needed to be met before a certain deadline. Only times he was ever actually needed on schedule was if there was a meeting or some form of seminar. He unlocked the door to his office and sat in it, turning on his computer and began working on his documents.

The task took a little over two hours, but once it was done, he signed off on them and put it through a scanner, making multiple copies before securing them carefully into a folder. Once that was done, he decided to use the extra time he had to do some digging on Sam, but he didn't have a whole lot to go of off and obviously didn't find any information on the internet. The best way to approach the case would be to gather as much details about him as possible, have written statements from his employees who were actually willing to speak, and put together a detailed description of every illegal operations he's been doing. After that, he could sell the District Attorney on the case and would be able to hand over the information to police, who would then conduct their own investigation.

It wasn't going to take a couple days or weeks, it was going to take several months to put together a thorough document before the police could do anything about it. And even then, if the police couldn't find anything, the case would be closed, and all that work would be gone to waste. Ethan spent the time writing whatever he was told about Sam from Camilla, it wasn't much but it was enough to get started. But of course, for legal reasons, Ethan would have to confiscate that statement if Camilla decided to not be involved. In that case, it would be entirely useless, but had hoped Camilla would agree.

Eventually, Ethan decided to call it a day, it was around the time people began pouring into the office. He would greet and talk with some of his coworkers on his way out, as they welcomed him back after a short trip. After that was out of the way, he made his way back home. He placed his briefcase by the coat rack, where he usually kept it and made his way to the kitchen, where he decided to make himself some coffee. In the meantime, he decided to light up a cigarette, as he sat down at the dining table, patiently watching the coffeemaker. Once it was done, he put out the cigarette, before pouring some coffee into a mug.

Ethan was surprised Goldy hadn't greeted him at the door, which usually was the case. After finishing his coffee, he made his way upstairs, and slowly opened the door to Camilla's room, just enough to take a peak. He smiled as she slept peacefully. He couldn't imagine being in her position, being free from all that burden and questionable lifestyle. It was nice to see her and the dog bonding, as Goldy was curled up on the blanket, by her feet, guarding her. His ears twitched, as he slowly opened his eyes, and lifted his head up to look at Ethan. Ethan gave him a smile, putting his finger up to his lip, gesturing him to stay quiet, before slowly closing the door.

Ethan contemplated going to sleep, but decided to stay awake for the time being. He didn't want to ruin his sleeping pattern and if he fell asleep now he'd be sleeping throughout the day. So he decided to head back downstairs and catch up on some reading and decided to do a little bit of cleaning, just to keep himself busy. Once that was done, Ethan left a small sticky note for Camilla on the fridge, which read: "Gone fishing. Will be back soon." He made his way out to the back lawn, which was right across from the ocean. His fishing boat was strapped to the dock. Ethan grabbed his fishing rod and net, along with some bait, which were placed right by the door. Once on the boat, he sailed off away from the coast, but still able to see the house from a distance. He clipped some bait on the fishing hook, before throwing the line into the water as he patiently waited for a bite. In the meantime, he decided to light up a cigarette.
Camilla slept for hours. When she finally woke up the sunlight was streaming through the big windows and the room had started to get a bit warm. Groaning, she rolled over in bed and stared up at the ceiling. It took her a second to remember where exactly she was, but when she did remember that she'd run away with Ethan, she didn't feel any more peaceful than before. The only thing that really cheered her up was the dog sleeping at her feet, who had also woken up with her.

"'Aw, good morning," Camilla said sleepily, yawning. The dog perked up and jumped off of the bed, circling around to try and lick her face. "No, stop," she giggled, affectionately pushing him away. She yawned again and stared out the window at the picturesque little lake, or bay, or whatever it was. It was pretty. Finally she looked back at Goldy. "Why don't we go find something to eat, hm?" Reluctantly Camilla rolled out of bed and stopped in front of the mirror, gazing at her reflection. She looked like a disaster, but she couldn't bring herself to care very much. Ethan had signed up to live with her, so he'd also signed up to seeing her at her very worst, when she wasn't made up and hadn't had her morning coffee. And they weren't together, Camilla reminded herself again, so she wasn't trying to impress him. She kept on reminding herself of that.

Not thinking much of it, Camilla ran her fingers through her light brown hair and adjusted her oversized t-shirt. It was huge on her, falling off of her shoulders on one side and coming down to the top of her thighs, like a very short dress. She was just wearing panties underneath but again, she didn't have anything else. For a woman who lived alone and spent all of her money on clothes that would impress her clients, conservative sleepwear was not at the top of the list. But because she knew that Ethan would be weird about it, she fished a cardigan out of her bag and tied it around her waist, just in case. She still looked like a hot mess, but it was okay.

Finally, she and Goldy made their way downstairs. Ethan was nowhere to be found, a mystery which was half explained by the note on the fridge. Fishing? When on earth had he taken up fishing? Oh well. Camilla didn't have a phone to call him with anymore, so after pouring herself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee she went outside on the back porch with Goldy to enjoy the peaceful morning. Out in the distance she thought she saw a boat, but it could be anyone's.
Ethan made his way back to the house, with a small cooler full of trout. He docked the boat, before making his way past the porch, acknowledging Cam and Goldy as he made his way inside. He made his way through the hallway, all the way to the kitchen, placing the cooler into the freezer. He had pretty much cooled off regarding their little fight the other day and shat replaced his anger was guilt.

Ethan made his way back outside, to the front porch and took a seat beside Goldy and Cam. He took a deep breath, staring out at the ocean. He was still feeling the weariness from the lack of sleep. Ethan watched as she ate her cereal, figuring out how to apologize for the way he's been acting. Problem was that he wasn't good at speaking from the heart since it made him feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry." He sighed out as he lit up another cigarette. He reached out to pet Goldy, as the dog began playing with his hand. "I shouldn't have been acting the way I was. About you and Nick. It was none of my business." He admitted, as he let out a puff of smoke. "A part of me is still trying to accept it all, I guess. I just want you to know that I want you to be here. Even if I have a weird way of showing it." He added.

As difficult as it was, Ethan knew he had to move on. Or at least try. Camilla made it perfectly clear that she didn't love him and that she didn't want anything more. All he could do was be her friend. A friend she could count on.

"Anyway, if you want I could drop you off at the mall. You need a phone and some casual clothing, right?" He asked. He didn't exactly take a look at her wardrobe but from the clothing she's been wearing he assumed she didn't have much in variety to choose from. "But if you're perfectly happy with what you have, that's okay too." He quickly added, so she wouldn't be under the impression that he was judging her.
Camilla was quiet when Ethan finally came back, slowly munching on her cereal and watching him as he went inside with his cooler full of fish. Between going into his office at midnight and fishing he seemed pretty intent on avoiding her, but finally he came back outside and sat with her and the dog. Goldy had already taken quite a liking to her. When the first words out of his mouth were "I'm sorry," she looked towards him in surprise. He was smoking again, which she wasn't a fan of, but she hadn't expected an apology out of him. Maybe he'd been a jerk about Nick, but he had helped her escape her dangerous lifestyle probably years earlier than she would have been able to manage for herself. He didn't need to apologize. But, she wouldn't turn it down.

"Thank you," she said quietly, setting her now empty bowl of cereal down and hugging her knees to her chest. "I understand why you asked. It's just...I don't even know if I'm capable of love anymore, after everything. And I'm sorry if that disappoints you." She wanted to be here, too, but there were complications. There was so much history between her and Ethan that was hard to ignore. It was hard not to fall into the same patterns. Back in the day, this was the part where Camilla would have stood up and sat on his lap and kissed him until neither of them could breathe anymore, but she stayed in her chair and stared out at the water. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but she couldn't. It was too dangerous; Camilla didn't trust either of them to make good judgments.

"Yeah, I need a phone," she confirmed with a sigh. She didn't know who she would need to call except for Ethan, but it would be a good thing to have. "Just a cheap one. And I have clothes," she said, looking over at him. "It's just that all of them are...you know. If it bothers you, and it's okay if it does, I'm happy to go shopping. Speaking of which..." she trailed off, knowing that he wouldn't like this next part. "I think I should get a job. A real job. I thought I could work at a...club." She paused for a moment to gauge his reaction. Surely he would understand what kind of club she was referring to. "It's legal," she pointed out, "pays better than some minimum wage retail job and that's about all I could get otherwise. And I wouldn't have to sleep with anybody, just dance or whatever. I can do that." Or maybe she was just afraid of trying anything else.
When she said she had clothes, he just nodded. It's not that he didn't mind, he just imagined she wouldn't be comfortable wearing that in front of him, given their history. He actually liked how she looked, but it wasn't like any of that mattered. She didn't think of him in that way. "It makes no difference to me." He replied, as he took another puff of his cigarette. He watched as Goldy kept playing with his hand, playfully nibbling, as Ethan would occasionally pet his head.

She had his attention when she began talking about a job. He didn't expect her to go down that road so soon, at least not until she adjusted to her new lifestyle. When she mentioned a club, there was internal conflict with him. He knew it wasn't illegal, the pay was good, but for her to be around other men... he just didn't like the idea all that much. "I don't know, Cam..." He hesitated as he spoke, looking down at Goldy, who had now ran back to Camilla, trying to playfully climb on top of her.

Then he took a deep breath, it felt like he was taking a lot of them lately, but this was all taking a toll on him. "Would it make you happy?" He asked her, wanting to know her true feelings about it all. He thought she would look into something else, doing whatever made her happy and being bound to prostitution, not that it was the same as working in a club, but there were certain similarities. "If it makes you happy, I won't stop you." He added as he placed the cigarette back in his mouth.
"Comfortable" wasn't really a word that was in Camilla's vocabulary anymore. She was just as comfortable showing off her body as she was covering it up; if she wasn't, she never would have made it in the business as long as she had. When Ethan had last seen her, though, that wasn't the case. Camilla had always been very modest. Her dresses were never too short, she never wore deep necklines, and she usually preferred looser clothes. Now her style was entirely the opposite, but it had been a slippery slope. When Ethan said it made no difference to him, she wasn't sure that she believed him but she shrugged. "Okay," she said, "then I won't waste money." Her things were nice, they all fit and they looked good on her. She'd left behind everything that she didn't actually like.

At first Camilla hadn't thought she'd want to look into getting a job right away either, but she didn't think she'd start feeling any better if she just hung around at Ethan's house all day. Maybe the sooner she got back out there, the sooner she'd start feeling better. Even if it was at a strip club. Ethan didn't protest as much as she'd thought he would; at first, Camilla had questioned whether or not to even tell him. But he'd said that he didn't want any secrets, and with all he was doing for her she felt like she owed it to him to be honest. She smiled when Goldy tried to climb on top of her- she let him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he settled down on her lap. Apparently Goldy thought that he was a lap dog. Camilla giggled and kissed his fur, petting him affectionately.

She looked back to Ethan at his question, and the smile melted away. She took a deep breath of her own before answering. "No," she said honestly. "No, it wouldn't. But I don't have a lot of my own money and I don't want to depend on you, and it would keep me occupied while I try and figure out what would. Because I have no idea, Ethan, I just...I know what I can do. I know it might not seem like that much of a change, but no one would touch me. I wouldn't have to do anything with anyone, and there's no risk involved. And I could keep what I make, or pay you back...I know it's not a 180 but maybe it's a step in the right direction? Maybe. I don't know." She shrugged noncommittally. She didn't know what she wanted.
"I don't want you to pay me back." He replied, his tone firm. He looked at her, trying to read her expression. It was her decision, but Ethan knew she could do better. Even if it meant waiting a bit. "I asked you to come with me. You don't owe me anything." He clarified. Sure, part of it was guilt, but Ethan obviously still loved her and he couldn't stand the lifestyle she was living.

He heard her out, trying to gain her perspective, but the truth was he didn't really want to. They all sounded like excuses. And the second she made it clear the job wouldn't make her happy, his opinion was already made up. "It's not a step in the right direction." He put it bluntly, making another puff of smoke. "You need to stop thinking so little of yourself. That's NOT the only thing you can do." He emphasized. He knew he couldn't make that decision, but he wanted to be upfront and clear.

Sure, Ethan wasn't around for what was perhaps the most difficult time in her life, but he knew she was holding back. He knew her far too well to know that she was a lot more talented than she thought. And if she was completely sold on clubbing, she wouldn't have asked him otherwise. "If you want to figure things out, then figure it out. But I'll never be okay with you working at some club. You're better than that." He added.
Camilla pursed her lips. She didn't like feeling like she was a charity case, even if Ethan didn't see her that way. No, he was helping her because he loved her- something else that she was uncomfortable with. There was no good reason for Ethan to love her, and she felt like she owed him something for it. This whole situation was just awkward, and Camilla was grateful but she didn't know what to do.

He made it very clear that he didn't like her idea of working in a club, something that she had more or less anticipated. And maybe there was a part of Camilla that had wanted him to say no, because the truth was that she didn't want to be a stripper, or a prostitute, or anything like that. She wanted to be a regular person with a regular job. Maybe she could be Ethan's new secretary or something. No, that was way too stereotypical. Big politician takes a girl off the street and gives her a job. Was he sleeping with her on the side? No, but no one would believe that.

All of his words carried the same theme: that she could be more than she was, that she was better than what she had become. Camilla wanted to believe that so badly, but she didn't know how. She was afraid of failing, of letting herself down and proving that she actually couldn't be anything better. Maybe that was why a stripper was the first career choice she had thought of. Her body tensed in frustration and Goldy nudged her, sensing her mood and trying to cheer her up.

"Why do you still love me?" she asked. The words fell from her lips before she had fully processed them. "You said you still love me, and I don't understand why because I don't think I deserve it. You keep saying I'm better, I'm more than this and more than that, but I don't see it. Tell me what you see."
She asked him a question that took him by surprise. It was the last question he expected her to ask and he was forced to just look at her as she looked at him, obviously confused and curious. It's true that he didn't always think of her in that way, at least growing up. But the more he realized it growing up, the more he knew she was the only one for him. Even after Ethan left her, he couldn't bring himself to move on, mostly because he didn't want to move on from her. And the more he felt that way, the more guilty it made him. He thought with time those feelings would go away, but they didn't. If it's possible, he loved her even more.

But for some reason, Camilla wanted his reasoning for it, it was hard to read her until she claimed that she didn't deserve it. He wanted to hold her close and kiss her, but he knew it was a complicated situation. He wasn't sure if he should answer the question, because for the longest time, he had always kept it to himself. Even when they were dating, he was never exactly open, but Camilla could always read his thoughts which was why they were perfect together. Now, that was all just a distant memory. All they were was just a reminder of the life they had left behind. Even if he did answer her question, what good would it do? If anything, it was probably going to complicate things further.

"Because if there was one person who saved me from myself, it was you. For the longest time, I always felt lost and that my life had no purpose. But you didn't give up on me." He explained. There was a short pause, "My past wasn't great, you know that. But there are a lot of things I never told you about myself. I love you Camilla, because you taught me how to love. You taught me to hope again." He confessed, as he tossed away the cigarette. The abuse from his father, the relationship of his parents, and his inability to fit in with the other kids, back then it was almost enough to put him over the edge. He owed Camilla a lot more than she realized.

If it wasn't for Camilla, he probably wouldn't have gotten this far. A great job, a great house, and great friends who helped him along the way. But none of it made up for abandoning the love of his life. If he could reverse time, without hesitation, he would never have left her side. He would never abandon her. It was a mistake he had to live through for 4 years and even if now as he was trying to fix it between them, he felt like it just couldn't go back to the way things were. He had his chance and he let her down.

He took her hand and held onto it. "When my mom died, I felt uncertain about everything. Just as you're feeling right now. You're gonna have doubts, and that's normal. But you can't let fear be your guide. You have to trust yourself, Cam. You'll make choices, they won't always be easy choices, because life is a roller coaster ride. But the choices you make will be spectacular, because you're spectacular." He assured her, giving her a warm smile.
Ethan's words threatened to melt her heart. He could be so sweet sometimes, and that was one of the reasons why she'd loved him. He was always a little bit emotionally closed off, but when he did actually take the opportunity to open up it was amazing. That was what he was doing now, and for just a moment Camilla almost felt herself falling in love with him again. Or maybe it was just the ideas he presented, that she was worth something. She wanted that so desperately to be true, but it was hard to believe. There was one thing that stuck out to her.

She squeezed his hand in return, looking into his eyes. "I'm glad I was able to help you, Ethan," she said sincerely. "Really. I'm glad I could make a difference. But all of those things that you said...they're in the past. That was old Camilla." And old Camilla was so much better than new Camilla, who had sunk to rock bottom. "You still love her. But that's not me anymore." She'd already told him that, but it hadn't sunk in because he had yet to experience it. He had only known who she was now for less than two days, and they'd spent most of that time apart. This was only the third conversation they'd had.

But was it possible that old Camilla was still in there, just waiting to be let out? What if she didn't have to stay the way that she was? She looked at Ethan hopelessly, wishing she knew how to make that happen. "I want to love you," she admitted. "I want things to be the way they were, but I don't know how to do that. I don't know if it's possible. And I'm so tempted to want to give it a try again because I've got nothing to lose, but that's not fair to you. I don't want to pretend with you." She could pretend; kiss him, let him take her out, even sleep with him if he wanted- that was her job, to pretend to adore men that she was disgusted by. And she was far from disgusted by Ethan. But he deserved so much better than that from her, and Camilla just didn't know that she was equipped to give it.

"If you were me, what would you do?" she asked. "I mean, really. Get a job as a waitress or something? I don't want you buying everything for me." Camilla was very certain on that point. She didn't want to be a charity case or end up fulling depending on him.
He shook his head when she claimed he loved the old Camilla. Which was true, he did love her, but he loved the Camilla that was sitting beside him just as much. "No." He told her softly. "I love both of you." He replied as he kissed her hand. "Whatever doubts you're feeling about yourself or whatever problems you're having, none of that matters to me. We will work it out together. Because I love you." He explained.

When she said she wanted to love him but she was afraid, Ethan just nodded in response. He didn't expect her to gain his trust and she had every right to feel that way. She didn't owe him a thing and he understood that. "You don't have to love me, Cam. I said it before and I'll say it again: You don't owe me a thing. If you don't love me, then you don't love me. I don't want you to pretend that you do nor do I want you to feel obligated to that idea." He informed her as he let go of her hand while Goldy playfully nudged his head against his arm.

"You'll just have to deal with the fact that I do and not feel uncomfortable about it." He teased as he began petting Goldy's head. It was a difficult situation for both of them but Ethan meant every word. If there was nothing between them, Ethan would learn to live with it over time. For now, he just wanted to be there for her, the way she was there for him.

When she asked him for his opinion, Ethan gave her a little smile. "I would listen to my gut and take the leap." It sounded cliche but sometimes in life, it's necessary to take risks you wouldn't normally take. Sometimes, you have to force an opportunity to present itself. "You're a lot more than you realize, Cam. And I'm not just saying that. You're an incredible person who can do incredible things. It might just sound like words right now, but I know one day you'll see it, the way I see It." He assured her.
She had been skeptical at first, but it didn't seem like Ethan was trying to manipulate her at all. He genuinely didn't care if she didn't love him; or if he cared, he wasn't showing it. He was respecting her wishes and allowing her to dictate the nature of their relationship, not the other way around. She smiled at him, squeezing his hand. "Thank you for that, Ethan," she replied. The truth was, Camilla didn't know when she would be ready for a real relationship, if she'd ever be ready for it.

Listen to her gut. That was a difficult sentence when Camilla had no idea what her gut was telling her to do, but...if she didn't want to jump straight into getting a job, maybe there was something else she could do to keep busy. She didn't know if she was amazing like Ethan told her, or if she could really do incredible things, but there was nothing stopping her from finding out. "Well..." she dropped his hand and pet the dog, thinking. "Is there a community college around here, then? I don't know what I'd get a degree in but I guess I could at least start out with some of the gen eds. See if I have any potential." If she didn't totally fail, then maybe she'd take her chances with a degree.

"But I won't let you pay for that," she added, turning serious. "I'm sure I can cover at least a semester, and I'll find a job in a month or two...maybe waitressing, if you're so against the club idea." She sighed and looked at him with a smirk. "But for the record, a job like that won't make me any happier."
Ethan was surprised when she mentioned community college, because he assumed she wasn't open to the idea. Not that he was complaining, it was a step in the right direction and a lot of doors could open from it. He would've offered her a job, but there weren't any vacant positions and he already had a secretary. Plus he knew she wouldn't like the job and in the coming months that job was going to get a lot more busy and that was a lot of burden to put on someone with little to no experience. He thought about the community colleges in the area. There were a lot of them, but only a few that were more convenient than the others just because of their location and the commute. "Metropolitan College isn't too far from here. Plus it's on the way to work, so I'd have no problem dropping you have in the morning." He told her.

Ethan was going to offer to pay for it, but Camilla had read him like an open book and made it clear she wasn't going to let him pay for it before he even had the chance to speak. Ethan nodded in agreement, not against the idea. When she mentioned waitressing, he was somewhat relieved to hear it. It was only part time and the money was just as much as what she'd be making at a club anyway. And this way, she'd be steering onto a different road than the one she was on at the moment. "But at least it's only part-time and you won't be surrounded by drunken idiots." He replied back, giving her a smirk.

It was settled then. "The college is open right now and I bet they can squeeze you in with an admissions counselor and a campus tour." He informed her as he pulled out his phone to look at the time. It was still early. The semester had already started, but they would probably be able to get her in considering it hasn't even been a week yet. "After that, we can work on getting you a phone." He promised, as he put his arms around Goldy, as he playfully began to lick his chin. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of her roaming in the city and not having a phone with her. At least this way, she had a way of reaching him if he wasn't around.
Ethan seemed to really like the idea of her going to college, which wasn’t surprising. Camilla didn’t know how she felt, but it was one of those things she felt like she should probably try. If she didn’t try then it would always be there, in the back of her mind. She didn’t want to end up asking what if. “Metropolitan College,” she repeated, testing out the way the name sounded. Even if it was a community college, it sounded very fancy for her. It might be convenient if he could drop her off in the morning, but that was getting ahead of things in Camilla's opinion. She just wanted to consider it...but then again, the semester had probably already started, and her decision making time would probably be very short.

Being a waitress sounded horribly boring and Camilla really didn't want to do it, but it was something. And she knew how to be charming and make people like her, so there was a chance that she could make a decent amount in tips. "I don't know, it depends on the kind of restaurant," she replied, smirking back. "I could be serving the drinks. And for your information, not all strip clubs allow alcohol," she informed him. "They either allow it or full nudity. Can't have it all." It was probably a bad thing that she knew that, but what could she say? It was the world she was coming from, that she'd been living in for years now.

She raised her eyebrows when he checked the time. He wanted to go right now? "Today?" she asked in surprise. Camilla hadn't been planning on going out today, at least not to do something important. Getting a new phone didn't rank high on that list. When he mentioned getting her a phone she nodded, realizing that he did in fact mean today. "Oh, um, alright. Well let me go get dressed." She stood up and tugged down her big t-shirt, heading back inside up to her room where she opened her suitcase and dug through her clothes. Nothing was hung up yet, but she was able to fish out a pair of skinny jeans and a top. Again it was revealing, form fitting and with a low neckline, but if it didn't bother Ethan then it didn't bother her. She brushed her teeth, her hair, and put on a small amount of makeup before shrugging on a cardigan and meeting Ethan downstairs.

"Are we going?" she asked.
Ethan raised an eyebrow as she told him how pubs worked and his opinion didn't really change a whole lot. Even if that was true, he didn't want anyone breaking some kind of boundary. He's been in many social situations, so he knew first hand how some people behave. Obviously it was her body, her life, and ultimately her choice, so Ethan knew he was just being selfish and knew the main reason he didn't want her to do it was because he still loved her and cared about her. And maybe because a part of him would be jealous about the whole ordeal. He was fine with pretty much anything so long as it didn't involve anything revealing, alcohol, or dancing too close to someone. "I don't even wanna know how you know that." He replied, somewhat teasing her.

"No. Next month. Yes, today." He said sarcastically with a smirk, as he got up. For some reason Goldy became excited too, to which Ethan just chuckled. "Not today, bud. We'll go to the park later this evening though." He promised him, as he pet him over the head. The dog seemed to understand every word as he began playing against Ethan's leg, something he enjoyed doing pretty often. Once he knew Camilla was up for it, he made his way inside to change out of his clothes as they were pretty wet from the fishing. Goldy followed Camilla upstairs and climbed on top of her bad, as he sat down, excited to have some company. Ethan was usually working and not home a whole lot, so usually he had a neighbor come by to check up on him a couple times a day to feed him, bathe him, and take him out for a walk. The only time he ever got to spend quality time with anyone was when Ethan had a day off, so he was happy to have someone around who he could play with, even if it was only temporary.

As Camilla made her way down, Ethan couldn't help but mouth "Wow", as she was in a pair of skinny jeans and a top. She was stunning. Ethan always thought she looked good, and usually he would compliment her, but since they weren't dating more, he figured it would be pretty awkward and the last thing he wanted was for her to get angry with him. He seemed to be pretty good at that for some reason. He quickly shook his head to snap out of it, before replying "Yeah, we're going." It was pretty hard to not say anything regarding what she was wearing, so he decided to say something that would be a little more acceptable. "Uh... you look nice." He said with a smile as he grabbed his jacket. Not to wear it as today was pretty nice, but he liked to be prepared as with New York, you never exactly knew what you were in for since the weather wasn't always steady.

He sat in the car waiting for her as he set his jacket on the back seat before turning on the car. He took a deep breath before shaking his head, thinking about that moment. "You look nice?" He repeated back to himself. It seemed like a harmless thing to say but given how things ended with them and how he just randomly popped back into her life 24 hours ago, it still felt pretty awkward. He may as well have not said anything at all. As he was waiting, certain thoughts hit him that didn't earlier. This was all moving a little too fast for Camilla and he definitely wasn't helping the situation. Going back to school after a long time wasn't an easy transition and he knew he hadn't given Camilla enough time to think about it. When Camilla got in the car, Ethan turned to her. "I'm starting to understand what you said about me being arrogant. You were right." He admitted as he sat his head back, staring at the front door through the windshield. "This isn't about me, Cam. I shouldn't be making you do all this if you don't want to. It's okay if you just need some time to yourself to think things through. We don't have to rush anything." He informed, thinking he owed her that much. It took courage to do what she did and leave her home and job and a life she knew to come with him, a guy who walked out on her without any words, a guy she had little faith in. "From now on, I'll listen to you. It's your life, not mine." He confessed as he turned off the car. "If you want me, we can just go back in the house."

(Sorry about disappearing on you. It's been a bad two weeks for me, but now I've got an entire week off, so you'll be seeing more of me.)
Camilla smirked back. "I mean, I've never worked at one," she told him. "But I've accompanied some people to them. And danced once or twice, if they pay extra." She shrugged. Those nights had actually been kind of fun, comparatively speaking. Camilla had been through some horrible nights, and sitting in a strip club watching other women dancing, sometimes drinking (and having her drinks paid for), with sex after was probably one of her preferred things to do. Other than stay at home and not be called out at all.

She smiled affectionately at the dog when he followed her upstairs and leaped onto her bed. He was so cute, and she liked the idea of going to the park later. Hopefully Ethan would let her tag along, but then again, she couldn't imagine why he wouldn't. She came back downstairs when she was done, not noticing his original reaction but cracking a smile when he said that she looked nice. "Good," she commented. "If they don't want to take me then maybe I can flirt my way into college." As soon as the words left her mouth Cam wanted to take them back- she shouldn't be saying things like that. Not in front of Ethan. She already knew how he felt, and she shouldn't be saying anything to run in the fact that she wasn't interested or give him the impression that she wanted to make him jealous. "I'm kidding," she added. "I'll be right out." She went to the bathroom quickly before joining Ethan in the car.

When she did, she was not expecting the words that came out of his mouth. "Ethan," she said, shaking her head. "It's fine. Maybe you could be a little less judgmental about what I do but it's fine. You make up for it by letting me stay here. And we have to go somewhere because I want a new phone," she added, leaning over him to turn the car engine back on. "I want to try college," she told him. "I'll start small, maybe just one or two classes. If I hate it then I'll stop and do something else, but if I'm making a fresh start might as well go all the way, right?" Besides, going to campus a couple days a week would keep her from going nuts inside the house. It might give her some semblance of a social life, too.

((It's fine! Same :) ))
Ethan glanced at her, nodding when she responded that this was what she wanted. He wanted to be sure that he wasn't forcing her into doing something that she didn't want to. It seemed like she knew exactly how she wanted to approach the whole college experience, besides if she didn't like it, she could always drop out. It wouldn't be the end of the world. "Alright", he replied as he strapped on his seat belt and made his way out of the neighborhood. "I can try being less judgmental." He replied with a smile, "But it's not that easy." He added, his eyes focused on the road as he got onto the main road.

It wasn't long before they reached their destination, Ethan pulled into the main entrance and stopped the car in front of the main gates. He was about to go in with her, figuring he could be there as support at the very least, since these kinda things can be nerve wracking, but then he noticed the sign which read "Unattended vehicles will be towed." He groaned, before looking around for another parking space, but from their angle he couldn't really see anything that was available. All the visitor parking spots were basically full. He turned to Cam, "Think you'll be okay going in on your own?" He asked as he switched the gear into park before turning off the ignition.

"Plus it's like you said, you could always flirt your way in." He teased, unbuckling his seat belt and leaning back against the seat. He reached for cigarette, placing it in his mouth, "I'll be here if you need me." he mumbled, with the cigarette still in his mouth as he lit it up, before taking a small huff. He didn't know how long the entire ordeal was going to take, so he may as well make himself comfortable. He rolled down the windows, so the inside of the car wouldn't be covered in smoke. Ethan knew he had a problem and so did most of his friends, and he had quit in the past, but every time he unintentionally managed to cave. "Oh and while you're in there, mind grabbing me a muffin? I hear their baked goods are delicious." He chuckled, turning on the radio and switching to a news channel.
Camilla rolled her eyes slightly. "I'm sure you can do it," she told him with a smirk. "I believe in you." Camilla was quiet as they drove, looking at the landscape. She hadn't been to this part of New York before, but it was prettier than the middle of the city. When they arrived at the community college, she took a look around the area. It seemed nice...basic, for a college campus. That was about what she had expected. It didn't look like anything too special, but Camilla wasn't looking for anything like that anyways. She just wanted something relaxed, to get her back into school and see if she actually had any potential.

"Yeah, I can go in on my own," Camilla responded to his question. Of course she could; before today, she'd done much worse on her own. Prostitutes weren't usually accompanied on their outings for safety or anything like that, she was responsible for doing things and dealing with people on her own. An admissions officer was a little bit different than a drunk man who just wanted to have sex, but Camilla was sure she'd be fine. She knew how to handle herself. "I'm good at flirting," she confirmed, reaching for the cigarette as he put it in his mouth. Camilla pinched it between her fingers and took it away from him. "Better than you are at quitting." She opened the door and threw the cigarette on the ground, snuffing it out with her shoe. "They sell muffins at community college? Weird," she murmured. But if he wanted one, she'd grab him one. If she could manage to find the stupid things. "See you in a bit." With a small smile, Camilla turned around and headed for the main building, hoping that was where the admissions office was.

She glanced back at the car before she went in, back at Ethan. This was all so strange. Yesterday she was a prostitute, and today she was applying for college and living with her ex-boyfriend. Her ex-boyfriend who somehow, miraculously, still claimed to be in love with her. Was this a mistake? She almost felt like agreeing to live with a man who was in love with her could only end one way, but Camilla didn't want that. Or did she? She thought about the way he kissed her the other night and...she just didn't know what to think about any of it. It was all so complicated, and so much was happening. Right now, she needed to focus on the college thing.

Once she'd managed to find the admissions office, everything was surprisingly simple. She would have to pay an extra fee for signing up past the deadline, but that was fine and it was easy to pick a couple of general classes while she thought about what she wanted to do. She ended up signing up for three and writing a check, with instructions to come to class tomorrow so that she could get caught up as quickly as possible. With everything taking care of, Camilla walked outside feeling accomplished. Then she remembered- the muffin.

She didn't know where on earth she would find a muffin, so instead of hunting around the campus she approached a guy, who looked like he was a student. "Hi," she said. "I'm new, and I'm supposed to bring my friend a muffin...do you know where they are?" It was a strange question to ask someone, but in an attempt to make it slightly less awkward Camilla offered him a charming smile and casually flipped her hair over her shoulder.
Ethan didn't know what to say when she took the cigarette from him and put it out. He knew he had a problem, but he didn't think it'd bother her that much. Though, now that he thought about it, he had been smoking quite a bit around her. "Believe me, I've tried." He confessed as he sat back, and watched as she left. He was happy that she was giving college a shot, and he felt in some way, he was making up for the way he treated her in the past, especially when he just up and left without any warning. Ethan always tried to justify what he did, always tried to make excuses, pinning the blame on his father every chance he got, and if there was one thing Ethan wish he could take back, it was the way he left and not bringing Cam with him. He loved her and never stopped loving her, but he wanted to escape his childhood memories, he wanted to run away from all of it. But even the relationship with Cam scared him, a lot more than he was willing to admit.

But things were different now. When he saw her for the first time in a long time in that motel room, all those feelings came back like a tsunami wave, but things were different, he didn't feel afraid anymore. However, a part of him kept trying to convince himself that it was too late, that he had blown his chance, that she could never love him and take him back after what he did. But the other half still wanted to believe that that wasn't the case, when he kissed her that day there was obvious spark, and if she truly didn't feel the same way, why would she kiss him back? He kept coming back to that night and wasn't sure what it all meant, but he wanted to believe it wasn't over. It was a complicated situation, but he didn't want to force it. Maybe one day, when the dust settles he would bring it up, but for now, he just wanted to help Cam figure herself out.

Jack looked up from his notebook, noticing a beautiful girl standing in front of him. It took him a while to respond to her question, as he listened to her beautiful voice, god, everything about her was perfect. "Oh, uh--" He jumped up quickly, noticing he should say something before it got awkward, dropping his notebook in the process, "Crap!" he muttered under his breath as he reached down for it. "Yeah, you can get them at the cafeteria." He replied quickly, placing his notebook in his backpack. He cleared his throat, nervously.

He wasn't particularly used to having girls come up to him, so this whole ordeal caught him by surprise. "It's a pretty big campus, so I mean if you want, I can take you there." He offered politely, giving her a smile. He placed his hands in his pocket, still nervous. "I'm Jack by the way. Uh, Jack Howard." He greeted her, can't help but gaze into her eyes. It was easy to get lost in them. He knew he should probably stop staring before it got creepy, but it was pretty hard to resist.

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