The Library Enactment

If there aren't any fairytales or fables specifically that have enough characters for us to use, we can just use a book of fables/fairytales by a single author (maybe Grimm brothers, or Hans Christian Anderson) and we can assume different fairytale characters within one world where we interact? It'll probably be confusing though xD

I haven't read HDM yet, but I've heard it's really good :o
Alice in Wonderland would be spectacular.

Also - is there a way to establish a writing order in the actual storyline? I'm getting a bit lost with the quick posting xD
I always have a little struggle trying to fit my character into the RP with the first couple posts xD

I think Alice in Wonderland would be nice :3
I will be vacationing from 7/14/14-7/25/14, so probably won't be able to post very much if at all on those days.
I think we need to bring everyone together. Some people are getting ignored (not intentionally) and we do want to get into the really exciting stuff, right? ;)

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I agree^^ Though I'm not sure how to get everyone together seeing how no one really knows each other. Maybe the librarian could get them together to help her shelve books or something since the library is lacking people? xD
That's a good idea! We can play on the librarian thing...maybe someone knocks over a cart of books and she doesn't know who it is so she forces them to stack shelves? Idk lol

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Works for me :)  
I do have to say though - if people are concerned about being ignored/missed, we really ought to think of a writing order. It's going to be impossible to keep up with everyone writing at once, and the only way I know how to focus, without a writing order is to keep my group small.
That's makes a lot of sense.... I really should have thought of all this before I posted the role play xD
xD It's not necessarily needed if/when people are splitting up into smaller groups, but if everyone is gonna be clumped together for at least some scenes, it's probably a good idea!
But writing orders you can't get any flow going unless everyone is online
Not necessarily - you just establish a timing notice at the same time. If they don't reply within an hour of their turn, they'll be skipped until their next turn. Sure, it's not quite as fast as straight one-on-one, but you tend to get less scattered writing, people don't get missed/ignored, and the quality of the writing tends to be better - cause you have more time to self-emendate. And it would only be for those scenes when everyone is together - which I imagine wouldn't be often.
Maybe it's just me being rusty regarding RPing in such a big group :/ I never liked post orders, they seem restrictive and whilst you can self emendate I find that stuff I'd like to say gets said and then I end up posting less at poorer quality than I was going to post initially
My concern is that without an order, everyone's gonna be saying the exact same thing >_> And for those of us who typically write longer posts, it's gonna be impossible to keep up - I just don't wanna see anyone get left behind or frustrated. The other option is we just have our brilliant leader write a "guiding" post - which essentially gives her the ability to briefly control everyone's characters to get them all to one place in sort of a "skip ahead" method.

For example - instead of everyone writing that they're going to help the librarian clean up the bookshelves, once everyone -reacts- to the shelf falling, Vaila would just write a post saying that everyone was helping, and then move everyone forward (at once), into the books...
Neither option is desirable to me so I'll let others decide and sulk whatever the outcome :P
I like Elle's idea about Vaila writing the long post that gets us going, because the reactions posts we'll all do doesn't have to be long.

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