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Fantasy The Last Judgement



McGuire Airforce Base (Interior, main building)
Rhys Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater Nik BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
Wow i have no energy. we get more harry later. important matters..
harrison rutherford
The snowstorm had been carrying on for some time now. Really, the whole apocalypse by ice and frost had been overdone by the end of the first year, but it was really gearing up now. Harry didn't bother thinking what kind of nonsense was going on above the sky, or below the ground, in order to facilitate this kind of activity. The best thought was to chalk it up to the Devil himself, or maybe the lazy bastard God. Some selfish, heated debate between the two that resulted in the entire fucking world blowing over sideways. And what were the people down below? Just ants, caught in the crossfire? It wasn't any sort of fair, but Harry knew better than to mull over their fate any more than he had before.

His momma would have had his head on a plate if she'd heard him saying that. If he'd said the Lord's name in vain once in front of her, she would have kicked his butt two ways to Sunday. Never truly wanting to make her upset, he'd apologize and probably forget all about the interaction. Trying to make it all better, maybe make breakfast for her. Harry had been a good boy, and remained so despite the beating that living at the end of the world did to a man. He remained positive, more so for the others than himself.

Especially little Billie Wayne.

"Now, din't I say to sit still girl? You'll drive me crazy 'fore your Daddy gets back if you keep jumping 'round like that." Harry quirked an eyebrow at the child, who was content to playing hopscotch between the slats on the floor. Harry sat in a chair, one knee bouncing to outpace the other one, lamely askew to his side. He drummed the knee with his fingers, looking worriedly to the entrance of the building. A few of the other residents of the base, more of the action determinant ones, were standing around with arms crossed. The main building was generally used as a sort of base of commands, and a great way to funnel new people in and keep them away from their supplies further on the base. It was a 'foyer' of sorts, something like Harry's childhood home had had. This one had less memorabilia and more cold, unfeeling sterility. It was disturbed by the low whisper of others in the space. A few wanted eyes on the intruders, and a few others wanted to purely out of curiosity. Harry was here for the sake of Declan, and his own innate desire for answers. He'd promised to keep eyes on the daughter, who was coincidentally one of Harry's favourite people at the base. It was no difficult job, but the bulk of work was keeping Billie from disappearing outdoors and into the whiteout.

"I soooo excited! I gotta jump!" She said, sticking her tongue between her teeth and focusing entirely on trying to jump higher than a few inches. She hopped around the chairs, wiggling her bottom like a cat on the prowl. Harry watched her, smiling at the young girl's antics. Declan had gone out with Chantel to question the three vehicles that had approached their gates. Harry and him had been tinkering, as per usual, when the second-in-command had come by. Declan offered first, and before Harry could even get him to think he pressed his daughter into the other man's hands.

"It'll be just a second, dude! Plus, you know how Chantie is."

"Yea, I do, but what if thems out there are some raiders? You fixin to lose your head?"

"Haa, no, dude. That's not gonna happen. Trust me, dude. Just keep an eye on Billie won't you?"

"Easy peasey... just watch yer ass out there. 'Kay?"

"Harry, lookie!" Billie shrilly cried out, pointing behind one of the chairs closer to the door. A pink ball was nestled beneath a chair, and the girl took off for it. "It's ball! My ball! Pinkie ball!" She slipped away, fast as lightening, before Harry could get up and grab it for her. He furrowed his brows, but otherwise had no complaints, until the door burst open and a flurry of cold and snow burst through.

There were a lot of them, that was for sure. A big group, but maybe less than had been expected from three vehicles. Just what he had expected he wasn't so sure, but the whispering from the room died down as soon as the newcomers entered.

"You will wait here until Marcus arrives. He'll know what to do with you, " Chantel commanded the people. She glared at the residents who were in the room, clearly expecting no sort of spectators in her dealings with these newcomers. Her attention was mostly on the newcomers, and in corralling them. What would they do with all these people?

She did her Chantel thing to the group, asserting her power and making sure that she had their attention. Harry watched with a cheek between his teeth. Once getting the answer she wanted. She shook off the latent anger, replacing it with concentration as she sped away. Harry looked to the door, locking eyes with Declan who took the rear. He smiled a bit, and Harry hoped it was all alright.

Billie was beneath the chair, and she rolled her ball out from beneath. Coming out, she watched with red cheeks as the ball rolled and hit one of the men's feet. He was a tall man, face lined with a passive analysis of the room. Billie stood still, her eyes widening to saucers as she watched her precious ball slip from her grasp. Harry rose slowly out of his chair, about to head over when--

"Is this yours?" The tall man had squatted, holding the ball out to Billie. Harry narrowed his eyes, watching for any sort of quick, malevolent action. These folk could be murders! Rapists! There was little trust in the levels that humans had fallen to these days. While a part of Harry hoped and prayed that everyone was good in nature, he knew better. He'd seen some pretty evil shit, and it made sense that he would keep his guard up. Being manipulated was not fun to the simple southern man.

His afterthought chastised himself for those thoughts, as why in the hell would Chantel of all people let in a bunch of evil people? She'd string them up with bullets alone before they could move. So, really, they couldn't be that bad. Right?

He watched, a smile creeping onto his face, at the interaction. Guy was good, at least somewhat, with kids. Harry resumed walking over, hands in his pockets and chest out.

"Sorry 'bout that," Harry said, reaching out a hand to signal an apology. "Billie hasn't seen her ball in weeks, so you 'magine how happy she been finding it again."

Harry stuck out a hand to the taller man at the head of the pack, bringing out his billion dollar charm smile. "Hey there, name's Harrison Rutherford. Y'all can call me Harry tho'. Pleasure to be meetin' y'all." His southern charm had no boundaries, extending to anybody-- should they prove friendly. He had no nonsense for the evil types, because Harry knew true evil when he saw it. Not just the pretending types, with harsh words and downcast eyes. To this man, Harry's handshake was firm and warm. The man always ran a bit hot, and the healthy glow beneath his skin showed as much. He reached out his hand to the blond man next to the tall guy. He would have shaken all their hands, but god damn if there weren't a lot of them.

"I taken that y'all met Declan already. This here's his little cherub, Billie," He winked at the tall man. "She sure has taken a likin to you." He scooped Billie into his arms, and she giggled. Harry looked back, eyeing the others who were frowning at how bold Harry was being. He shrugged off glares and smiled back at the group. "Welcome to McGuire Airforce Base. Didn' expect this mucha y'all, but the more hands the better."

"We're waiting for their leader, I guess. We agreed to trade, and possibly work. It's better than fucking freezing to death, hmm?" The blond spoke to the others, and Harry perked up.

"That how you got through? Guessin-"

"There sure is a fuck ton of them." A low, rumbling bass came from behind. Harry turned around to see Marcus La Vey, stalking toward the newcomers with Chantel at his side. His arms were crossed and he glared at each and every one of the people. Harry pulled Billie to his side and placed his hands over her ears. "We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors. Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies. My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit, and you can stay. But I'm gonna need some kind of motherfucking explanation."

Harry gave a small, weak smile to the others, and pulled Billie and himself off to the side. He sat down, placing her in his lap. She was restless, but less so seeing Marcus in the room. Marcus gave them hope, and a refuge, but he exuded raw power. It was crippling, to say in the least. He didn't dare try to step in.
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Rufus | Edana
Mentions: Rhys, Nik, Namri, Harry
Interactions: BELIAL. BELIAL.
Location: Base
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“Hey there, name's Harrison Rutherford. Y'all can call me Harry tho'. Pleasure to be meetin' y'all”

"Roight-o. Name's Rufus, lad. Pleasuah..." His words felt dead as they trickled out. Odd, his intent was to come off as a lot more friendly, perhaps even bond over funny accents. But he couldn't bring himself to the mentality. Something about the rest of the group set him off.

"Merriweather. Edana Merriweather." The goth had kept her eyes away from making contact with any of the new faces, a scowl almost permanently displaced from the cold outside.

Rufus watched as Harry scooped the introduced Billie into his arms, the small child giggling as she was lifted in the air, legs dangling far beyond their imagination. She was a small bundle of joy, full of laughter. Not even a few minutes of introductions and the prophet could already feel himself favoring the young one out of the rest of the group. His eyes remained fixated throughout … just about everything. Through Harry’s introduction, his introduction of Billie, ‘Chantie’s’ variety of orders to remain put (and levels of intimidation she was well aware of) and even as the leader, Marcus had made his way into the one-sided talk.

As far as the prophet gathered, all he could do was sit, listen and hope these new faces didn’t decide to turn around last minute, declare them a threat and practice their target rounds on their heads. Rufus was soft. There were reasons (aside from morals, of course) that he had not yet charged in to declare his undying love to Niklas and run away into the blizzardy sunset. That reason was simply because of survival. Not just in the sense of needing protection, food, water but rather the prophet had absolutely no way of defending himself. Not in the same way anyone else in the group could. Come to think of it. He was practically the weakest among them. Had a fight broke out, all he could do was sit, spazz and maybe offer a vision like some sort of loonie.

“You got me, Cream Puff?”

Marcus’ voice cut through Rufus’ thought process, tempting the brit to look up. Instead, he only nodded, the ridges of his jaw locking into place at his newly deserved nickname. Was it his strawberry blonde hair? His vitamin D deficient skin? The supposed baby face he carried with ever so lanky arms making him resemble an abnormal spurt growth of a child? It didn’t really matter. The leader huffed once, redirecting his attention to the rest of the group ….
… before having some sort of brilliant idea.

“Alright, Pastry Roller. We’ll start with you. What’re you and your boys doing these parts of town?” Something about him had struck the prophet with a mix of the leader both caring and not really giving two and a half fucks about what exactly led the crew into an occupied shelter-base right into their men’s gunpoint and facing them with the moral question whether to toss them back out into the cold or shoot them on the spot without really any given reason. Not that they had to if Team Rhys had proven Team Chantie that they were a threat; then there would be shootings.

Rufus shifted weight from one foot to the other, fighting the gathering water from beneath his top eyelids. There was too much pressure. Not just on himself but on the consequential value of what would happen had they decided to slip up then and there. The trigger happy lot (on both sides) have done thus well to keep their itchy finger off the triggers and spell books but it was only a matter of time before one end would break and a volley of attacks would soon follow. Sides of the brit’s throat tighten, fingers twitching, eyes unable to remain focused on Marcus’ as he snapped them several times.

“‘m sorry, lad … I …” Rufus had to take a few minutes to reteach himself to not lean too far onto his right side, his leg weakly (and rather pathetically), catching the weight of half his body as it thrusted to the right in a jello-like motion. His eyes seem to gloss over as his torso recommited the same acts on the left side. “P..pass..”

“You don’t get to pass. This isn’t some sort of motherfucking game--”

“We were escaping some deviants.” Edana’s voice intervened now, a bottle of Namrata's elixir from earlier loosely gripped in her hand. “Raiders, dark individuals that called themselves the Wild Ones. After slipping out by the skins of our teeth, we managed to forge refuge inside of a nearby Lowe's where the blizzard outside proved itself to be even worse than our previous opponents." Granted, that wasn't entirely the truth. They escaped with a bit more than the clothes on their back but what good could it do if she bragged about all the goody guns they looted and the new warm clothing Lowes' offered? A hand gingerly rested on Rufus’ shoulder, making some sort of half-hearted attempt to stabilize him. “Control yourself. Any sudden movements and they will shoot,” she scolded underbreath toward the quivering brit.

“I … don’t fink I can, Eddie,” Rufus’ head hung, murmuring to the rest of the group in a low voice. “I...I’m in desperate need o’ valerian. Someplace quiet… I don’t sit too hot wif … these kinna situations.”

“...We have a several sharpshooters. a couple of medics, a prophet to foresee any upcoming dangers, hunters with a keen eye unlike any other, crowd controllers in case things ever get out of hand … and as if that weren’t enough, we also have some witches who can further solidify control around the borders. While it is evident that you have everything settled in both defense and offense, we can offer you even more. We will even toss in a babysitter and some forgers for resources.” Edana’s eyes shot to Rufus as soon as she said the word ‘babysitter’, forgers being to whoever was up for the task.

“We will not take much of your resources. As a matter of fact, we will help replenish them.” Her rounded eyes shifted to Rhys and Nik now, as if to ask the two leaders for their consent. “Isn’t that right?” She held her tongue from calling them their usual affectionate names to remain on the serious end but as soon as they were in the the clear (if ever) then she would have let loose with all of the banter.

“Iunno dude … like … I like more food.” Declan hooked his thumbs into his pant loops, shoulders arched a bit. That was all he had to say on the matter, leaving the blood witch to taste enamel at the tip of her tongue.

This man was going to cause her to ruin it for them.

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Amara Blackwood

Mentions: Ed, Nik, Rhys,
Interactions: Anyone
Location: RV > Lowes > Back In RV > Airforce Base
OCC: This is basically a catch-up post/establishing place, so feel free to interact. Should be on more often now that schedules shouldn't go past 8 or 9 on weekdays, 9 or 10 on weekends...

So I’m not the only one who would much rather listen to a cat bellowing?” Amara heard from the female who saved her ears and her sanity from the godforsaken music, that ironically mentions something about God or something to do with Christianity. Ed, she believed her name was. From what she gathered, Ed was anti-social and really didn't do well in social interactions, as much as Kim tries to help. Ed, was also goth and had a medieval look about her, which Amara found interesting and gave the young female a unique approach.
“I- I- I mean -” The goth continued, as Amara watched as the girl's fingers shuffled through her book, and her cheeks turned a salmon color from the chalk-white color from before, showing that she was anxious trying to make a conversation. I don’t like country music. It is scathing to the ears, unfairly catchy and seems to have an effect on driving others away less they are fellow country music lovers. If this keeps up, I will be the first to sing along out of pure hypnosis to the melody." Her words were a bit muffled, as she found the words to start over.
"No, you aren't the only one preferring to listen to cats bellowing, though you are right," Amara agreed, keeping her words simple. She could tell the girl was uncomfortable in these sorts of situations and didn't want to force her to go to far beyond that, that was Kim's job.
Feeling the RV come to a complete stop, she moved one of the heavy curtains away from the small window. They parked in front of a few stores, most notably a Lowes's. Amara stuck to her brother, as they all walked into it the stores to raid them and seek shelter from the upcoming blizzard. Raiding turned into a Christmas party, that the sibling duo opted out of, Elijah objected to Amara's objection from the party, but he soon gave in and helped his sister fill cart after cart with supplies they will possibly need. They figured to bother themselves with the stocking up part, while the others enjoyed their fun and relaxation away from hell on Earth.
Once the storm passed, the two make a quick stop in the overgrown plants sections and collected all kinds of herbs and such for spells and rituals the witches might need, as well as stocking everything inside the RV, while the other finished their holiday, seeing no need to interrupt their small dose of happiness.
After everything was in, Amara took a quick stop in the clothing section to pick out a few outfits to store near her bunk and changing into dark jeans, a T-shirt and a leather jacket, while also pairing it with her ankle boots, that had a small heel, that could be described as a kitten heel. She took the clothes she picked out, place and sat back in her spot.
Throughout the whole ride, Amara didn't say much. She just hoped to whatever God was out there that someone had the common sense to not sing country or not let Rufus sing at all, even if he was trying to help. She was glad that the ride went swimmingly, until they stopped, what seemed like hours or so later. Looking out the small window again, she could see an Airforce Base, or what was left of one. She could tell that this wasn't going to be an easy walk-in, which proved that when Nik and Rhys lead the way out of their vehicles and to the front door.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my boys tear you all apart?"
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tear you apart myself, you rude arrogant bitch, who needs someone else to do her dirty work,
the young blood witch thought to herself. Knowing, just by looks of it now, they were all lucky that Rhys and Nik were handling this and not here, because she was be damned if she let someone talk to her like that.
"Listen, we're just looking for shelter—"
"Look for it elsewhere."
"The storm is getting worse, we'll be out as soon as—"
"That storm won't be over anytime soon."

Which is precisely why you could let us in,
Amara continued to comment in her head.
"I don't know what fuckin' pit of hell you crawled out of lady, but I've got a kid in that RV. I've got people who don't deserve to freeze to death because some bitch wouldn't provide shelter for a night." This was where all hope of seeking shelter here was going to be lost, Rhys snapped, and even though she didn't know him long or pretty much at all at this point, she could tell it wasn't a good sign.
"Hey dude, no need for the hostility. Chantie is just bein' cautious is all, dude." A new voice chimed in. Amara let her eyes gaze from the middle of the crowd of their group. He was cute, but that wasn't going to stop her from using the peanut gallery in her head, on his responses. For the next few minutes, Cute New Guy, Declan Wayne and Part-Time Demon Nik, took over the negotiating, eventually getting somewhere, which she found ironic that Nik, part demon, was able to get somewhere, when part angel dude, Rhys, couldn't.
"...you follow our rules. This is our house, and we guard our own," Bitch lady added back in. If you would ask her, that sentence alone seemed.... untrustworthy. As if, by some suspicion, their stay won't be long here. Like Bitch Lady or someone else would make a point to jeopardize their existence here, pull something to get them kicked out. She wanted to make a note to run it by Rhys or Nik at some point, to have everyone watch these people for any funny business that might have them leave prematurely.
"Follow." With those words from her rude lips, everyone followed, Amara right behind Elijah, until they stopped.
"You will wait here until Marcus arrives. He'll know what to do with you," she said. To Amara, her last words was another bunch of disdain. Amara really wanted to put the girl in her place, but the only things holding her back was Nik and Rhys efforts to stay and Elijah holding her hand to keep her back, somewhat behind him, who also made it a point to stand near Namri, as she noticed something going on between the two. He knew this lady was towards the top of her shit list just by her behavior towards all of them, right under every family member of their family.
"There sure is a fuck ton of them." A low, rough voice came out of nowhere, establishing him at the Marcus they were all waiting for. "We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors."
"Well that's apparent,"
Amara muttered extremely low under her breath. Earning her a squeeze of her hand by her brother.
"Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies."
I woundn't go as far as knees, but generally.... yes.
"My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. "
No Shit
"You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit, and you can stay. But I'm gonna need some kind of motherfucking explanation."

There really isn't much of one,
she finished commenting, well at least, at the moment. She refrained from speaking for obvious reasons and just hope Nik and Rhys, well at this point a bit towards the Nik side, could get them somewhere for a few days. She just hoped they wouldn't stay here for long. This sounds like to many people, which means to plenty of people to turn their backs on you and make your life miserable. She knew from experience, she was just shocked that she joined this group with said experience.
code by @Goldieloxx
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Emrys Contiello
[div class=miniBox][div class="miniText mini1"] [div class=bar][div class=title]Location[/div][div class=barText]McGuire AF Base {Main building}[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]Interactions[/div][div class=barText]Nik, Harry, Rufus, Ed [/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]Mentions[/div][div class=barText]Kinda everyone, just read[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]BGM[/div][div class=barText] Cut My Photograph[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=bigBox][div class=bigScroll] "Welcome to old age, princess. It's only downhill from here on out," His back cracked as he followed that honeyed east coast accent to a pair of dark ocean blue eyes. The corners of his lips twisted into a slight frown, brows raised in a way that proved he wasn't as miffed about the comment as his expression might have lead someone else to believe.
"Thanks for the advice, old man."

The shadow of a grin flickered across his face for a heartbeat. He was still bothered by what magic Nik had worked in order to get them inside, but it was a case of the ends justifying the means. Watching Nik flirt with someone else was a small price to pay for group security. Arctic azure flashed towards the rest of their gaggle, his gaze meeting Alaska's and then James' for a moment before drifting over to Ryan. Sometimes he had to remind himself that this world had it's own set of rules, that anyone would do anything to survive. He couldn't be the jealous dickhead of a boyfriend when it meant that other people he cared for would be safe. At least for a little while. He understood. But that didn't mean he liked it.

"Sorry 'bout that," Rhys turned, shifting his attention towards the new voice to enter the fray. "Billie hasn't seen her ball in weeks, so you 'magine how happy she been finding it again." He was surprised to hear the ring of a southern lithe, but given that Allea had also joined their company he figured that the apocalypse caused people to move around a lot. Or perhaps leave them stranded in a place that was so far from home. The thought rang a little sour with him. Home. It was a very subjective word. He wasn't even sure he knew what it meant anymore.

His gaze flickered towards Nik, watching the blond without really realizing it. There was a saying that home was where the heart was. In theory that could be true, a place or person that meant so much who could always be considered a place of sanctuary. Rhys --for all his statements of love-- was unsure if his battered heart was capable of feeling that deeply for someone. Maybe it already did.

"Hey there, name's Harrison Rutherford. Y'all can call me Harry tho'. Pleasure to be meetin' y'all." He forced himself back into the present, looking now at the hand stretched out toward him in a friendly gesture that was at odds with how they had been received. Rhys grabbed it without much thought, remembering how his father used to say something about how you could always tell what kind of a person someone was from their handshake. He never put much thought into it until now. Harry's handshake was strong, not as standoffish as most, and he had a sort of relaxed air about him that eased the detective's heightened state of paranoia. "Rhys, it's nice to meet you."

"I taken that y'all met Declan already. This here's his little cherub, Billie," Rhys blinked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, unsure of how to react to the cheeky display. "She sure has taken a likin to you." Rhys dragged his gaze back to the little girl, watching her giggle as Harry scooped her up into his arms. He had to admit she was a pretty cute kid. Though he wasn't sure about that statement of her liking him, all he did was give her back her ball. "Welcome to McGuire Airforce Base. Didn' expect this mucha y'all, but the more hands the better."

"Do you know when--"

"There sure is a fuck ton of them."

He didn't bother finishing the rest of his sentence, head whipping towards the guttural statement. His spine straightened subconsciously, narrowing his eyes as he observed the way this man commanded the aura of the room. He took particular note of the way Harry cuffed Billie's ears and carted her away. That was an...interesting reaction. He swept his attention back over the man, calculating his body language and mannerisms as he talked. The man was an easy read. Even the way he walked exhumed authority and if he had to guess he would pin him for ex-military. Which was...hopefully a good thing. They tended to be a bit more tactical about their decisions and it was something Rhys could appreciate.
"We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors. Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies. My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit, and you can stay. But I'm gonna need some kind of motherfucking explanation."

An explanation? What kinda bullshit--

"You ain't gettin' me on my hands and knees no matter what kinda shelter you're supplin', Cher."


"Oh hush, I ain't speakin' ta ya." Rhys furrowed his brow, looking at the necromancer like she had grown six different heads. She wasn't even looking in their direction, it was as if she were speaking to someone who wasn't even there. It was strange if not a bit...worrisome. If Marcus noticed her outburst he didn't say anything, continuing his tirade. It took Rhys a second too late to realize that he wasn't directing any of his verbal lashings towards him or Nik. It was clear that the man didn't care who he got answers from, but this wasn't the way to go about it. A pinch of fury curled in his gut, spoiling the good natured expression he had worn just moments earlier.

“You don’t get to pass. This isn’t some sort of motherfucking game--” He moved without thinking, a protective and steady hand resting on Rufus' other shoulder. Those arctic blue irises drilled into the man who had so crassly spoken to this poor kid. Rhys' lips parted, something snappy and profanity filled at the ready when Ed stepped forward to fill in where the Brit had floundered. He kept his face blank at her brief overview of what had happened in the past week. There was a bit of pride that swelled in him at how quickly she had stepped up to the plate. Fish sticks could be a leader after all. And the thought of that, gave him just a bit of hope.

“I...I’m in desperate need o’ valerian. Someplace quiet… I don’t sit too hot wif … these kinna situations.”

Rhys loosened his grip, not wanting to add to his anxiety inadvertently. "Rhys, back up before ya end up crowdin' him." Allea's comment drew his gaze and he didn't argue. She managed a slight smile, one that looked unnervingly real as she placed her hand in between his shoulder blades. "We'll be okay, Cher. There ain't nothin' but a buncha posturin'," Marcus frowned, his focus zeroing in on the necromancer quicker than Rhys could even form a syllable.

"There ain't no posturing motherfuck--"

"An' ya gotta just....laissez les bon temps rouler. Relax. Think ya can do that for me, Cher?" He watched the way her gaze snapped towards the other leader, something dark and warning in the depths of her irises. A power beyond either of them that hummed just under her skin. It made him a little uncomfortable, knowing that she was a witch and not knowing the extent of what she was capable of. Allea was an unknown, he didn't trust unknowns, and he certainly didn't trust unknown witches. Rhys turned to Marcus then, hands slipping into his pockets as he stepped forward.

The mask of a man who knew how to lead slid into his body language like it was second nature.
"Listen, Marcus, right? Let's get straight to the fuckin' point here. I'm not here to pitch a goddamn bargain. Your house, your rules, but don't think for a fuckin' second that I'll let you treat my people like some gum on the motherfuckin' sidewalk. Are we clear?"

The two were quiet for a long moment, the air filling with so much testosterone that it could literally be set ablaze. Marcus' face cracked like lightning, a full bellied laugh belting out of him as he shook his head, finger wagging in Rhys' direction as he turned to the woman beside him.

"I like this motherfucker! Why didn't you let them in sooner?"

The corner of Rhys' lips twitched upward, shoulders drooping just a bit as the fake assertiveness he had caste around himself fell away like chipping plaster. A hand slapped his back so hard a huff of air flew out of him, stumbling a few steps forward as Marcus looped an arm around his shoulders. It was a bit awkward because he was so much shorter than him, his body bent at an awkward angle as the top half of him was practically forced downward. "What's your name kid?"


"Oh right, right, Rice, Chantel said something about that. Nik and Rice or whatever, I thought she was talkin' about food at first. You sure your momma was aware she named ya that?"

He closed his eyes and forced himself to take a deep breath. Starting a fight wouldn't win them any favors at this point. Marcus started walking and Rhys' eyes snapped open as he was pulled along for the ride, albeit unwillingly but the man was strong. Probably stronger than him which was...something he was not comfortable with admitting. "It's actually a good motherfuckin thing ya'll came when you did. We've got ourselves a bit of a situation and find ourselves a bit short handed."

Rhys staggered back as he was released from the uncomfortable almost headlock. A scowl contorted his features, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand in hopes to relieve some of the strain his muscles had been under. "What's the--"

"Marcus! We have a bloody problem." A fairly tall man strode in, refined english accent piercing through the American jargon Rhys had grown up hearing. It was a bit...weird to hear at a time like this. It almost made them all seem uneducated with the way the guy spoke. Marcus turned towards him, arms crossed and looking all business. "Scott. What's the issue?" The newcomer paused, looking over the group that had gathered in the center of the building, seeming to trip up on his words. His gaze skated over Rhys then moved to Penny looking at her long enough that it seemed to make Marcus grow all the more impatient. "It's just a bloody situation! Just---fucking hell mate, would you just come take a look? I'll fill you in on the way." Marcus turned to Rhys almost faster than he could register.

"I've gotta take care of this. We'll talk in the morning, for now, get your people set up. Harry can show ya'll to your rooms."

And just like that he was gone. Striding out after a British surfer dude named Scott. Rhys wasn't sure if these survivors could get any weirder. Then again, there were a lot of things he thought couldn't get any weirder and they had. He felt someone nudge his shoulder and he looked down at Allea, the spitfire of a witch who he barely trusted more than the white haired bitch at the main gate. "Rufus ain't gon be doin' too good without some medication, Cher. Reverie ain't no miracle worker, she can't cure the kind of sick he got ya hear?" His lips pressed into a thin line, looking over at the boy in question before drifting back to her. "Well can't you just....do some magic shit?" Allea snorted, rolling her eyes at him, "It ain't work that way."

Rhys rubbed his temples, feeling the onset of a headache tug at the innermost part of his brain. All he wanted right now was a shower and some sleep. He didn't want to think about finding medication for Rufus or what crazy thing was happening that Marcus had to run out like that, or the deal that had been struck. He felt like his brain was going to melt. "Are you alright, kiddo? Think you can hang on for another night until we can get out and find something to help?" Rhys was desperately trying to keep the edge out of his voice, but it was difficult to do when the wariness mingled with the frothing pain in his skull. He sighed, looking over toward Nik, feeling a tiredness that ran bone deep.

"Remind me to talk to Marcus about getting any valerian. For now, let's just get some rest." He turned toward Harry, lips parted to speak only for someone else to steal the words right out from under him. "Which way are the showers?"

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[div class=speakeasy2r]LOCATION — On the road (A little backtracking for flavor) > McGuire AF Base [Cafeteria] (slowly introducin the frankksss)
BGM Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better
OOC — Eating dat squirrel jerky
[div class=speaksr][div class=topsr]
my girl.png
Franklin "Frankie" Austin Hibbard
[div class=bluer][div class=speakstoor]Franklin had her cool blue eyes on the road, the asphalt coming up fast underneath her beat-up hatchback, snow careening off the windshield as she clunked along at high speeds. A piece of squirrel jerky stuck squarely in her puffed out cheek, she munched with loud smacking sounds, picking some of that crap out of her teeth with her free hand.

She swerved the car in and out of the lanes as she munched. It wasn't the greatest, but the smoky flavor was excellent. She truly was gifted at all this earthy-crunchy shit. Veering around, the hatchback was surprisingly nimble, and she was enjoying herself. It was the simple pleasures in life. It wasn't like anybody was comin' up anyways.

The snow at the sidelines of her vehicle swept by like bumpers, she dodged a few piles with her car, expert enough to rest a knee on the wheel as she rummaged for her water bottle. Downing a big swig, she let out a powerful burp, then grinned toothy. Proud of herself for that one.

"S'good'un, eh, Franks?" she said with a nasally, awkward chuckle. She bobbed her head to the music, messy fiery hair tossling as she rolled down the window a little bit with a hand crank. Knee still steadying the wheel, she struck out her hands and danced, shoulders flexing like the awkward munchkin she was. Waving in the air, making fists and pumping them back and forth like she was fighting someone.

The vehicle swerved and she placed one hand on the wheel and drank more water, barely keeping an eye on the road. She didn't need to, she had excellent spacial awareness.

Reaching out her right hand she fumbled with her bag and placed a long-range radio with an AC/DC hookup on the dashboard. Frankie cranked up the volume of her stereo, the old and quite scratched CD blaring out music.

"O...summ'ns up ther, eh? Yeh...hn...mebbe' I'll pull'ovr'n' all, don' stay long doncha' know....." she drawled in her broken, amalgamated accent, wiping her nose with her sleeve in a damp sniffle. She needed to refuel her hatchback and score some water, so she felt it'd be a smart decision to touch down and try to trade. She had plenty of dried meats, jerkies, warm furs, knitted scarves and the like.

But she thought to herself that she wouldn't stay that long, cause you could never really trust people that much, an' all that.

Git in, git out, and be back on the road.

The outlines of a fencing drew up like the rains came down in the distance like small blanket patches, limbs like oak branches on the horizon, flashes of little colors like birds and the like.

She smiled awkwardly, thinking on the bristled thistled pines and downpours of warm rains in the hot, muggy summers. Sometimes peoples talked like the summers, or the snows. Too much talkin' and she felt red like autumn ferns.

Snow on the fingers from the mountains, caked in shining mica flecks from river streams on tiny palms. Stuck in her own little universe of glitter-stone-stars but not able to talk good about it.

Blue-green trees thick like gaggles of people pointed at the heavens in peaks, maybe to pray. She was always outside those trees of people. She never quite fit in, and so she never quite stayed for very long.

But all she said to speak on her own thoughts was: "Yeh."

☮ ☮ ☮
Strangely enough, the inhabitants of the airbase had taken her in without much fuss. Mostly because she was just one shrimpy dork and had made her case by whipping out a crapload of dried meats, shitloads of thems furs, and had displayed her shotgun prowess by rattling on about what guns to use for which situation, how to use them, her words graveling and awkward. She was an asset, it was a simple thang to spot.

And she was also quite simple herself, and if anything, she was assumed to be too simple to start anything. Plus, she was only a teenager, and it wasn't like she could start an insane coup or cause much mischief. She just didn't have it in her eyes to be a menace.

Chantel, in a moment of uncharacteristic charity, had let the girl stay without much of a fuss. That had been about a month ago, despite Frankie reminding herself she'd git gone after a bit. But then she met Harry, and she finally had a friend she could talk to who she felt didn't judge her on account of her bein' a bit too simple.

So she stayed. Plain and simple, she stayed. Made herself useful an' all that. Marcus had barely bat a lash towards her, they had exchanged few words, the quasi-hick pumpkin turning ten shades of red whenever he tried to communicate with her. Declan did a better job, because his goofy accent felt calming, and he didn't feel threatening when he spoke to her.

She helped train a few of the airbase inhabitants on how to shoot proper, since the big boys and girls had other things on their minds an' all that. She made herself useful in the makeshift gardens with Rida, tending the plants and keeping her company. Quiet, usually quiet, the two had an understanding. Rida wouldn't ask her to speak much, and she wouldn't bother Rida except to help her git her job done.

Frankie had a new home, and what with Harry around, Billie and her child dayglow smiles, Chantel's secret softness, Declan's equal awkwardness, and Rida's calm poise, she felt like she could stay forever.

But forever is an awful long time, she thought. Long like how long the rivers were, pebbles like marbles on the sides, clear blue water striking a line through time she couldn't follow 'cause it made her dizzy. Forever is an awful long time. Maybe Frankie was just very, very optimistic.

Or maybe, as always, a bit too simple to understand that no good things last forever, an' all that.

☮ ☮ ☮
There was a commotion lately but Franks was a little too airy to pin it down right. She had spent the prior day in her designated room, knitting things for the other survivors in the base, and makin' fur shawls to keep the cold out good. Couldn't be too careful with the chill an' all that, she thought to herself.

She had played Moon River earlier, which was a fancy song, hopin' maybe someone got some little joy an' all from it. Marcus and the others had no idea she had a long-range radio, nor a stash of batteries and an antiquated CD player. She had mostly not bothered to tell 'em cause they had never asked. Nor had they searched her very well, cause there was no real need.

Frankie was harmless. Until she wasn't, but you could always count on her to be on your side, if you were good peoples, of course.

"Mebbe' sum'un likes that them there tunes'n git 'em sumthin ta' wiggle to, yeh?" she said to herself, bouncing up and down on her stiff cot. Knitting, making, tinkering, working.

She had spent two days just in the thick of it, fingers needling like orange bird beaks in the knots of trees to find the good stuff. Rarely takin' much needed breaks, 'cause whatever was causing a commotion had to be important. And she was doing the best she could by being useful, makin' stuff for the cold, and helping out.

But it was time to wander out now, a piece of squirrel jerky stuck square in her puffed cheek as she mulled along, knitting as she walked. A scarf in mustard yellow was slung over her shoulder—she had found the good yarn—and she was spinning up something for Chantie.

Not that the proud, crass second in command would admit to requesting a scarf to match the yellow-hazel of her eyes. Absolutely never. Frankie let out a clipping, nasally chuckle as she pattered along, knitting, walking, barely paying attention. She passed by the main foyer area and looked on, seeing Harry and Marcus talking to some strangers.

She gave Harry a little wave, awkward as she had so much in her hands and very well needed an extra appendage for all this work.

Not that she thought she had to worry on nothin', but she made a scrunched up face at the newcomers, until a tall blond man in a puffy coat looked over at her. His mouth quirked a grin, and she thought maybe he was tryin' to start some shit. What with her basically wearing a mountain of a scarf, knitting like a dork.

Her face went red, on account of not used to bein looked at so strongly. The others knew the drill already, Franks was too easily flustered, and too self-conscious. Made her feel like a fern shuttering in the cold, all alone on a patch of moss, singled out so the starer could chop her up into fiddle heads and eat her with some butter or somethin'.

But he wasn't, she noticed, as he gave her a kind smile. What this stranger and the others wanted, she didn't know, but if Harry had spoke to 'em, it mustn't of been anything too bad.

Frankie hitched along and made her way to the cafeteria, to sit down, chew her food haphazardly, and knit. She just needed to finish a little bit more, and she'd be golden for the gold scarf she had made Chantie.

"Mebbe it'll be'a kin' scarf fer'er ta' wear an' all that there, doncha' knows it," she said to herself under her breath as she chewed and knit. How she could do both at the same time was beyond any of the others eating in their makeshift cafeteria, but she managed it.

Frankie managed a lot of things. You just had to pay attention long enough to notice 'em.

[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(https://i.postimg.cc/sXp0bHkP/snows.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #ced8e2; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 40%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #ced8e2; padding: 10px; width:auto; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; background-color: #eff0f2; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:600px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=whut maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]

[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss Fuckin' Hates Posturing
LOCATION — McGuire AF Base [Main]
OOC — tags in post[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
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Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater (Elderly Detective) BELIAL. BELIAL. (This one seems nice)
"Thanks for the advice, old man." Nik's eyes crinkled as Rhys threw back a bit of snark his way, genuine joy playing on his face like a concerto in honey tones, fire in the deep blue eyes, grin a swath of titanium white. A cutting grin, but not the sarcastic kind, something amused and cheeky.

"Anytime, princess," he mused, a hum lingering on the edge of his sentence. He could be saying the most singular, simple of phrases, and it could still carry the weight of a heady flirtation. He did so love this dance.

"Hey there, name's Harrison Rutherford. Y'all can call me Harry tho'. Pleasure to be meetin' y'all." Nik swiveled slightly, deep blue eyes ticking over the newcomer's face with the precision of an etching machine. His expression softened, he didn't have to worry about this one, he felt. Nik took his hand and gave him a firm handshake, but not quite committal. The kind that didn't linger, felt short, but was nonetheless genuine. Niklas didn't know how long they'd be here for, and didn't know what was in store for their crew.

He hesitated to form new attachments at this point. They had so many others to worry about protecting. Second-guessing the short handshake, he offered Harry a warm smile, sans pretenses. It helped that he had a charming accent.

"Niklas Voss. Nice place you have here, seems like you've made a real home," he said with a twinge of longing. Home. The only home they had was each other, which felt like warm umbers, pleasant conversation, and deep sighs of phthalo blue. He was partial to the blue tones, they made him feel grounded, but he'd have loved to stay in one solid spot for more than a day at a time.

Every single spot was colored red, they left each stop like a war-zone. Well, the last spot had been taken over by a whiteout, and the glimmers that night had been LED-bright and pine green. However, it had still been colored in, and they never seemed to have a chance to create a broader landscape. Which bothered him, the tapestry of their journeys truncated.

He mulled over his cigarette with his lip, he'd give kingdom and country to rest long enough to stretch his limbs properly, and get a clear sense of how all their threads wove together.

"I taken that y'all met Declan already. This here's his little cherub, Billie," Nik's gaze softened again as he idled with his cigarette, leaning slightly towards Rhys. A cherub was right. Children were so precious, especially in this time of now, where danger lurked around every fucking corner.

"Oh yeah, we've definitely met Declan," he said with a snort and a flick of his cigarette. But it was playful all the same, eyes rolling across the scenery to look over Declan 'The Dude' Wayne, who he could hear was complaining about a headache. He caught little clips and phrases, like: dude this blows, so not cool, feels like a gnarly hangover, not rad. And other assortments of 'dudeisms'.

Poor bastard, he thought. But for some reason, Nik felt in this moment he'd probably have to employ his trump card again. Call it a suspicion, or intuition, or perhaps an inkling of what worse things may or may not come. But he felt it. There'd be more headaches to give, sadly.

His phthalo blue eyes caught a red-haired girl wandering through, golden-colored yarn piled around her in possibly the largest scarf he'd ever seen. She tottered like....Olivia had. Knitting, wayward, focused. She stared at him, red-faced and irate, and he flashed a winning smile. She flustered like a trapped animal, then went on her way.

Considering the kindness Harry was showing them, little Billie, Declan's 'Dudeisms', and the flustered little knitter who had bopped through, he wondered just how genial the people here truly were. Soon, he'd find out that despite how genial the populace may or may not have been, their leadership crew was almost anything but.

"That how you got through? Guessin-" Harry's genial tone was smashed apart by an errant Marcus, who felt like grating nails on a chalkboard at this point. The bravado was palpable, he was the base's leader after all, but it didn't mean the blond liked it.

Beleth Beleth (Aww...Ruffles, Way to go Edana!) + (Allea & 'Rice' lol) (Mention to Dear Mrs. Psycho Dear Mrs. Psycho )​

"We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors. Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies. My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit, and you can stay. But I'm gonna need some kind of motherfucking explanation." Oh here we go again, another one who seems like someone shit in their fucking coffee, he thought with a raise of the brow. He said nothing for the time being, taking in Marcus' words with muted indifference.

It wasn't a cute look, this scathing, grating commandment. And he didn't quite know what explanation he needed to be giving the man, to be plain.

"You ain't gettin' me on my hands and knees no matter what kinda shelter you're supplin', Cher." This situation was growing worse by the minute, and Allea was not helping. He even caught Amara fling a little muted snark from beneath her breath. He hadn't quite heard it, but he felt it rolling off of her, and saw her brother grasp her hand more tightly.

"Allea--" For fucks sake.

"Oh hush, I ain't speakin' ta ya." Nik grumbled low in the chest as Allea continued on. This wouldn't help anybody. This was not helping anything. They needed to be done with this terse transaction so they could get on with their lives. He wanted a shower, he wanted to sit and rest, he wanted to braid Penny's fucking hair, and do various sordid affronts against mankind's sensibilities with the whitelighter.

He wanted to have that motherfucking conversation he had prodded Rhys for, twice now. Fuck.

There were ten million other things he wanted to be doing, and none of them concerned posturing and clucking at each other.

There were very few things that prickled Niklas' spine, things he disliked enough to show the distaste outwardly. But there were some, that mired him in downcast payne's gray tones, like an aging painting. Showing the frown lines, little creases, jaw clenched.

Posturing. There was just something so innately distasteful about people (men especially) throwing around bravado like they were having a motherfucking pissing contest. Who had the biggest dick? Who could knock the most heads? Who had testosterone shoved so far up their ass they needed to croon about it?

It was all a wash of gray for him, because the strongest among the human rabble didn't need to bark and hiss. They just were, existing as untouchable beyond the plateau others tried to scramble up.

Or their power was a quiet promise that fell around them, you could feel it.

Feel it in the flick of a brow or the cut of the teeth. That, that was attractive, and powerful.

Rhys certainly didn't need to posture, but it wasn't that. He knew the whitelighter enough to know the rage he held, or the way he carried himself, was not puffing himself up like a pissed off little bird. It was a promise he could back up. He meant business with every single word he said, and his stance communicated that enough. The way he carried himself. Power and confidence were attractive, and certainly the whitelighter had power in spades.

He wasn't quite convinced that Chantel and Marcus could back up their aggressive communications, if only because he had never seen them in action.

“You got me, Cream Puff?”
"Mm-mm," Nik warned the apparently quite fearless leader of the airbase crew. But he had gone on flashing his words sideways at the goofy brit, and with each tick of a syllable, Nik grew angrier. But it was a quiet anger, the kind you read in a brow raise, a jaw clench, and the subtle positioning of a person between the two. Shoulder out, head tilted to the side, as if listening for an opening to jam his fucking cigarette in this asshole's eyeball.

Which he probably would've, given how impulsive his affliction bade him be. Except it would hurt every single one of them, to start a massacre, when he had been the go-to diplomat in this situation. It didn't mean that he didn't want to pluck the other man's eyes from their sockets and feed them to him.

“Alright, Pastry Roller. We’ll start with you. What’re you and your boys doing these parts of town?”
"Curious how you ask someone obviously not our leader," the blond part-time devil said from behind his cigarette, "Even more curious you ask someone who's the least threatening among us," he directed his words at Marcus whose gaze flashed to Nik for the smallest of moments.

Because he was smart enough to know the unassuming blond who had been standing relatively inert for the past few moments was spelling out in no uncertain terms: must be compensating for something. This made Marcus huff along, but he didn't stop his prodding of the brit.

That brazen, unabashed desire to needle at the brit made Nik's eyes go wide for all of a second, and then splay down to a narrowing.

More of this, and Nik would probably deck Marcus in the face or try to peel his skin off with his blade. It was a good thing Rhys was the leader here, in this specific moment. Even if Nik could be diplomatic, there were some things he just didn't handle very well. Going after easy targets who seemed like they'd never hurt a fly, was also another thing that painted him gray and boiled the black blood in his veins.

It drove him nuts.

‘m sorry, lad … I …P..pass..”

“You don’t get to pass. This isn’t some sort of motherfucking game--” Nik had slightly angled himself as if a barrier between Marcus' barrage and Rufus, who was fading in nerves and shuttered like a dwindled rose. Rhys did the same, but moreso, Allea sparking back to warn that he was crowding the poor brit.

"We'll be okay, Cher. There ain't nothin' but a buncha posturin'," Allea took the words right out of his mouth, which earned a brow raise from the blond and a mute, slight nod of understanding. That's all it was. Some dick beating his chest for no fucking reason.

"There ain't no posturing motherfuck--" There's plenty of posturing, you shitfuck.

"An' ya gotta just....laissez les bon temps rouler. Relax. Think ya can do that for me, Cher?"

Edana chimed in after this. He was thankful for it, the little goth tween could handle shifting focus and lead. Such a young one, but her confidence was admirable. Nik stepped back on one foot, but protectively angled between Marcus and Rufus, smoking his cigarette because if he did anything but that, he'd have tried to gut the other man.

There was absolutely no reason to go after Rufus like this, who was not handling the situation well. Nik held his breath for a moment, eyes cast at the goofy brit, and let smoke fetter from his nose. There was absolutely no reason to go after him, except Marcus must have been trying to compensate for something. Like when men bought gigantic cars. Everyone knew the type. Bullies.

“We were escaping some deviants. Raiders, dark individuals that called themselves the Wild Ones. After slipping out by the skins of our teeth, we managed to forge refuge inside of a nearby Lowe's where the blizzard outside proved itself to be even worse than our previous opponents." Edana's words were close enough to what had happened, Nik reasoned, flicking ash and looking from beneath strong brows at Marcus like a barely benevolent fabled satyr about to crack his jaw open.

“Control yourself. Any sudden movements and they will shoot,” she scolded Rufus and Nik tilted his head to the side. No more scolding. There were very few things that set Nik off, but bravado, and this type of exchange they had all found themselves in, were the second and third largest firestarters. The first being assumed to be wanton and libidinous at the detriment of relationships.

Not that he'd had to entertain that ideology from anyone's sideways mouth in a long time.

I … don’t fink I can, Eddie, I...I’m in desperate need o’ valerian. Someplace quiet… I don’t sit too hot wif … these kinna situations.” Nik picked up the pace with his smoking and settled to flickering his gaze around the airbase. He pried his gaze back to settle on Namrata for half a second. Had she managed to scrounge anything up?

His gaze lingered on her, and he stepped back and away from Rufus as Edana continued her explanation.

“Isn’t that right?” Nik gave Edana a quick nod, trying his best to keep contained what he would've let out at any other time. Writhing just beneath the surface, blistering like hellfire. Cruelty like this towards someone he cared for was not tolerated, not by the blond. Certainly not by some pickledick compensating for his lack of jimmies.

“Iunno dude … like … I like more food.” Declan piped up and Nik let a sigh escape his mouth, fingers running at the bridge of his nose, cigarette casting ash on the floor from between his fingers. Good lord.

"Listen, Marcus, right? Let's get straight to the fuckin' point here. I'm not here to pitch a goddamn bargain. Your house, your rules, but don't think for a fuckin' second that I'll let you treat my people like some gum on the motherfuckin' sidewalk. Are we clear?"

Nik said nothing, though he wanted to sideline Rhys' retort and spit fire at Marcus. However, if he were to say anything, he'd promptly make it worse. Because it'd be something along the lines of 'now everyone knows you have a tiny dick, congratulations you fucknugget'. He had plenty of colorful curses to fill in all the gaps, but more or less he agreed with Allea, and would've made it known.

Except that that wouldn't have helped anybody.

"I like this motherfucker! Why didn't you let them in sooner?"
"God you're obnoxious," Nik mused too low in the chest to be heard, but his mouth twisted in an acrid smile. Plain as day, he didn't like this asshole. Especially when he managed to flex his strength by wrapping an arm around Rhys' shoulder, enough that the other man looked uncomfortable.

This was Marcus' response, and Nik mentally checked out at this moment, with a roll of the eyes.

These fickle reactions were irritating. And he had something better to do than watch the man chirp around calling Rhys 'rice' and acting like a shitbucket because someone pissed in his coffee that morning.

Hot and cold reactions were cloying, and he wouldn't waste anymore energy being irate about it.

"Remind me to talk to Marcus about getting any valerian. For now, let's just get some rest."
"I'm on it, chief" was all the blond said, placing two fingers at his temples to give Rhys a lazy salute. He peppered it with a cocky grin but the fatigue was showing on his features. Mottled in tired tenderness, sallow around the eyes, because there was no respite for what feeling this thundershit Marcus had rustled from him.

He hated these types of interactions, because he quite simply couldn't gut people like Marcus to shut them up. The fatigue was from the high tension, the masses of emotions crackling from the people around him. With no outlet, he did best trying to solve a problem.

There was time for laughter later, and slaughter would also come at some point. Because it always fucking did.


cinnabuns cinnabuns (Endeared Scientist)
Nik had fallen to the back of the group, not yet waiting for Harry to show them to their rooms. He had something to take care of first, more important than rolling around in hopefully nice clean sheets, with an actual pillow underneath his hay-colored hair.

In the back of his mind, he placed Rhys' request for a reminder, but they had a veritable scientist right here with them. Undoubtedly she had something that could help. She had helped save Penny and Ryan with what looked like plant mush, so why wouldn't she have something for nerves? Niklas sidled beside Namrata as their group started to coalesce nearer Harry, waiting for him to lead them on.

"ученыичка" he said low in the throat, eyes moving to rest on her face but head not tilting to look in turn, "do you think you have anything for nerves?" he asked carefully, angry at this situation but not intent on letting his emotions bleed out at Namri. The cigarette acted like a smokescreen for what deeper currents lay beneath, as he did his best to be calm enough to keep his head level.

"Valerian, maybe some chamomile but that's not quite strong enough unless you fuckin' dry and tincture it," he said, oddly specific. Diana had been into all this new-age hippie crap. He had paid attention, despite his best efforts to hand-wave it away.

Strange as it was, she was helping them even now, despite being gone for good. His dire expression shifted and a small smile played on his face. Thankful for that bright-eyed woman and her graces, she had given him so much, and now he was a better ally for it. A better partner, even.

At least he hoped he was.

Harry would lead them on in turn. They'd all get a chance to rest, and maybe he would, indeed, find a shower so he could stop smelling like a fucking barnyard.
Last edited:


McGuire Airforce Base (Interior, main building -> barracks)
Allea Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater and everyone technically
another shitty quick, let's just get the action yeah? i'll get penny up when jobs r delegated
harrison rutherford
Harry had no beef with Marcus. He respected the leader, and the two got along occasionally. Still, Harry had trouble commending all of the cursing that Marcus partook in. It was more than oft the reason he had his hands glued to Billie's ears whenever Marcus was around. He knew better than to mouth off, especially with nasty words, but he didn't consider himself better than the other man in any way for doing so.

He watched intently at the newcomers as they talked back to Marcus. A small, feeble girl that reminded Harry of the witch he had met in his childhood stood up quite defiantly to the bully tactic that Marcus often employed to weed out the weaklings. Harry had been privy to that side of the man, and had even been underneath the fire when he had first arrived. Charming, and always grinning, he hadn't even taken Marcus's tight threats to heart. It was either that, or Marcus had gotten frustrated with the lack of realization in the brunet's eyes. It was one of the women, of this new group, that ended up truly matching Marcus' potential. Harry couldn't help but grin at the familiar southern rhythm in the woman's voice, glad that she hadn't attacked their leader or gone ahead and wilted from the pressure. Hopefully these kids would last a while here. Space was tight, but new company was always welcome to Harry.

Billie fidgeted under his grasp, slipping and sliding away to find her father. Rhys piped up to combat Marcus verbally as well, which then led to the leader shedding his prickly skin to embrace him. Harry took the time that was spent with Marcus chatting up Rhys, and the others chatting among themselves, to look over the new folk. He strolled along, quietly checking everyone out, before joining Declan whom Billie was fussing with by one of the chairs. Declan was rubbing his temples, and Billie was patting her dad and cooing as she did so.

"Interestin' folk, don't ya think?" Harry muttered, shedding another glance over his shoulder. Billie crawled into her dad's lap and embraced him, staring up at Harry.

"Lossa people, huh Daddy? Huh, Harry?" Billie asked, bobbing her head as she fidgeted around in Declan's lap.

Declan shrugged, quickly crossing the momentary discomfort from his face. "Pretty cool dudes, if you ask me dude! A couple are kinda unnerving... especially that dude in the full suit of armor. Is that usual?"

Harry wrinkled up his face and thought carefully. "Dunno, but not all the fries in the cup 'er gonna be straight. Couple gonna be real curly... Long as he dun go 'round swingin a sword near me, I won't hafta go swingin my own self." Harry narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but Declan went ahead and snorted a laugh.

He overheard his voice and turned just as Marcus gave a shrug in his direction. "I've gotta take care of this. We'll talk in the morning, for now, get your people set up. Harry can show ya'll to your rooms." Harry widened his eyes, but quickly replaced it with a big smile. In the corner of his eye he saw Frankie walking by, doing her very Frankie thing of knitting as she walked. She extended a wave, and he warmed at the sight of his friend. In the short month that she had been at the base, the two had bonded like wood glue to a couple of planks. Maybe it was from their southern roots, or from the fact that both were wildly friendly, but they had become fast friends. He treated the redhead like a sister, something that Harry had always wanted the responsibility of. Someone to care about, as he had a lot of caring in his bones. It was in his nature.

He waved back at her, hoping she'd wander by later so he could fill her in on the newbies. As soon as he turned his attention away, the numbers were already on him. Eyes were on him, and Harry strolled over. There seemed to be an issue among the group, and it piqued his attention.

"Y'all alrigh--"

"Which way are the showers?" The bold woman from before stared straight up at Harry. He nearly snickered at her size, despite the power she radiated, but kept it within and instead replaced the frown from before with his usual charm. He'd check up after the tour, since he had been elected by Marcus to lead the gravy train.

Harry stuck his thumbs in his belt loops. "I figured y'all would like to catch the barracks first, but I stand 'crrected if y'all would prefer to wander 'round naked and wet firs," he laughed a little as he spoke, but then jerked his head in the direction of a pair of double doors. "Feel free ta follow me, then. I'll tour the barracks for y'all, which include showers, don't you worry your pretty little head." He winked at the smaller woman, and then made his way to the door.

He nodded back toward the doors and told Declan and Billie they could tag along. The three led the way and Harry proudly strode down the hall. "This here's the usual way to the barracks from the main buildin'. These doors here are leadin' to the washrooms for mens and ladies, left and right respectively. This bad boy is the barracks. Beds ain't separated on account of private parts, we jus lumped 'em all togetha." Harry took pauses to gesture to the bathrooms before leading the group into the wide, open barracks. The curved roof was darkened, the snow outside shedding a never-ending shadow into the room. Tall lights stood at corners to brighten the room.

He turned to the others. "On account of the tightness', we gon be needin to squeeze y'all up in here. Shouldn't be too muchofa problem. If y'all got any questions, I'll be back in the main buildin'. Feel free to be askin' me anythin, ya hear?" He grinned to the group, and gave another wink to the girl. He found it amusing to make her the target of his flirtations, and it wasn't a difficult feat either. He found amusement in her reaction.


Location: McGuire AF Base

Interactions: Farm Boy BELIAL. BELIAL.

Mentions: Namari, Rhys, Nik

BGM: Desperado


Umber orbs tracked the taller man's movement, sparing him about as much of attention as she would give to a sock. A physical appraisal and nothing more. He was attractive, unfairly so, but he probably didn't have a working brain cell in his head. "I figured y'all would like to catch the barracks first, but I stand 'crrected if y'all would prefer to wander 'round naked and wet firs," His speech supported her internal conclusion, placing a hand against her hip. "Feel free ta follow me, then. I'll tour the barracks for y'all, which include showers, don't you worry your pretty little head."

Her nose crinkled, right brow arched, gaze roaming across his face passively. "There ain't much that worries my head, cher, don't you worry." Certainly not some country boy who thought himself a silver tongue. She knew his kind, lived around them for a good portion of her life, and she wasn't about to fall into any sort of trap like that again. Only stupid women find themselves at the hands of a manipulative loser and she was done being stupid. "Did he just wink at ya? Why ain't that just forward of 'em. Ya ain't wink at no lady 'less yer prepared to court her." The constant source of almost all of her aggravation hovered at her side, one hand resting against a holster and the other tilting the brim of his hat down. Her gaze lingered on the ghost for a moment, expression souring further. He was back to giving unwanted commentary. She liked it so much better when he was quiet.

Allea didn't say anything as Mordecai moved towards Farm Boy, hovering around him with a glower. It was a bit distracting and she was having a difficult time not following his movements. Allea didn't trust ghosts, no matter how long this thorn in her side had been trailing along, she wasn't sure he wouldn't just flip out and try to kill people. As much as he annoyed her....it would pain her to be rid of him. Deep down, she would probably miss his company. "He ain't much o' nothin'. Hmpf can't say he don't look a little..." It was the ghosts' turn to look a little perturbed, dark eyes shifting back to her after a moment of looking over the stranger.

Her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for most of the group to move forward before she followed after. She was primarily interested in a shower purely for the fact that she still had vampire blood in her hair and that was not a very attractive look. It bothered her severely. She had always been a little vain, but the way she saw it she owed herself a bit of selfishness. "Now ain't the time ta be messin' with people ya hear?" Allea steeled her gaze towards the spirit, lips drawn into a flat line that brokered no kind of argument. Mordecai shrugged, shimmering at her side before fading away. The necromancer huffed, a harsh breeze of air leaving her as the group moved forward. There were so many of them and combined with the group that had already been established here...well, she hadn't seen so many people in one place since before the apocalypse. Allea adjusted the strap of her bag, vaguely keeping track of the rooms that this country bumpkin was pointing out. She wasn't planning on staying long. A night maybe. Nothing more than that, but her previous plan to leave had been cut short by the storm so she only hoped that it settled enough for her to slip away. This wasn't her place. These people weren't apart of her plan. There were far greater things at stake, like her own skin. As many times as she had met death, there was a certainty in her soul that told her of a death she would never come back from.

"On account of the tightness', we gon be needin to squeeze y'all up in here. Shouldn't be too muchofa problem. If y'all got any questions, I'll be back in the main buildin'. Feel free to be askin' me anythin, ya hear?"

Her attention was pulled back towards Harry, catching another wink thrown her way. Allea's lips curved into a frown, nose crinkling. A part of her wondered what his end game was, what was the point of him flirting with her if he didn't want something? All men wanted something, it was just a fact of life. And usually, if they didn't get it the first time, they took it whether you wanted them to or not. She returned her focus to the barracks, taking in the rows of beds with little to no privacy. As long as no one decided to shag in the bed next to her, it didn't seem like it would be much of a problem. Various calls of thanks resounded from the gaggle of survivors, and while she was grateful for the direction she didn't part take in vocalizing it. Allea moved towards the bed nearest the door, placing her pack on top and digging out a couple essentials for a shower. She moved quick, getting her things and getting out of there, intent on taking a shower in some sort of privacy before they were invaded by the others.

⋯ ⋯ ⋯

It had been three days. Three whole grueling days of continuous snow and below freezing temperatures. The necromancer was almost certain now that this was not a product of nature. Something far more complicated was at work here and the more she watched Chantel and Marcus, the more she was certain of this fact. "Dude, do you always look like ya got something sour in your food? Because like, dude, I've been trying to figure it out for a while now...."

Amber irises flickered upwards, looking at the slightly older man sitting at the table across form her. They had broken up into groups on the second day and while she was utterly transfixed on leaving as soon as she could, traveling in this weather was suicide. The witch had been forced to help with scavenging, something that gave her little to no pleasure. She would rather have been selected for guard duty, but it didn't seem like a battle she would win. Rhys could easily be the most pig headed man she ever met, it was a wonder Niklas was able to put up with him. Her nails tapped against the table top, gaze narrowing on the brunet with a slight amount of hostility. She still hadn't been able to open her prize --the box she had stolen....retrieved, from the raiders. It was only adding to her irritation not to mention that she was the furthest thing from a morning person.
"I reckon he just insulted ya."
The corner of her mouth drooped further, shifting her gaze to the spirit hovering at the end of the table before looking back over at Declan.

"Is there....dude? Why do you keep looking around like that? It's pretty creepy, dude."

If he said the word 'dude' one more time she was going to claw his face off. "Yes. Now stop pesterin' me, I ain't in the mood."
Declan stared at her for a moment, tilting his head kind of like a dog would when confused. Then he grinned at her, expression carefree and completely jubilant. She was starting to think that she hated him the most. "Hey Dec! You guys goin' out today?"
Allea closed her eyes for a moment, breathing deeply and taking back what she said about hating Declan. Maybe she just hated everyone. A blond slid onto the bench beside her, gaze roaming the side of her face before traveling a little lower. It was eerie how much Elliot looked like Nik, a younger version maybe, but the two acted nothing alike and she thanked her lucky stars for that small mercy. Allea tilted her head away, umber orbs snapping to his face just as he went to place his hand on top of hers.

"Touch me an' you'll be findin' yourself missin' a few pieces."

Elliot pulled his hand away, smiling at her like he was the most innocent kid on earth. Which he wasn't. She had heard the rumors floating around and given the way he kept eyeing mister McFury, she didn't doubt them. "No need for the hostility, baby, was only saying hello."
"Say it elsewhere."
Declan chuckled a little uncomfortably, glancing between them before turning his attention back to Elliot, cutting him off before he said or did anything stupid, "Yeah, dude, we're heading out. I think Scott is too last time I checked."

Perhaps Declan was a little smarter than she gave him credit for.
Elliot nodded, getting up from the seat but not without another look in her direction. A look she chose to share with the weight of every hex she ever knew.
"Ri...Right well, uh, let me know if you guys find something interesting."
"No problem dude!"

God, why couldn't she just have a single breakfast in peace. Was it really too much to ask?
She rested her cheek against her fist, turning her oatmeal absently in the bowl.
"Listen, Alice--"
"Right, sorry dude, if Harry drops by tell him I'm heading over to talk to Rida about getting something for the road. But we should probably head out as soon as possible. The storm always gets worse at night."

She glanced up at him as he rose from the table, flashing her a smile before walking off. Peculiar. She had noticed that the blizzard got worse at night but she wasn't sure if there was a correlation or a causation...but if it happened every night? Perhaps Namari, that little scientist of theirs, might have a couple ideas as to why that might be. Either way, she could still feel the magic charge in the air. Something preternatural was in the works here and she really wasn't a fan.


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Edana | Rufus
Location: Base
Interactions: Allea Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
Mentions: Amara, Rhys, Allea, Namri
OOC: The three days after post ... that's open for interaction. I just wanted to help get the ball rolling for the time skip

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"No, you aren't the only one preferring to listen to cats bellowing, though you are right"

Amara’s kind words from before rolled around in the back of Edana’s mind as the group continued to bicker and stall each other. Despite her confidant words from before, the goth had still been holding her breath to this moment, her mind numbing from the constant heated interaction between one another. Had either party been aware of the amount of futility this type of back and forthness proved to be? Or was it as simple as demonstrating an example of dominance so that the other could succumb? If that were the case, Team Rhys had been doing one hell of a job.

Perhaps it was out of knowledged bias, but if Edana had to place her bets on who would win a showdown with the base as the end goal … the very side she had been standing on would win in a landslide. They had an even mix of fighters, healers and supportive roles. All they had was some alpha wannabe, his side bitch and a shaggy outcast that somehow found his way into this facade. Oh. And guns. Lots and lots of guns.

But the idea of guns didn’t faze Edana as much as it should. Something about looking death in the face wasn’t as adrenaline seeking or worrisome as it would have been to anyone else looking to survive. Of course, she wasn’t about to roll herself down the side of a snowy mountain because ‘nothing mattered anymore’ but if she were to barrier herself between an attacker and someone she felt would be a good asset to keep the others going, she’d be the first to offer herself. She could already name 4, now 5, individuals off the tip of her head that the blood witch would take a bullet for.

"Rhys, back up before ya end up crowdin' him."

Allea’s words diverted Edana’s attention back to the scene at hand. Right, Rufus. He had been near to the brink of simply collapsing like a demolished building with the way he had been shaking beneath the palm of her hand. Reminding him to remain focused with a bony pat on the shoulder was all she could offer at this time. Consoling wasn’t her best forte but it seemed to be Allea’s hidden trait. A trait that the brit, of all people, had unlocked. Though the instructions weren’t directed at her, the blood witch noticed she too had been standing a tad bit close to the individual, enticing her to take a few step backs of her own. Was a thank you in order? She didn’t care much for Rufus nor had she ever spoken to Allea to really establish that type of fleeting socialization.

Though, if it weren’t for her, the strawberry blonde would have cracked his head, spurting and splaying everywhere. “Thanks…” Edana murmured in the necromancer’s direction. Perhaps not necessarily because she cared for the prophet specifically but rather the devastating outcome had one of their own members proved themselves to be handicapped. Especially with someone like Chantie and Marcus.

Allea continued with attending to Rufus by offering words of reassurance - something the brit seemed to have reacted with very well. His shoulders tightened once then loosened, forcing himself to take silent, deep breathes as she spoke, rubbing at any incoming tears in a swift manner. Was he trying to be strong for the rest? Or was he afraid of the reaction the other group might bring upon?

"We'll be okay, Cher. There ain't nothin' but a buncha posturin',"

"There ain't no posturing motherfuck--"

As if to reaffirm Edana’s mental ‘bets’ earlier, Marcus once again gave the goth a reason to root for team Rhys. Had the same type of tone be used with their leader, either Rhys or Nik would have been on that person before they finished their second syllable. One pinning the person down, the other with two guns to the backtalker’s temples while the ‘pin down’ person would use their other hand to have a weapon of their own to the back of the individual’s head. And this would just be the merciful route for them.

There was, in fact, posturing and when even the youngest has lost full interest in the threats that the enemy group had to blow out, that was a clear indication some follow up was in order. Of course, not in this circumstance. It was a bit hard to pin point just how many capable men (not including ‘Dude What’ Wayne) and how reactive they were to shoot and actually hit the target. Because if they open fired and miss … Lucifer help them. What the goth witch would do to give another nose bleed to these posers.

"An' ya gotta just....laissez les bon temps rouler. Relax. Think ya can do that for me, Cher?" Edana stiffled a snort to keep from breaking her expressionless facial state. Well said, necromancer, she couldn’t help thinking.

"Listen, Marcus, right? Let's get straight to the fuckin' point here. I'm not here to pitch a goddamn bargain. Your house, your rules, but don't think for a fuckin' second that I'll let you treat my people like some gum on the motherfuckin' sidewalk. Are we clear?"

Rhys’ voice had the stage now. As always, his aggressive, no nonsense approach to handling things was both a blessing and a curse. While he spoke the very thing everyone else had no problem expressing (but didn’t want to be the reason they become a cluster of honeycombs from a barrage of gunfire) there was also the question of if they had snipers, how precise they were, if Bitch Leader or side bitch leader had a gun on them or how fast Wayne could run and hit the fire alarm. With the amount of testosterone in the air, it was as if two alphas were preparing to wrestle for the nearest female; though that wouldn’t be too far-fetched either with Wayne fauning over Nik on the sidelines and Marcus could just be the tryhard wingman. Edana shook off the idea, the last bit slowly becoming a humorous play out to try and ease the building tensions that had been formulating within her own self.

"I like this motherfucker! Why didn't you let them in sooner?"

Edana could feel a sneer boiling at the tip of her tongue. She had to physically bite herself to keep the thoughts from spewing out. Perhaps if you spent less time talking to hear your goddamned voice echo, maybe we would have saved a few minutes. The witch bit herself harder at the foul word that had slipped - even within her own mind - causing her to taste blood. She knew better than to allow someone to access her temper. Fortunately, Rufus had managed to speak up, lightly and barely if anything but it was still enough for her thoughts to latch onto something else. Something that would keep her from jumping Barcus first chance she got.

“‘'ppreciate it, guv. Won’t regret it.”

“I sure motherfucking hope not. Because if I especially do-”

“We get it. You’ll kill us. Shoot us down and ransack everything we have. That point has already been established.” Edana had managed to cut Barcus off with a thought or two of her own. Keep it cool and controlled. They were almost out of this heart wrenching mess. Still, didn’t give any of them a green light to continuously make threats. They made their point. Team Rhys wasn’t stupid and those that were didn’t last long.

All Marcus could do was offer a head tilted nod, jaw locked with his hand hovering over his gun. Classic cop move but unfortunately for his scare tactics they had a detective. Hopefully that had covered everything and the rest was said and done. Rufus had been able to calm down with Allea’s help, the shaking decreased considerably.

“We in yet?” Was all he could slur, confusion tainting his voice. The brit blinked a few times, rubbing his eye to refocus his vision before seeing Allea before him. For the first time in almost … quite a while … he didn’t say anything. He couldn’t find the voice nor the words nor the amount of thank yous for her for not just leaving him to collapse. Instead, when he regained his body weight, he allowed himself to lean forward, hugging her once but firmly, rubbing his sleeve against his cheek. “I nevah got tha chance t’propahly fank you, luv. I ...I owe yew big time.” Given her usual cold demeanor and typical aloof attitude toward the rest of the group, Rufus found himself a bit uneasy to keep the hug for long, pulling away slowly. Color had begun returning to his cheeks by the micropaint but with still a considerable improvement than before. He blinked a few times, his fingers now merging with the slits of his eyes and applying pressure. “Blimey … ‘m sorry yew lot. I should ‘ave prolly warned earlier. ‘ighly stressful situ’ations dun sit too ‘ot wif me. Get a bit … well … yew lot saw.”

That would be all he could offer at the moment. The group was under enough stress as is, no reason to add in extra information like how he had some looney vision during his episode. He himself wasn’t too sure what he saw. Something very similar to He Who Shall not be Named mixed with a bit of Jack Frost. Had the frozen lad been on another planet? The details were blurry. Had he gone into a full, painstaking episode there would have been more of a vivid image as to just what his brain was trying to present to him now. As if that weren’t bad enough, his brain also had to process an ominous large obelisk … nothing made sense. If anything, he felt as though he were reliving a scene from Thor to add to his Fall Out adventures.

Three days have passed and all that Rufus could remember was the cot beneath him. Squinting, the prophet sat up, rubbing at the corner of his eyes, the backstage of the seeing organ throwing some sort of rioting protest.

“Good, you’re awake.”

Edana had been sitting in a small chair on his bedside, guzzling one of her famous bananas she probably had nitpicked from the garden stash. Her eyes carried over him in both an aloof and concerned manner. Which she was thinking or favoring more was beyond the prophet. The blood witch didn’t bother to wait for the Brit to respond. Instead she used the silence as time to chew thoroughly through her banana, gagging once at the texture of food but only to hold it down as taught by those around her.

Rufus couldn’t find his tongue to speak. For a moment he had forgotten what the English language had sounded like - his native tongue! The one his ancestors had developed and … and and …-

His eyebrows furrowed at his unwarranted mute state, simply staring at the goth’s breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was his lip. He could feel it curling over his stubby canine tooth (the one that he always makes sure to never reveal to anyone else because stubby teeth were just god’s sick way of giving a unique trait to others...why couldn’t he have a real canine?), cutting into the soft flesh on the inside. Where were the others? Had he ever thanked Allea for her support? The others for showing concern when they did?

..Did he cost them the stay?

Rufus’ head darted to one wall of the base, taking a few seconds to appreciate the intricates of dreary military grade concrete, the cloning of the grey slabs that sat above his head and down into his lap where remaining spaces of his cot laid. God, it was like being back in England.

The only sound that remained was Edana struggling to work through her delicate meal with even more fragile baby teeth.

“We … we gone …?”

“I’m sorry?” There was a full minute pause before Edana could respond. That swallow must have felt like nails given her facial expression.

“Did they... give us tha boot, lassie?”

“You’re sitting here now, aren’t you? Only boot was given was Miss Allea biting back at Barcus and Rhys puffing up his rugged yet oddly soft Italian feathers at him too. You’re fine. I’ve asked around for some valerian. Knowing Miss Namrata she’s on it too. I’ve heard some of these gardeners have quite the herbs.” The blood witch sat back, arms crossed over one another as she spoke. “Hurry up, I don’t want to be here all day. Get some rest, drink your tea and go back to pepping around. I’m simply sitting guard to make sure no one takes advantage of you while you’re down.”

Rufus nodded, eyes now resting on the greenish questionably intact cot. What was it he’s seen …? There were more images now that he’s rested but was that what his fuss was over? Was he having a vision in the middle of the day? Scratches as his fingers curled into the fabric in both pain and distraught, fumbling over his mind to recall what he’s seen.

The place had been a new ice age by the looks of it. Someone reassuring them to not be afraid…

Afraid of what ..?

A man seemed to be in pain … loads of pain … something internally eating at him while a woman and another man stood idly by.

Declan had been shooting aiming his gun …

… at them? Was that it? No.. it was far away from them.

And Miss Allea… she had been facing away from the group. As if about to either protect them or leave them.

He hadn’t known the female for long but simply shrugging off someone potentially in danger wasn’t something he’d really be all for. Within these past few days though no one had died he felt as though he had lost the entire world. Technically he has … but these past events had proven to him it’s possible to lose more.
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[class=BackgroundBitch] Background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f0/cb/87/f0cb877b971791a9c356c4b3e2706747.jpg); Padding:50px; [/class] [class=BitchesbeBackgroundColor] padding:40px; background-color:#a3b0e2; Color:Black; [/class] [class=PennyDreadful] float:right; margin-bottom:10px; text-align:center; border-radius:2px; background-color:#000000; padding:5px;color:#a3b0e2; width:calc(100% - 15% - 25px); [/class] [class=TextityText] text-align:justify; position: relative; left: 25px; [/class] [class=FukImg] border-right:8px DOTTED #eff3f7; border-bottom:5px DOTTED #eff3f7; width:15%; float:left; [/class] [class=Imageborder] border:4px SOLID #142740; line-height:0px; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=TinyLines] border-top:1px SOLID #000000; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px; [/class] [div class="BackgroundBitch"] [div class="BitchesbeBackgroundColor"] [div class="FukImg"] [div class="Imageborder"]
[/div][/div] [div class="PennyDreadful"] PENELOPE VALE [/div] [div class="TextityText"]

She'd been glad, beyond glad even, that their ragtag group of misfits had managed to find a temporary home. Luckily, this place didn't seem to have an expiration date on it. If everyone proved useful, and everyone was useful, then they could stay. It didn't seem like a hard enough job to take on, and Penny was sure that some divinity above, or below, had taken pity on the poor travelers. They'd been through enough shit, and Penny had seen at least half of it, so it was nice to finally... be safe.

They'd met their resident bumpkin, in the nicest use of the name possible, and he was a charming man who introduced everyone around the base. That had been three days ago, but Penny's most vivid memory of the meeting was two things: taking a god dang shower, and seeing Declan Wayne again.

The two had been smitten in high school, and while she was sure Declan's memory was anything but solid, she remembered every excruciating detail. He had been quite naive, and Penny was too, but his verbal onslaught of 'Dude!' hadn't just developed during adulthood. She recalled one event where his arm was slung around her at a basketball game, and when the home team sunk a three pointer, Declan had shot up and screamed "DUDE!" at the top of his lungs. It was a cute quirk had first, but had ultimately led to their downfall as a romantic couple. Still, Penny valued that high school relationship as something purely circumstantial, and it wasn't as if Declan had abused her in any way. He had been a good boyfriend.

But he had a kid now, and she definitely figured he didn't remember her. She kept the secret within her.

Taking a shower had been something worth the books as well. She didn't realize how much blood caked onto skin, or the murderous onslaught of bruising around the bullet holes in her body. A couple in her shoulders, a few just ventral of some major organs, and one straight through her thigh. She frowned at that one, recalling the bastard who had put it in her. Remembering the fight at the Vet Hospital instilled a reverie of rage within her, mostly laced with frustration, but as well of a prideful meritoriousness. She had killed that man, at the head of it all, with bullets of her own volition. Letting the water run over her, she frowned at how good it made her feel that she had done that. Scrubbing viciously with some scentless soap, she reminded herself that he was evil. Evil deserved death. That was all.

Three days following, Penny was delighted at the company made at the air-force base. Her eyes oft wandered outdoors, to the winter nightmare outside-- thankful that she wasn't laying on the side of the road with Woofus as she had been only a few weeks ago. Speaking of, Woofus had taken quite nicely to the children (and mostly everyone) at the base. He made friends with Billie and Anna, who played a cross species version of tag where Woofus nearly steamrolled over the children when he was it. They giggled no less, even in the tangle of limbs and paws. Woofus also found quiet company in Rida, the base's resident gardener. She was a kind woman, and made Penny think of her own late grandmother a bit. Evenings where she didn't haunt corners to garner some sort of training, or close herself up in a distant room to keep her skills apt, she latched onto Rida's tail. Blonde and dog were usually found in their spare time helping tend to the garden. It was a beautiful thing, with home-grown food that Penny hadn't seen in years.

She'd also taken time to converse with other members of their group, keeping ties tight, as well as some of the others. The most entertaining, she had found, was Dave Furlow. The main had rung many bells in her mind, and his face was definitely familiar, but it was only when he recognized her own name that it finally clicked.

"Vale, hm? Not coincidentally related to fallen stars James and Heather Vale are you?" Dave had asked on one occasion, swinging up his legs to rest on the bench seats next to him. Penny had stiffened, but reluctantly engaged in the conversation.

"Yeah, they're... those were my parents. How do you know--?"

"Dave Furlow, ring a bell? Furlow Robotics?"

"Oh... OH! Yeah, Furlow!"

"Honestly, I've fallen far so I don't blame you for forgetting. You're forgiven, Vale," he said as he puffed a fat cigar between his lips and grinned at her. Leaning forward, Dave gestured with the cigar now between his fingers. "You know, I went to one of your mother's art shows... one of the early ones. You might have been three or four, maybe. My dad was the head of the company at that point, and had been one hell of a fan of your mother's work. He raved about her art, and her beauty, the entire car ride there."

Penny clenched her fists, nodding along to the story. Dave's eyes flickered to her hands. He leaned back and took another puff from the cigar. Breathing it out away from her face, he gave her a small smile. "Great to know that the family didn't die out. You all had a lot of potential, and here you are now. Fighting. That's pretty fucking spectacular, kid."

Although she had resonated strongly with Rida, and helping out with the garden and remaining entirely passive, Penny knew she couldn't sit around while others went out into the wild, open, winter to face whatever was out there. Things were fairly tight lipped, but she figured that may have been to dispel any fear from those who didn't have the job of worrying about offenders from the outside. She needed to be out there, helping. It was what she did best.

She woke up fairly early, her internal clock disturbed by a constant cycle in the past of waking and sleeping to stay on watch. Given the chance to sleep in, and get some rest, her body rejected that notion to instead sleep deeply. Doing the rounds, and actually cleaning herself up as a new habit, Penny wandered back to the barracks in order to wake up Nik. Her finger nudged his cheek, jaw cracked open a few inches. She narrowed her eyes, leaning in and poking the rest of his face. He snored unceremoniously, clearly deep in his sleep and enjoying it. Penny rolled her eyes and shifted the sleeping man. Nik gave a loud snort, capturing some of the drool that had already spilled from his mouth.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey... it's way past wake up time," Penny cooed, patting her friend's clean shaven face. It was nice to see him clean again, giving her fragmented ghost memories of their past together. "You can't lay in bed all day."

[div class="TinyLines"][/div] Interacting: BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda | Mentioned: Nik, Davie | Located: McGuire AF Base (Barracks) [div class="TinyLines" style="margin-bottom:0px;"][/div]
[/div] [/div]
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[class=biggier] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whutr]background: url(https://i.redd.it/o6cwkyrbyvy01.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; padding:30px; [/class] [class=pertyr] background: #f6f3ea; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #342427; flex: 1; font-weight:400; border: 1px dotted #d68b5e; font-size:13px; [/class] [class=speaksr] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 40%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=bluer] background: #f6f3ea; padding: 10px; width:auto; [/class] [class=speakstoor] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px dotted #d68b5e; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; background-color: #fefefb; color: #3d1d22; line-height:1.7; letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight:400; padding:30px; max-height:400px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasyr] font-weight:400; border: 1px solid #024e4f; outline: 1px solid #fbf4f9; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#fbf4f9;[/class] [class=speakeasy2r] background: #fefefb; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #342427; border: 1px dotted #d68b5e; [/class] [class=topsr] font-weight:800; background-color: #f6f3ea; clear:both; color: #c33a15; border: 1px dotted #d68b5e; box-sizing: border-box; font-size:26px; word-spacing:3px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:15px; width:100%; [/class] [class name=pertyr maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=speakstoor maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=biggier maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speaksr maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class][div class=whutr][div class=biggier]
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[div class=speakeasy2r]LOCATION — McGuire AF Base
OOC — cinnabuns cinnabuns (Namri), BELIAL. BELIAL. (Penny) Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater (Allea), Elliot (Snake) [open, approach da franks if ya wants] (just assume these are different days or whatever, also Cin if this isn't okay let me know, we talked bout this)
[div class=speaksr][div class=topsr]
my girl.png
Franklin "Frankie" Austin Hibbard
[div class=bluer][div class=speakstoor]Frankie had spent the past three days pattering around, as she often did, making and making do. The fire-cracker was a simmering coil of red fern against the backdrop, now if only she could figure out how to extend her roots to all the new and green.

She had tried with Namrata, bumping into her in the gardens where she helped Rida with her work sometimes. The other woman had asked her how she salted her jerky, noticing the bumpkin was chewing it as she walked, cheek puffed out, watering the plants and digging new holes for new green things.

This made Frankie stop at the time, chewing slowly, shaking her head as she dug and watered, mud on her boots and gardening gloves. Trying to find the words for the delicate and intuitive art of making smoked and jerkied meats.

It took a while, but Namri had been patient with her, and eventually, in her cobbled-together native tongue, she got it all out. It felt like a real milestone for the woodland girl, because it truly was.

"It'sa...uh...ya' slice m' thin'n all thems meats's...leave wit' ice'n fridge it. Then ya' gets the racks an' heat em, gotta marin—mara...mara-nayd em. Then ya, uh..." she had paused, her boot on the top of the shovel, face flush.

"Gotta' make sures th'heat's low. Checkin' all the time, leave 'em there, then smoke'm after...don—doncha knows it." Frankie bristled as Rida's eyes fell on her, but it was a gentle sweep, like a warm sun. The fiery-haired girl stuttered a bit, then tried once more.

"...I...could show ya' later...mebbe'?" This was how Namrata and Frankie met. The bumpkin had watched as she had worked in the gardens, looking on with her crystal-blue eyes trying to understand just what she was doing. Earthy important stuff, she thought. That was something she liked a lot.

She liked it enough to let her guard down, and let her smile come out like the dawn's sun cresting over the pine peaks.

☮ ☮ ☮​

At some point during the past three days, she had managed to run into the tall blond man who had given her a gentle smile from before. She had grimaced somethin' fierce then stole away into her golden yarns, and finished the scarf for Chantie. But he had found her again, and offered her...sardines.

Like presenting something holy to her, he held the silver can up, going slowly, and peeled back the metal with a scrape. Her eyes shined and went wide, but she flustered again in sunset reds.

He had managed to keep them, he explained, even after some raiders "stuck their stupid fuckin' noses into my business". She loved sardines, they stayed good fer a long time, even if they were messy as all hell. Her grin broke the stars, she took the fish to break her silence, and gave him jerky in return.

She hoped it was an okay trade.

The others had made various impressions on the forest-girl, but she still struggled.

Never the chirping red cardinal she wanted to be. Not like Declan, certainly not like Elliot—who made her roll her eyes and grunt in irritation more often than not—with his courtship of anything that had two legs to stand on. Not like Marcus neither, who barked a lot like one of them loud dogs she'd known in her old hometown. Bark, bark...bark.

The pressure of making small talk wasn't something she quite knew how to do. With Harry, it was easy, she felt like she was slipping on a pair of comfy, trustworthy leather boots that would never steer her wrong. The others felt like all sorts of new flickers of firefly-light, but not in the way that was awe-makin'.

More like she didn't know where she was and stumbled into a black night, fumbling around with her yarn, caught in it to tussle, as the lights danced around her. But that hadn't stopped her from knitting, and trying to make things for these newcomers, even if she couldn't speak much to 'em.

Approaching a blond woman in the barracks, who she knew to be named Penny at this point, though the blond guy had been calling her 'Coin' and other weird stuff like 'Pennysworth', she shot out her hand. More mittens, more hats, more scarves. Mostly scarves, as she saw some were wearing gloves anyways.

"S'...n........ferthesnowssoyadon' ...catch'a cold n' mebbe'......uh." She was trying, painfully hard, and it colored her cheeks cardinal. She wished she was spring-green and cheery, sunny yellow like some of the others, but it wasn't somethin' that came natural for her.

She instantly shaded past fern-red and into fire colors, like some kind of too-hot sunrise over the cloudy mountain tops.

☮ ☮ ☮​

Back making her rounds, Frankie pattered to a group of the others, hiding behind her yarns but peeking above to look on.

Elliot had tried to sidle up beside the one she had found was named Allea. He was tryin' to walk that line, and Frankie grumbled at his advances. He was a homewrecker. He had done this sidlin' thing like a snake moving through any gawdamn patch of grass he saw. She'da stomped that snake.

But...he had also asked her for somethin' warm, so she wasn't about to let him down with the only skill that really let her talk to anyone. Besides making jerkies and the like.

"No need for the hostility, baby, was only saying hello."
"Say it elsewhere." Frankie began to laugh at the woman's response to the snake, very low at first, then a guffaw. Absolutely a 'HAW HAW' and not at all something demure and small. She shot out a goofy, gap-toothed smile but then it fell away like snow on hot glass when she realized how loud she was being.

"....s.........ngh....ugh," she grumbled and tossed the blond snake a scarf.

That was the end of her attempts at socializing at the moment. She promptly ducked away, in more of a hunched waddle, thinking about long-line trees and big crystal lakes. She wished the snow would let up so she could go hunting, steel her breath and feel her pulse as she lined up the shot.

Zero in, moments of clarity and focus, making do and making. More jerkies to make for the others, more things she could give in place of the words that failed her, always.

But it was just too gawdamn cold.

[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(https://i.postimg.cc/sXp0bHkP/snows.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #ced8e2; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 40%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #ced8e2; padding: 10px; width:auto; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; background-color: #eff0f2; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:800px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=whut maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]


[div class=speakeasy2]Niklas Liam Voss Sleeps In Often
LOCATION — McGuire AF Base [Barracks] > McGuire AF Base [Laundry Room]
TAGS — Pre-skip: Namri, Harry. BELIAL. BELIAL. (Pennysworth), Beleth Beleth (Edana, Rufus).
OTHER— Since Hell Mom said Rhys would be up earlier, I guess it's Nik sleeping like a dork. He's going to the laundry, come with or stay, but at least it gets people moving and there's an in to spot him IDK what I'm doing.
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
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"For nerves? Yes, I do. No Valerian, however, but I have an idea on where to get it. Please stand by." Nik had been at a loss, eyes downcast, because Rufus had needed help then and there and there wasn't anything he could do about it. The blond ground his teeth down into his cigarette and let out a sharp payne's gray exhale.

"Standing by, ученыичка," he ended his sentence on a flash of a smile. He trusted she'd take care of this, she seemed the responsible type. But that smile was a mute, frail thing, in the face of the bullshit they had just been forced to step into. It dissolved like pigments in a steel barrel of lacquer.

Cigarette to lips, a curl of the smile like a too-fast calligrapher's mark, Niklas' mouth was war. Thinly veiled war. The smoke fought through his mouth and filled his throat with taste well enough to make him almost forget just how much he found Marcus distasteful. Almost being the key word.

Marcus left them all the same after Edana shot out her words in finality. Nik caught her jarring resolution in clips of colors, she was stained in the same war his smile held. Despite being so small, and fragile looking, she stood out against the rest in polychromes. Not so much a Nightmare as she was a natural born leader.

"This here's the usual way to the barracks from the main buildin'. These doors here are leadin' to the washrooms for mens and ladies, left and right respectively. This bad boy is the barracks. Beds ain't separated on account of private parts, we jus lumped 'em all togetha."

He sidled to the side as Harry walked them onward, severe brows knit and a thousand little deaths playing microscopic mind movies behind his eyelids with each blink. If the others knew what lived beneath the surface, they'd think he was less than the bleary summer they thought he was. He compensated by being happy. Violently so.

"On account of the tightness', we gon be needin to squeeze y'all up in here. Shouldn't be too muchofa problem. If y'all got any questions, I'll be back in the main buildin'. Feel free to be askin' me anythin, ya hear?"

"Thanks," was all the blond said, finally cooling off as they walked, gait fluid and shoulders less taut. He second-guessed his curtness yet again and offered a smile, as glimmered as he could muster but still toned in yellows. Some of the citizens of the base had definitely made a less than savory impression.

The showers piqued his interest, however. He was sure all of them smelled worse than a New York alley-way's signature repulsion, and he would kill for some hot water. Last time he had taken a proper shower, the cold had hit him like one thousand little needles.

His deep blue eyes flashed a brighter sort, cerulean like a sky more hopeful. Niklas locked eyes with the whitelighter as if to say 'thank fucking God'. They had a proper place to stay for once. That melted every umber and swiped it clean with a jagging palette knife, and Nik was off.

Exploring the base—what was allowed, of course—mulling around the barracks, and finally relaxing into hot water as the dayglow started to give way to a frostbitten night.
The little red bird was a wonder for the blond, something about her calling back to the time of before. Whether it was the goofy smile he'd see in a flash when he'd find time to crack a joke, or the way she waddled around like she was too small in her skin, he couldn't say.

As skittish as she was, he still offered her food. Sardines, in a loud, silvered can. The light in her eyes was priceless for him. It felt like when he had spun around with the little Nightmare Girl on the carts. There was a joy here, even as he peeled open the can and she looked on, eyes edging down as if she was trying not to appear interested.

She gave him some of her jerky as a trade, they exchanged names and not much else, and she scampered off. The jerky had soon become his favorite snack.

The only downside he had found so far to their arrangement—working for room and board—was the lack of space and privacy. There were assorted cots, all lined up in perfect little pews. Some were bunk beds, and Nik had raised a brow at the concept of...bunking. Bunk beds were for children, college students in dorms, and people without other halves they wanted to keep close.

For him, he worried that whatever bullshit pulled Rhys' strings would claim him in sleep. Descend upon him and change him into something, because the blond wasn't there when he was most vulnerable. An irrational thought, but for all that had happened, he didn't think it was beyond the realm of possibility.

Since that wouldn't do, he stood with his arms crossed and surveyed the several flat cots that were far too small for two very grown, very tall men to jumble onto.

They'd try anyways, but sadly Rhys would have to deal—for three whole days no less—with Nik clinging to him like a barnacle, snoring, and drooling. You never know how much you truly care until you get a face full of elbow or a knee in your gut as you sleep, and don't elbow and knee the other person in turn. You also never know how much you truly care until someone's snore is bellowing into your ear and chainsawing the air, dauntlessly.

He'd sneak in a drowsy declaration of love, then plant himself like an urchin on a rock. Sleep came as a gentle fog, no nightmares to be seen, his eyes dragging as he looked on at the others from his human-heap and tried the impossible task of getting comfortable. Wielding away limbs and negotiating space, but, at least they had a bed to sleep in.
Still trying to commit everything to memory, because at some point, that would be all he had.


Mornings came and went in the blink of an eye. The part-time devil had taken to sleeping in, because this was a fine luxury he hadn't had in years. Wrapped beneath blankets, not particularly soft but nicer than much of what he'd had before, a proper pillow, also not soft...but beggars can't be choosers. He was sure he needed to make himself more useful, but the call of sleep, naps, food, and showers was really just too good to pass up.

Rhys had left earlier, because leaders had to lead, and the blond asshole tended to forego all major responsibilities for the sake of getting just one good, solid night of sleep in.

It felt like a calm before the storm, though he wished he could've kept that glimmer longer.

He felt the vague, muddled sensation of his face being prodded with a finger. Then, someone trying to rouse him, but he grumbled and shifted away, limbs sprawling and blankets making a cocoon around his face as much as he could muster.

"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey... it's way past wake up time," The cellophane of a vacation in the Bahamas was melting at the corners, brown and black burn marks through the dream he was trying to hang onto. Penny had been there, knocking back overclocked piña coladas, Rhys and his rum-filled antics, Alaska grappling with Kayden so he wouldn't take it hostage and cause an international incident. James had his shades on and was taking a nap.

The others were there, he remembered Edana asking David in a clearly irate tone, if he was baking inside his armor.

He had caught Rufus on the edges of that dream, eating those ancient grandma cookies he had shared, and strangely enough Reverie was sunbathing with one of those obnoxious foil contraptions. She looked like she had stepped out of a fashion magazine.

It felt right and good as the bright blue seas had lapped against pale sands. Birds had scrawled out their warbling screeds, dipping across the sky like brush strokes in white, black, and gray. He smelled the salty air, he felt the sand beneath his feet. Namri was studying a small gaggle of eels stuck between a cove of rocks. He did not want to wake up.

"You can't lay in bed all day." The film reel slipped. He shot open one eye like a stray bullet, rearing it around to locate the source of the what had fractured his slice of heaven.

His eye moved in a lidded-glare, his hair tussled between his fingers, and he let out a deep grumble. All the panes of light had doppled away and reality was left behind. No more vacations in the Bahamas now that the crappocalypse had sucked the marrow of the world until it was bone dry and broken.

But who he saw from his blurred gaze melted away whatever morning crabbiness would've crept in. Penny was perched above him, fettering to grace his face with a pat, cooing.

"...Pennsylvania.." he said through a sleep-filled mouth, grumbling, "What...time is it?" he asked, cocking one eye open again to look over her pleasant features. She looked well rested enough, which warmed his heart enough to bristle a lazy smile across his face.

Finally relinquishing to rouse himself, hay-colored hair strewn all over his head as if in a wind tunnel, he stretched his arms to the sky and heard a pop.

"Fuck me, I'm getting too fuckin' old..." he mused out from the tail-end of a scrawled yawn, eyes dream-struck and mouth desert dry. He snagged the water bottle James had gotten him as a joke from the floor near the bed and downed some of it, wiping his mouth on the corner of his shirt sleeve.

Nik remembered in that drowsy moment that Rufus had more or less been laying prostrate for the past few days, with Edana keeping watch. She was wise and attentive beyond her years, which made him feel as blessed as an afflicted could surely feel.

The blond dragged a lazy blue gaze across to where Edana was perched. Rufus was up, a smile cracked across Nik's face for a moment like a flash of white lightning.

"Glad to see Sleeping Beauty's up," he said with a chuckle, eyes flitting between Rufus and Edana. He had slept for a long time. Hopefully it had been restful, and hopefully Namri would bring back with some Valerian to set him right.

He yawned, deep and breathy, before wielding around to snag Penny by the elbow and hold her in his arms. The sage and rosewater scents of the blessed beauty stung his skin, licked pain over his features like a poison, but he'd withstand any pains to be near her. She was his light in the dark. He was thankful to whatever old shitty dickhead lived in the sky that he had found her again.

What were the odds? Slim to none. He shifted her away to stand and flex, a morning ritual of trying to get his blood flowing while his mind worked to clamor towards some functional semblance of coherent thought.

Stooping down to rummage through the bag Rhys had gifted him, Nik hummed under his breath. There was the cold metal gun Ryan had offered as gift, that he really needed to learn how to shoot properly. He had tried to train a bit, they had a moderate shooting range, but he was still stalling at it.

For now, however, he had a moment of peace. The anxiety of trying to figure out how to not kill someone with projectiles could wait.

Nik found one of the pockets of the bag open and sneered, running his hand over his newly shaven face as he perched on the balls of his feet. It scrawled over his mouth, then his eyes, to rub weary whatever sleep had lingered like a wraith.

"Who's been in my shit?" he said more or less rhetorically, voice laced acrid and gravely. He found within the small front pocket a package of cigarettes. Declan had returned some of them, apparently. He'd taken half, perhaps as a peace offering for Marcus' bullshit. It struck him as uncharacteristically courteous.

"Declan, you fuckin' dingus..." he said low in the throat, with a half-smile sliding across his face. He didn't have the bristled hate he felt come off of the others for the man. He liked the dudeisms, and he felt bad for playing his trump card. It was a cruel thing, that. Even winding through Chantel's barriers had been cruel, but not in the same way. He only hoped he hadn't given the other man some kind of false hope.

The thought made him chew his lip, blood flushing to the surface as his teeth ground it rosey.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he resumed his morning routine, eyes darting over Penny's features. Cigarette to lips, clear blue lighter struck, the blond's face was colored in orange ochre and lemon-yellow for a fleck of time. It surged in blood-red lights as he inhaled and leaned forward. He almost ashed it on the floor, but hesitated at the last moment.

He had taken to putting the corpses of his cigarettes into a small metal tin originally made for mints. Chantel had bitched at him for his careless litterings, like he were some sort of childish volcano. He had agreed with her, and now the ash went right in the red, white and silver tin. Altoids.

"I'm off on laundry duty. Have anything you want run through the wash?" he asked, almost flicking ash on the scuffed floor, but taking Chantel's thin, dire hisses seriously. "I'm...going that way anyways...", the blond tapped the white paper against the tin and expelled smoke from his nose in a ribbon of gray, "...so..." he lingered, raising his hands in an impatient, comical gesture.

Truthfully, he just wanted to pull on a nice warm shirt fresh out of the dryer, as though he had never had one before. Child-like glee in his eyes, warm, fresh clothing. If the others were getting as much of a kick out of this place, he couldn't say. But he didn't quite care, honestly, if they accepted the hospitality or not.

He did, and he was grateful.

The red Craftsman shirt he had cleaved from Lowe's absolutely had to go (paint smears), but the joggers were fine enough to stay on his person. He carried out what little he had in his arms and passed by the others, a smile plastered on his face. If they wanted to pitter around and do their own load of laundry, saddle him with the duty, or break off to hunker down in the cafeteria, that was their prerogative.

In any case, he made his way there, it was a short walk, laundry clasped within his arms, sleep still inkling over his features.

Standing in his joggers with his tree-lined and name-scrawled tattoos on display, he waited in front of the machine. It buzzed, almost merrily, he thought, and worked hard to get the paint he had so carelessly blotched off of his things.

The blond looked down at his hands, then his arms. He was getting skinny, but now that they had a place to rest and more food, he hoped he'd be able to put some meat back on his bones. Certainly not as slim as Edana, whose frail frame made him worry his lip further.

He had so many memories etched over himself like a tapestry, mired of course by the scars from prior battles up his arms like he had gotten into a fight with a sack full of knives. These names would stay with him always, even if he couldn't make them out anymore. Penny's name, directly on the deltoid, had been largely untouched by the trappings of war.

Niklas had laundry privileges, and he coveted them. He had paid the inhabitants back by not only agreeing to help on scouting missions, but also cleaning. Yes, he cleaned. Struck on his knees, scrubbing surfaces, wheeling around buckets with a mop. He agreed to do the last thing on earth he wanted to, just so he could pull on a freshly warmed shirt and let the heat ebb into his skin whenever he wanted.

Leaning against the machine, he smiled, eyes crinkling. Mouth a stroke of a grin, honey-warm, dulcet and care-free. He whistled to himself a song from an older time, something from a club he had been partial to.

Despite Marcus' barking, and despite his extra chores, he was enjoying himself. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and hoped, beyond all hopes, that this peace would stick.

All good things, however, always come to an end.
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Reverie Lowiezka

LOCATION — McGuire Airforce Base > Laundry Room
INTERACTIONS BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
MENTIONS— Allea, Rhys Witherfork, Marcus Shiftface, Airforce Guppies . It's so hard to be mean T.T
DESC. — Hair unfettered, Black dress, tights, black heeled ankle boots.
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❖ ❖​

The feeling of trepidation trailed after their group and seemed to grow ever deeper, like an indellible stain on Reverie's conscious. It was not one felt by the spirit of her powers, but down in the gut. Weighing heavily on her mind, an overly honed instinct of one who was used to relying on no one but herself, even before hell broke loose. Too many people, too many unknowns. It was literally the devil's playground. It did not help that she had caught Allea's transfixion on a particularly empty roadside and the shifts in body language as if she were interacting with someone unseen. Allea was a necromancer, that much she knew. And so it did not take long for the White Witch to realise her occasional bouts of cursing and snide remarks weren't simple monologues but had been made to an entity. Once she knew what to look for, it was then that she could sense Mordecai's presence; though of course she did not yet know his name. It did not bother her, as her own protective charms did not so much as react, indicating that the spirit was at the very least not of malevolent intentions. But whatever it was that Allea saw, only served to strengthen the brunette's bias that they should be as far away from this place and the godforsaken snow as possible.

Every new face that passed them by was a red-eye in disguise. Reverie couldn't help it. The memory of her harrowing experience fleeing a fallen New York with Desmond early into the first apocalyptic year was still fresh as if it were yesterday. Oh, she'd remembered. She remembered everything. The Red Mist... Desmond had called it, shivering uncontrollably in each other's arms, covered in splatters of vermilion and gore as they both huddled like frightened children in a metal locker. Each trying to hush the other, their terrified whimpers resounding all too loud like a beacon drawing the savage hellspawn to their hideaway. People weren't much of a scarcity back then, not immediately after that is. Racing out of the crumbling city on her erstwhile partner's bike, they'd quickly run into herds of other people doing the same. And like the sheep they were, mankind resorted to forming small communities. They thought they'd found strength in numbers. Cause what better way to face the hellish unknown than with a bunch of other people as clueless as you isn't it? Their first 'community' lasted a couple of months. Just long enough to lull them into a sense of security, to start thinking that they finally could start anew again. A slightly different reality, but the same status quo. More and more survivors dropped by. Until they finally let the wrong one in.

They were like delicious morsels of delicate cuisine laid out on a buffet table for the Red Eye. She remembered the mess hall erupting in fountains of blood as flesh and sinew were torn apart like minced meat in a blender. It was surreal, almost like watching a macabre artist paint the walls and floors with brilliants shades of people. The Red Mist. They'd survived the ordeal, but she lost him later on anyway. Now here she was, back in what seemed to be the largest gathering of humans in one spot all over again.

"There sure is a fuck ton of them." She blinked. Reality seemed to find the most opportune moments to taunt her.

Reverie had been too distracted by her own inner musings that she hadn't registered the imposing figure walking their way. A large man with an almost cocky set to his broad shoulders. It reminded her of Grigs, minus the subdued haunted look that seemed to overcast the ex-military man's eyes. This Marcus (as she found out later) was younger, louder, and from the way he ran his tongue, overly foolish. She saw through his bluff immediately and knew they were in no immediate danger. Only the crazies would carry out real threats with their young in tow. She'd noticed the little girl by the wayside, and the only concern her 'father' seemed to have was that she might have her pure eardrums soiled by the dirt coming out from their leader's mouth. He might look like a 200-pound block of pure muscle overdosed on testosterone, but he certainly was not a Crazy. Reverie crossed her arms as she stared at the man, thoroughly unimpressed.

"We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors. Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies. My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit..-"

She didn't hear the rest, on account of the sudden rise of emotion she'd long forgotten she could ever feel rising in her chest. Was it anger? Confusion? Betrayal?

"I didn't..-" But her voice faltered and someone else had beat her to it with a retort of their own. It didn't matter. A flashback of what went on back outside flittered before her eyes. Rhys confronting Chantel at the gates, then Nik rushing out to placate their assailants. There was a fairly long exchange between them. Stuck at the back in her jeep, she obviously couldn't hear a thing. Now she knew. She'd let her guard down and then she'd been sold out. A small part of her was trying to reason with the growing fury in her mind. It wasn't as if they'd been volunteered as a sacrifice. But the woman had a certain pride within her. A pride that had taken a huge dent when someone else had offered her out to do something she rarely gave.

But it was probably something he said to get them out of a tense situation. Right? They didn't know these people, the blizzard was-" The witch muted the argument before it went further. She was done giving excuses. Nik and to a certain extent, Rhys, had all the time in the world to explain themselves and what they had done for the group, instead they acted like self-entitled pricks and simply assumed that everyone would go with whatever they said. Even if it involved offering out others to be at the mercy of asshats like Marcus. The only thing that kept the witch from storming back out into the snowstorm was shame at herself for letting this happen to her, and the survivalist within that knew she had to sit through this predicament, whether she liked it or not. And so Reverie hung back, biting her tongue and suddenly feeling like the fools she had once looked down upon for being too trusting.

At the very least, she did not seem to be the only one to be in disagreement as Allea herself spoke up in snide retort to Marcus. But unlike Reverie, the Necromancer's ire seemed to be directed at the stranger, instead of the one who had gotten her in this position in the first place. Frigid eyes narrowed at the blonde man, the one who had the gall to look annoyed at the mistreatment by Mr. Dickhead when he himself had allowed them all to be put into this by his own careless words.

The rest of the confrontation played out pretty much like how she'd expected it to be. True to her initial assessment Marcus continued to prove himself to be a bigger dickhead that he seemed to be, and of course, his threats turned out to be nothing much more than hot air. The only thing that surprised her, was Rufus' near breakdown. The Brit seeming to cave under the slightest pressure so much so that Reverie looked on him with a mixture of pity and wonder; how had he survived for two whole years in such an unforgiving world was beyond her.

❖ ❖​

The next couple of days could not have passed any quicker. And though the White Witch played her part grudgingly, she'd reverted back to her former state of keeping largely to herself. Nevertheless, their living quarters did not allow for much privacy and so she'd suffered through seeing their usual daily necessaries. Stuff she had once grown accustomed to now seemed more like an eyesore than anything else. The irony was that she relished the opportunity to head out on guard duty or to tend to the herb houses with Rida. It made it easy to be her old self again. But as it was, there was only so much she could do to avoid him.

She'd just finished her guard duty into the wee hours of the morning; a shift she'd accepted because she couldn't stand the annoying snoring that was louder than a drunk revenant stumbling through a music store. The fact that she did not need much sleep but was still sleep deprived spoke volumes of the state her frayed nerves were in. So it was that when he suddenly stepped into the laundry room all cheery as she was about done with her own cleaning, she knew she couldn't walk past him without uttering something she might regret.

Shielded from view by some shelving as she knelt by the frontloaded dryer carefully folding her clothes, she willed him to load up and go away. But he didn't. And there was only so many ways you could fold your last piece of clothing before it started getting ridiculous. Letting out a sigh, she gathered her belongings and made to head out.

Don't even look at him, just walk!

To her credit, Reverie did her best not to look, but the annoying whistling began, and it snapped a nerve. Whirling on the blonde she wished he hadn't chosen that moment to have that bovine smile painting his face, cause it only made her all the more irate. Two nights worth of simmering boiled to the surface in an instant.

"At least someone seems to enjoy their nights... You know, you could've at least told us you were going to sell us out as slaves before we heard it from that asshole. Then I could've knocked that silly grin off your face and not have to deal with it now." Her voice was almost flat when she spoke, though there was more than a tinge of frustration rather than an actual threat. If he'd said nothing in response, the witch would've turned and stormed out the room. As it were, she stood with an armful of laundry glowering at the blue-eyed boy, taking a deep shuddering breath from letting out the pent up steam.

OOC: Sorry my writing feels so rushed! Had to get one out before I allow myself to procrastinate further...:<
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Elijah Blackwood
Location: Airforce Base
Mentions: Pretty much everyone
Interactions: Feel free
OCC: This is feeling a bit rushed, I know, I got carried away trying to prep for the interview.

Elijah stood quietly amongst the others, as Rhys and Nik tried to handle things to gain some shelter in the Airforce Base from the upcoming storm. He said nothing, as he waited patiently and followed without hesitation into the base. It was probably for the best. He wasn't terrible in these situations, he just figured since he was new, he wasn't the first decision to try to do something that would be for the rest of the group. He wasn't in a position to know the group well, nor decide their needs.
Amara, however, wasn't so willing or silent in this whole scene. He tried holding her hand and being there, but that didn't stop her from growing antsy and a bit mouthy through it all. She seemed to have a lot of unnecessary comments, no matter how sassy or funny. He squeezed her hand when things grew too much, but he knew her reasons. This place did seem a little too good to be true, but it was shelter and whether anyone liked it or not, they needed to behave in order to stay, including Amara.
Finally, after like an hour, they seemed to have cut a deal with the Airforce leader, Marcus. He agreed to let everyone stay on terms that they work and play nicely with those here before them. For him, that wasn't much of a problem. Only if his protectiveness got in the way if he found someone, mainly dudes, trying his baby sister. The other slight problem for him would be having to keep an eye on his darling sister. She tends to have an attitude, sass and can be quite defensive. One wrong words from the residents and they were lucky to have a tongue.
Wordlessly, Elijah followed the rest of the group as they took the tour of the Airforce Base, to know the basics on where everything is, taking note of everything. When it came to the barracks, after a brief stop to discuss showers, it didn't mind the situation of males and female together. Yes, there was the lack of privacy, but it wasn't like it was any different from the RV. It was just going to be different since there were a lot more strangers then usual.
Three days went by, and the blizzards and outdoor conditions still kept them here, but for some reason, it wasn't too much of a bother to him. So far, it seemed like this was the longest his sister and him stayed in one place since the world started to literally end. . They had access to constant running water, food, places to sleep, etc. All they had to do was work for it. Like life was.....normal. With his stay, he almost forgotten what was really going on in the outside world in these short three days. He actually slept well, without having to worrying about monsters or raiders. It gave him an inner peace.
Waking up on another fine morning, as the light shined in the barracks, he move to shower and get ready for another day for his shift with the other guards. As far as he remembered, Ed, Daisy, Theta and himself were all guards. The rest of the group was chosen for other roles. Amara, for instance, was a scout, not that he remembered what that was. He wasn't even sure if Amara completely figured out what a scout actually does. To him, it sounded similar to guards, except they got to move from place to place. Who knows. He just hoped Amara wouldn't cause too many casualties.
Once he was showered and dressed for his shift, he made his way to the cafeteria where he got in line for his food. He kept it simple with some eggs, bacon and two slices of toast. It wasn't a whole lot, but it would keep him full and give him the energy he needs to go throughout his day, or at least until lunch. He sat down, at a nearby table and began to eat. Not long after, Amara came over with pancakes. All he could do was smile.
"What?" she asked, rather a bit harshly, but not too harsh since it was him. It was mainly out of having no energy to deal with people in the morning.
"Pancakes?" he questioned, with an eyebrow raised and a gesture to her plate with his fork.
"Don't judge."
"I'm not."
"Are too. I just wanted pancakes cause I haven't had them in a while," she snapped. With that, Elijah just raised his hands in the air, fork in one hand, fork in one hand and a look or giving up. He just looked back down at his plate and finished his food. Soon after, with some food in Amara's stomach, along with some caffeine in her veins, they had a more pleasant conversation, up until Elijah had to make it known that they would have to leave soon to do their duties to the base.

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(and a little of the Edster)

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Interactions: BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda BELIAL. BELIAL.
Location: Base
Mentions: Rhys, Penny, Nik, Frankie
OOC: I get it's a bit short, figured I'd send somethin' out

Edana watched as Penny strolled over to wake Niklas up. He stirred, murmured and gestured for her to leave him be in his sleep (at least that’s what she took the grumbles were for…). It has been several days since the concept was ever heard of, much less considered and he was being tussled. Otherwise he had gotten up relatively easily, gurgling something about the time before commencing into some morning conversation.

"You can't lay in bed all day."

Had that been her being woken up from weeks of sleepless nights and survival pangs only to be told she can’t lie in bed …

The blood witch shook her rising tension off. This was not even her conversation. It was between them two. Beach Dad took it well. He must have been used to being interrupted. Sleeping.. his time with Rhys ... his time alone… the possibilities were endless. Nevertheless he was far too accepting of being told to get up after an exhaustive sleep.

"Fuck me, I'm getting too fuckin' old..."

“Good you’re all caught up.” Edana cracked a playful smirk in his direction, admitting to overhearing the conversation. She tossed him a spare water bottle that had been given to Rufus during his episode. Now that he was in an abyssal state between lulling off and forcing himself awake, the half drank bottle by the brit's beside should suffice. “Good morning to you both, by the way. A pleasure to see the dead have finally awaken.”

"Glad to see Sleeping Beauty's up,"

The goth shifted to face the brit, watching his cheeks pinkish a little bit at the sound of Nik’s voice. He needed more work if he wanted to get over this fussy little crush but it was far lighter than the first few times when the two had interacted. Rufus nodded once, the epilepsy fit now melted into a stiff neck. He felt as though his eyes were going to pop out of the back of his head and roll to his cheeks.
“Fanks, luv. Good t’be up. Fought tha’ wos tha’ end’o’it fer me,” managing a slight chuckle to ease up the discomfort.

“Yew lot sleep a’right? No black bark dogs comin’ in t’wake yew?” This time it was his turn to offer a lighthearted smirk. There was no way in hell he was going to get over Marcus’ demonstration on him. Lad might as well started stripping and reaffirm everyone that he wasn’t in fact, gay, with how much he was putting out. No straight mate would try as hard to be alpha as he did if he knew what he was doing; Rhys was a bendy lad and he was scarier than the kind of man Barcus dreamt to be.

His head tilted once Niklas embraced Penny into his arms. Had he been taking in her scent? Was Rhys aware of this intimate moment? Of course he wasn’t going to tell but it would have been one hell of a show to watch between the three. It would give him some inspiration to overcome his one-sided crush on the scruffy blonde. No way in hell was he going to compete with both Penny AND Rhys. That was just asking for suicide, mercifully speaking. Rufus could feel himself relax a bit at the sight, grabbing for a hardened pillow behind him. Just add some pissy people and he was back home.

Instead he thought about the bumbling country lassie that had been wandering around the halls all morning trying to communicate. Though he was in one place, the walls did echo off of one another. Seemed like she was trying to socialize and adjust to the new faces. Poor mate, she was probably frightened. As soon as he could feel his toes once more and attempt to recover from both the shock and the cold Rufus could make his way toward the female and introduce himself. A funny accent for a funny accent.

...Blimey it was cold. If he had not known better, the ice age had officially commenced and his frozen body decided to wake up when the lowest peak. Thanks nature. Was it possible for a man’s testicles to fall off in his sleep without knowing? Surely if it’s happened to the likes of Elliot it could sure happen to himself. And that scared the living fuck out of him.


a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process.

ze base​

nik, frankie, rida, rufus + edana
*shrug emoji*​


"For nerves? Yes, I do. No Valerian, however, but I have an idea on where to get it. Please stand by."

”Standing by, ученыичка.”

Namrata could tell in his smile that Nik was worried and she was, as well. Rufus had looked alright until they were at the military base; then the anxiety had hit him and she knew in her heart somehow that he needed valerian, like the solution was whispered into her ear, as if she was a child and another were sharing secrets. It was a strange feeling, but it settled after washing over her. Valerian. She felt like she knew where she needed to go. But first she would listen, would learn their new temporary home like the back of her hand so she wouldn’t miss a beat.

She’d aid Rufus.


Namrata watched and worked.

Namri watched as cigarettes and smoke came freely from so many members of her group. How the sticks were traded off like they held real value; she assumed it wasn’t just the fixation on nicotine but also the habit of smoking, the action itself, that brought those members somewhat of a relief. She felt gross at the thought of trying those on her own, but that only made her think of a solution. She could figure out a different way, maybe, to try smoking. She needed a sense of relief, too, because her brain was still running, still running, and she felt like she was on fumes.

She’d just have to make her version out of herbs, maybe.

She worked alongside Rida, who had been friendly from the get-go and had shown her around the garden, her garden. Rida prided herself on the way the area had grown, saying she’d started from just seeds and now it was luscious, green, vibrant. It was transfixing for Namri. She hadn’t seen such beautiful plants in years.

She listened, as Namri spoke to her, and she offered advice when Namri asked for it. Namri learned of her life before the gate opened, and she shared her story in turn.

It was Rida who had told her, wistfully as she remembered her past, that if Namri wanted, she could just roll up the valerian in a large dried mint leaf - or sage, she said, with mugwort, with her eyes glowing mischievously young - and smoke it that way. It had helped an old friend of Rida’s who had turned out to be a prophet, for their bad seizures. Of course, Namri thought. Rida was so wise and had so much knowledge to share.

Penny must have understood that, too, because she saw her around a bunch of times.

Namri had made friends with Anna, too, enjoying the girl’s fire-like spirit and how she reminded her of a younger Edana. Rida and Anna were like mother and daughter, and it brought a smile to Namri’s face to see a healthy relationship. It had been too long. She missed her own mother and father. She also missed...her mother, and her father.

She saw the two and wondered what her own relationship with her real mother would have been like. She wondered if she was as kind as her other parents had said. She wondered so much.

But here was the valerian Rufus needed, so she needed to focus her brain on a routine once more.

Then, she met Frankie.

The girl seemed to love to help. She found herself in Rida’s garden almost every day, and she caught Namri’s eye as she chewed on something. As the scientist grinded up the valerian with her mortar and pestle, she noticed the girl was chewing on jerkied meat.

It made her curious; the meat hadn’t seemed pre-packaged. That meant Frankie must have made it on her own. Which was...quite intriguing. Namri found herself wanting to know more about Frankie’s method, and she asked her, when her brain needed a break from figuring out the valerian elixir. She was almost there, but it still needed something. Frankie had stopped mid-chew, continuing to water the nearby plants as she found her words.

Namri didn’t mind waiting. She spent so much time rushing; it was good to wait, to slow down. Frankie wasn’t speaking too differently that she couldn’t understand; it just took Namri an extra second to run it through her brain. It worked out fine, and she knew what the girl was saying when she spoke.

"It'sa...uh...ya' slice m' thin'n all thems meats's...leave wit' ice'n fridge it. Then ya' gets the racks an' heat em, gotta marin—mara...mara-nayd em. Then ya, uh..."

Frankie looked nervous. Namri smiled as she tended to the plants alongside her, just as Rida had taught her when she’d first given her the tour of the greenery.

"Gotta' make sures th'heat's low. Checkin' all the time, leave 'em there, then smoke'm after...don—doncha knows it." Namri could feel Rida’s eyes on them, something warm, like a mother.

"...I...could show ya' later...mebbe'?"

“I would be thankful if you would!”

What a kind girl, with a kind smile.


“Namri, dear.”

Namri was cleaning the garden’s floors, sweeping away excess dirt when Rida spoke to her. She lifted her head with a soft smile. “Yes, Miss Rida?”

The woman’s eyes were full of thought and warmth, as they usually were.

“I was thinking of when you all move on from here.”

Namri didn’t answer at first, going back to sweeping as she waited for Rida to continue.

“Some of my plants are germinating, and I thought it might be helpful if you take some plants with you to help your family.”

Namrata stopped sweeping and looked into Rida’s eyes again.

“That’s…so smart.” She didn’t ask why, didn’t look this gift horse in the mouth, just asked the inevitable. “Did you need something from me in return?”

Rida had seemed sad she’d asked, then her eyes filled with understanding. That was the way things were, now, even in her own walls. The only reason her group had been invited in was to perform labor in exchange for a place to stay, so it made sense Namri asked that.

”Just to keep doing the work you’re doing, dear.” She finally said after a moment, gently placing her hand on Namri’s shoulder.

Namri resisted the urge to tense up, after everything.


Day three. Namri had taken multiple showers and done laundry and it was amazing. Her eyes were lit up again. She felt like herself.

Because she’d offered herself a break, Namrata was rewarded to the answer in what was missing for her formula for Rufus. For once, she didn't feel foolish for not immediately coming up with the answer. It came when it came, and she was thankful for that. She had been looking in her parents' journal and it was like she'd scanned over the right blank page in the book, because it once again came to her, once again like she was spending time with a younger friend of hers, like they were trading secrets out in a garden, whispered into her ear.

And so, the scientist went into Rufus’ room, a grin on her face.

“Rufus, Edana! Good to see you both.” Namri held up the drink for them to see. “This here,” she held out the elixir to Rufus, “should solve your problems for the moment. I apologize that it took me so long to figure out a solution for you. Please forgive me.”

Namri offered a guilty smile. It had taken longer than it should have to help Rufus. It was time she’d needed, however. She hoped he’d understand.

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14e39e102229f0a5898303520038.jpgNiylah Blake
Location: Lowes Home Improvement Store / McGuire AF Base
Interactions: Everyone XD
Out of character: I am sorry I am late... again :3

Everything went really quickly that night, they danced, sang songs, some people got really drunk... everyone was having fun. Niylah introduced herself to few more people, talked to people she already knew, thanked David again for his gift and by the end of the night she threw herself on a chair in a corner and thought she’d rest her eyes for few minutes, the next thing she knew it was morning. she stood up yawning and went around to look if anyone woke up yet.

The snow has stopped, and people were scattered everywhere doing random stuff. As she walked around she caught a few Word or two about hitting the road before the snow started again. ‘what about my car?’ Niylah thought to try and find the young girl who offered to take a look at her probably buried under snow car then she thought that it was best to check and see if she could move the car first. It won't be much of a use if it was fixed but stuck after all.

"Let's go, guys, the longer we wait, the easier it'll be for us all to die to a fuckin' snow storm. I'm not sure about any of you, but I'd rather not be dead again, thanks” she heard one of the people she met yesterday at the party say as she was heading towards her car... Rhys was his name.


“ piece of crap!” Niylah sighed kicking what she thought to be the car. White... everything was freaking White and she didn't know how to dig the car out, or even where to start from. After what seemed like forever, she finally managed to open the front door, took some of the things she thought were important to leave behind and locked the car... it was hidden well, and maybe she could come back later to grab the rest of her things.

By the time she went back, the cars were already out of snow and people were loading supplies into them. She wasn't the type to ask to tag along with anyone, but she felt that she didn't have any choice, and the group was alright really, some weird stuff was going on but nothing is not weird these days anyway. “ would you guys mind if I tag along? my car is buried in the snow and not very useful at the moment” she asked with a hand rubbing her head nervously. After getting a welcoming approval, she helped the others load what was left to the RVs and then taking one last look at her personal stuff that she pulled out of the snow-buried car, took a seat in one of the rovers.


The ride was nice and Niylah enjoyed not being the one driving for once, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was really cold so she took out her book and started reading to keep her mind busy, hoping that reading would make her forget about the cold and the snow outside. And it made her think, Niylah was never the winter type, her best weather was a spring day, not too cold, not too hot. Just a little warm sunshine with a soft cool breeze would make her the happiest person on earth.

It was a nice ride, everyone was busy doing something and Niylah was enjoying her time, reading a little then looking out the window somehow assuring herself that everything was fine.
"Wait, hey, hey, slow down even more...there—" Nik started speaking, She closed her book and looked out the window to where Nik was now pointing. She saw warning signs and then a fence. And then he pointed at another sign that said SURVIVORS THIS WAY. All Niylah could think about was wait..what? all this time on the road and she never saw something like this before. Sure, she met some groups who gathered up to keep each other safe, but none of them openly screamed Yo, we’re here come and get us!. At first, Niylah thought that it was a trap, it must have been a trap, or else it would’ve been guarded right? then as they went closer, she started thinking that maybe it was a safe gathering point and the guards were really good that she just couldn't see them. Any way she immediately checked that her gun was loaded as they stopped in front of what looked like an old military base. She always checked if her gun was loaded, but she never forgot that she was a crappy shooter. Something with her and guns, it's like the gun was there to scare whoever thought of attacking her, but her favorite weapon will always be a knife.

"The plan is....to knock....politely." Rhys said as some people came near the fence bringing Niylah back to reality, she spotted the red dots and tried to locate the snipers, her hand on her gun as a woman came closer and tapped on Rhys window, Niylah felt the tension in the car and the only thing she could think of that it was a trap they were all dead meat, well that was until the women spoke… "Give me one reason why I shouldn't have my boys tear you all apart?" she told Rhys and Niylah relaxed a little as Rhys started negotiating with the woman. Sure they were not safe at the moment but she but they were not dead meat.. yet.

"I don't know what fuckin' pit of hell you crawled out of lady, but I've got a kid in that RV. I've got people who don't deserve to freeze to death because some bitch wouldn't provide shelter for a night." Rhys was suddenly outside and yelling at the woman who was introduced as Chantie by another person who didn't seem to be armed. Nik following him 'What the hell was he thinking?' Niylah thought ready to point a gun at the women’s head if things went out of control yet not moving an inch. If any of the snipers noticed that she had a gun Rhys would be dead in a second. Maybe find something else before anyone has the same great idea Rhys and Nik had and jump next. Nik took a step closer and almost all dots were on him “ what the fuck!” Niylah whispered as he notified that he was getting his lighter from his back pocket, the two really had a death wish. "Listen. We have a shitload Of supplies. I think somebody even made a fuckin' forge. Food, medicine, weapons, I'm pretty sure I could find you a fuckin' unicorn in that RV if you asked me," Nik said and Niylah fought the urge to hit her forehead. “ Yup.. we are dead meat now” she whispered with a sarcastic tone thinking that pointing out that they had supplies wasn't probably a good idea. But nothing paranoid Niylah here thought of happened, Nik really knew what he was doing. Offering to work, passing his cigarettes, everything worked. "...you follow our rules. This is our house, and we guard our own, Follow ." Chantie said moving towards the base.


When everyone was inside, Nik explained that they were waiting for the leader of the group. Niylah took a minute to take a look around, at the moment all she could see was two exit doors and few hallways leading to other parts of the building which she assumed that she would have the time to explore later. She also noticed a lot of people, some looking at them, others trying to avoid staring, but basically, they seemed friendly like little Billie and Harrison Rutherford who were one of the first people to introduce themselves to the group. Niylah smiled at Baillie and gave a nod to Harry " Niylah" as the group introduced themselves as well. "There sure is a fuck ton of them." a voice snapped and Niylah looked at the owner of that statement “we are aware of that genius” she muttered to herself thinking that this must be The Marcus they were talking about and that he had no idea what to do with them. she then took a look at her group thinking 'what is he whining about, we are no that much'.

" We don't take kindly to unwanted visitors. Chantel says you can pledge your fucking hands and knees to working around here, and that you have supplies My name is Marcus, and I'm the leader here. You convince me you can work hard and that you're legit, and you can stay. But I'm gonna need some kind of motherfucking explanation." Niylah kept wondering with her eyes around the base as the others explained to Marcus their situation, there was a lot of tension going on, both sides throwing almost unheard comments under their breaths and everyone threatening to free that first bullet, so she preferred to keep her hand away from her gun and just let the rest handle it seeing that they basically were doing a better job than she ever will. Niylah was never the insisting type, but that was mainly because she traveled alone and didn't have anyone to care about. She would step in and offer a deal right away, they accept the deal she goes in, they don't she leaves, and if anything goes wrong she’ll make sure to be the last one standing on the battlefield. Simple as that. Though she couldn't stop wondering if they were loaded with people, why didn't they take off the “ Serviovers this way” sign off the road? Was that some sort of a test or something?

"Listen, Marcus, right? Let's get straight to the fuckin' point here. I'm not here to pitch a goddamn bargain. Your house, your rules, but don't think for a fuckin' second that I'll let you treat my people like some gum on the motherfuckin' sidewalk. Are we clear?" She heard Rhys say at some point and cheered him in her head 'yeah, you tell him'. That Marcus is a rude dude…

As the argument was over and Marcus finally satisfied with the answers he got from the team, he disappeared with a guy named Scott and Harry offered to show the group to their rooms and give them a tour around the base which Niylah thought was cool because she already was thinking about exploring. "On account of the tightness', we gon be needin to squeeze y'all up in here. Shouldn't be too muchofa problem. If y'all got any questions, I'll be back in the main buildin'. Feel free to be askin' me anythin, ya hear?" Harry said at the end of the tour as he led them into a wide room. Niylah gave a smile as a thank you as a response to his wave then like most of the others she picked a bed and went to the showers.


During the past three days, Niylah's bond with the group got stronger, even though she didn't show it but she trusted them to watch her back and she made sure to watch theirs. People in the base were nice but the storm outside made Niylah feel obliged to be twice as careful as she usually is. She was nice to everyone, helping in the best way she could, but she just didn't trust them… Yet, which was normal to Niylah, being the paranoid person that she was. She was chocking inside and went outside three or four times the first day feeling the need for fresh air, but that soon changed as she tried not to think about it by keeping her mind busy with other stuff, and it worked. She spent her free time training, checking on others... just in case, simply responding to those who thought she acted weird with a shrug and an " I don't know what you're talking about" and exploring more areas of the base. She still thought of Marcuse as rude and avoided talking to him much but that didn’t stop her from meeting some new people and getting to know those who she already met. She also had time to decorate one of her jackets with the armor David made her, and it looked cool.

As a job, she was assigned as a trainer, which was also cool in Niylah's opinion even though she didn't know what a trainer should do, she thought that’ll she'll figure it out eventually… or just ask someone, yeah ask someone who is also a trainer, but she didn't know who was a trainer as well, so the next best thing was to find someone who knew, someone other than Marcus because in no hell was she going to ask him anything anytime soon. So she went back to the room they were all staying in and just said in a well-heard voice to anyone who can answer her basically “ What on earth does a trainer do? Do I interact with kids? Do I teach people how to fight? would someone enlighten me?”
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[class=biggie] width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; clear:both; font-size:13px; color: #1d1b15; font-weight:100; display:flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; height: 100%; [/class] [class=whut]background: url(https://i.postimg.cc/sXp0bHkP/snows.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; padding:30px; [/class] [class=handsomedevil] background: #ced8e2; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding:10px; color: #1d1b15; flex: 1; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:13px; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speaks] overflow: auto; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; flex: 1; flex-basis: 40%; margin-left: 40px; margin-right:15px; [/class] [class=blue] background: #ced8e2; padding: 10px; width:auto; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); -moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); box-shadow: 2px 3px 8px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.33); [/class] [class=speakstoo] font-size:13px; text-align: left; font-weight:100; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; background-color: #eff0f2; color: #272828; line-height:2; font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; padding:30px; max-height:600px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x:hidden; [/class] [class=speakeasy] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing: 4px; text-align: center; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2;[/class] [class=bottoms] font-weight:400; margin-top: 50px; clear:both; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=tops] font-weight:400; margin-bottom: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #040404; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #b9c0ca; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; font-size:12px; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; padding:20px; color: #fff; line-height:2; width:100%; [/class] [class=speakeasy2] font-weight:400; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; border: 1px solid #ced8e2; outline: 1px solid #eff0f2; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: left; font-size:12px; padding:20px; color: #272828; background:#eff0f2; line-height:2; [/class] [class name=handsomedevil maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px[/class] [class name=whut maxWidth="800px"] margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px[/class] [class name=biggie maxWidth="800px"] padding: 0px; margin: 0 auto; flex-direction: column;[/class] [class name=speakstoo maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 10px; margin-top:20px; overflow: auto; max-height: 100%;[/class] [class name=speaks maxWidth="800px"]margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px;[/class] [class name=bottoms maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [class name=tops maxWidth="800px"]display:none[/class] [div class=whut][div class=biggie][div class=handsomedevil] [div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘦`𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦'𝘴. [/div]
[div class=speakeasy2]Nik Doesn't Give A Fuck
LOCATION — McGuire AF Base [Laundry Room] > Barracks
TAGS Lekiel Lekiel ~ Someone's in a mood (Reverie)
OOC — Rounding-off so Rev gets a reaction before we bump forward again. If you want to respond I'll double-on back.[/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo] The warm clothes he pulled from the whirling machine ebbed into his skin like a tonic. They obviously didn't have a stockpile of detergent, but he guessed their resident gardener, Rida, had been able to conjure something that'd clean better than what the corpses of Downy bottles could offer. Holding up a shirt in his arms he smiled, broad, eyes closing as the blond remembered fabric softener, warm, fresh sheets, and the luxury of having perfectly pressed suits.

Not that he was particularly a suit guy. He preferred casual attire, although Diana had always cooed and hovered when he managed to 'clean himself up' for all of a day. But simply remembering...remembering all the warmth of hearth and home. Remembering how the world had been before. Knowing that there was still a slice of it, now...

That meant everything to the blond. He smiled and rifled through more of the clothes, but quickly his continence shifted as he realized that one of Rhys' shirts had shrunk in the wash. Pausing for all of a moment he turned his eyes to the ceiling, thoughts running through his head about a very irate detective, held up the shirt in one hand, grimaced, and then...snorted.

This could be another prank, he thought. All in good fun, anyways.

Another piece of laundry in his grasp, it was something of Penny's he guessed, also shrunk. This warranted a nasally, obnoxious laugh to fetter from his lips like the very hitching machine that had done its very best to scrub free his paint and blood smeared garments.

Pulling his shirt over his head, Nik hummed deep in his chest. The world outside was so very cold right now, biting frost a death sentence. But this warmth, it was so personal, so foreign when juxtaposed against all that their little family had gone through. It couldn't possibly last, he thought as he pulled free something that looked like Rufus'.

That one...so birch-slim, leaf-fettered and vulnerable...he deserved a kinder world. They all did, but he knew some of them, more than others, had greater challenges with the apocalypse. They were more fragile, he thought with his head tilted to the side. Niklas was fragile, porcelain-thin and ready to crack into splinters, and spill out poppy-blood and black ash on the floor like a poison.

He hid it well enough.

But he hoped it would stick, beyond all other hopes he held, like these pieces of warm clothes. Wishing this was a place they could honestly stay, but their bargain didn't include a permanent home. His expression fell glassy, because having a permanent home felt...impossible.

That didn't mean he didn't want it, however.

Folding the rest of what he had, Nik heard a sigh catch his ear. He tipped backwards, leaning, to catch Reverie was she tried to scuttle away. Avoiding his gaze, which caused the blond to quirk his brow, still whistling, his mood not dropping even as he could feel the tension come off of her body in waves.

"At least someone seems to enjoy their nights... You know, you could've at least told us you were going to sell us out as slaves before we heard it from that asshole. Then I could've knocked that silly grin off your face and not have to deal with it now." Reverie looked like a powder keg, whirling upon him, unprompted. It felt displaced, like she had been bundled and wound up so tightly, that just one thing had set her off.

That one thing being him, apparently.

"You're not actually mad at me," he said as he broke his jovial disposition to rekindle a cigarette and place the laundry on top of one of the dryers. He leaned against it, nursing the paper for all of a moment, before gesturing with the cigarette between his fingers.

"You're mad that you had no say in the matter," he said with a mild shrug, deep blue eyes dancing on the edge of something far darker, "...if I waited to take a fucking survey we would've been shot to death," once again his cigarette was gesturing for him. Lip curled into a loose smile. He knew the look of stress over her features, paled, stance thin and wired.

"Or...frozen, dead and naked in a ditch somewhere, hallucinating from hypothermia hijacking our common sense," his words were matter-of-fact. Despite the inkling of ink-black rebuttals boiling under his skin, he kept his greater demons back. She didn't deserve to be scalded like she had scalded him. There was really no point.

"Listen," he said with a sigh, his free hand running fingers through his now once-more disheveled blond hair, "I'm not going to beg forgiveness for bartering us shelter," He was always a tornado, tearing up peoples' lives, he thought. Even if he didn't mean to. The last thing he wanted was to hurt those he cared for, even if his blackened blood spiraled the need to tear apart, torture, bruise and wound.

The lesser angels were strong. Stronger than the greater demons he found himself backbiting at every corner.

His glance traveled over Reverie's features, like studying a frozen creature, primed ready to attack. Or perhaps a painting of said creature, in Vermeer colors, maybe turning red-pink with disdain. Fatigue in yellow-greens, shadows of gray and purple, a shock of silk-hair, and eyes that pierced like blades.

The pair of them had a sort of strange, awkward accord. He had seen her nightmare, he had been there, with him she had a vulnerability. And for Reverie, being vulnerable must have felt like she was being exposed in the worst possible way, all over again.

"But I'm sorry I didn't consult with anyone, but we didn't really have time for it," he paused, unearthing the silver and red Altoids container to place ash so that Chantel didn't screech him into the tiled floor. "Try to remember, you're not the only one who has to make compromises..." his sentence lingered like the pale smoke he let stream from his nose in a tethered cloud.

"Or do things you don't want to, that you fuckin' hate, to survive."

With that, his mood was abolished like ice crackling down on asphalt. She had done her job, achieved her goal, if it was to sour him down to the level where she was. But his sourness was lukewarm, pervasive in the way that dead air was pervasive. Like the sun had been sucked out of the sky, and all the rest was a foggy mire. He stepped through that mire, but didn't let it eat him alive.

Nik gathered his warm laundry and walked past Reverie, slow like molasses, eyes downcast and brows knit. His gaze was glass jewels and stopper-stuck, and that terse maw couldn't say anything else that wouldn't sting her further. Sting him, further, in prickled nettles and poison, always...poison.

What this gift he hid made him was always in his thoughts, always. The lotus eater, the relinquisher, the jagged line in hot-white heat. It stumbled in his throat, because the words would never go anywhere. He'd tell no one if he could help it.

Walking past the foyer, he barely caught the swatch of scarlet field across his vision. It was a pock-mark, a stain of autumn reds. Indigo eyes charted a hitching line, to Allea, a blond guy who he hadn't had the pleasure or displeasure of talking to, and others. He was stuck outside again, the lemon-yellow sun trying to peek through as he urged a smile, and wandered on his way to the barracks.

The fog bit him and he avoided looking at anyone for too long. Almost as though they'd see the errant glitch in him, situated like a disease, right in the eyes. The windows to the soul. The soul that thought on why he was the way he was.

The soul that wondered just what he had done wrong along the path of his life, to receive this pitch-black card in his palm. Ah, well. At least the others will have clean clothes before they get forced into fucking' slave labor, he thought with a scoff.

At least in this drudgery of cleaning, scrubbing floors, and manual labor, he could be the benign thing he knew he wasn't.


INTERACTING WITH: some random dudes, Mount Ryanest and lil cinnamon roll, Jams, I guess Lakyr Lakyr
MENTIONED: cleaning lady BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda , jalaska
OOC:don't know how to write anymore, lelelele...hope you'll enjoy dis blob

It was at the crack of dawn when the first rattling came disturbing the sleepy heads and one could easily recognize the resident alarm clock in all the racket that was made. Yes, it was Kayden, and yes, he was mentally preparing himself to do all the chores he was assigned to that day.

Before storming out of the room, the guy barely held himself back from waking up the rest of their beloved squad of mischiefs with his high-pitched girly like screech. It would be lovely, and he was positive people would appreciate it…

… not.

Kayden chuckled, rubbing his hands against each other nervously. It was hard to tuck away the urge the guy had to revenge Ryan for all the remarks he'd made back at the haunted hotel.

But sadly, it wasn't the right time for pranks right now- *cough* he'll pour that bloody bucket full of icy water over Ryan's head at the earliest convenience anyways *cough*.. It was the time for Kayden to immerse himself into a role of a house maid.

That said, the Maiden Kayden went into the filthy hallway to fulfill his daily duty.


The job itself felt as easy as an evening stroll through the park. Pleasant. Not demanding much effort.

It was all butterflies and roses and he'd honestly be doing it till the rest of his days if he could… or so did he think… until he ran into a flirting couple…and got really jelly.

Eyeing the lovers, Kayden sighed.

He also wanted to get swept off his feet like that, get enchanted by a person. Not only by her looks but also by her nature. Personality was what mattered the most. Having a person with whom you could spend the last few seconds of your life just staring daringly deep into her eyes and shoot her that last beaming smile before- Kayden swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat, a shimmering tear perilously close to dripping from his eye. A bitter frown painted on his face, while the hunter kept sweeping the floors like a lowly peasant. It all left a bitter taste in his mouth.

The hunter shook his head and then cupped his mouth. he couldn't believe his mind got lost in the 'single status' topic. How in the world did he even start mulling over such thing…on his own, without any encouragement of his parents or someone older and wiser than himself at least. Not that he wasn't smart, it was more that he wasn't really an intellectual with a masters degree in his hands. Having the way of thinking like an eight year old wasn't much of an advantage either. With that said, one could easily do all the important math and conclude that the hunter was far from being a 'cool boyfriend' material.

Kayden cringed. He couldn't stop thinking of how lonely he truly was, how obnoxious he felt to be trapped in his own skin.


Snapping back to reality, out of the endless abyss of his thoughts, the hunter narrowed his eyes, and started glaring over at the flirting couple with pure discust.

How in the world did people manage to get their better halves in this crappocalypse?! Did they find each other on Tinder or what?!

Every single fucking one had a partner! Even Jams, that lil innocent pumpkin had a girlfriend!

''HOOOOOOOOOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN?! I mean…I ship jalaska, but still,'' the words echoed through the hunter's head.

No one knew why the universe worked against the freckled face when searching for the right fish in the ocean…and let's be honest, no one would probably ever know the answer to the question.

Kayden shook his head slightly,

''Try not to think about relationships or anything associated with love or whatever the heck that crap is,''

The guy murmured to himself, leaving a disgruntled sound from underneath his breath.

Eyeing the lovers again, a single question kept repeating itself inside Kayden's head- should he or should he not ruin the couple's special moment. But the answer to it came even sooner than expected. Another rushed decision, but why the hell not? He'd become sick if he had to listen to any more of that sweet, sugary talk.

His grip around the broom tightened, his posture resembling a rooster . He couldn't take it anymore. And that was the time when it happened.

''Excuse me, EXCUSE ME, coming through,''

A string of curses left the lovers' mouth. They clearly weren't expecting the freckled hunter to literally run in between them , continue sweeping furiously while stepping on their feet, 'accidentally' as he persistently claimed afterwards.

A victorious smirk painted on the young man's face as soon as he turned it away from the now not so jovial doves .

Mischievous chuckle leaving his mouth, the housemaid Kayden stepped away from the couple and then continued sweeping the floors, thinking of the great triumph he just did. The sweet taste of victory, so powerful it seemed as if it would never wear off…Never? One would never use such powerful word to describe such short-living feeling with it. But it was strong and it lifted his spirits. Even if only for a second, he'd appreciate it. He'd appreciate every single given moment of happiness he was blessed with. Every time. Always.

Turning round the corner of the hallway, the hunter's face deadpanned at the scene. That beaming smile from before now suddenly went wandering through the lost meadows of Narnia, its useless replacement 'frown' taking its role. Doing a lousy job. But sadly, even 'smile' wouldn't do any better in given circumstances.

Kayden blinked, tilting his head to the side at the picture.

There were….

two teenagers…

making out in the middle of the hallway!!!!!

Kayden's eyes widened, his brows raising up to heavens,

''Ok two flirting dudes were somehow bearable….but t-this?!''

his internal voice screeched.

He had enough!

That making out was the final straw!

''ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THAT'S IT! FROM NOW ON I'LL BE SOLOSEXUAL. GOTTA LOVE MASELF,'' Kayden practically yelled, the teenagers now looking at him as if he'd fallen off Mars. If he were a girl, Kayden would most probably pout his lips like a bloody diva, turn around and walk off, flipping his hair like some kind of a supermodel. That'd be one hell of a fabulous exit… But as he was male, he had to stay cool in a man-like way.



What on Earth was that?! Why did, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, dirty, smelly clothes land on the hunter's face?!...

Did they want to eat him?!

Has this shit of a world finally lost it?!

Kayden started to panic and automatically almost threw the clothes on the ground, when suddenly, a rusty voice snapped him out of it,

''Ya better take these to that blondie, Nik. They hella dirty. '' -

''Ya, I can see that,'' Kayden muttered.

'' I'm sorry, dude but I honestly don't know what Marcus did to them.''

Freckles' nose wrinkled, a look of repulsion painted on his face, his brows raising up to heavens,

''I'm sorry, what?'' Kayden asked, but was only given a short snort by the man before he left.

So with arms loaded with a dirty bunch of clothes, the disgusted young man aimed himself towards where the the resident part-time mum was, anger increasing with every step he made towards his destination.

Entering the room, the guy soon noticed it was empty. There was no trace of the blond.

Turning around and springing outside, Kayden furrowed his eyebrows. There was no way he'd be holding these obnoxious clothes any longer!

He knew Nik was the washerwoman on duty, according to that snorting man, but as he couldn't find him in the laundry room, Kayden stormed to where Ryan was chilling with his strangely quiet brother, Jams, and flung the dirty clothes straight into the tall hunter's face,


Gasping, the guy kept staring over at the tall hunter, waiting for any kind of a response.

Letting out the steam felt liberating, but maybe messing with an older lion wasn't exactly the best thing to go with.

Would that prove to be a bad decision?

[div class=wrapper][div class=box][div class="boxBg boxBgLarge"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgTall"][/div][div class="boxBg boxBgMedium"][/div][div class=boxInner][div class=statusBox][div class=characterPortrait][/div][div class=statusText]Location: McGuire AF Base
Interactions: Anise Anise (Housemaid Kayden), Marcus
OOC: Wow, it's been pretty long since I posted ... so, sorry? This isn't great but at least it's a post. Also, somebody pls start with some damage control[/div][/div][div class=title]Ryan/James[/div][div class=text]Finding the airforce base had been good for them and they did so exactly at the right moment. It was great to take a shower again and to have freshly washed clothes for once but the yet the best part was that they didn't have to freeze to death out there in that blizzard. Getting in hadn't been that easy, but luckily was handled by other members of the group whilst Ryan could lean back and watch, waiting for the situation to escalate. Luckily it didn't, but not involving himself in the negotiations had been a good call, the moment Marcus had marched into the room he already didn't like that guy, he just had something about him. And watching everything play out he couldn't have promised that it wouldn't have ended in a fight if he had tried talking.

Now accepted inside the base they were able to survive and they had luxuries some of them might not have had in the past two years at all but that doesn't mean everything was great. The people already living there were many and given the nature of this world both sides were suspicious and mistrusting of each other, some people more than others. Ryan, for one, didn't trust any of the other group, always somewhat on edge but hiding that behind a wall of silence when he got in contact with them. He didn't want to try and change his opinion of these people, he wasn't planning on staying any longer than he had to and as far as he could tell nobody was. So many people would only cause problems sooner or later. Their merry band of misfits wasn't a problem because they were a group of a few individuals, who worked well together. The more people you add the more might not get along. It was the reason why Ryan had preferred being mostly on his own until he met the others.

The first two nights there he mostly spent awake, or in a very light and short sleep, because he always expected everything to turn against them again. After all, these people could be like the raiders they've met before or even worse. Luckily, though occupied with simple work and helping around the base, the days weren't very demanding and he was still rested well enough to get through everything effortless. He was slowly growing more comfortable being around there, so maybe he'd get some better sleep in the nights to follow.

James was in a more jovial mood concerning their situation, though he wasn't at all perfectly at ease around all the new faces. But at least he tried to get to know a few people, being quieter than most his friends had known him, but happier to get in contact with everyone than Ryan. Still, both of them were mostly seen around each other or other members of their group these first days.

Right now the two of them just sat down to relax for a moment. James placed one of the small metal tins Chantel had given out as some sort of ashtrays on the table in front of him. Then he got out the pack of cigarettes Alaska gave to him and Nik's lighter. Ryan threw one look at and grinned, he didn't know the story behind it, to him, it was just one weird, glittery-green lighter. James placed a cigarette between his lips and then looked over at his brother. "Want one?" He held the pack over towards Ryan but put it back in his pocket as the other man shook his head. "If there's one good thing the apocalypse did to me..." James lit his cigarette up and took the first drag. "Guess you're right." He said through the smoke he blew out, shooting a slight smile over to Ryan.

Then stumbling in came grumbling and stinky pile of clothes. Before either Ryan or James could do anything to find out who was hiding under the mound of dirty laundry and carrying it around the person threw the clothes at Ryans face. He tried to raise his arms in defense but this attack was unexpected and some dirty underwear hit him in the face before he could fend it off. He jumped to his feet in irritation. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Ryan just yelled over Kaydens voice, not even noticing the first words of the younger hunter. Then he stood there tensed and with rage in his eyes, looking at Kayden to see what he had to say or rather screech. James had a dumbfounded expression with a slowly growing grin as the scene acted out, he would've been kind of concerned about this becoming problematic if he had been less surprised by it.

As Kayden was finished Ryan just wanted to yell at him, but he hadn't seen the boy like this before and what he had said made no sense to Ryan. He might not have known Kayden very well yet but he was sure something was off, the younger hunter had somehow snapped and acting out like this wasn't really his fault. Ryan also knew that the anger boiling up inside him right now wasn't a good thing, at least it wasn't if he took it out on Kayden. So he bit his tongue, looked down to the ground, took a deep breath and shook his head. "Whose fucking clothes are this, Kayden?" It still came out a lot harsher than he wanted it to sound and waiting as Kayden gave his answer Ryan quickly picked up as much of the laundry pile as he could and carried it under his arm. Marcus, of course, that asshole was the reason for this whole scene. Without another word stormed off to find him.

James took the cigarette out of his mouth holding it between two fingers, blew out some smoke again and then looked as serious as he could at Kayden. "How do you know if he sleeps or not? Are you watching the rest of us when we're in our beds at night or what?" He slowly shook his head and the small smirk his lips formed grew wider with every syllable. James stood up and took another drag off his cigarette. "That pile of clothes was pretty disgusting, right? I kinda just got a wave of the smell and ... damn." He picked up the makeshift mini ashtray from the table as he took one last drag, though most of the cigarette was still left. "Well, you know, I do want to ask if you're okay since you basically just had a mini-breakdown right in front of me, ... but I should really run after Ryan and make sure he doesn't get us in trouble." He put the cigarette out in the metal tin and looked up at Kayden with a friendly smile. "So ... talk to you later." And with those words, he made his way out the room after Ryan who already had a pretty good headstart on him.

On his way pacing through the hallways of the airbase Ryan let a few pieces of the laundry pile he was carrying fall down every now and then. He walked towards the first person he saw that he didn't know and asked where he could find Marcus right now. He was pointed towards the cafeteria, supposedly he had a good chance of meeting him there around this time. So he strode to the cafeteria.

James rushed through a hallway, luckily, Ryan dropped a sock somewhere so James at least knew a direction to go. He followed a garment trail for a while, and as he didn't know where to go he went to ask a person who might've seen Ryan come by. "Hey, sorry, have you seen a tall, blond guy carrying around a pile of stinking clothes come through here?" The man immediately nodded at the description. "Yes, he should be on his way to the cafeteria right now, or he might already there." That was all the information James needed and more than he had expected, he ran off towards the cafeteria offering a quick 'thanks' to the man who helped him.

At the cafeteria, Ryan only needed to quickly glance around to make out his target. Marcus was sitting at a table with Chantel and a few other individuals Ryan didn't recognize instantly. Whilst Marcus sat facing Ryan's direction he still didn't see him because he was focused on eating and talking it seemed. Ryan marched over towards him, still carrying most of his unwashed clothes, and as he almost arrived at the table he loudly whistled to get his attention before he threw the pile of clothing into Marcus' face and food. Chantel and the others at the table reacted with dismay or anger but Ryan didn't pay them any attention. The only one was looking at was Marcus, who jumped to his feet, springing into action at once. "What the fuck are you doing you motherfucker, I was having my fucking lunch!" Ryan took step towards him, basically towering over the smaller man, staring into his eyes. "If you need somebody to act as your mommy cause you can't handle your damned laundry, ask one of your own people to do that, got it?" Both men were tense, they seemed like the would at each other's throats any given second, none of them wavered or backed up.

"Yeah, we're not here to help you cope with your family issues," James added from the cafeteria's door as he arrived a little out of breath. "Got your back, bro." He brightly smiled over at Ryan.

"Fucking hell, what do you motherfuckers think you're doing? Your asses are only in here and not freezing out there cause I let you in, show a little fucking respect." Marcus' eyes shifted from Ryan to James and back again. Except for them, it was mostly quiet in the cafeteria, almost everybody was looking at Ryan and Marcus. "We're already working for you to stay here, but that doesn't mean we're your fucking servants." Ryan closed in even more on Marcus, bringing his face close to the other man's. "And a fair warning, if any of your dirty underwear ever touches my face again I will shove it so far up your ass you'll be able to taste it." His voice was toned down now, but just as angry and with a weight behind it that easily carried the threat.[/div]
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[div class=Container][div class=profilepic][/div][div class=contentContainer]
Emrys Contiello
[div class=miniBox][div class="miniText mini1"] [div class=bar][div class=title]Location[/div][div class=barText]McGuire AF Base {Main building}[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]Interactions[/div][div class=barText]Ryan & James[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]Mentions[/div][div class=barText]Nik, Harry, Penny[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]BGM[/div][div class=barText] Cruel [/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=bigBox][div class=bigScroll] He rubbed at his eyes with the insides of his palm, stretching an arm out with a muted yawn. Sleep was still tugging at him, begging, pleading, for him to drift back into the darkness of slumber. He had work to do, however, an agenda to complete and as much as he would love to lay in bed a little longer it just wasn't possible. The cold was getting worse, the world so frozen that Declan had mentioned something about the cars having trouble starting. None of the information that had been presented to him in the past three days was good. It felt as if Marcus, for all his boisterous comments, didn't really have any solutions to the problems they were facing...or at least none that he was sharing with Rhys. It bothered him, but he reminded himself that he couldn't overstep. They were outnumbered, outgunned, and the last thing they needed was to get thrown back out into this hellish cold.

His gaze flickered towards the arm locked around his and the corner of his mouth twitched upward slightly. A bomb could have gone off and he wasn't sure the blond would have even stirred. Reaching out, Rhys untangled his arm, swapping it in place with a pillow. His nose scrunched, noting the damp stain on his shirt sleeve. As cute as Niklas could be, there was no way he would ever find his drooling to be as endearing as him. A slight sigh left him, looking over the blond for half a moment. He wanted him to look that peaceful in the waking world, that relaxed, and Rhys wondered if he had been like that in the world before. He envied Penny a bit in that moment. She had known him before the world had fallen apart, before the whole affliction and before hell decided to put up stakes on his soul. Rhys wished...he got to his feet, cutting away that last thought. The past didn't matter, they only had the future to worry about. Rhys brushed some of his hair from his face, contemplating on waking him, on having that conversation they had been dodging around for days, but...he looked like he needed his sleep. The chilled air caused goose flesh to prickle up his arms and chest, he moved quickly to find something to block the winter morning air. Even with all the space heaters scattered around the room, there still didn't seem to be much guaranteed warmth. Rhys grabbed a shirt from his pack, giving it a quick sniff and upon deciding that it didn't smell too rank, slipped it over his head. Rhys paused, taking a second to look back toward the bed he was leaving behind before making his way out of their sleeping area as quietly as possible.


At this point it was almost as if he could feel the bags under his eyes. He wasn't sure how long he had been up for, but it had to be a while. His coffee cup was dry and Marcus had mentioned something about going to lunch. Which, at the time, had been perfectly fine with the detective. Marcus only seemed to crowd his space anyway. For a man who seemed to care about the well being of his people...there was something...off in the way he operated. It reminded him of Grigs, but somehow not quite....right. He couldn't place the feeling. It was just something like sour milk that churned his gut. Lawson would have called it 'instinct' or his 'bullshit-detector', something that he always got when a case just didn't add up. And staring at the crinkled map with haphazard symbols scrawled in marker, something wasn't making sense. Scott, the guy who frequently took people outside the walls of the base and presumably scouted the surrounding area, always had at least one causality. Every. Mission. The world was by no means a safe place, but the people he took had always been capable enough. He didn't know what was going on and whenever he brought it up, Marcus would shrug it off. Chalk it up to the cold or whatever bullshit excuse Scott put in his reports. His finger traced a line in the map, lips curving into a deeper frown. Each death was reported around the same area, same time of day, almost same conditions. Rhys pushed himself away from the table, left arm lifting to rub the kink out of his neck. He had been staring at this for too long, maybe he was just seeing anomalies in coincidences.

Something tugged at the leg of his jeans, startled, he looked down at the small girl with the shy grin. She had been following him around a lot recently, not that Rhys really minded, but usually she had Harry in tow. Except he didn't see or hear the southerner, which was a little concerning. "Billie, what are you doing here? You know Marcus said you aren't allowed to play in this room."

"Yah, but Harry an' Daddy are busy!" Rhys rose his brow at the implication of the little girl's words. Did she not think he was busy? "An I'm bored, an you look bored, an I thought yew wanna be bored to-get-her." He stared at her as she grinned up at him, squeezing a stuffed rabbit that had seen far better days. Rubbing the back of his head, he cast a sideways look at the map before shifting focus back to Billie. She was increasing her wiggling now, as if she were trying to look cuter so he would give in faster. "Pwease, Reeeeeeese. I promise I won't get us in no trouble." He chuckled a little at that, placing a hand on her head to ruffle her hair, "Alright, squirt. How 'bout we get some food first yeah?" She nodded enthusiastically, her grin causing the hard set of his features to soften a little. Billy made a humming noise, latching onto his hand and doing her best to pull him out of the room. Rhys went along with it, figuring that the break might actually do his brain some good.

"You have a girl-friwnd right, Rhys?"

"Well....I wouldn't say--."

"Is she pretty?"


"Like a Princess? My Daddy says Mommy was like a Princess. But he also says I'm a Princess so I'm not sure what that means."

The corners of his mouth were a bit strained, "I'm sure she was beautiful, like you kiddo." His hands slipped into his pockets, eyeing the kid as she twirled about in front of him. She didn't seem to be aware of what she was saying, which was....something kids did he supposed. He followed her down the hallway, humming a little in after thought. Come to think of it...he couldn't really remember what Monica looked like. She had begun to fade in his memory, her presence no longer had much of a hold on him, and when Billie had asked him those questions it wasn't even her face that came to mind. "I wouldn't call him a Princess..." Billie was already eight-hundred miles ahead, jabbering about the photo she had found of a woman in her dad's coat, not catching the gender switch at all. Rhys wasn't exactly sure Declan would have been thrilled with the idea of Billie going through his things, but she was just a child. Couldn't blame a kid for being curious.

"Rhys, my legs hurt."

"You barely walked three fu--..feet."

"Yah, my legs hurt."

His lips pulled into a flat line, eyeing the four year old with a mild amount of annoyance. She sat down where she was standing and he made a noise of irritation. Stooping down, he made a gesture for her to hurry up. Billie's face lit up and she scrambled to her feet before climbing up his back like some sort of monkey. Her legs slid over his shoulders and when he was sure that she was settled her started to get up. He held her legs in place, grimacing as one of her hands clutched his hair while the other --still holding the stuffed rabbit-- wrapped around his neck. "I'm so tall!" Rhys chuckled dryly, walking off towards the cafeteria once more, "Don't get too used to it, squirt. If anyone asks, you bullied me into it."

"Harry says you ain't suppose to bully no one."

"Harry's right--"

"An' Harry likes giving me rides."

"Yeah, I'm not Harry, squirt."

"That's okay, you'll do it anyways."

He made a noise of irritation in the back of his throat, but didn't offer anything in reply. She was pretty sharp for a four year old and it unsettled him just a bit. As they --he-- walked towards the cafeteria, Billie continued to ramble on about different things. The snow angels she wanted to make, the games she wanted to play, the food she hoped they had. He muttered a response every now and then just to make sure she knew he was still engaged in the conversation.

"What the fuck are you doing you mother--!"

"Ears-!" He didn't even finish his sentence and her hands were already placed on her ears. Rhys smiled a bit, amused that Harry had her trained so well, before he carefully moved them inside the cafeteria. Rhys wasn't sure what he had been expecting but it certainly wasn't Ryan screaming at Marcus....were those boxers in his mashpotatos?

"What the ---are those ears on good---?"


"--Fuck is going on here?"

"Yeah, we're not here to help you cope with your family issues,"

"Jesus Fucking Christ I leave them alone for five fucking hours---"

"Fucking hell, what do you motherfuckers think you're doing? Your asses are only in here and not freezing out there cause I let you in, show a little fucking respect."

Rhys' brows sky rocketed, then drew together, hot anger bubbled under his skin and he fought to keep the emotion down. He had to be leveled here. Snapping back wouldn't do anyone any good. "We're already working for you to stay here, but that doesn't mean we're your fucking servants." Rhys watched as Ryan got even closer to Marcus, glowering over him with an expression Rhys really wouldn't have wanted to be on the other side of. "And a fair warning, if any of your dirty underwear ever touches my face again I will shove it so far up your ass you'll be able to taste it." The detective coughed in order to disguise the laugh that almost rippled out at the threat. It was kind of funny even if the actual situation was far from it. Clearing his throat, he pulled Billie from where she sat on his shoulders and placed her back on the ground. "I think I see your Dad over there, kiddo, why don't you go hang out with him." Billie nodded, following his gesture with her gaze. She hugged her bunny close, watching the two men square off with wide eyes. There was a little uncertainly in her stance before she started running off towards Declan. When he was sure that she wasn't in hearing distance anymore he stepped up to the two men who now looked as if they were about to be trading blows at any second. In his imagination, he put his money on Ryan winning that particular brawl. Azure orbs flickered towards James and then to the blond agressor. Rhys put a hand on his shoulder, gentle but firm in his hold as if he were scared Ryan would lunge for the guy's throat.

"Take a breath man, it's just some dirty clothes nothing to--"

"Yeah, that's right motherfucker, listen to your leader like a good little--"

Rhys turned his head towards Marcus, expression darkening as fury roared to life beneath his veins. "Shut the fuck up and let me handle this. Don't fucking tempt me, I am the only thing between you and a beating," he eyed James, "or two." The older man rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath that he was beyond thankful Ryan didn't hear. He looked like he was ready to separate Marcus' tongue from his mouth, and as much as he sucked at playing peace keeper Allea didn't seem to be doing a damn thing to help. She was still sitting at her table, watching them with a bored expression. A fight would probably give her more entertainment than Rhys cared to provide her. Neither Penny or Nik were even close enough to help mediate. So it fell on Rhys to keep the trio from trying to kill each other. He wasn't exactly sure how he was going to pull it off, but...Chantel was looking for any kind of excuse to kick them all out of the base and that was the last thing the group needed. The cold would kill them in a day, maybe two if they were unfortunate. "I know you're fuckin' pissed, but fuckin level with me here, Ryan. If you beat him up, rip him to fucking shreds, we get our asses kicked out. How fucking long do you think it will take before we get hypothermia? As soon as the weather gets warmer, I don't give a fuck. You can punch him in the face with his own fucking clothes as much as you want. But right now, think of the group, think of James.... and Penny. I don't think you want to see either of them frozen to the fucking bone." He stayed between them until Ryan started to back off and Rhys felt a bit of relief shoot through him. He hadn't been sure if that was going to work, but the more space that grew between the two men, the better he felt about it.

"Nice speech, Rice, you really know how to smooth down a situation huh? Didn't even need your boyfriend to help ya." Marcus grinned, flicking a sock off his shoulder.

Rhys' gaze snapped towards Marcus, the muscle in his jaw ticking as he struggled to remember his own spiel about self control for the sake of the group. His hands curled into fists at his side, cobalt flames beginning to lick out from the insides of his palms and to the edge of his fingers. "What's wrong, Rice? Cat got your moth--"

"Finish your fuckin' laundry food and stop baiting people like a fuckin' child." Rhys turned away, holy fire still simmering across his skin as he all but grabbed Ryan and James to pull them away from that arrogant dickbag. Rhys was fuming, even more so because he couldn't do anything. Marcus knew it too. Smug motherfucker. He ran a hand threw his hair, fixing the other two men with a slightly scolding look. "No fights. Don't stoop to his fuckin' level. He's up to something. I don't fucking trust it, but we can't afford to get kicked out until I know what it is, got it?" Rhys crossed his arms over his chest, the muscle in his jaw still leaping as he clenched and unclenched it. He shook his head, trying to show that he was less angry with them and more angry with Marcus. "What made you almost go Rambo?

"Sorry to interrupt, you're uh, Rhys right?"

The Whitelighter turned towards the new voice, aggravation seeping off of him in waves. He really didn't want to talk to anymore of Marcus' people. All he wanted was to have a pleasant conversation with his friends for once in his fucking life. What he hadn't been expecting was the easy going grin on the face of a young man who looked eerily familiar. Rhys stared for a moment, still pissed but also weirded out, "Yes. Why?" The guy rubbed the back of his head, letting out a little chuckle, "I just wanted to say, don't worry about Marcus. He's got a lot going on right now and he can be a bit of an asshole to everyone. If you, you know," The stranger's hand reached out to run down the side of his arm, "need anything, I'll be happy to help you out." He followed it up with a wink and Rhys' brows furrowed slightly but other than that he showed no outward reaction to this guy being super weird. He was almost certain he wouldn't need this guy's help with Marcus. Spending the past few days with the guy helped him grow a bit of tough skin. Only problem was, he wasn't sure how long it would last before he snapped. "All you have to do is ask. I'm Elliot by the way."

"Thanks, but I didn't ask. If you want to help, why not do the laundry--"

"The way you take charge is really--"

"Why don't you two go do something else. Get away from Marcus yeah? And no fuckin' fights. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit, I've got some rum I'll share if you're interested. I'm going to go find Nik before I ruin my own fucking advice and kill that motherfucker myself."

"--hot." Rhys cocked an eyebrow, turning back towards the weird blond guy he momentarily forgot about. Rhys looked a little confused, slipping his hands back into his pockets, "Dude, if you're fuckin' hot just go outside for a bit. I guarantee you won't feel hot anymore." He gave him a strained smile, trying to be nice, before heading out of the cafeteria and hopefully towards where Nik was. If he had put four of his brain cells together before marching out, he probably could have asked one of the guys where he was. That thought, however, hadn't crossed his mind. Rhys wasn't lying when he said he needed to talk to him, but not really about his urge to kill Marcus. There was something else they needed to get out of the way first; he promised him an explanation and he figured the Quasi-Devil was overdue for one. He did, after all, see him die and that pain he saw when he woke up... wasn't an expression he ever wanted to see again.

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Harrison Rutherford
| Location: McGuire AF Base; cafeteria, sitting |
| With: Allea Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater |
| Mentions: Declan, Billie, Rhys, Marcus, Allea |
The new company had proved to be exciting, if exciting was the right word to describe them. They were an... interesting bunch. It wasn't as if the base was full of one type of people either, but Harry found that each of the new people proved to have their own, strange niches. They were welcome oddities to the southern gentleman, who made sure to grin hello whenever he caught a glimpse of one of them. During the three days span, he made sure to try and welcome the newbies the best way he could. When he wasn't on babysitter duty with Billie or on Declan's tail in their makeshift garage, he tried to talk up the company.

But his brain was often busy, and busy at that with trying to debunk why the hell the cars weren't starting. Some did, of course, but the freezing cold seemed to be a particular type of hell-- sticking engines and oil alike in a congealed, slushy material. Things didn't work as well in the cold, including the southerner. Grease, frozen to his face, broke off in clumps when Harry brushed some loose hairs aside. It was getting cold, really damn cold. There were occasional nips of this, but usually the weather turned back upward eventually (minute degrees at that, but enough to keep the cars alive). There was a strange cycle to the weather, but Harry never bothered to think too hard on it. He had other things to think about.

Like what Declan was rambling at him.

"Dude, I'll be real-- consider the following... they're all robots."

"Robots? Declan, what in the hell have you been smokin'?"

They were in their makeshift garage, which was really just a hangar outfitted to house all their vehicles from the extreme cold and snow. Despite the cover, the temperature was well below zero. Harry was beneath one of the trucks, wrench in hand and tools next to his head. He was hitting and banging things, hoping to get some idea where the frost was centered.

"Nothing dude! Well... No, really, nothing! But come on, they come out of nowhere and they're all really attractive. Dude, it's a conspiracy. Especially the blond one... but don't tell anyone I said that dude."

A solid hit to one of the pipes resonated a thick clank. Harry closed his eyes, laying a hand to feel the clank spread. His intuition guided him, that's what he called it anyway, and he placed two fingers on a very cold cross of pipes. The inside had frozen, nearly solid. "Hand me somma there heat tape?" Harry asked, sliding out a bit to extend a grabbing hand. He furrowed his brows, both at Declan's extremely irate conversation and from little thoughts that were plaguing the man. Petty little problems pertaining to a certain ice cold beauty. "Yer conspiracy is dumb as rocks, and that's comin' from me. They're just regular folk, give 'em a break."

"Dude, I know. I'm not harassing them but it's just a little too convient....Hey, where's the little dude?"

Harry rolled out, poking his head up and nearly banging his forehead on the undercarriage. "Weren't she playin' ball o'er there? Kid was so excited to get her ball back, I swear if she ain't playin' with it..." He jokingly grumbled, and sitting up began to clean his hands off with a dirty rag from his pocket. He racked his mind, wading through the wonderful thoughts of that dark skinned beauty. He tried to place the last time he had heard Billie, though to be fair he had been quite busy beating up the truck.

Declan suddenly snapped, pointing to the spot she had been before. "Dude, me thinks she said she was hungry. I told her to wait a minute... and she went ahead without us. What gives dude?"

Harry sighed, standing up tall. "She's four, ever consider that? Four goin' on twelve more like it these days, I swear." Harry snorted and Declan laughed with him. Declan headed off and Harry stayed a few more minutes to tinker. He'd follow soon after, he said.


Entering the main building, and coming up to the cafeteria, a swell of yelling echoed out the room. Harry's face pressed a worried look before heading in. One of the men yelling was definitely Marcus, which meant bad news. Marcus was loud, but he didn't nearly yell as much as one would think. Especially sounding as irate as he did.

He waded through the onlookers and distracted eaters for a better look. He narrowed his eyes seeing Rhys, and a couple of the guys from his group, standing their ground against Marcus. Some sort of altercation had occurred, but it looked like things were reasonably settled. For now. Harry weaved some more, catching the tail end of the Rhys' final words to Marcus; as he and his comrades slipped away.

Harry frowned, but catching sight of Allea (who often wandered his thoughts), he made his way over to her. Declan had been over in that area, and went the other direction heading out. Harry furrowed his brow, but continued to saunter toward Allea. Sitting carefully next to her, making sure not to crowd her space as he had figured out through a few experiences not to breach, he lounged backward on to the table. Harry smiled.

"Pleasure seein' you here. You come here often?" He flirted shamelessly, winking at her deliberately. Harry glanced around, soaking in her reaction before carrying on. "Don' be worryin', I ain't here to be an Elliot with ya. Came in and saw shit goin' down. You catch most of it?" He looked around again.

"Marcus really... ain't that bad of a guy. Sure he's tougher than rocks, but so's you. He's... aggressive thas fer sure, but he means well for us here. Survivin' ain't easy," He mused aloud, placing his chin on his hand. Catching himself, his gaze caught hers again. "Though, I reckon' I shouldn't be preachin' to you Miss. I think you been doin' a lot more survivin' than most of us here. I can see it in yer eyes." He enjoyed catching glimpses of her dark orbs. Whenever he had the chance, through conversation, he wished to peer straight into them and disappear in their depths. Maybe he had a pretty crush, or he was fascinated by whatever made Allea spark in his mind. It was a familiar air, something almost innate of an urge within him. She had strength, and he was attracted to it-- for some reason or another.

(Lord help the boy.)
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[div class=speakeasy2]Nik Is Too Old For This
LOCATION — McGuire AF Base [Cafeteria]
TAGS Anise Anise (kayden wut r u doing man), Lakyr Lakyr (Testosterone #1, Chillbro Jamola), Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater (Testosterone Λ), Barcus, Chantool
OOC — gawd dam testosterone [/div]
[div class=speakeasy]𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳.[/div][/div]
[div class=speaks][div class=blue][div class=speakstoo]Still placed firmly within the mire of his own thoughts, Nik had ventured to the barracks, gathered more things to clean in his inked and scarred arms, back out again, washed them like the un-merry maid he was, and started on cleaning something else.

He heard tell that they'd be on a scouting mission, which meant he'd have to thrust himself into the cold beyond. Although not particularly looking forward to freezing his jimmies off, the companions joining him in his winter wonderland adventure were pleasant. Like little blots of glinted light at the corner of the eye, they kept him steady, and afforded his broken mind a compass of constellations to follow along.

Better to be in the presence of others, he felt, than be left alone to dwell in the dark. The dark for Niklas was, and would always be, far too tempting a thing to let lick at his brain stem. Like a dog whittling a bone in his teeth, he'd also never truly give it up, despite his best intentions.

On one last swoop to land in the good graces of the denizens of this airbase, their new and temporary home, with its warmth, food, beds, showers, functional toilets and the like, he stopped. His hand grasped a clutch of a plastic bag, trash within it, some of the people who lived here were positively filthy.

It wasn't like he had been any better, with the errant ashings of cigarettes, nor in the time before with pizza boxes littered about his shared flat like cannibalized corpses.

Nik stared down at the contents of the bag and let his eyes jerk to the sky, and back down again.

It smelled like rotten things, but he'd be the last person to complain about receiving hot meals, showers, and pillows.

With a sneer curling at the corner of his mouth, he hefted it over his shoulder, the heavy bag weighing on his taut back—a back that had seen better days, but the relative comfort of a mattress did do wonders, he thought. The sneer bled out like watercolors on thick canson paper, and was replaced with a pale blue sigh as the contents jostled like bones in a sack.

"No rest for the fuckin' wicked," he mused through teeth that bit around an errant cigarette. The paper crisped and crackled to a glowing bulb of poppy red as smoke fell away in droved tidal waves from his nose.

Finally cajoling the trash into whatever dispensary they had, which was just a closet they stored burnables and things that'd need to more or less be buried, Nik slammed the door and trailed out. He had a cardboard box in his hands, heavier than it should've been for whatever bullshit it was carrying.

Smoke his forever-companion, and a steward to mark his arrival, he stepped into a scene he would've rather...not been a part of.

In a flash of errant clothing, Kayden snapped out a cry while Nik stood contrapposto, hand wielding to rest at his hip, box at the other hip and braced by his hand.


The blond stood with a papered blank expression, cancer stick between his teeth, as the other blond's crumpled affront against his person fell through the air like the trash he had only just tossed away himself.

"The fu—" His deep blue eyes widened, dark brows raising as he moved the cigarette from his lips to perch between his slender, artist's fingers. The gray ash threatened to dip onto the tiles, he didn't notice.

Nik's eyes swept to Ryan, then James who seemed lately attached to his side like a beacon of 'chill', and 'logic', and 'cigarettes'. Which was token James, to be plain. Nik narrowed his eyes, then dotted his vision over to the others meandering towards the cafeteria.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oh no, no, please, giant spaghetti monster in the sky, for fuck's sa—
"Whose fucking clothes are this, Kayden?" It was like watching an enigmatic car crash. James had a grin edging on the corner of his mouth, which was an expression Nik would've worn in this exact same scenario....sans their precarious situation.

He did not want his companions to get kicked out into the cold, he did not want a Penny popsicle, and he certainly didn't want Alaska to actually become the fucking tundra. He had gone against his personal—albeit highly suspect, very limited, and perpetually precarious—code of ethics to get them into this motherfucking base.

Niklas had done the one thing, besides hurting those he cared about, he quite simply didn't want to do. Just to get them here. It was two shades below bobbing for apples between someone's legs, in his book, and therefore he detested it.

And if it was ruined over someone throwing a bitchfit over cleaning laundry, by the God he didn't believe in, there would be worse than dirty clothes to deal with. Anger rose into his face, marrow-white at first, then acrid pinks, eyes narrowing to pinch as fiercely as his heart lept into his chest.

"Kayden. You know I love you, man, but can you not—"

"No, no, fuck, for God's sake why do we always make things so fucking diffi—stop Ry—fucking James, g—for fuck's..." Nik bolted on after as James trailed Ryan like the smoke trailed Nik. Trailing and fucking trailing, but surely enough the blond part-time devil caught up...perhaps too late.

Marcus, perpetually pissed off about something. Chantel, perpetually acidic, and pissed off about something. Ryan, currently pissed off about something. James, trying to take all things in stride...and then there was Rhys.

Nik calmly placed the box he had been carrying down and slide it on the table nearest him, Chantel's gaze shot at him as the ash threatened to plop down his shirt and onto the floor. Remembering himself, he took the moment to dollop it in the Altoids container, and stood stucker-stopped. She gave him an approving, if irritated glance, because his willingness to comply he guessed gave her some sick kind of thrill.

It wasn't like others weren't littering ash everywhere. It seemed their group was set to rules the rest of the playing pieces didn't have to bother with.

He simply stood, hands at his sides, fingers flexing.

He hoped, beyond all hopes, that this wouldn't end in a fight. They didn't need this. Did no one understand how precarious this fucking situation was? Did nobody realize how bloody hard some of them were working to bend over backwards to keep them away from being shoved out into the snow to catch hypothermia and frolic along, hysterically, to die in a ditch, and get eaten by hell hounds while the carrion creatures waited with baited breath to snap up their fucking inner organs?

They couldn't just angel-bullshit, demon-bullshit, witch-bullshit, or blessed their way out of this one. They just couldn't. And here they all were, antagonizing the barking Marcus who already was a hair-trigger away from kicking them out, on any given day, because reasons.

Nik's gaze steeled and settled on Rhys' back, from across the room. God, please...Please, do not fuck this up.

"I know you're fuckin' pissed, but fuckin level with me here, Ryan. If you beat him up, rip him to fucking shreds, we get our asses kicked out. How fucking long do you think it will take before we get hypothermia? As soon as the weather gets warmer, I don't give a fuck. You can punch him in the face with his own fucking clothes as much as you want. But right now, think of the group, think of James.... and Penny. I don't think you want to see either of them frozen to the fucking bone."

Yes...good. Nik let his held breath escape his lungs and shook his head, on his way to grab some squirrel jerky from the base's resident craftswoman and foodsmith. She was sitting with yarn about her like lake waves on a red-ferned rock, eyes diverted, but looking like a pissed off little woodland creature.

He was sure the bravado wasn't appreciated by her, either, because she gave the group a stink-eye strong enough to rival Edana's orbit-creating eye rolls.

"Nice speech, Rice, you really know how to smooth down a situation huh? Didn't even need your boyfriend to help ya."


Nik paused, in a direct line to make his way to Franklin, impermeable amidst the crowd but stuck like a pole in the middle of the bloody highway. Franklin, donned in yellow yarns and a mane of fiery hair, grimaced, and flicked her eyes away from the scene.

He felt like he was playing some fucked-up version of red light / green light.

"Finish your fuckin' laundry food and stop baiting people like a fuckin' child."


The part-time devil let out a sigh strong enough to bowl over thunder and moved again. As Rhys talked Ryan down, and James circled in their orbit like a trusted familial planet, Nik let his shoulders drop. His body relaxed. He didn't have to come to the rescue, here. They'd get to live another day. Sleep in actual beds. Eat actual food. Shower...in hot showers.

Clean their clothes, and warm them, and not smell like a fucking barnyard.

Frankenfurter made a brave, bold action and lifted up her awkward hand to him from across the room, fingers hitching in the smallest wave she could manage. She tried to smile, but it was far too large for her face, so she hid her gap-teeth behind her lips with a scowl. Then, she went back to knitting.

The part-time devil struck forward once again, catching Harry...flirting with danger, quite literally, from the corner of his eye. He had nothing to worry about. Everything was fine. They'd all go out and do their jobs, get to stay in relative comfort while they proved themselves useful, and that was that.

Nothing to worry about, nobody was going to get murdered, everything was fine.

Nothing to worry about, in the slightest.

You did great princess, was what he would've said next. Before that however, he would've walked over, offered a gracious smile—mouth always a barometer for how he felt at any given time—then perhaps take Rhys by the arm to talk about where they were right now.

What was going on, what his plans were, what his take was. Nik hadn't been in the war room, and despite being a slacker of amazing prowess, he still liked to be informed.

He would've done that. He would've said that.

Instead, he stood by Franklin's table, and caught some blond doppelganger mark his hands up the whitelighter's arm. From the corner of his eye, it bristled up his spine, in marks of black. Deep, bold marks, boiling. Boiling enough to blister, boiling enough to rend flesh, tearing, a gnashing teeth, a maw, but his face was blank.

Nothing to worry about, nobody was going to get murdered.

The two exchanged words, and Nik saw Rhys peel off. Perhaps after the part-time devil, who had gone unnoticed, as he hadn't been needed to qualm this childish dispute. Or perhaps, for some...other reason.

Well, maybe someone would get murdered, and it certainly wasn't any of their crew.

Franklin piped up and made a short bleat like a critter, a tender hand reaching to jag at Nik's wrist. She caught it in a tight grasp, painfully trying to avoid his gaze, but leveled a bit of squirrel jerky in her other hand. His fist was closed, tight. Bravely, so very bravely, she wrenched his hand open and placed the food in his palm.

Not unlike he was a frightened, feral creature, who she had to somehow feed.

"Y'all ginna gits? Yaw...s'fed ya an' all, git."
"...nature-girl, I'm fine. I'm just going to sit here and keep you compan—"
"Naw! S'gits! Git, git!"
she waved him away with her face in a twisted, comical scowl. She kept repeating her phrase and waved him away with her knitting needle, then a fat stack of squirrel jerky buffering him away, then a small, strong hand pushing.

"Y'all think yer psychic'nm...s'stup..stupid. Go on, ya' b-big big, d-dumb blond'sfsd I'n can't, I jus'..n'fmgdfk no'un listns t'me, an...all tha—gits!"
"Dumb'assa gosh darn koala f'I knows it!"

"Koalas are riddled with STDs. Did you just call me a fucking koala?"
"SdfS GO GITS," barked Franklin before she turned back to her work.

Nik let out a deep, breathy laugh, before pulling away and jamming the jerky she had so bravely, and graciously gifted him, into his mouth. He wheeled from the congested cafeteria, chewing as he stalked, and caught up with Rhys, trailing behind him like a shadow in his footsteps. The cigarette had been put into the altoids container with an audible clink.

"You did good, princess..."
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Amara Blackwood

Location: Airforce Base Cafeteria
Mentions: Who am I not mentioning?

Three days after their arrival, everything was pretty much routine. It was a nice change from running. They could do their laundry, instead of finding a clothing place, raiding it, and throwing out clothes that were too gross. They unlimited access to full, working bathrooms. Not to mention anything in the cafeteria. However, even with all this in their sanctuary, Amara's trust still hadn't grew. She constantly kept an eye on them when she was around them, especially the high ranking ones. She was sure that one of them were going to do something to cause her and her group to have to leave. Yet, with no proof or evidence, no claim could be made.
That being said, she continued today like the last two, she got up, showered, got dressed, and met her brother in the mess hall, or cafeteria. Always the earlier one, he was already towards the end of the buffet like line, while she was just starting when she arrived. By the time, she got her pancakes and sat, Elijah had started eating, now staring at her plate and smiling.
"What?" she asked, rather a bit harshly, but not too harsh since it was him. It was mainly out of having no energy to deal with people in the morning.
"Pancakes?" he questioned, with an eyebrow raised and a gesture to her plate with his fork.
"Don't judge."
"I'm not."
"Are too. I just wanted pancakes cause I haven't had them in a while," she snapped. With that, she shut up and began eating her pancakes and drinking her coffee. Once, she finished, she was safe for others to talk to, and proceeded as such with Elijah. They didn't talk about much, other than this place and their duties, which kind of saddened her, but their wasn't any more subjects worth talking about at this moment. This is where they were to be until they were safe to leave or kicked out, whichever happened to be the case, noticing how many liked it here.
"Well, as much as I'd love to skip guard duty, I can't and I have to go," Elijah stated.
"It's fine, go. Eventually, I'll make it to scout duty," Amara replied, as she watched her brother collect his metal tray and walked away out on of the many set of doors, stopping my a trash can on his way. However, she knew that his time to report wasn't yet. She knew where Elijah was going, but why it was such under wraps was a mystery. Mr. Anti-Magic was going to see Namri, or try to catch up with her before he had to report. Amara was smart enough to catch up with the trend.
While she was watching the chain of command of this place, she found herself watching Namri and Elijah grow closing in these later days. She figured since there was a spark while they were trapped in the raider cells, which if you ask her is a weird start to a love story, but this was the apocalypse, so shit happens. Anyways, she figured there was a spark in that cell, that was trying to grow, but had no roam or way to, until they got here where they both had a temporary thought of security. That security, as given them the confidence to start a romance that the two has chosen to keep hidden....for now.
Not long after Elijah made his exit, Amara was coming out of a thought when commotion began to stir. Their was a lot of shouting and insulting, Upon further inspection, Marcus, James, Ryan, Rhys, Nik, and honestly just a bunch of people, mainly men. It seemed like a shouting match, to her, something about laundry, being ungrateful, and name calling. She was half tempted to go over there, tell them to shut up and pull their pants down, while she grabs a ruler and they could finally settle it, but Rhys finally came though and ruined the idea of that fun, so boo.
But from what she could tell, Rhys was right. Marcus and company weren't the most trustworthy, but they had to be on their best behavior themselves to survive this blasted weather. They will die out their or live long enough in here, it was everyone's choice, however the wrong one from just one person, effected everyone. That meant, Amara had to find her customer service voice more often then she had been using it due to this escapade from Ryan and James, everyone was going to be watched. One wrong move or word, was the end of them.
code by @Goldieloxx

Niylah Blake
Location: McGuire AF Base
Interactions: Anise Anise , BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda , Lakyr Lakyr , Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater , Marcus , and Everyone XD

Niylah was reading when Kayden walked in. It all happened too fast and she only noticed as she heard Kayden’s shouts. ''CATCH!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH! FUCKING ENOUGH! I WON'T BE CLEANING THAT JERK'S UNDERWEAR! NEVER! PLUS, CAN PEOPLE FIND A ROOM TO DO THINGS IN?! LIKE, CAN THEY STOP DOING IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING HALLWAY?! AS FOR YOU, RYAN, COULD YOU ALREADY FUCKING STOP WORRYING ABOUT PEOPLE STABBING YOU IN THE BACK AND SLEEP? IF NOT, YOU'LL GET FUCKING WRINKLES AND LOOK LIKE A DRIED BLOODY ORANGE PEEL!'' she looked up to see Ryan covered in clothes… 'wait were those dirty clothes?' she closed her book and stood up as Kayden explained what the problem was. Ryan then took the laundry and Stomped off the room, James right after him. Niylah wanted to follow them as well and see what was going to happen, but she knew encouraging a fight wasn't the best idea at the moment. So instead she came closer to Kayden. “ Hey, you okay?” she asked him with a smile assuring him that it was okay. she didn't need to assure him anything though, he knew his friend better than she did and that was for sure. She noticed that pieces of the laundry were still on the floor so Niylah, not bothering to touch them, swept them off with a broom and left them, with the broom, in front of the door. anyone says anything, she’ll be like “ just doing my job” she gave an approval grin to the tune she made in her head. Whatever Ryan was about to do, Marcus had it coming.

Niylah felt useless around the base, she asked people around if they needed help, helped a few, helped cleaning, played with the kids… she loved playing with the kids, but that was one of the only things she loved in the base. She didn't like it here at all, sure there was amazingly delicious food but she didn't feel safe and she wasn't comfortable. It was dangerous and freezing outside, and it drove Niylah crazy that she couldn't go out to search the area for another place. But it came to her mind that these people must have maps of the area that she can go take a look, if she finds anything interesting she would copy it and scan the area later when it was okay to go outside, or at least have a plan B if they ever got kicked out. she wasn't sure whether or not she needed permission to search the maps. But she knew that she needed to tell at least one person of her group about her plan. ‘But first, let's find those maps’ she thought. Maybe she should find something and then tell someone, rather than just walk up to them like: hey, I don’t like it here, so I’m gonna go check another area, and I’ll tell you if I find anything. Nah that sounded very bad. she would rather come up with a plan first and then be like hey, so I was poking around and I think I found somewhere where we can stay as a plan B if things went wrong here. yeah, that sounded much better. It was better to first find a location and then tell them about it. she decided on her plan as she found a room filled with books and maps, and the best part was that the door wasn't even locked. With her notebook and pencil in her hand ready to copy anything useful, she looked around to make sure that no one was there and went into the room. She sure could tell her group about her plan if she ever found one, but she didn't want the other group to find out. The room was filled with all sort of books and maps, most of them had information about the base, the technology inside, secret passages between buildings, med bay, food storage, and a lot more things that were too important to ignore in Niylah's opinion. They can use some of this information if anything goes wrong, and a plan C was always a good thing. While Niylah was looking between the maps and the notes, she couldn't help but wonder what happened between Ryan and Marcus. They didn't fight, that’s for sure, but what did happen? Ryan was furious, so even though they didn't fight, Marcus should be smart enough to watch his back for a few days. which made Niylah new plan of pissing him off more enjoyable. after a few hours of research, she found two or three spots that looked like a useful place, but she couldn't find enough information that indicated that there was a base, a bunker or even a house there, Of course, she knew that these weren't all the maps they had, some useful ones must be somewhere she can't reach… yet, but that wasn't a waste of time she thought, she now knew some information about the base like secret passages locations. she took notes about the secret passages thinking that she can show it to someone later.

Later that day, Niylah was sitting in the cafetry reading when Marcus walked in. she didn't look up when he sat on one of the tables infront of hers but she was jumping inside because he sat exactly where she wanted him to. she waited a few minutes, then closed her book, crossed her hands and looked at him. he was looking at a paper so it took him a few seconds but she could feel that he was starting to feel uncomfortable. one minute passed and Marcuse looked up at her so she shifted her eyes to the Wall behind him as quick as possible making sure that he didn't notice the shift. Seeing that she wasn't looking at him, he shook his head and went back to the paper. Step two, she looked back at him and gave a grin, another minute passed an he looked up again. this time not only she shifted her eyes, but she made sure to give a small node, one that looked as if she was signing to someone behind him and not wanting Marcus to notice but failing. and he immediately stood up and looked behind him. with her mission being done she took the book that was in front of her and started reading again with a dead straight face. His reaction was better than she expected. she wanted to laugh so bad but she tried her best to hold it in pretending that it was the way she normally acted. she thought that he would say something, it's Marcus so he will say something for sure, she thought earlier while planning and her response was already prepared, she wasn't there when the laundry incident happened, but he only looked at her and then again behind him furious, he didn't say anything to her, he took his paper and went out of the cafeteria instead. Niylah heard him mumble a ‘fuck, that’s messed up’ as he walked passed her. ‘that was close’ she thought but didn't move a muscle for another few minutes before she closed her book and got out of the cafeteria hoping that what she just did will not get her into trouble with her group, and deciding to keep it a secret unless Marus mentions it. It was stupid, but it was also funny and she would laugh about it later she thought as she started searching for one of the responsibles for their group to share her findings with.
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Reverie Lowiezka

LOCATION — McGuire Airforce Base > Laundry Room > Herb Greenhouses
INTERACTIONS BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda
MENTIONS— Kayden. (This one's really short :,( it's my fault, I started way too late and if I keep going I'll be late for work on the morrow. Hopefully tis' enuf to tide over till the next.)
DESC. — Hair unfettered, Black dress, tights, black heeled ankle boots.
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Rigid she stood, strung taut as the bowstring on Mandy, the well-worn little Cecilo ol' Arty used to play in acompanyment to her midnight seranades. A fiddling tune from a timeless era, thrusting the erstwhile moonlighter into a halcyon world of dimmed lighting, tinkling glasses of champagne and clandestine flirtations. A stick of ruby red to tint her already scarlet lips and a dash of pink on alabaster cheeks was usually all she needed to draw them in. That and her dulcet contralto lilting the cigar fumed air. A time so far removed from the now that she wondered if the mementos that flashed through her mind were really hers, and not some vague memory of a movie she'd seen. Was she the same person then as she was here, now, standing with cheeks flushed as a surge of emotion threatened to torrent their way through her hazel irises for the second time since she met the blue-eyed boy. Conflict marred her glassy orbs, and if he was taken aback by her sudden outburst, she'd be just as confused at the feelings that simmered unfettered out of her chest.

Who was Reverie now? That she'd cared enough to play fiddle with this little mènage, bearing to stay and not be off on her way.

To be a part of, was to let loose the inevitability that somethings and some-timings would no longer be yours to hold alone. An inconsequential give-and-take to most but it meant all of everything to one who was used to hearing none other but her own footsteps by her side. This... loss of control made her feel... vulnerable, and she lashed out instinctively in the only way she knew how. In utterings of venom and spite. Perhaps hoping to goad an attrition of inflammatory words in fury and heaves of bloodshot red. Anger took her mind off things. It cleared all other enfeebling distractions and focused all thought onto that one source of bitterness. And of all the ones she could've cast a storm on, she'd chosen his bright sunny day.

Perchance on a subliminal level, she knowing of the darkened alcoves and deepest recesses of his own beating pulses, wished he'd disinterred that wickedness onto her. If only because feeling the warm breeze of familial company, and the light of simple insouciant hope amidst the daily bleak that'd somehow found its way around her once impervious door was something the witch felt she didn't deserve to relish. Or mayhap she knew that he, deplorable among all others, was the only one who having bore sight to her buried demons could disarm her. And the coward that he was, he did. Having seen right through her to the frightened little thing within.

"You're not actually mad at me." And for just that moment, she saw the underlying flash of nightmare blue and thought that she'd have her score, but, he'd quietly slipped his knife of reason so smoothly in between her ribs she'd not felt a thing. Perhaps he'd wavered, but he did not stoop to her level, and it left a bittersweet aftertaste in her mouth. She felt the fool, not out of anything he'd said, not directly at least. But out of the clarity of she finally realizing that the Reverie she was now, was really not the same from then. And when he'd turned to go eyes downcast, having poured out his mind, she watched him leave with quivering lip and shuddered breath feeling none the better for what she'd done. But at the same time... glad.

She didn't know how long she stood awash in her thoughts. A mumbling pile of clothes had stopped by somewhere in between, and if she'd been paying any attention she might've recognized Kayden's voice. Though finally, she could bear the inactivity no more, and the balls of her feet ached. Slipping quietly away, avoiding the commotion that seemed to echo from the mess hall because she didn't feel like seeing any of the others and she wasn't hungry, she stored her dry clothing and headed to busy herself at the greenhouses.
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Location: McGuire AF Base

Interactions: Farm Boy BELIAL. BELIAL.

BGM: Nihilist Blues


Her gaze narrowed on the cluster of figures who had gathered a few tables over. Tension soaked into the air, suffocating her breathing space in so much testosterone that she wondered if the whole cafeteria was going to explode. As entertaining as it might have been, the headache brewing in her frontal lobe didn't exactly make this scene welcome. "Ya think they'll kill each other?

She snorted, finger aimlessly running around the edge of her water cup, "If I should be so lucky."

There was movement out of the corner of her eye, a shimmering of congealing air as a presence sat itself on the bench across from her. He tipped his hat away, pale cyan staring right at her with an expression that was a little more calculating than she would have liked.

"There ain't nothin' here makin' ya stay, little lady." She turned her head to face him, staring back at the ghost sitting across from her with an equal amount of indifference. From an outside perspective it might have looked as if she had been lost in thought. Her tongue clicked, a rough acknowledgment but not any sort of an answer. Mordecai frowned, moving forward in the seat, his body unnaturally bending across the table as he looked her in the eyes. She refused to look away, her left hand gripping her knee under the table. Despite the calm appearance, her mind was racing. She knew what ghosts could do, knew what they were capable of. This one was no exception...they could easily turn, use an unsuspecting opportunity to cause mortal harm. They appeared as friends, loved ones, charmers, but they were nothing but masks over void-less things just waiting to smother you in the abyss. They dangled the abyss before your eyes, claimed it as paradise, and hoped you were dumb enough to follow. They were dangerous. There were no exceptions.

"Pleasure seein' you here. You come here often?"

Her gaze flickered away, relaxing the grip on her own leg as Harry slid onto the bench next to her. The tension in her shoulders visibly faded slightly as relief swept itself through her. She knew he couldn't fathom the reason why she might have been so grateful for his untimely interruption....but it was, very much appreciated. Her nose crinkled, as if remembering the character she had worked so hard to maintain here. "Unfortunately." There was a touch of fear that wavered her words, curled around them in such a faint after print that he might not have picked it up.

"Don't speak ta him."
"Don' be worryin', I ain't here to be an Elliot with ya. Came in and saw shit goin' down. You catch most of it?"

She hummed slightly, trying to ignore the cold breath on the back of her neck, the goose flesh that prickled her skin, the shiver of terror that laced itself down her spine as a hand slid across her shoulder. The fabric of her shirt moved with the motion, but she wasn't sure Harry even caught it. He seemed to be looking over at the commotion that was starting to disperse. "Ain't much to stay here for, little lady. An' that blizzard seems like a mighty fine time, I promise it don't hurt. Nothin' but a sharp 'lil pain 'pose you know that though, don't 'cha?"
The coffee shade of her skin paled slightly, finding herself wedged between a rock and a hard place. She couldn't exactly tell the spirit off, not with these many people around, there was too great of a danger in that. And Harry...

His sky-blue gaze flickered back to hers and she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Allea struggled to swallow past the lump in her throat, managing to masquerade a half smile and shrug of indifference. "I ain't worried. An' no...I...assume they were posturin' again."

"You know it's the wisest choice. There ain't no one left, ya said so yerself. They all gone. It wouldn't even take an hour..."

"Marcus really... ain't that bad of a guy. Sure he's tougher than rocks, but so's you. He's... aggressive thas fer sure, but he means well for us here. Survivin' ain't easy," Allea watched him rest his chin on his open palm, flickering his gaze between her and the man he was talking about. "Though, I reckon' I shouldn't be preachin' to you Miss. I think you been doin' a lot more survivin' than most of us here. I can see it in yer eyes."

Her brows rose at that, staring at him with a mixture of disbelief and shock. She wasn't sure what he thought he saw in her eyes, but he didn't know the half of what she had gone through to survive and for a second that spark of anger rose in her before it was snuffed out. The unnatural chill breathed across her cheek and she saw Mordecai out of the corner of her eye, his face far too close for her comfort and his gaze far too sinister for something that pretended to be benevolent. She clenched her jaw, a wave of irritation cascading over her that wasn't her own, it was a violence that spilled over her, one that she could feel originating from behind her. The spirit was aggravated by his presence. She didn't know why, didn't understand what Mordecai needed to feel threatened by, but this wasn't something she wanted to be in the middle of. Despite all of her faults, she never wished for any innocents to get hurt purposefully. She reached into her pocket carefully, setting a pouch on the table without a word. "If you don't back off, I'll send you back where you came from." The threat left her through clenched teeth, gaze locked directly on the Spirit's. She hadn't wished to do that in front of Harry, but the energy...the pressure, was building to a point she was far from comfortable with. "Petty threats ain't gon' scare me, little lady. Jus' stop fightin' it already."

Allea's gaze narrowed on the specter, beginning to untie the pouch. The lights above them flickered, fixture swinging faster and faster the more she opened the pouch. The table began to shake, water sloshing out of her glass, and then nothing. The air around them warmed and the leering presence behind her vanished. Her lips pulled into a flatline, knowing that he wasn't gone, but the fact that he conceded gave her just a margin of peace. Chocolate orbs focused on the man beside her, tilting her head slightly as she regarded him, "No, you shouldn't." She started to stand, mouth dry as her brain struggled to come up with something else to say. He was a nice guy, one of the few here to show her kindness, but she knew deep down that he would be better off if he stayed far away. She was a magnet for bad things, always following her like some sort of warped curse. "But ain't no one here not survive somethin'."

She grabbed the pouch, tying it up neatly before placing it back into her pocket. There was a piece of her that felt as if she owed an explanation. He had to know she was weird by now, but what he had just been witness to was probably...a bit more than just weird even for apocalypse standards. She cleared her throat, "Sorry 'bout that, Cher. Ghosts ain't always the most peaceful." Allea grimaced a little at the way she outed herself, but didn't say anything for a long moment. It was probably best he knew, most people with an ounce of self preservation stayed away from the girl who could communicate with the dead. Not to mention that she was a witch. Either would have been reason enough for him to turn tail and run. She looked at him again, lips parting to say something when a group of figures caught her attention. They stood in the corner of the room, looking like porcelain dolls adorned with frost crystals in their hair. Blue lips, bloodshot eyes, a hue to skin that looked to be something beyond death itself. The female stepped forward, her mouth opened, jaw unhinging, and she screamed as the frost spider-webbed up her face. Allea tripped over the seat as the woman rushed her, barely even feeling the impact of her back on the linoleum. Her breath left her in shattered fragments, staring with wide eyes as the ghost bent itself over her, their faces parallel.

She was vaguely aware of someone shouting her name.

"B E T R A Y E R"

A frozen feeling gripped her chest and she struggled to breathe, body convulsing as she saw the rise of a building and a world frozen in sheets of ice. A hand that reached out to grab another, the flash of a gun, a broken cry of a mother, and a pain that brought tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. She saw the face of a monster and the mask of a friend. Her heart raced, beating wildly out of time as she struggled to grasp reality. The place where everything existed now and not the past, future, or between. Her fingers dug into the floor, "...a monolith.." the phrase blew past her lips and the vision that had encased her faded away along with the visage of the ghost above her.

Allea choked on a sob, staring at the ceiling as she willed herself to pull the pieces back together.


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