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Colosseum The Last Crusade

Jack Lick

Soldier of Fortune

The Wraiths

Endless, Relentless, Undying. The Great Enemy.

The Empire of Man is no more.

But we are not dead.

We will avenge ourselves.

Weapons which can bore into their skin, Armor which to dampen their blows, Minds which can fight as fast and dirty as they can.

For a thousand years we have fought. Shed our blood in the name of our dead brothers. And it is coming to an end.

This message is for all, whether you are a Templar, Seeker or Vanguard.

The End has come. Follow us.

The Last Crusade is an RP about giant intelligent spaceships made to fight against an enemy smarter, deadlier, and more technologically advanced than us. The Empire of Man is no longer, yet they remain. In this, you are called to follow them, a final crusade to strike into the heart of the Wraiths. Will you fight one last time?

Some rules:

If you wish to join, have a character that can fit in easily in the game. No Mary Sues please.

The combat system is not freeform. If you are caught cheating, then you are automatically expelled.

When writing your characters, do not write up on any fluff. Try to describe his temperament, strengths and weaknesses. A picture might help.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/death_of_the_phobos_by_mikedoscher-d7fvjo9.jpg.af9a3422456bb13d04b59305efd1c328.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/death_of_the_phobos_by_mikedoscher-d7fvjo9.jpg.af9a3422456bb13d04b59305efd1c328.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • death_of_the_phobos_by_mikedoscher-d7fvjo9.jpg
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I'm not exactly very good at being a Game Master, since this is probably going to be my first time, so bear with me.
Well, I'm still here. I still have to make an rp thread, but I will make one, be sure of that. Just wait. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
So...let's talk about character creation.

I need:






Now I figure some might not understand what some are meant to do, so I'll explain.

Name: I don't have to explain this.

Experiences: What has your battleship gone through? Any close calls, victories, scarring defeats? What has shaped him to become what he is now. (min. 2 paragraphs)

Beliefs: What does your character believe in? What are his core values, truths, opinions, etc.

Affiliation: Either you are a Templar, Seeker, or Vanguard. However, it isn't restricted to that. If you desire to, you may be affiliated with a different faction, but you must describe them, and get my approval.

Qualities: What makes your character different?

*Note: Remember, this universe is fairly vague at the beginning. Write nothing that affirms or denies the scheme of larger things. However, the universe is also large, which means that your characters can name planets, systems, galaxies, even. But make sure that it doesn't mention anything important (the nature of the enemies, technology, history of the Fall of Man, that sort of thing).
Name: Erin Lund


-Sole survivor of a brutal attack, testing her to her mental and physical limits as she was stranded in space alone in the planet Cynth's asteroid belt. She had to go from wreckage to wreckage scavenging parts so she could escape alive, although there were many complications, Erin barely escaped with her life. Since her time in space, Erin then became prepared for virtually anything, holding supplies that could last months, extra ammo, the med bay ready at any moment, and a new storage container to full up on fuel to last a few space warps.

-She worked herself up in the ranks, by going from copilot, to pilot, to captain all in a matter of 4 years. Erin then stayed as the cruiser's Captain for a few years now, enduring countless battles, created multiple battle strategies and slowly upgrading both her cruiser and her personal ship

Beliefs: No religious beliefs, but believes that in time, everything heals, wounds, relationships, and civilizations.

Affiliation: (I don't understand what the factions are)

Qualities: Clever, witty, optimistic, Erin will try to find a way that best way to solve to every problem. Her left leg got smashed, it is currently replaced with a robotic leg.

(sorry it took me so long)
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