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Fandom The Judgement System: Sword Art Online

He examined the building and back to her. "Well move on your command." He equip his duel wield shotguns and held them to his side. Ready when you are.
After about 5 minutes bullet said " now" and ran off towards the building with Marcilio.

They ran in runninging into about 5 guards before they could shoot Marcilio hopped aiming both shotguns at two dudes placing whole clips inside of them.
Bullet did a back flip to dodge some bullets and then took out her dual guns and shot 4 guys that arrived right after they heard some shots.

Marcilio did a back flip killing one more guy before heading up the stairs. "How many floors before we reach the sniper." He said as he dodge the bullet of a submachine gunner when they reached the next floor.
Bullet deflected a bullet and said "the sniper is at the top... and there are 10 floors... and we are on the 4th one... soo 6 more to go" she said as she threw a grenade and shot it killing the person with the submachine gun and 5 more pkers.

(Back, time for BlackHand to join the fray.)

BlackHand sighed, as she arrived at the coordinates that Black Hat sent her, shaking her head chuckling. "I wonder how entertaining this one will be..." She chuckled, her augmented eye scanning the building before her for her target.
Sighing as Bullet replied Marcilio jumped over a pker shooting him in the head in midair and running up another flight of stairs. Busting through a door skidding to a stop shooting blanks, he moved fast enough to only get grazed but a bullet on his cheek. "S***" he slid behind something for cover. "Cover me reloading" he shouted to Bullet.
Bullet nodded and took out a grenade and threw it. Once it was near the group she shot it and it exploded. She then then got out of her cover and dash as great speed with her sword out and swung it side ways cutting 3 pkers at the same time. She looked behind and shot at pker in the head with her gun in her free hand. She dodged another bullet and shot a guy hiding behind behind a wall.

BlackHand sighed, as she watched her target travelling through the building. She chuckled softly, opening the chat with Kazuma again.

[blackHand re-entered chat.]

[ _____: Welcome back.]

[ _____: Is the job done?]

[blackHand: She seems young for your taste.]

[ _____: Is she now? I hadn't looked.]

[blackHand: You want me to send the trail?]

[ _____:As per usual.]

[blackHand: You're insane.]

[ _____: So are you.]

[blackHand has left chat.]

Black Hand sighed, shaking her head. "Right..." She said, lifting up the modified rocket launcher, targeting Bullet's thermal signature. "Message sent." She said, before pulling the trigger launching the four rockets at the building.
Bullet blinked as heard something coming towards them. She grabbed Marcilo and jumped out of the building from the 5th floor. She threw Marcilo up and she died the momentum on the fall and did a dodged roll and caught him. She watched the building crumble to piece 'what he'll was that?!?!' She stared at it and then started to feel weak "i need to log out..." she mutter. She has bee running around too much and she took out 2 out of the 3 building without rest. Even if she is one of the judges, she has her limits and need rest. She looked and said " i am logging out..." she opened her menue and was about to log out but stop. ' wait.. where did those rockets come from??' She thought as she looked around.

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Marcilio thanked Bullet and stayed lowed. "We can probably follow the smoke trail" he said looking over a chunk of a building that they were currently hiding behind. "You log off I'll try the person who did this. When you log back on message me and we can meet up somewhere."
Bullet seemed unsure " i am not sure... I have a bad feeling about this one... the smoke trail seems to be on purpose...." she said. She was sitting down and was leaning against the chunck of the building that was still standing. She looked tired.

Looking at the smoke trail then back to the tired looking bullet. "Well those missile finished the job for us. I guess were done here for now. You get some rest I'll file the report." Marcilio said patting her back. "I'm going to get out of here before whoever did that finds me." He said running the opposite way of the missile launcher.
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Bullet watched him run and smiled " Lets work together again sometime!!" She said to him as she watched him run off. She looked in the direction of the missile launcher and sighed a little. She opened her menue and went to press the logout button.


BlackHand sighed, shaking her head. "You knew they wouldn't take that bait didn't you?" She said, as Black Hat logged in next to her. "Of course I did." He said chuckling, as he nodded. "That's why I left a little clue for the little one." He said, holding up a burnt piece of paper. "Let's see if they find the 'fake' hard-drive I so happen to have left in that building that specifically has data on the money trail that will lead them to Net.slum." He chuckled, shaking his head. "I play the long game remember?"
Bullet logged out off the game without any interference.


A girl with black hair took off the helmet from her head, sat up on her bed and held her head and shook it. She slightly groaned as she laid back down on her bed "not to self... don't ever do that again... without a partner...." she muttered to herself and yawned. She then sat up and went off to the kitchen to get some food to eat.

"Are you sure something like that would work?" BlackHand asked, looking over at Black Hat. "They are intelligent. I rust that they'll find it. Even if they just stumble upon the trail on accident, it will seem as if they made a beak through. I could send a personal message to the girl to ease your mind a bit, if you want." He said, chuckling. "No, that would be worse."
The girl hummed as she cooked some nodded for herself. The only thing that has been bothering her ever since she logged out was the name 'Kazuma' 'i should go and report the name to Judge Talon....' She thought to herself.

Black Hat chuckled, smiling sadistically. "I could tell her everything you know." He said, which caused BlackHand to glare at him. "And cause all of our plans to go up in flames?" She asked, sighing. "What ever, do as you wish." She said, logging out. "I'll do that any way." He said, smiling as he turned to the sunset that the game was playing at he moment. "And trust me, telling one little child something isn't going to mess with my plans."

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