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Fandom The Judgement System: Sword Art Online

" oh no you dont!" Bullet said and shot a pker in the head before he can activate the explosives to blow the building. She the dodged a bullet and shot the sniper. She sighed a little as she walked out out the building and headed of to the third building 'last one....' She thought as she walked towards it. She was then surround by a group of black lotus members. She took out her light Saber and stabbed one that tried to jump on her from behind " nice try" she said to him and cut the person in half. She then started attacking the rest.

Kazuma sighed, as he wandered around a bit killing any monsters that he'd see for exp. He chuckled softly, taking a cloth out that he used to clean his blade. "Hm?" He said, upon receiving a message.

Kazuma sighed, smiling as his avatar faded away to be replaced with that of The Black Hat. Shaking his head he sighed softly, still cleaning the sword. "You have my attention..."

[bHatter opens chat with ???]

[bHatter: You have my attention. What is the request?]

[???:The Judges. They sent a member here, taking out everyone... don't have much time till she finds me.]

[bHatter: It's a girl?]

[???:Shit... she's close...]

[??? has left chat.]

Bullet stabbed another member and dodged a bullet. " damn..." she saw one in the distance with the chat box open and took out her dual gun and shot the person in the leg before he can escape. She then dodged another bullet and sighed. She threw a grenade near a rock the exploded and crumbled. It dropped on a group of lotus members that was hiding behind it. She then looked at the member she shot in the leg and walked up to him. She picked him up by the throat " who did you call??" She asked him with a glare.

Black Hat sighed, shaking his head as he looked back at the town, a soft smile on his face. "A female Judge huh?" He sighed, chuckling softly to himself. "I might be interested to check it out..." He said, returning to the Kazuma avatar.


The hacker chuckled when she picked him up. "C-call?" He said, a scared smile on his face. "I didn't... I didn't call anyone..." He continued, the smile still on his face. "Why would I do that? All my friends are here."
Bullet looked at him " if you didn't call anyone then you wouldn't mind opening up your call log and let me have a look at it" she said squeezing his throat " or should I put a bullet in your head and get it over with??" She said to him

The hacker gulped, before slowly nodding. "R-right... Of course." He said gulping again, looking away as he opened his call log. "There you go..." He gulped showing her.

[xx:xx Sent message to _____ ]

[xx:xx _____ opened chat with you.]

[xx:xx You exited the chat with _____.]

(On the _____ looking at it, a person would see 'Kazuma' yet a search for the player idc would yield a message stating "Player Data not Found.")
Bullet stared at it 'kazuma.....' she looked at the person she was holding by the throat " looks like today is your lucky day.... leave this game and never come back.... if I see you again chances are I won't recognize you and will put a bullet in your head..... understood??" She asked with a cold stare on her face.

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(I already explained that... The blanks has Kazuma in them, but no data can be gotten when searching his player idc or number.)
The hacker nodded, a relieved smile on his face. "R-right... Of course." He said, seconds before logging out.


Kazuma sighed, as he looked around the area he found himself in. "Should I join up with them, just to check out this female Judge..." He chuckled to himself, shrugging. "Nah, not at the moment... She'll probably be following the fake trail I gave her."
Bullet sighed and looked around before sitting down and sighing. She was planning to log out after this. She saw a red line aimed at her head and moved out of the way and hid behind the rock. She rested up for 5 more minutes before she ran off towards the last building with the sniper and guards.

After sending messages to Talon, Marcilio sent a wide message to any judge needing assistance.

{This Marcilio to all Judges, I will be free for aid of needed just tell me were you at}

[Message Sent]

Getting real bored Marcilio felt a small urge coming from inside wanting to pk. Like in the old days. The boredom wasn't helping his condition.

"I'll just head to a gym or something while I wait for some one to reply."
Yawning slightly Kazuma returned to the town, chuckling softly to himself as he wandered the town absentmindedly. "I wonder if any pretty ladies are on..." He mumbled to himself, chuckling a bit to himself at the though.
Bullet got the message but stopped and looked at it. She thought about it for a minute, she was pretty worn out. ' better to ask for help than get a bullet in my head..." she muttered before send a message back to judge Marcilo " hey... I need help clearing out a the last building filler with hackers..." she then inserted the name if the city she was in and pressed send and waited for an answer. She then went and hide. As she waited she looked up the player Kazuma, but no information popped up. She wasn't surprised about it 'why would they contact that one person...??'

Marcilio stopped as he got the message. "Finally some action." He looked and spotted some four wheelers and hopped on one heading towards the Judges location

{Judge Bullet I'm heading there now .}
Kazuma chuckled, as a note popped up on his dash.

[user ID: Bullet has looked up IDC _____ ]

Kazuma smiled at the note, shaking his head softly a bit. "Hello Madam." He said, chuckled a bit as he opened up the his friends list.

[ _____ opened chat with BlackHand]

[blackHand: What did you need Sensei? Why call me?]

[ _____: The Judges just got a hold of the idc. I need you to find a way to stall them. My game isn't yet ready for players.]

[blackHand: Understood.]

[blackHand has left the chat.]
Bullet got the message from Macilio and messaged back " thanks... and watch out for snipers" she then lean back and waited for his arrival and sighed.

As he neared the building he message Bullet

{Where are you}

He stopped his four wheeler a few feet away from the building. Looking at the sky, he almost forgot her warning when he spotted a red dot on his bike. He back flipped off it and his behind another abandoned building. "Well that was close."
John looked at the person who seemed the leader, and checked his stats. High level... God damn it...

"T-There are some hackers in that building there, I recommend you go check..."

He started to walk away, keeping his eye on them. He opened up their messages, and started to walk faster. They were hostile to hackers, these judges...
Bullet got the message and sent her coordinates to him. She tried and looked up Kazuma again and still didn't find anything on him. "Huh...well bit was worth a second try... should report this back later...." she muttered

Marcilio opened his map and found her he hurriedly ran to her position almost getting sit e times. He his with bullet as soon as he found her. " Good thing there terrible shots" he said jokingly.
Bullet looked at him "thanks for coming..." she said to him as she got up " that is the last building..." she said pointing at it. "it probably has about 30-50 hackers in side and is guarding the sniper.... we need to take them all out and the sniper... the city will hopefully be safe again... afterwards..."


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