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Fandom The Judgement System: Sword Art Online

"Hmm? Those small time a-holes?!" He shuts up, and smiles. "No. Just no. You are... who? And dual pistols?" John laughs, and looks at her. "Good choice. Great for indoors combat. Let's see how good you really are." He starts to limp toward her, still carrying the knife, and oddly shielding his head with both hands.
Bullet raises an eyebrow " if your not a hacker then I have no business with you..." she said to him. She turned around and started to leave, she can understand why he is trying to defend himself from her. She is very strong but she doesn't let that get to her head. Some hackers also power themselves up with cheats and such. She mentally sighed 'he must think I am a hacker...' " stay in here while I clear the perimeter... once that is done I'll come back and give you a heath item to heal"

The reason she isn't giving him one now is because she thinks he is going to attack while she tries to protect the him to 'there are 3 snipers... this is gonna take a while...' She thought. She still had her guard up as her back was turned to the injured player.

He laughed as she left the room, and felt a sharp pain in his arm. Another sniper... kudos to that. He started to change into his power form once more, screaming in pain as it happened. The metal parts formed around him, fusing with the flesh. In a matter of seconds, he was already up, almost covering the whole room, and was staggering toward her at first. "Takes a while to get used to it..."
Bullet blinked as she heard screaming and ran back. Her eyes widened as she didn't see the player but a machine like thing. " what the...." she said as she took a step back from the thing. She looked around for the player and frowned sadly not seeing him. She glared at it " when I get rid of the hackers.... you next!!!" She yelled at it thinking it was a machine made by the hackers. She then tried to run off in order to get away from the thing 'i need to call for back up...' She thought.

"I won't let you get away!!! I have gone under too much pain for this!!!" He ran after her rather sluggishly, and was hitting everything, breaking the building wherever he went. He tried to each her with the claw, but missed, becoming angrier by the second. "You people think I am weak... hackers and players both... all hackers wish they were me!"
(Might wanna slow it down you two O.o cause ALLOT of people are gonna have to read all dis xD )
((Sooo sorry... it a habit..... but.. on the top side... the posts are long xD ...if that's good and we only filled up one page))

Bullet ducked when the claw reached for her head. She opened the communication channel " I need back up!! There is this machine this huge machine robot thing a-" she was grabbed by the thing and couldn't move at all. She blinked when she heard it speak, the communication channel was still open. She struggled as she tried to reach for one of her grenades to drop at it's feet or blind it ' if I thought he was weak I wouldn't call for back up....'

He lifted her up, and stared at her through the small slit, and smiled. "God you are dumb..." When he saw her reaching for several grenades, he frowned, starting to crush her. "At least you know what is good against armor. Wait-" The armor started to glitch, which he dropped her, and started to back away, afraid. "Crap." He started to run away, bursting out of the building which the armor disappeared. his body started to glitch too, body parts disappearing and reforming, getting disfigured, which caused immeasurable pain. He stopped at one point, unable to move, cringing in pain.
Bullet winced in pain as he tried to crush her. She thought she twas going to die but blinked when she was suddenly drop. She hit the ground hard and saw the machine run off. She watched parts of it disappear and slowly started to get up. She was about by to open ed her inventory to heal herself when she felt a sting in her arm ' crap... snipers..' She then ran off to hide for them. She held her arm and leaned against the wall ' what the hell was that??' She sighed as she noticed the communication channel still on.

" i am fine... and alive..... that robotic machine thing disappeared..." she opened the inventory and healed her herself. She sighed a little feeling weak even though her health was restored " i still need back..." she said as she stayed in place. She took out her gun and waited for an answer.

He stopped glitching, and made his appearance as a beginner player, to try to escape the city. He had to get out.... He started to run, unarmed, and sprinted down the city streets, looking for an exit.
After dealing the nearby disturbance Talon parked his motorcycle near the entrance to the underground. With his arms crossed over his chest the Prime Judge waited for his fellow comrades to arrive on the scene. Soon the sounds of other motorcycles began to fill the air as they approached. "Good to see each of you." Talon said looking at each of his fellow Judges. "Alright, as you all know this route leads directly down into the underground section of the Capital. Where a number of monsters and other players await anyone willing to build up experience and level up. When the Hacking Crisis first began it was down in that very same area." He said

"If we are going to show both the Hackers and the entire Seed Nexus the Hacker's time is over we need to hit them hard and at the source. Our objective is simple we head down into the ruins split up into teams of two to three and locate anything related to the Hackers. Under no circumstances do you engage unless necessary. When you find any signs call it in for the others to rendezvous. Understood?" he asked
He walked along the street, stopping at a building to rest, and saw one bike in the distance, and looked for a place to hide. More hackers... maybe? A gang? He waited, looking at them. He had healed himself using one of the players healthpacks, and stood in the shadows, relaxing... for now.
(Seeing as im lazzzyy)

Spark had met up with the Judges that were there with her. As Talon started explaining, she started to add everyone to her friends list that was there with them. She looked at Talon and listened. "What do you expect us to really find that could be related to the hackers? Anything specific? Or just something that doesnt belong in the game or looks unusal?" She wanted to make sure what she was looking fore, especially when it came to the hackers being related to it. Something had to give away that the items or anything like that was not meant to be in the game or documents that had plans.
Bullet curse under her breath "nothing... the hackers must have cut of communication..." she muttered as she closed of the communication channel. She then dodged another sniper. She leaned back and rested a few minutes before she ran of into the same building that she was in before the player called her for help. She cautiously walked into the building. She took a deep breath and started to sneak around the building taking out one hacker after another.

[QUOTE="Britt-21](Seeing as im lazzzyy)
Spark had met up with the Judges that were there with her. As Talon started explaining, she started to add everyone to her friends list that was there with them. She looked at Talon and listened. "What do you expect us to really find that could be related to the hackers? Anything specific? Or just something that doesnt belong in the game or looks unusal?" She wanted to make sure what she was looking fore, especially when it came to the hackers being related to it. Something had to give away that the items or anything like that was not meant to be in the game or documents that had plans.

"Anything that looks like it shouldn't belong." Talon said turning to look at Spark before turning his gaze back to the others. "Hacker abilities cause distortions that can last anywhere from a few minutes to thirty within an environment. Anything including things freezing, flickering, animals stuck in a loop, and even patches of the environment not properly loading." Talon said pulling his pistol out of his holster and making sure the clip was full.

"Are there any other questions?" he asked looking at the others.
He waited, looking at the newcomers, and started to back away, looking for an exit. Maybe the pipes... no. Too many hackers... But then he got an idea. He walked toward a group of players hiding in the building, and smiled. "Hello guys. I have a job for you..."
' i should get a grappling hook....' bullet thought as she jumped out the building from the 3 floor and took cover. The building exploded and crumbled to pieces. She sighed in relief. "Two more to go...." she thought as she ran of to another building.

When she got to the perimeter she got shot at. ' heh....they put guards outside...' She reloaded her gun and took out a grenade. She pulled the pin and tossed it. When they looked at it and was about to run she shot it causing it to explode and few seconds earlier, which got rid out around 5 hackers. She then took out her light Saber sword and dashed for at great speed and started to get rid of them. At some pointed she took out a gun and started doing flips to dodge and shoot.

-Judge Marcilio-

Time 1200

Marcilio yawned as he stretched his virtual body. He was one of the newer members of the system. He had a couple real world problems he had to handle so he may have missed some stuff. Including a very important beginners meeting, but as usual Marcilio didn't care much he was still wondering why they chose him to be part of the system in the first place.




[]< Map Opened

"It seems that I'm somewhere near the slums of the capital." He didn't want to engage any pk cites because he knew that some of the other judges were already online and handling it. So he headed towards the city.

He entered the city and went to the judge headquarters. And leaned by a wall waiting for another judge to enter hoping to find something to do.


[]<Friends List Opened



"Let's see who's online"
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[QUOTE="The Last One]He waited, looking at the newcomers, and started to back away, looking for an exit. Maybe the pipes... no. Too many hackers... But then he got an idea. He walked toward a group of players hiding in the building, and smiled. "Hello guys. I have a job for you..."

"If there are no other questions lets move out. We have a lot of ground to cover." Talon said to his fellow Judges before a lone figure approached the the group. Making offer for a job. At the man's request Talon rose a brow. "Is something wrong?" He asked "Are you being harassed by Hackers or something sir?" the Prime Judge asked.
Getting bored Marcilio closed his menu and stretched he looked at the clock and then started to walk around. "Well what is there to do around here" then he remembered he was told to contact a Judged name Talon if he had any questions


[]<Messages open<Judge Talon



{Hello sir, this is Judge Marcilio reporting for duty. I'm just signing on so I'm sort of lost on what I'm suppose to be doing}

[Message Sent]

Even though he hated to be formal he didn't feel like getting kicked from the system over a undignified message he found a chair and leaned back waiting for a reply.

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(Any reply will be slow due to me doing homework as well.)

Kazuma sighed as he looked over his friends list as he sat on the edge of the city in GGO, scratching his head he chuckled to himself. "Nobody is on great..." He said, sighing to himself again. "I could always go out and farm for exp if I wanted." He said, a soft smile on his face as he looked out of the city, shaking his head. "Nah, to much work..." He chuckled, smiling softly. "And looking for rare items will only get me PKed... Heh, PKed..." He then shrugged, and silently walked out of the city, hands in his pockets. "Might as well find some entertainment."

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