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Fantasy The Journey to the Sword: New Age

"It's not my fault you are being rude behind our backs." Says Fenrir.

"Oh and dont ask." Says Fenrir glaring at Mason.
"Behind you backs!" Audri shouted. "That's rediculous!" The commotion woke Nui. He squeaked at Fenrir angrily.
Audri turned away, scowling. Nui squeaked at her. "I know Nui! I shouldn't have listened to him!" She muttered angrily. Nui sighed and laid back down on her shoulder.
"Mmmhhmm." He said laughing. Suddenly his Branch, was flung up into the air by a large net, Mason stumbled back, nearly falling, but quickly steadying himself, then suddenly Goblins start to sprout out of the shadows, slobbering, as they see three large meals. Mason pulled out his duel wielding daggers and got ready to fight.
Soul pulls a large staff off his back and it started to glow blue. "Don't try to save them if they die." Says Soul telepathically to Fenrir.
Audri jumped back in surprise as the goblins appeared. She pulled out her sword as Nui hid behind Audri's hair. "So that's why you had that walking stick..." She muttered as she examined the goblins.
One lunged at Mason, he quickly sliced it in half, then they all started to swarm them, "we have the power, but they have the numbers!" He shouted, getting bit, as he sliced through them one at a time.
"Yeah this is why." Says Soul as he pounds the staff onto the ground and ice shards come from the ground and stab a few of the goblins.
Mason puts away his daggers and switched to his sword, "who wants goblin kabobs." He said smiling, but still in pain, from the bites all over his body.
Audri sliced one of the goblins heads off as it lunged at her. "I guess I can thank Jonathan for teaching me how to fight." She muttered as another goblin jumped at her. Audri stabbed it as it clawed her shoulder slightly. Nui squeaked. "I know Nui, that's the only thing I can thank him for." Audri said angrily.
A goblin grabbed Audri's wrist and pulled her to the ground. Another one jumped at her neck. Audri screamed and held out her sword, looking away in fear. "Am I dead?" She wondered as she looked up. Impaled on her sword was the goblin that had lunged at her. "Well then." Audri said as she stood up and kicked the other goblin away, getting a scratch on the ankle.
"Soul now!" Yells Fenrir. "Fine." Says Soul. His staff turns greens and there wounds slowly start to fade away.
The goblins numbers began to thin, "just hold out a little longer guys" he said suddenly feeling better, from Souls magic, the last couple goblins ran off scattering in every direction, knowing they lost. "That was easy." He said smiling, brushing off his armor, and walking on
Audri followed Mason after getting the impaled goblin off of her sword. Nui was shaking in fear as he hid behind Audri's hair. "Nui calm down. That wasn't that bad of a fight." She said, taking the bat off of her shoulder and holding him in her hand. "Oh yeah. Thanks Soul." Audri said as she walked.
"Geez is that bat worth anything in a fight?" He asked surprised he would be shaken over some goblins.
Audri sighed. "He said I had an attitude." She thought. Nui squeaked as he looked around the dark forest. "Toughen up Nui. It's just a forest. We went through one to get to that other town." She said. Audri then looked up at Mason. "Nope! But he's my pet so I bring him everywhere."
"Cool. Fenrir can also make people feel invaded and uncomfortable because he knows what they're thinking." Audri said, shooting Fenrir a look. She sighed and shook her head. "But Fenrir, I must thank you because I saw that you made Soul do that healing spell." She said.
"I more fight solo." He said, strutting off with his hands on his hips like a super hero.

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