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Fandom The Hymn of Hermosa (A Disney-Based RP!) OOC2

And Jayde just flashing a small smile and hugs him back, eyes closing. "I'll try, but I won't guarantee results."

And if it actually DOES happen she'll just run and knock on the door bouncing a bit in her boots.
Basil opening the door, seeing Jayde's facial expression and he's all smug like "I knew it'd work out." XD
And he hugs her with a more genuine and soft smile and says, "I'm very happy for you, dear, congratulations."
And then that awkward moment I was thinking about when the mother that left Jayde alone in her house for a month just shy of two comes back into the picture trying to get her daughter back, and Jayde just shies back.
And then that awkward moment I was thinking about when the mother that left Jayde alone in her house for a month just shy of two comes back into the picture trying to get her daughter back, and Jayde just shies back.
Omg if that happened Basil would tell that mom to fuck off XD That's his daughter
Omg if that happened Basil would tell that mom to fuck off XD That's his daughter
And Jayde would totally unleash some baggage if her mom just started saying "I'm her mother"
"Oh yeah? A real mother wouldn't leave her toddler in a house by herself to be found by cops filthy, starving and terrified. A real mother wouldn't have responded with losing custody of her child 'just take it, she was a mistake anyway.' A real mother wouldn't have stood by to let her daughter live in an uncountable number of foster homes to be abused and raped, knocked up and then abused some more to kill the fetus. And sure as fuck, a real mother wouldn't call her daughter a dyke."
No one:
Not a single person:

Writer & Moonlit: spamming OOC2 with their Hermosa fantasies

I certainly back after 20 mins, and Basil's giving lectures XD
Ahh Jayde and Basil and everyone are too cute.

Also, I'm sorry about not responding much! My teachers have me swamped with online work and I was doing schoolwork from like 10 am to 6 pm today. So I'll get my responses out soon y all :)
Ahh Jayde and Basil and everyone are too cute.

Also, I'm sorry about not responding much! My teachers have me swamped with online work and I was doing schoolwork from like 10 am to 6 pm today. So I'll get my responses out soon y all :)
Totally understandable, everyone should take their time replying because a lot is going on right now. I haven't replied today because my brain kinda got fried, but I'll reply tomorrow when I wake up. ^.^;
Add Olivia and everything is perfect. Cute moment when one of them wakes up from a nightmare and immediately come find him. (Grown ass Jayde looking like she's four hugging a bear to her chest and wiping her eyes)
Add Olivia and everything is perfect. Cute moment when one of them wakes up from a nightmare and immediately come find him. (Grown ass Jayde looking like she's four hugging a bear to her chest and wiping her eyes)
Basil will be there for both of them ;u; And I'm sure his brother from another mother Dawson will help too!
Moonlit Wishes Moonlit Wishes My idea is that the Cogs hail from a Universe where they were defeated by the arch-nemesis, The Toons. But, even though their physical bodies were destroyed, their "spirits", which manifests as shadowy forms that resemble their former robotic bodies remained. These spirits were accidentally pulled into our world due to Leblanc's foolish spell, where they are now invading, using what they remember from their previous lives, "business", to turn this new world into a grey, boring, joyless, corporate wasteland. These spirits ended up possessing or manipulating businessmen to accomplish their agenda.

These Cog 3.0s are infiltrating multiple corporations across the world, but a lot of them are currently employed by the Harris Conglomerate, and are vying to use the company as their figurehead for spreading their "ideal world". But, they are currently "playing along with Buy N Large until they gain enough strength to destroy Buy N Large. Those possessed by The Cogs tend to be very brilliant businessmen, but they tend to act very bizarre, especially in social interactions, thinking about nothing but business and other mundane topics and possessing no sense of humor. The only ones that show any other type of emotions are the spirits of former "Sellbots", but even then, those "positive interactions", seem somehow fake and artificial. People have also notice that they react violently to even the smallest of practical jokes and other gags, especially from co-workers.

Basically, they are a even more dangerous accidental consequence of the Mayor's spell than Buy-N-Large if that is cool. And a bit more Lovecraftian too since they are Robots with no concept of Human feelings and emotions.

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