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Realistic or Modern The Household- the "family" of shapeshifters (Closed/Beginner RP)


Half Pint

total trash mammel
(btw I'm actually trying to write a book using this idea so the rp might help with my writers block)


Therianthropy is a rare ability, but not an extinct one. Sightings of humans transforming into beasts of all shapes and sizes have been reported throughout human history and used in many fictional stories, movies and more. Most people think of it as just a myth, even when reportings of said transforming increases.
Luckily for you, dear Beast, we got to you before any humans did.
The government would only lock you away, study you, treat you like an animal. They'd hurt you to find out everything they wanted to know, then maybe even weaponise you.
We would never hurt you.
We're here to protect you.
To keep you safe.

I know you may feel like you're trapped, but we must stay at the House for a reason. It's only for your safety. Us Beasts need to stick together. Here you'll have a home and a family just like you. A family who understands you, unlike your old one.

Welcome, to the Household.

1. Each character can only turn into ONE animal. Ex: Erin turns into a moth.
2. Only real animals allowed. Insects are also allowed. Please don't have your character turn into a dragon, gryffin, direwolf etc. Any real animal is fine. Hell, you can be a squid if ya really want something interesting. Or a crab. Lil crabby boi.
3. Max amount of characters is 4 per person, just so it doesn't get too confusing.
4. There are three positions you can have in the Household:
- Leader (this is a child who has been living at the farm for a while and can be trusted to keep other children in check. They get speacial privileges )
- Child (regular Household member, gets taken care of by the Mothers, Fathers and Leaders. No speacial privileges)
- Mother/Father (These people run the Household. They make the rules and carry out things like training, therapy and medical care. If your character is Non-Binary you can be reffered to as a Caretaker.)

Character Profile:
Personality traits:
History (optional):
Other (optional):

Beasts can transform to and from their human and animal forms at will, none of this full moon nonsense. Their emotions do affect their transformations, however. Get too riled up and your teeth might sharpen. All Beasts also have hightened senses and a small telepathic link to other beasts. This telepathic link is strongest when in animal form, where you can hear eachother clearly. In human form it's like fleeting thoughts or images. Sometimes even feelings (crushes beware).

The purpose of The Household is to protect and also research young Beasts who may be in risk of exposing their kind to the world. They don't care if you don't want to be there, and they don't care about any ties you may have to the outside world. This is your home now.

The Household lives in a small hotel kind of building in the middle of the woods which they call The House. The area they live in is referred to The Farm, as they grow their own food (as well as hunt the normal wildlife if their Beast is a carnivore). There is a large lake nearby and rolling fields you'd have to run miles across before reaching any roads. Only Mothers/Fathers are allowed weapons and access to Children and Leader's files. They use therapy and training to help you control your transformations.

Click here to drop your character profile and I'll begin the roleplaying shortly!​
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Erin Cheswick
The sun was particulary hot today, beating down over the rural landscape surrounding The Farm. Erin kept to the shade of trees, staying in the cool patches of shadow they provided as she wandered through the forest. In her hand she held an old book she'd been able to bring as it had been in her school bag the day the Household had found her. She still had her Geography homework, her English essay and most of her textbooks sitting in it, tucked underneath her small wooden bed. The book was The Wind In The Willows, and she was supposed to read it for English. Now, she read it to take her mind off the fact that a week ago she'd been kidnapped, torn out of her world. Not only had she discovered she wasn't the only one in the world who could shapeshift, but that she was to stay with a whole family of them. The "family" aspect of this place creeped her out. She had met with Father Jackson on her first day, and though he was friendly and charming towards her, she couldn't help but detect a slight sinister energy from him. She'd already been told the rules, no leaving the farm without a Mother, Father or authorised Leader (for most children the only way this would happen was for birthday privleges or hospital visits) and that if she did, the punishments were quite severe. No one, as far as Erin knew, had been able to escape The Household before, and so she didn't know what those punishments were exactly.

She also knew she had to obey those with higher roles than her, and everyone contributed to the running of the farm. That meant everyone had a day they washed the dishes, everyone had a day where they'd tend to the garden, or crops that they grew, or animals that they kept. There were a few chickens, two cows, two horses and three goats. Children who had particularly dangerous beasts not yet under control where not allowed animal related chores. Luckily for Erin, her beast was a moth, and so she got to do all the chores. Yip-fucking-py. She also knew she was never to verbally or physically attack a Mother or Father, or anyone for that matter. She found this hard to adjust to on her first few days, but since she was new they took it easy on her,and she only missed out on two suppers.

Erin reached a spot where a stream from the lake trickled into the forest, and she sat down on a rock and began to read, willing her thoughts to focus on the story and distract her for a while.

Eli Harrison
Eli pulled on the reigns and squeeze his legs into the horse's sides, bringing the black stallion to a halt in front of the stables. He dismounted, taking the reign and leading the horse into his paddock. From his shoulder a sachel containing an assortment of berries, mushrooms and leaves hung. He often wandred over the fields and to other forested areas in search of herbs to use in his study of medicene. He wanted to create natrual remedies for the less serious cases of injuries or illness, so that The Household wouldn't have to spend so much time going out to the towns and buying medical supplies. He gave the horse a gentle pat, making a note to have him groomed either by himself or another child later. Walking back to the house, his shirt rolled up at the elbows after realising that the day would be much hotter than originally expected, he spotted Father Jackson standing on the back porch, his hands in his pockets and his gaze fixed out over the lake that lay not far from the Farm. "Good afternoon, Father," Eli greeted. "Afternoon, Eli. Back from scavenging?" Jackson sounded amused as he regarded the sachel. Eli nodded. "Got some new herbs to identify and catagorise. I'll need to finish before setting the table this evening, so if you'll excuse me, Father," and with that Eli nodded to Jackson before heading inside, the house far cooler than the air outside. He headed up to his room where he placed the sachel on his desk and carefully took each new item out, putting them into empty jars or already filled boxes. He grabbed a pen a picked out one of the many leather bound notebooks he kept, flipping to a page about mushrooms and starting from there.
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Pepper Harleyson
Pepper liked the forest, it was peaceful, beautiful and natural. Best of all it wasn't filled with potentially dangerous people who could snap at her in a mere moment. She was in her beast form in the moment prowling the shadows like she felt she should. Pepper's every move was careful and calculated, she was careful not to go into any areas that were too open as every instinct in her body told her that was a very bad idea. She couldn't be hurt by anything if nothing could see her. At the moment she wasn't hungry and so hunting was on the back of her mind. The turkeys and raccoons that lived in these woods were safe from the skittish werecat. Pepper stopped suddenly, her ear swivelled back when the sound of moving water reached it. Being as hot a day as it was the river would be a good place to stop, it wouldn't be long before she'd have to head back, to the crowded place that made her feel constantly watched and constantly in danger. She felt a tingle in her spine at the thought of that, but she decided to speed forward going into a trot to get to the river but a sudden smell made her stop in her tracks. It was person, one of the others in the farm. Not one of the adults. Pepper knew their smells, the one that most stuck in her mind was Father Jackson, the man absolutely terrified Pepper but then, so did everyone. This smell wasn't familiar, didn't narrow it down much as Pepper hadn't memorized many of the children's smells yet. She could tell that it was only one. Pepper's tail lashed uncomfortably as she tried to decide what to do, she didn't want to change out of what she was. As a puma Pepper was fast, she was sneaky, she was agile. She could outrun the dangerous things that threatened her. She actually felt somewhat secure, maybe that was why she was so practiced with changing even if she hadn't been here very long. She spent any time she was allowed as a cat. Unfortunately she didn't quite know how to telepathically speak like the adults said they could. Pepper's whiskers twitched a little bit before she took a turn and took a small detour around the other person before stopping at the water's edge, she stood on a rock. Pepper leaned down to attempt to take a drink when she felt how nice the rock felt. Her eyes glanced over to the shape of what she could now tell was a girl. She might've been Erin, the new arrival she'd heard some talk about but with the distance and Pepper's tendency to hide from everybody when she could get away with it kept her from knowing. She looked to be reading a book, maybe Pepper could get away with a bit of time on the nice warm rock. That little push was all it took, she flipped onto her side and curled up like a contented house cat. Her ears still went every which way in case she needed to suddenly spring up and run into hiding.
Half Pint Half Pint

Ben Bertrov
"Quit pecking me" the bad tempered growl came from the mouth of one Benjamin Bertrov doing his assigned chore in the chicken coop. Why he'd been assigned this job out of all of them was anyone's guess. It wasn't that the young man didn't like the chickens but that he found the birds ridiculous. Ben had a bucket which he was collecting eggs in, there were a good few eggs around, but they seemed all to be picked. Ben gave a sigh and grabbed the bucket, heading out the coop. Happy to be away from the awful smell and stuffiness of the tiny building. Ben remembered some seven years ago when he'd first come to the farm. He'd wanted to eat all the animals they kept around of course he was more well behaved now. He scratched the side of his head, the side where his ear was missing a bit of tissue. He scanned the yard, looked like Eli had just gotten back. Good old father Jackson was standing on the porch as well. He walked past the man giving him a lazy wave as he did so followed by a curt "sir" which was how Ben always referred to the caretakers. Sir or Ma'am just came natural. The young man dropped off the eggs in the kitchen where he was greeted by the woman Lydia, who had him leave while she carefully put them away. Ben stretched and left the kitchen wondering what he should do with the rest of his time.
As far as Lilith was concerned, today was going to be a good day. True, she's be in charge of dishes today, but it was a wonderful day to go collect moss. Lilith had saved a special mason jar for this very occasion. It was rectangular, and the words "Baston's Brewery" was plastered on the side. Glancing at the clock, Lilith figured she had an hour or so before lunch. Plenty of time. She scooped up her jar, pulled her hair back, strapped on her boots, and set off into the woods.

It had been about two years since Lilith came to the Household, and she had gotten used to the swing of things. Don't be overbearing, do your work, don't cause trouble, etc etc. While all the rules could get annoying, she knew that it was better than anywhere else. As long as she followed the rules, Lilith could collect as many rocks, sticks, and twigs as she wanted. She hummed a small tune to herself as she trekked to a small brook hidden in the trees. Not only did it sport some of the finest moss and pebbles, it was also where many toads made their homes.

First, she used her hands to scoop some dirt into her jar, then lightly tore some moss off the nearby rocks, and padded it inside. She then set off to find some little decorations for her jar; a few leaves, some tiny pebbles, and a twig would make a good set. She was just about to screw on the lid and make her way back, when something caught her eye. Hiding in the rocks, with just its eyes peeking above the water sat a toad. A fat toad. Perhaps one of the handsomest toads Lilith had ever seen, and she decided that she must show everyone else. With little difficulty, she scooped the little lad up and began bounding back to the house, giggling like a little gremlin.

As soon as she exited the forest she spotted Ben, exiting the kitchen. Ben was fine. She was pretty sure that he didn't like her. Lilith took him for the kind to get angry easily, and she took herself for the kind of person that would anger him the fastest. She was hesitant to show him the prize she had found, but then again; it was a really good looking toad. Taking a deep breath, she ran up. She cupped the toad in her hands, to make a surprising big reveal.

"Hey Ben! Guess what I found!" She waited a second for dramatic pause then revealed the lad, "A toad! A big toad! Isn't he darling?"

Mentions: Yahhah Yahhah
Erin's sense of time slipped away as she scanned the pages of her book, drinking up every word. The story was charming enough, but Erin guessed that her interest in the boook was hightened from the desire to be anywhere but here. As she finished the 6th chapter she suddenly felt a presence watching her. Slowly she lowered the book down and scanned her surroundings. "Hello?" she called. It had to be someone from The Household. There were regular patrols to make sure no outsiders would get this far in. "Or that insiders would get too far out," she mumbled quietly to herself.

Father Jackson
Jackson stood on the back porch, taking a moment to appreciate the serenity of the farm. A decade of his life was used to build this place. He'd aquired the funds, hunted down those he knew were fellow Beasts, recruited them to be the Mothers and Fathers to help grow this place. He'd found this old property, renavated the house and farm area. The Household was growing, and he knew he may have to add another house soon if it was going to contiue growing. He nodded to Ben as he slipped past him, chuckling slightly at his use of the word "sir". They'd never been able to get him to call them anything else, and it was Ben's dedication and loyality to the Household that let him get away with it. Jackson had never been keen on that level of formality.
Conrad Moody

Marc. Conrad had a fixated glare on him, he couldn't stop thinking about it all night and all day after the two met yesterday. How the boy that sat in the grass below him, haunted Conrad like a ghost. Honestly, it freaked him out, and also made him a bit angry. Like Marc was hunched over his back ready to strike, or snap, or attack, or something! But he just stood there, reading that stupid book, with stupid Carrie. He envied Carrie for that. Marc was Conrad's brother, not her's. She didn't miss him as he did. Nobody missed Marc as he did. But deep down Conrad knew, that to Marc, he was just as good as a stranger. Conrad grumbled at the thought as he let his leg swing off the tree branch. He reached into the pouch around his neck and yanked out a handful of hard caramels and toffee fast enough that some fell to the ground. He de-wrapped the rest into his mouth as he tucked his thigh to his chest, and hid his face on his knee. He closed his eyes tight, he wanted to cry, he felt sad, but something in him held him back from showing it. Even just to himself. Conrad looked up at his hand full of candies and clawed tighter them in his hands. "Now I feel sick..." he whispered to himself.

Marc turned to face the light thuds that sounded behind him. Three caramel pieces lay in the grass, one landed on his stack of books. Conrad must've been nearby, hidden high up in a tree, Marc could feel it in his mind. He knew that Conrad was new to the whole, "being a beast" thing, so he probably didn't know beasts could sense one another in their human forms, at least not yet. To be honest, though, Conrad gave Marc the willies. As soon they were introduced to each other, it seemed like Conrad followed him wherever he'd go. The times where Marc couldn't sense his presence we're the creepiest. But Conrad decided to let it slide and continue. "Hey Carrie, do you wanna get back to the Farm?" He asked solemnly, as he closed a bookmark tightly into the pages of there book. Funny name it read, "Mark & Carry" That's why they both liked it so much. Ever since Carrie came to the farm with that book, the two were best friends. "Sure!" Carrie nodded, happily obliging to his request.

Conrad gritted his teeth, "Sure!" He mimicked through a sheer bellow. Conrad stood up and leaned his arm on the trunk, taking one last look down at his long lost brother. Gone but not forgotten, "Not for Conrad though," he huffed. Conrad turned towards the trunk and took a few steps back, all this frustration tired him out. He ran forward, braced his foot on the trunk, then leaped up and grabbed a thinner branch. As he pulled himself up, he transformed and maneuvered the candy pouch over his squirrel shoulder then kept on running.

He lept across treetops and exploded from leaves, zipping through the forest at high speeds. Until he came to a small grove opening in the middle of the forest with a little stream of water flowing through. But he sensed something, no, two things actually, maybe more? Conrad crawled down the trunk slowly to see what was going on. When he emerged from the high foliage his first glance was toward the water. Near the water, there was a big cat. Conrad looked around a bit more, straight under the tree was the girl from yesterday. "What are you two doing here!" He shouted as he transformed back into a human and fell onto a branch under him. Quickly turning into a sitting position, Conrad locked his ankles and slid off the branch until he hung upside down like a monkey. "What am I doing..." He whispered to himself, as he covered his face.

Mentions: Half Pint Half Pint Yahhah Yahhah
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Ben Bertrov
Ben was just walking out of the kitchen still thinking about what he should be doing with his time now that he'd finished his morning chore when he was taken by the sense of someone coming over. He glanced over and noticed it was Lilith. One of the children around the house. Ben didn't know the girl very well, it made sense to him. Ben wasn't always the easiest to talk to, newcomers usually were scared of the scar on his face, like they thought he'd gotten it from the Farm and that they'd all end up looking like him if they stuck around. Which of course was false. He cocked his head curiously at what the girl held in her hands, it smelled kind of like mud, he didn't have time to identify it as she opened her hands and presented a frog. His expression turned to friendly perhaps impressed curiosity. Ben was always happy to see the younger children show off any sort of hunting skill even if that obviously wasn't what Lilith had in mind with her frog. "Pretty good catch, where'd you find it"? He asked.
OrWangatan OrWangatan

Pepper Harleyson
Pepper was lying peacefully on the stone, enjoying the feeling of the sun beaming down on her side. Her ear pricked when she heard the voice of the girl she'd spied before laying down. It was just a simple hello, she didn't sound aggressive in any way. Pepper could show herself, give off a greeting and maybe work on getting over her extreme fear of just about everyone. Simple right? Only that Pepper did not want to do that, she wanted to get up slowly and slink into the trees, putting off any interaction that would cause her unneeded stress. Suddenly a voice cut into Pepper's thoughts, a loud accusing voice. She immediately jumped to her feet, the short reddish brown fur on her back spiking to show off her distress. Her body went still and she froze, her green eyes scanning the tree line until they came upon the sight of a boy hanging upside down from a tree. He looked somewhat familiar but Pepper was not good with names and she couldn't think of his. She forced her fur to flatten and tried to hide the panic that'd come into her eyes. She'd have to talk wouldn't she, her rapid movement must've tipped off the other girl to her presence as well. She hadn't been very far in the first place. Pepper raised up, balancing on her hindlegs while she changed back. She didn't meet either of the other two children's eyes, more looking down at her feet. "I was out for a walk" Pepper answered quickly. Not wanting to say why exactly she went for a walk. Who was she kidding? Everyone in the house must know that Pepper liked to hide from people by now. "I'm sorry for hiding I just... I don't really know" Pepper started but didn't give out the exact reason for hiding because she didn't want to say, 'I couldn't build up the nerve to approach you and say hi'. The other girl must've figured out that Pepper was the one lurking around when she popped up after the boy's appearance.
Half Pint Half Pint Kana.M. Kana.M.
The sudden appearance of the boy hanging upside down was not what Erin was expecting, and though she had sensed someone being there she still got a fright. "Uh..us two?" Erin asked, thinking that he was the presence she sensed. The sound of another girl surprised her. How long had this other girl been out here? She hadn't been watching her...had she? She listened to the girl's awkward replies, not sure wether to trust her or not. Or the boy for that matter. She couldn't quite remember their names. "Hiding? What were you hiding from?" Erin asked, standing up and closing the book. Her alone time was clearly over.
Yahhah Yahhah Kana.M. Kana.M.
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Set wandered around the house, he had already finished his chore of taking out all the laundry and until they were dry, he was free to wander around. Although he had been here almost a full week. Set still didn’t catch the names of all the other kids, some of them would disappear so quickly he didn’t have the time to even say “Hi!” Of course there were also his nerves that were holding him back, he’d been so excited to meet other kids that he was afraid he’d come across as too overwhelming.

Patting down the hair at the back of his head nervously, Set wandered down the same corridor twice and on both occasions only turning back once he’s walked all the way down and noticed that it was a dead end. He had initially hoped that no one would catch him wandering around, lost in their own house like this but now he wished more than anything to stumble into someone so he can stop wandering around in circles.

Lydia Chen
Lydia sat at the kitchen table, she'd just gotten finished putting the eggs that Ben had brought in away and now she was enjoying a nice bit of tea. She didn't really care too much for stereotypes but Lydia had always been a sucker for tea. She took a sip of it before she got to her feet and decided to go on a walk and see what was going on around the house. She was aware that they'd had quite a few new arrivals in the house and she wanted to make sure none of the children were having trouble adjusting.

A whistling noise came down the hallway which would give away the woman's presence as she turned a corner and noticed a boy who seemed to be wandering around lost. It was Set, a new arrival around the house. "Hello there Set, are you doing alright"? Lydia said stopping beside the boy.
PumpKingKaos PumpKingKaos
Lilith perked up. "I found him by that triangle of brown mushrooms, just past the stripped moss tree! He was under a few rocks." She gave the toad a little pat before putting him down. She never intended to keep him. That was mean to the animals. She wouldn't want someone to capture her, and put her on display. The chubby thing hopped back into the undergrowth, and Lilith looked pleased.

"So Ben, what have you been doing? I have to do dishes in an hour, but. before that, I'm gonna go find some cool rocks and sea glass! Wanna come??"

Mentions Yahhah Yahhah
“Ah, M-Mother Lydia?” Set tested the name, unsure if he addressed her properly. His cheeks heated up as he fiddled with his fingers behind his back, a mixture of embarrassment and relief. “I’m okay, just finding my bearings around the house. It’s a really impressive building.” Having lived in the city for as long as he could remember, Set truly appreciated the wide open spaces and lush greenery around this place, he’s certain that he would love to explore it more but knowing his nonexistent sense of direction, Set has decided that it was much safer to venture outside more once he’s learned the structure of the house first.

“I’ve taken out the laundry and I’ll definitely bring them back when they’re dry. But if there’s anything else I can do in the meantime, I’d be happy to help you with anything.” Perhaps appearing a bit too eager to please, Set quickly then added, “If would like.”

Mentions: Yahhah Yahhah
Eli Harrison
Eli finished up his catalogging, noting the herbs that were going to be most useful in treating infections. That was what he was focusing on at the moment. A part of him felt bad about wishing that one of the children would fall and scrape a knee, or perhaps gouge an arm. He needed to test out the new herbs, and he certaintly wasn't going to cause an injury on purpose, knowing that none of the Fathers or Mothers would approve. He sighed and stretched out, then stood up and headed downstairs. It was getting late and the table would need to be set soon. One of the Fathers or Mothers would most likely be in charge of supper, although they did let some of the older children and Leaders cook from time to time.
"Oh, Pepper!" Conrad shouted surprised, his eyes widened and his voice wobbled, as the sight of her transformation caught him completely off guard. All of a sudden Conrad's ankles gave, and he fell off the branch, landing on the ground with a hard thud. He wailed, rolling on to his back as he pressed the back of his head firmly. "Ow, my head," he groaned, cause yelling always made pain feel easier. He looked up, well more like behind from his position then batted his eyes, "And Erin..?" He covered his mouth with both hands at the last part as he whispered "Oh crap..." Conrad hid the rest of his face with his forearm and lay flat on the ground. "Sorry Pepper I didn't mean to scare you..." He muttered. "You too Erin." Conrad stood up and lifted the pouch of candies off of his neck. "Here," he said as he sat it down next to Erin.
Pepper Harleyson
Oh no, now she'd have to explain herself. What was she supposed to say? "I was hiding from... You. I-I-I didn't mean anything by it I swear, hiding just comes second nature to me. I meant to dip my feet in the water and keep moving but the rocks feel really nice and hot and I couldn't resist a... Nap" Pepper explained sounding slightly embarrassed that she'd been caught in such a way. Her attention shifted to the falling boy when he fell from his perch and loudly exclaimed something. "Are you alright"? She asked cocking her head at the boy. She took a slight step back, not entirely sure if she should stick around or not.
Half Pint Half Pint Kana.M. Kana.M.

Ben Bertrov
Ben nodded along until Lilith put the toad down. He didn't say anything but he did not get it. Ben had never been one to empathise much with animals with an exception to dogs and wolves. He shrugged, "that does seem a lot like a place that a toad would like to hang out and hide. I've just been out collecting eggs from the chickens" Ben explained what he'd done with his day. He thought about the girl's offer. "I'm not the biggest fan of rock collecting, good luck but I don't think I want to come along".
OrWangatan OrWangatan

Lydia Chen
Lydia chuckled a bit at the boy's state. "It is quite a big house isn't it. Jackson chose the place well. Newcomers often get lost once or twice, don't let anyone make you feel embarrassed about it" Lydia said listening to what the boy said about his current situation. "Good to hear you're doing your chores. You'll fit right in with that kind of work ethic, and no I don't need any help with anything at the moment, unless you'd like to help me with a bit of baking, but I won't be getting started on that until after dinner, so at the moment I just thought you looked like you could use a bit of direction".
PumpKingKaos PumpKingKaos
Erin Cheswick
Erin cocked her head to one side, eyebrows furrowed as she listened the the new girl's explaination. She seemed awkward and shy, and as much as Erin hated the idea of being watched she found herself taking a liking to her. "That seems fair, naps are pretty great," she had barely finished the sentence when the boy fell out of the tree. She listened to his awkward apologies, but felt her defensive attitude melt when he offered her a candy as he sat down next to her. He seemed to know her and the girl's name-Pepper- which was more polite then her. Erin sucked at remembering names. "No harm done, that was an impressive fall," she laughed, taking the candy from him. "I'm sorry, I can't quite remember your name."

Eli Harrison
As Eli made his way to the kitchen he noticed Ben and Lilith outside and decided to say a quick hello. "Good evening Ben, good evening Lilith," he said was he walked up to them. "Been up to anything interesting today?"

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