• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 〖 ♡ ♧ the house of cards || ooc ♤ ♢ 〗



v tired
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Questions (not sure if you covered tham and I just missed them but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask) :
1) Around what age range should our characters be?
2) Is it okay if there are some legacy students (one of their parents attended the school at some point) ?
3) Is there anything we should keep in mind when coming up with character ideas?
Questions (not sure if you covered tham and I just missed them but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask) :
1) Around what age range should our characters be?
2) Is it okay if there are some legacy students (one of their parents attended the school at some point) ?
3) Is there anything we should keep in mind when coming up with character ideas?
thanks for asking!
1) we're looking at 20-21, though 19 would also theoretically be okay as long as they're turning 20 this year
2) legacy is totally cool! I'm leaving it quite up to you guys as to what you'd like to do with that respect. just know that having a legacy in wouldn't automatically give them an in, they'd still need the skills to back it up
3) uniqueness I'd say is the #1 thing to look out for! I didn't give super set roles because I wanted to see what you guys would come up with. for example, a medical expert doesn't have to have been in med school, they could have been known as a healer in their community or helped majorly in some big event. a tech expert could be known for ripping cars apart and putting them back together, not just hacking. be creative! that being said, if you're not sure if something will work or not, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to help <3
This is so cool! I have a character in mind for this and I think that I’ll be able to tweak him to fit the setting. So far I’m thinking of a fighter but maybe more speed and stealth based then muscle. 🤔
Trying to find good fc pics of Eden hazard who I plan to use as a fc, but mostly every pic/gif is him in uniform
Thinking of making a kind of hitman just out of jail turned spy
not me having the only hearts character so far
I’m kind of worried all the clubs will get taken before I get mine up lol
I don't think it's first come first serve, it's whichever suits the vibe the best. So you have a fair shot
Makari is done! I didn’t really have to change much though which I’m grateful for.
hello hello everyone! thank you all so so much for the interest, y'all are seriously the sweetest. in case you didn't see my post in the interest check (notifications can be super finicky on here), here's a little update on the rp:

1. the due date for the sheets is this upcoming sunday, January 29th, at 11:59pm EST with the hopes to start early next week. if you need more time, do not panic! please feel free to dm me and we can totally work something out. that being said, please try your hardest to have your sheet done (or mostly done) by this sunday.

2. due to the high influx of characters applying for clubs, I will not be accepting any more applications for the clubs. if you have a placeholder up and need to finish your sheet, that's totally fine and you will still be considered. however, if you do not have a placeholder or sheet up stating you will be applying for clubs at this time, I will have to ask you to apply to a different house.

3. if all the spots are not filled by this sunday, whoever is accepted will have the opportunity to create a second character and will have time to work on them beyond the deadline. that being said, we are still only accepting one character per writer right now so that as many people as possible get a chance to join us.

I think that's all for now. again, thank you all so so much for applying and showing interest. you are seriously amazing <3 (also I apologize for the notif, I just want to make sure that everyone has a chance to do what they need to do)

CozyGamer CozyGamer PenguinFox PenguinFox Harrowhark Harrowhark celadon. celadon. diogenesUnchained diogenesUnchained lost_girl lost_girl Reigning King Reigning King lotusvoid lotusvoid meepster meepster erzulie erzulie Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy a z u l a a z u l a King Krokodil King Krokodil logastellus logastellus BakedBeansIsGood BakedBeansIsGood Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess CerKamber CerKamber orpheus. orpheus.
I will get Regina done tonight, I’ve been swamped with schoolwork and it’s only the second week lmfao.
So many people are swamped with school rn and I am so sorry for y’all 😭 if any students need an extension (or anyone at all really) please let me know ❤️
So many people are swamped with school rn and I am so sorry for y’all 😭 if any students need an extension (or anyone at all really) please let me know ❤️
I didn’t goto bed until 2am cause i was doing homework and i woke up at 9:30am cause i got a lab from 1-5pm today pray for me

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