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Fantasy The Hollow (Reboot, accepting)


Stressed Bisexual
About me:
Hi, my name is Andi. All the stuff after the plot might seem SUPER formal and uptight, but I promise you that I am not. One of the main things you need to be aware of about me is that I will talk OOC. You don't have to respond to everything, but some things that get posted in the OOC thread *might* pertain to the plot, so you do need to check once in a while.
I work. I'm going back to school in the fall. This roleplay is for FUN. It is not the center of my life. (I wish it could be, sometimes.) Therefore, if I'm not on constantly, don't freak. I'll try and let y'all know my schedule when I know it.
I'm really friendly. If you're not friendly, this isn't for you. Rudeness to others in the group, or bullying on account of absolutely anything, will likely get you kicked out right away.

About the plot:
This plot is ancient. The realm it takes place in is super, super developed, and I'll post and info collection in the OOC thread. I have used this plot multiple times and have only once completed it. Let's add a second to that, hm?
If you have any questions about it or me, feel free to ask. Links to the character thread and ooc chat will be added once they're made. Ask before you join. I'm accepting up to three other people, first come first serve unless I look at your profile and you don't seem to fit what I'm looking for.

Anyhow, I hid everything because... Well, the plot is LENGTHY. But, if you like adventures, drama, twists and turns.. This is something you'd be into.

Spring break.
The group of friends has planned this out since the moment they formed a study group their freshman year of college. Now, three years later with several major changes, fifty million exams, and too many cups of coffee later, they've finally scrapped up enough money to do it. The year after this, a few of them were graduating- Now, or never.
They were all going up state, planning to camp near the lake. They packed their things, piled into the mini van, and drove for hours to reach their destination.
The first hint that something was off was the lack of other campers. It was Spring Break, after all, but the grounds seemed almost deserted other than a couple hikers and fishers. The friends shrugged it off, though, and pitched camp. To kick the week off, they planned to go swimming at night, and then dry off at the bonfire and roast hotdogs and marshmallows. Or, at least, they would have. Once in the water, one of them is dunked under as a joke- Only, they don't come back up. Distraught, the others dive in to try and locate their missing friend, only to find themselves being pulled down by currents that seem like fingers wrapping around their ankles. They struggle, but, before long, they black out.
The friends should have been dead. However, they wake up on the bank of a lake, but not the one they were camping at. Confused, the group learns that they've been transported to a mythical place that, according to everything they knew, shouldn't have existed. The Hollow. The Hollow, as they learned, was home to all the creatures of legends and fairy tails, and even ones that they hadn't heard of before. The strange world was a safe haven for those hunted to extinction in the worlds they originated from. However, at the time the friends showed up, the Hollow was under attack by something else. The things of nightmares, the creatures that were used to scare small children into behaving, only real, and much, much more deadly. Demons, as the creatures of the Hollow called them. Demons that were destroying their world, and everything they had created.The Hollow, the Elvin queen explains to them, is very much alive, just like every world, realm and universe that exists. It breathes life into everything that is their reality, and without The Hollow's life force, everything will fall apart. The Demons are tearing away at that very life force, doing all they can to destroy it.
Of course, the group of friends have no idea how any of this relates to them. They just want to get home, but, apparently, that's not possible. Not without speaking to the queen of the Hollow, anyways. So, in desperation, the travel to the heart of the Hollow, meeting many strange beings on their way. That's the least of their worries, though. The queen informs them that she can't let them go home. Not during the war, because the portals between their realms are unsteady, and the friends could end up in some much more.. Unkind places, as she puts it.
However, it appears that this scraggly group of just-barely adults didn't arrive at The Hollow by chance:

A millennia before, The Hollow had been under attack by a similar species of demon, so aggressive that the Hollow was literally ripping at the seams. With their world falling apart, a group of sorcerers teamed up to save their home. By opening a portal to another world, they tied the Hollow's life force to Earth's, making it so that the demons were weakened by the sudden energy in the realm. The Hollow breathed new life into it's warriors, effectively ending the war and beginning a new era of peace. However, all magic comes with a costs. The same warlocks who saved the world had to cross to the other side, to Earth, to ensure that the human's world wasn't weakened enough to be destroyed. They had to close the portal from the other side, untie Earth from the Hollow. And, so, the warlocks left their home for the grand unknown, leaving behind a legacy and a prophecy.

When The Hollow needs them most, it was said, the descendants of the warlocks would unite and return to fight the battle once more, and save the realm that was always their home. Of course, how several friends who have never seen battle are going to win a war remains unanswered by the prophecy. Still, if they want to go home, they'll have to try.

Standard Spring-Breaker (feel free to customize):

Name: (First and last, middle and nicknames optional.)
Age: (They're in college)
Appearance: (Images are fine, but I gotta say I'm in a period where I prefer realistic. Also, descriptions work. Just include all the good stuff.)
Personality: (Everything that their friends should know about their personality. Don't be vague, basically.)
Likes: (3-5+)
Dislikes: (3-5+)
Skills: (Because, hey, some of them might learn to use magic, so if they're super good at learning stuff quickly that's a thing. Also, if they play football or are good at chess... Basically things that could come in handy.)
Family: (Again, they've been friends for a few years. Just general stuff, really.)
History: (See above!)
Other: (Anything you think I missed/feel like including. Also, majors and life plans could go here, that's cool.)

Clean copy:


AND if anyone wants to make one now, here's the skeleton I'm using for the queen:

Species Description:

-Able to type 2+ paragraphs per response
-Able to get along with other roleplayers and solve disputes in a mature and reasonable manner
-Willing to accept that with big decisions regarding plots and characters, majority vote rules
-Willing to accept that with minor decisions and complications, my choice is final.
-Able to avoid god modding
-Recognize that the only character you have ANY and ALL control over is your own. You can not make anyone else's character so anything.
-Be able to use proper grammar and spelling during the roleplay. I don't care about outside of it.
-Be willing to write in third person.
-Be kind and considerate. Express yourself if someone (even myself) does something that upsets you. Discussion is key to roleplays like this.
-Follow the posting order
-Comply to all character restrictions
-Be willing to compromise with others
-Be able to post on your turn within 24 hours of the person ahead of you's post, and give notice if you won't be able to comply with this.

All rules are on a three strikes you're out basis, but the "out" is basically just a conversation with me and then further action. Because I understand that people have lives, if you won't be able to post for 24+ hours, tell us and we'll skip you for that turn. If it will be more than 4 days of absence, the easiest solution is for your character to be separated from the group and return when you do.

-Limit is four characters total, two spring breakers and two Hollow inhabitants. The Queen mentioned in the plot, and her son (who is not mentioned) are by default mine because they are pivotal to the plot. If you would like to make a character who is in control of another kingdom (i.e., a fairy king/queen, ect) feel absolutely free to. Just remember: No god modding.
-BE CREATIVE. Tragic backstories, gushy cliches, stereotypes.. Go nuts.

Main rule: Be kind, considerate, and play fair.

Character Thread
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Are you accepting any questions? I'll edit this post and ask them if so.

Edit: Going to sleep, will post questions tomorrow. G'night
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Neptune_54 Neptune_54 I had an idea while reading the plot. I was thinking that one or two of the warlocks were non-humans and when their descendant counterparts went to the Hollow, they turned back into the race of their ancestor. It's your RP, and I'm interested regardless, but I thought it would be a fun twist.
Such as vampire/elf/ect blood being activated? Perhaps, but not right off the bat. That is an interesting possibility. The warlocks were hardly human, after all.

Go ahead!
Alright, shooting in my questions:

-You said that the world already has a huge amount of story built up do we need to go and read those? if not, will they just untangle during the RP?
-Can my character be a sort of ''portal master'' of the hollow, responsible for guarding the portals during times of need, and making sure they function correctly during other times, while also having some shady connections to the elven dynasty?

I'm interested in this RP, so please answer shortly. :lenny:
1. No. It's not exactly a history book that is critical to the plot, but rather a list of facts about the Hollow that I felt were important/interesting. Although I do suggest reading it, you don't have to.
2. Yes, IF they're from the Hollow as a spring-breaker wouldn't just *know* how to control portals. Keep in mind that they're extremely unsteady during this time.

All three of you have my approval to make characters. C:

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