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The Heiress (Kiroshiven X Mia Moulop)

"And yet here you are." Danny gestured around him. "You're out on the town with a man you met yesterday. Dancing, laughing and drinking. Don't really think that defines a good little housewife." Danny smirked as he winked at her. "I think you've got more rebel in you than you think."
"It doesn't have to be." Danny smiled as he pulled her closer. "I mean we could continue to sneak out and have fun. Though you may get tired of me and my lack of creativity."
"I'm glad. Then let me make the fist one really memorable." He leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers, this time drawing her in closer. He ran his hand along her back and held her until he finally separated from her. He smiled charmingly at her while not letting her go.
Viola was taken aback by the kiss. She was sure her fiancée would never be this passionate with her. When the kiss was over, she looked down and blushed as mile on her face.
"Did you enjoy that?" He was willing to keep going. He enjoyed kissing her because her reactions were precious. It wasn't something that he was used to seeing out of anyone.
Danny leaned in and kissed her again. This one he decided to use his tongue and entice her some more. He was having fun now. And he was getting drawn into her.He held onto her tightly as he kissed her. His mind solely focused on drawing them both into the other.
When he started kissing her, she closed her eyes. Her eyes popped open when he began using tongue. She allowed it to happen, closing her eyes. She wanted to use her tongue, but was scared to.
When he started kissing her, she closed her eyes. Her eyes popped open when he began using tongue. She allowed it to happen, closing her eyes. She wanted to use her tongue, but was scared to.
He enticed her, seeking her tongue with his trying to lure her into matching his desire. The party disappeared into the background as he held the kiss. One hand ran through her hair while the other pulled her a bit closer. It was intense and he knew it.
Viola was afraid to use her tongue. She had never kissed anyone before tonight, certainly never using her tongue. She knew it would be awkward. Slowly, she began using her tongue.
Danny slowly started to wrap his tongue around hers and sought her out more. He was going to awaken this girl to passion. However, his need to breathe eventually won and he had to break the kiss. A thin trail of saliva linked the two together as he smiled at her.
Viola let out a deep breath and her cheeks heated up. She had never known kissing could be like that. Then again, before tonight, she had not known what kissing was like.
"I think I should get you home Viola." Danny lifted her up and set her back on her own feet. "If we stay out too late, your daddy might find out your gone." He teased her. Honestly, he didn't want to take her home yet. He wanted to have more fun. It was so easy being around Viola. She was so trusting, naive and innocent that it almost like he could do no wrong. He almost felt bad that he was using her to get to the money.
Viola nodded sadly. "I suppose you're right," said Viola. "But will we do this again? And I want you to come to my party next week."
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"Your party?" He looked at her curiously. "You mean like a big ol' gala where I have to wear a suit and be prim and proper? That kind of party?" His voice hinted that he wasn't exactly THRILLED with the idea, but at that moment he wouldn't argue against her. "I guess if it's for you I can make an appearance."
"If you don't want to go, I understand," said Viola. "It's no where near as fun as this. It will be pretty boring. Except for the announcement."
"Ugh. I want to meet this guy you're being engaged to. If it turns out he's scum I'm kicking his butt out of the party no questions asked." Danny put on the tough guy act. "And besides I want to make him see you and me dancing together and see what he does."
"I may get kicked out, but I'll be carrying you out the door with me." He smirked as he winked at her playfully.
"He could try." Danny laughed as he put his arm around Viola. "I know pretty much every cop in this city. Now if only I was on good terms with every cop in this city. That'd be perfect." Danny laughed as he started walking Viola home. "Oh, and keep the dress. It really does look good on you."

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