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The guild of hero's


"Some supplies have been lost near a small village. I need you to retrieve it." Salrin said. I looked at the Demon, his ugly face, and his red demonic eyes. I hated everything about him, "as you wish..." I replied. I hated saying those words. "Well then, so you don't run off I'll do this" he said. At a snap of his fingers a burning pain appeared on the back of my neck. After it had stopped I rubbed the back of my neck, and felt a small X engraved into my skin. "Now leave, and you better not fail." The demon said, while glaring at me. I nodded, and set off onto my journey.

My eyes scanned the clearing below, watching them run back and forth. I could tell they were in a hurry, yet they always were. The Guild had to stay hidden, or Salrin would crush them. Shame, it was. I saw a child observing the fruit stands, and I saw her take an apple. In a matter of seconds, I was crouching in front of her, my face hidden by the hood I wore. The girl gasped, and took a step back. Everyone stopped and stared at me. I rarely every came into sight. "Hand it over," I said, my voice deep, dark, and serious. The girl quickly did as told, and I laid the apple back. I then disappeared into the tree again, and people continued to run back and forth, taking the supplies that had been promised. The leaders of the Guild knows about my other client, but it doesn't bother me. I am far too powerful to be threatened by the Guild. Just like Salrin would, I could crush them.

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After a few days of traveling I finally arrived at the village. I pulled up the collar of my shirt to hide my brand. If anyone found out about this then I would be dead. I headed twords a small market, and aproached a salesman. I asked him if any supplies have gone missing. He replied with, "sorry lad haven't heard about that, but I've heard of a supplier around these part. Be careful she's a dangerous one." I thanked the man, and walked away. "Hand it over" this caught my attention. I turned to see what was going on, and I saw a little girl and a person in a hood. After the commotion was over the hooded person. I walked to the tree, and looked up. "I assume you're this so called dealer?" I called out.

By the time I heard him, the Guild were on their way. I appeared behind the man. "Yes," I replied. I observed him, but spoke not until the Guild were gone. "Why would Salrin send me a messenger?" I asked, crouching near the roots of another tall tree. I studied its roots, before looking back up at Salrin's messenger.

"He says some of his supplies have gone missing in this area." I said. I looked over to the guild, "I was guessing that you knew what was going on?" I finised. I observed her for a second. "And I'm not a messenger. I would rather fight against him then work with him."

I listened, anger raging through me. I rose, glaring up at him. "Supplies....lost...." I mumbled. I hissed. "You lost my supplies, eh?! Not a smart move, Salrin... Bad move," I muttered out the last part, starting to climb back into the tree, my feet already level with his face.

( xD alright, cool.)

I noticed her glare. "It's not like this whole thing is my fault" I replied. I was trying to keep cool, so this deal goes smoothly. If not it means my head on a silver platter.

I scoffed. "And you're saying it's MY fault?! Eh?" I replied, staring down at him from where I now was, high up, sitting on a branch. I often sat here, just observing my clients. "Why did he send you here?" I asked after calming down.

"Salrin want replacements for the lost supplies." I called up. While waiting for her to resond I looked back at the village. 'Maybe there's someone around here who can undo this brand' I thought before turning back to the dealer.

I hung by my knees, my face level with his, but also upside down. To me it didn't matter, he couldn't see my face. "Oh really? Of course the bastard does," I replied. I suddenly placed a hand on his cheek, and turned it to the side, observing him. My eyes narrowed with a grin, and I pulled down his collar slightly, revealing the mark on his neck. I ran my finger over it, and let go of his face. I then took my hand away, crossing my arms over my chest as I continued to observe him.

After she was done examining me I quickly stepped back, and quicky fixed my shit collar. "What the hell was that for?!" I exclaimed. My face was red from embarrassment. I was really starting to get creeper out by her.

I smiled at his reaction. I dropped down to a crouch on the ground, and then rose, inches away from him. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "Interesting," I said, before walking past him. I ran a hand through my blonde hair, causing my hood to fall off. I didn't bother putting it back on, but turned to him. I knew he would react to me differently now. They always did. I guess beauty went before personality, huh? "I won't give you replacements," I said.

@Eagershadow3 [ Sorry, schoolwork. ]
I let out a loud sigh, "well then..." I paused. It was better that Salrin didn't get the replacements, but that also meant my death. "Do you have any idea where u can get this stupid thing off." I said, and pulled down my collar, and pointed at the brand.

@SnowFeather (it's allright)
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I moved closer, curious, and placed one hand on his collar. I studied the mark thoroughly, and clicked my tongue. "I think so," I said. I brushed a finger over the brand.

I quickly backed up again, "Will you stop touching me like that it's creepy!" I yelled. I couldn't help but blush. I wanted to get as far away from her as possible, but she might know how to get this thing off me.

I smiled and pulled up my hood again. I then disappeared back into the tree. "Behind you," I said with a playful laugh. When he turned, he would see a giant, black, wolf. My wolf. And he's angry.

"Huh...?" I said confused. I heard something growl behind me, so I turned and saw a large black wolf. I instantly back up, " I uh assume this is your wolf?" I asked letting out a awkward laugh. Hoping my guess was right.

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The wolf walked towards the boy. I smiled under my hood, and leaped down. I tackled the wolf, and rolled around with it. As I wore a hood, I knew he wouldn't recognize me. So I flung him into the tree and rose to my feet. He rose, angry as ever, and I pulled off my outfit. The wolf's eyes lit up and he barked happily, running and jumping on me. I laughed.

I stared at the girl, and the wolf confused, "uhhh..." is all I could say. My guess was right. That was her wolf. "So, how do I get this off?" I asked hoping to get back on topic.

I looked back at him with narrowed eyes. "Follow me," I muttered, and then motioned for him to leave. [Wolf] he left. I sighed. "Come on then." I walked back towards town, my sword visible where it hung on my hip, my armor clean and shiny.

I nodded, and followed her closely. I was relieved that the wolf was gone, but he still didn't trust her. The again she was the only lead on getting this brand off.
We soon reached the busiest part of town, and everyone stared at me, in envy, or in admiration. I was the best, of the best, not to brag. I smiled and held my head high. I wasn't ugly either, so to say. A boy, two years older than me, ran up. It was Danny, my best friend. "Hey! Poet!" He called, and I smiled. "Yes?" I asked. "Where are you going?" He asked. I only motioned for the boy behind me. He nodded, and glared at him.

'So Poet's her name huh... doesn't suit her peraonality well' I thought glancing to Poet the bacl to the boy. I noticed the boy glaring at me. "Don't worry about me I'm just a traveler." I hoping to ease off the tenting between him, and the boy.


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