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Fandom (CLOSED) The Great Mercury Library



One Thousand Club


In the Great Library, formerly known as the Great Mercury Library, many books can be found about a variety of subjects. Selected here are a few samples of the many books that can be found here. Do of course make sure to read them all, they are highly educational.

Post-War History
A general overview of the major events that happened in the past 50 years.
The City Layout
The full layout of the city, from the Crystal Points, to the underground Catacombs.
The Villains
In this book you will find all the known information about the villains that rule the Earth.
The Senshi Appearance Volume 1
In this first volume you can see the general appearance of the senshi suits and read up on the transformation devices and sequences.
The Senshi Appearance Volume 2
The second volume is a guide to achieving the perfect look for the female senshi via a tutorial.
The Senshi Appearance Volume 3
This third volume goes into explaining how you can achieve the perfect look for the male senshi via a tutorial.
A rag tag bundle. It contains bits of information from everywhere, from pets to gifts and affinities, and the resistance.

Sailor Moon Next Generation (IC)
The Blue Moon Cafe (OOC)
The Resistance Registry (Character sign ups)

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Post-War History

Year 1 after arrival - The Dark Empire arrived on Earth. Though the battle was fierce, it didn't last long, and soon the Earth was under their control. Neo Queen Serenity, Princess Small Lady Serenity, and the queen's Court gave up their powers and their lives to close off the palace with the Princes and Princesses inside. As a result, the Silver Crystal has vanished.
Year 5 - Almost all areas in the kingdom have been secured and people are falling back into a natural order and rhythm. The counting of the years has officially been changed, making this the 5th year of the new count. The new Imperium still can not access the Palace. The Heirs are presumed to be dead as no one has seen them for five years.
Year 7 - Resistance groups, lead by Ryuu Tsukino, are starting to emerge. An extensive search has gone out to find the origin of these outbursts. Almost all of the city has been repaired.
Year 10 - The Resistance has been getting more and more publicity and positive response from the general public. The Imperium has dealt with these usurpers with a firm hand, and making public examples out of those that are caught. The popularity has dwindled severely.
Year 12 - Shin Tsukino is born.
Year 19 - The Imperium has found the origin of the rebel base. They seem to be using the five Crystal Points at the tips of the star shaped city for a variety of activities. The Imperium resorts to massacres, nearly wiping out the entire Resistance. The Dark Imperium and its associates can't use nor enter the Crystal Points, so they set up parameters around the Crystal Points to keep it in their control. The remaining members of the Resistance have taken hiding in the Catacombs below the city.
Year 37 - Most of the people have forgotten about how it was under the rule of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. The city is thriving, though there is a growing contrast between the rich and the poor. After years of silence the Resistance has finally returned, ready for battle. Once upon a dream.
Year 42 - By the year 42 the Resistance has almost liberated one of the five districts in Crystal Tokyo.
Year 48 - The south-western point of the star shaped city has been secured by the Resistance. As a counter measure each of the Great Four has taken one of the remaining four points for themselves to guard over.
Present Day - The Heirs are about to wake up. The Resistance is still in control of the south-western district, but they haven't been able to make much progress into liberating the rest of the city.


The City Layout

Crystal Tokyo
Crystal Tokyo, the new name that was given to Tokyo when Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion ascended the throne to rule over the Earth. It became not only the capital of Japan, but also of the entire Earth. It was a utopia, the epicenter of the new Silver Millennium, at the center of which stood the Crystal Palace.

For the longest time, due to the presence of the Silver Crystal aging was slowed down to nearly a complete halt.
However, the Silver Crystal has gone missing, and thus aging has picked up its pace back to normal.
Despite the darkness that now seeps through the streets of Crystal Tokyo, it still remains a beautiful city, more beautiful than any other city on Earth.

The city is shaped like a giant five pointed star, with the Crystal Palace at its center. Each point of the star has its own designated district, such as the shopping district, entertainment district. At the tips of these points there are five buildings that have been named Crystal Points, due to their immense power that emits from them.

During the time of Neo-Queen Serenity these points were as strong as the Palace's defense. No evil could enter, or come near the city.
However at the last great battle, after the Queens and Princess gave up their powers, the strength of the points dwindled, allowing darkness to enter the capital.

Crystal Points
The layout of the city, when viewed from above, looks like a five pointed star, with the Crystal Palace in the pentagon center. At the tips of the star there are special points that hold vast amounts of pure good energy and are called Crystal Points.
Once they were strong enough to protect the entire city from darkness, keeping it well outside of its borders, but after Neo-Queen Serenity and her court gave up their powers the strength of these points dimmed. Although they do not protect the entire city anymore, they do protect many vital areas of the city and are the entry ways to the Catacombs.

• North •
In the North one will be able to find the Great Jupiter Gardens. Named after Queen Jupiter who started the gardens on her own, in front of her shop, and brought them to full potential.
Jupiter's flower shop still stands, though it mostly services to the Great Jupiter Gardens. It is one of the five Crystal Points.
Currently the flower shop isn't accessible as it is heavily guarded by the forces of the Dark Empire. Upon orders of the Dark Emperor the name of the garden was changed to the Great Gardens.
The Northern point is considered one of the wealthier points where mostly the rich and famous reside.
Further up north, beyond the flower shop, stands a large black crystal structure known as the Dark Crystal Palace.

• East •
The East point holds Crystal Tokyo's main shopping district. While there was some damage from the last great battle, most of it has been repaired. This area is the busiest during working hours, full of life, yet eerily quiet during the evenings and nights. No one lives in this part of the city.
Towards the center of the East Point one can find the Uranus Sports Center. Back in the day it was a very lively place that held many competitions. Now it mainly is a training area for various types of sports, but the vibrant energy has faded. Due to the obvious link back to Queen Uranus, the Dark Empire had the sign altered, removing the name of the Queen from the building, leaving only 'Sports Center' on the wall.
On the farthest point of the eastern section stands an old Arcade that was guarded by Queen Venus. It hasn't been opened or visited in years due to it being sealed off by the Dark Empire. This was done because the Arcade is another one of the Crystal Points.

• South East •
Further on towards the south stands the Hikawa Shrine on a hill. This shrine was under the protection of Queen Mars while she was still alive, and is the third Crystal Point.
For the past 31 years no one has been allowed to enter the shrine and the entire hill has been closed off. As a result, the structure has become weak and has started to decay despite the immense strength of the Crystal Point. The Hikawa Crystal Point is arguably the strongest point of the five due to its spiritual connection, for this reason the Dark Empire can't even enter the hill itself on which the shrine stands.
The rest of the district consists of middle class homes and residences. It is a relatively calm neighborhood, despite the oddly massive amount of crows that have gathered there.

• West •
Over on the most western point of the city stands what's known as the 'Education district'. It houses the hospitals, universities, high schools, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens. Beyond that it also houses the greatest library the world has ever seen, known as the Great Mercury Library. The name was changed by Dark Empire to remove the association with Queen Mercury, making it merely the Great Library. A pointless feat to be honest, as this was a Crystal Point, and therefore was closed off. Not even a librarian has been inside in the past 31 years.
Interestingly enough the Great Library was once the Chess Tower where chess matches were held.
The other major name change in the past was to the Observatory and Astronomy Center. Originally attributed to Queen Saturn the Saturn Observatory and Astronomy Center educated many in the wonders of the universe.
This district also houses many people, primarily in flats and apartments.

• South West •
The entertainment district can be found in the South Western point. Movie theaters, an open air theater, clubs, bars, and the crown jewel of cultural education at the tip of the point, the Neptune Concert Hall. It received its name in honor of Queen Neptune, who played there often. 31 years ago the name was stripped off of the building until it was finally restored back to its original state two years ago.
The South Western part of the star is the first section to be liberated of the Dark Empire's hold. For the regular inhabitants not a lot has changed, other than that the Neptune Concert Hall is once again open for everyone. It had been restricted by the Dark Empire due to the great power that flowed forth from it, making it the fifth Crystal Point. When you wish upon a star.
Right by this Crystal Point's side stands a hotel, called the Blue Moon Hotel.
Although to most it may seem insignificant, this hotel played a pivotal role in this district's liberation. In the basement of the hotel the Resistance made an opening, which lead to the Crystal Point. And because of this, they could reach the Catacombs without being spotted by the Dark Empire.

A massive structure, spanning as far as the entire city, lies below Crystal Tokyo. While it isn't completely certain why these were built when Crystal Tokyo was created, it received the title of the Catacombs. The dead weren't buried there, but it was carved with tunnels and outcroppings that could have served as such.
Regardless of its original reason for creation, it currently is being used by the Resistance. The outcroppings serve as sleeping quarters, and storage compartments.
Because there were only 5 entry points into the Catacombs, the five Crystal Points, it was the most brilliant way to get across the city from point to point without being spotted by the Dark Empire when everyone was still able to enter the Crystal Points freely.
Unfortunately, the Dark Empire realized this after 19 years, and closed the buildings off, killing or capturing anyone that either entered or left the building.
With a stroke of luck on how the buildings stood, the South West Crystal Point, the Neptune Concert Hall, was right up next to a hotel. The hotel wasn’t closed off, so the few remaining members of the Resistance, together with the owner of the hotel, created a hole down in the basement where the walls of the two buildings connected.
This became the only entry and exit point to the Catacombs.
Now that the South Western point is free again the Neptune Concert Hall's exit can be used as well.

Crystal Palace
The epitome of architectural design stands at the center of what was once the greatest capital of the world. Created of what appears to be pure crystal, the Crystal Palace towers over the highest buildings. It was the residence of the Royal Family, namely Neo Queen Serenity, King Endymion, and Princesses Usagi Small Lady Serenity and her younger sibling. The court of Neo Queen Serenity and Small Lady Serenity often resided in the palace as well, to protect the Queen, though they were able to live off on their own if they so wished it.
Back when the world was at peace the Palace was the center of love and tranquility. Now the structure appears cold and desolate to all those that lay their eyes upon it. No one knows that the palace isn’t deserted.
Inside the Princesses and Princes are suspended in ageless sleep. Trapped in crystal in the highest chamber of the palace they lay on stone altar like structures with crystals encasing them.
There are a number of beautiful doors in the Crystal Palace, some of which have never been opened, not even in the time of Neo Queen Serenity herself. They all stand at the end of a corridor, together with the Door of Space-Time.
The entrances ot the Palace are all sealed off, meaning there is no way in or out at this point.

Dark Crystal Palace
North of Crystal Tokyo, just beyond the northern Crystal Point, stands a massive structure, a shadowy reflection of the crystal structure at the center of the city. The main difference is its color. It consists almost entirely of black crystals. This is the residence of the Dark Emperor, who now rules the Earth. No one has actually seen the Dark Emperor, just a massive shadow back when the Earth was conquered.
The Dark Crystal Palace is also the main base of organization for the Dark Empire, from here all commands are made. This is also where the Great Four reside most of the time.
Due to the power emitted by the Crystal Points, the Dark Crystal Palace couldn't be formed inside of the city.


The Villains

The Dark Emperor
There isn't much known by anyone about the figure that now rules the Earth. The Emperor is the name everyone refers to, but no one knows if the Emperor has a different name.
All that is known about the Emperor is that a giant shadow was cast over the Earth once it was conquered and that it entered the Dark Crystal Palace.

The Dark Emperor has never set foot in Crystal Tokyo, and has not left the Dark Crystal Palace since the day of arrival.

People have speculated that the fog that occasionally descends on the city is created by the Emperor. Or that that is one of the Emperor's forms because the Crystal Points prohibit the Emperor to enter in a physical form. It is noticeable that all across the world the fog is a lot thicker and more frequent than in star shape of Crystal Tokyo itself.

The Great Four
Working directly for the Dark Emperor is the group called the Great Four. This group consists of 4 individuals, 2 women and 2 men.
Just like the Emperor they do not seem to age at all. No one really knows what kind of beings they are, but it is clear they aren't human, despite their appearance. When they invaded the Earth they actively helped take it down, leaving a lot of destruction in their wake. After the Earth had been conquered they mostly resided in the Dark Crystal Palace, only coming out to keep the rabble in check from time to time.

When the first point of the city was liberated the Great Four took a more active role in keeping the city under control.
The remaining four points of the city were divided and each govern over one of the points.
Tsunami in the West (Education district).
Eruption in the South (Middle-class district).
Tempest in the East (Shopping district).
Quake in the North (High-class district).

Luckily for them they don't have to patrol the city all on their lonesome. Each of them have a hand full of workers at their disposal, most often referred to as Goons. If even this isn't enough they can create as many youma as they need and see fit.

They are very bummed out that the South-Western point is not in their control anymore, as the Entertainment district was an easy way for them to influence the people.
The Great Four squabble and fight amongst themselves frequently. Each have vastly different personalities, interests and methods that often clash with their fellow teammates. Because of this they tend to do things alone and not meddle with the others' ways of keeping the city under their control.

More information on each individual of the Great Four will come when they are encountered by the group.

• Tsunami •
Element: Water
Goons: 5 Waves
Youma: Droplets

Youngest of the Great Four.
Smallest of the Great Four.
Keeper of the Western Point, Education District.

Her hair almost always moves and flows as if she were submerged in water.
Dresses in blue.
Creates female youma from water droplets she throws.

A bit childish in behavior.
Likes to shout attack names with her attacks even though she doesn't need to say anything to generate her water based attacks. Often gives a different name to exactly the same move.
Smart and cunning.

Dislikes men. A lot.
Very much into women and has been known to flirt with her female opponents (only to become real childish if advances don't get a favorable reply)
She is very fond of sweets.
Adores her big sister Tempest.
Hates her brother Quake.

• Eruption •
Element: Fire
Goons: 4 Flames
Youma: Sparks

Impeccable appearance.
Dresses like a businessman.
Very cunning and calculating.

• Tempest •
Goons: 7 Winds
Youma: Breezes

Very feminine and elegant.
Has a strikingly friendly and familiar face.
Sly and deceiving.

• Quake •
Goons: 3 Tremors
Youma: Vibes

Big brute
Has a beard
Prefers to act before thinking.

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The Senshi Appearance

Volume 1: The Basics

In this roleplay the appearance of the senshi's uniform will be predetermined to form a coherent group.
The colors are as the original uniform of your chosen planet. Sailor Moon's color palette can be based off of Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon or a creation of your own choice. Avoid neon colors please.
The shoes are mandatory, but the design is completely your choice to decide. Earrings are optional.

• Princesses •

These are the 4 stages that the girls will go through. From left to right:
Eternal Power, Crystal Power, Star Power, Power
Everyone will be starting at the Power stage.

If you wish to replicate the one or multiple outfits in your planet's colors please use the dollmaker here. This is not mandatory. A tutorial to the uniform is written in Volume 2.

• Princes •

These are the 4 stages that the guys will go through. From left to right:
Eternal Power, Crystal Power, Star Power, Power
Everyone will be starting at the Power stage.

If you wish to replicate the one or multiple outfits in your planet's colors please use the dollmaker here. This is not mandatory. A tutorial to the uniform is written in Volume 3.

Transformation devices

The inner and outer senshi will be given a transformation pen upon their awakening. It will be formed from the crystals that currently surround them.
They will likely recognize the pens as it is the last transformation pen that their mothers used. These are different than the ones used in the anime and manga.
Sailor Moon will have a broach. This too will be formed from the crystals that are currently surrounding the character. All the transformation devices also function as communicators.
There currently isn't an image for the pens and broach.

Transformation sequence
To start the sequence they take their transformation pen (or broach), raise their right outstretched hand in the air, palm facing out, while the pen they held hovers in front of their hand, followed by the words "(Insert planet name) Power!" The stone at the top of the pen will begin to glow. (Or the stone in the center of the broach will glow.) They then takes hold of the pen (or broach). From the stone on the pen (or broach) light encases them, together with what element they may have an affinity with (Fire, lightning, ribbons, etc).
At the end of the sequence they stand in their Senshi outfit.
To undo the transformation all they have to do is will it back to normal.

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The Senshi Appearance

Volume 2: Achieving the perfect look, female edition

The colors of the uniform are based on the original uniform of your chosen planet.
Shoes are your choice. Earrings and hair accessories are optional.
Please don’t use any of the stockings/tights/socks/shorts.

Stage 1

Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Tiara, choker, front bow, bow gem, bodice, sleeves, back bow, belt, skirt, gloves.


The collar has 3 white lines.


The colored edge on the glove should be flat against the skin.


Stage one complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +female button.


Stage 2
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Tiara, choker, bow gem, bodice, belt, skirt, gloves.


The collar has 3 white lines.


The colored edge on the glove should be flat against the skin.
The bottom edge of the sleeves is translucent.


The front bow’s ends are wavy.


The back bow reaches halfway the thigh.


Stage two complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +female button.


Stage 3
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Tiara, choker, bodice, belt, skirt, gloves.


The collar has 3 white lines.


The colored edge on the glove should be flat against the skin.
The sleeves are wing like in shape.


The gem on the choker remains gold, and is heart shaped.
The front bow’s ends are more wavy than the standard bow.
The gem at the front of the bow is a heart shaped one.


The back bow reaches just below the knees.


Stage three complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +female button.


Stage 4
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Tiara, choker, bodice.


The collar has 3 white lines and fades to white in the back.
Select white on the first color options to change it from yellow to white.


The belt consists of 2 lines, top one is colored, bottom is white.


The skirt gradients from color to white.
Tip: to make the gradient more smooth select a lighter shade of the same color as a middle color. Making it ‘color/lighter/white’ instead of ‘color/white/white.’


On the top section of colors choose white. Then select both underskirts.


The gloves reach up to halfway the upper arm.
The colored edge on the glove should be flat against the skin.


The sleeves are slightly transparent and wing like in shape.
Next to the color options there are 3 blank dots. Select the middle one to make the sleeves slightly transparent.


Everyone has the same footwear here. The upper rim’s color is your choice, the boot part is white.


The tiara gains a star shaped gem.


The gem on the choker remains gold, and is star shaped.
The front bow’s ends are more wavy than the standard bow.
The gem at the front of the bow is a star shaped one.


The back bow’s shape is the same as the standard bow. Its color is in the lightest color shade available.


In the first drag and drop section take the golden star and place it at the center of the belt, and at the V point of the front facing boot.


For the sideways facing boot tilt the drag and drop section 3 notches to the left (counter clockwise)


The two ribbons for the back bow can be found at the second drag and drop page. Make sure it is the same color as the top line of the belt.
Turn the ribbons right (clockwise) once for the first ribbon


Turn the ribbons right (clockwise) again, and flip the ribbons for the second ribbon.


Approximate spot behind the body


Stage four complete.
Click the done button.


Change the background to a background of your choice.
Click the done button again.


Rearrange the dolls. Once you’re done click the save button.



The Senshi Appearance

Volume 3: Achieving the perfect look, male edition

The colors of the uniform are based on the original uniform of your chosen planet.
Shoes are your choice. Earrings are optional.
Please don’t use any of the hats.


Click the done button.


Click the female doll and click the remove button.


To add the male doll click the +male button.


Stage 1
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Bow, coat, pants.


The collar has 3 white lines.
The undershirt doesn’t have stripes, only a colored rim.


The colored edge on the glove isn’t visible under the coat, but it is there (for RP reference).
The gloves reach to the elbow.


The tiara remains gold, and the gem is oval in shape.


At the first drag and drop section you can find the round gem used for the bow gem.


Stage one complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +male button.


Stage 2
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Bow, coat, pants.


The collar has 3 white lines.
The undershirt doesn’t have stripes, only a colored rim.
The cuffs of the sleeves have 3 white lines.


The colored edge on the glove isn’t visible under the coat, but it is there (for RP reference).
The gloves reach to the elbow.


The tiara remains gold, and the gem is oval in shape.


At the first drag and drop section you can find the round gem used for the bow gem.


Stage two complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +male button.


Stage 3
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Bow, coat, pants, undershirt.


The collar has 3 white lines.
The cuffs of the sleeves have 3 white lines.


The colored edge on the glove isn’t visible under the coat, but it is there (for RP reference).

The gloves reach to the elbow.
The shoulders of the sleeves are crumpled (for lack of better term).


The tiara remains gold, and the gem is oval in shape.


At the first drag and drop section you can find the heart gem used for the bow gem.


Stage three complete.
Click the done button.


To add another doll click the +male button.


Stage 4
Choose the basic colors for the outfit here.
Bow, undershirt.


The collar has 3 white lines and white patch in the front.
The cuffs of the sleeves have 3 white lines.
The coat has a colored line along the body.


The pants end just below the knees in a slight poof.


The colored edge on the glove isn’t visible under the coat, but it is there (for RP reference).
The gloves reach to halfway the upper arm.
The shoulders of the sleeves are crumpled (for lack of better term).


Everyone has the same footwear here. The upper rim’s color is your choice, the boot part is white.


The tiara remains gold, and the gem is star shaped.


At the first drag and drop section you can find the star gem used for the bow gem. Turn it right (clockwise) one notch to angle it better for the bow.


The star at the belt area can be made by keeping the drag and drop section tilted right (clockwise) and selecting the gold yellow color.


For the front facing boot turn everything two more notches to the right (clockwise) (3 turns in total)


The sideways facing boot is a bit tricky. If you don’t feel like taking the time to create a correct looking star, just place a second golden star on that boot.
To get it correct you need to use these 2 items on this row.


Take the little triangle and place it here (you can reposition it to match better later).


Turn everything 8 notches further to the right (clockwise) (11 in total).
Take the triangle and place it here (you can reposition it to match better later).


Turn everything 9 notches back to the left (counter clockwise) (2 notches tilted to the right).
Take the lens shape and position it over the two triangles in this way (adjust all three parts till you’ve created a similar look.)


Stage four complete.
Click the done button.


Change the background to a background of your choice.
Click the done button again.


Rearrange the dolls. Once you’re done click the save button.




Gifts and affinities
In their civilian form the Senshi and Guardians can't use their related element.

The only exception is if the element is related to a secondary gift. Such as fortune telling through the flames or waters, or sensing danger in the winds. Even then it may not be abused. This is a Sailor Moon RP, not a superpower training facility.

While in their senshi or guardian form they all posses a few additional abilities not listed in their attacks, namely flight, group teleportation, and limited telepathic connections to group members in case of extreme emotional stress.

Luna, Artemis, and Diana perished along with the Queen and her court. The youngest child of Luna and Artemis serves the new Sailor Moon. His name is Mani and he is blue in color. Currently he resides by the youngest moon prince/ss' side in ageless sleep.

If you want your character to have a pet or a companion of sorts, you may, but they can't all be talking helpers like Luna and Artemis were. Just remember to take responsibility for them. Colors of the wind.

Names and honorifics
In this RP we will be using all the Japanese names and nicknames.
E.g., Sailor Senshi, not Sailor Scouts. Chibiusa, not Rini.

As the setting takes place in (Crystal) Tokyo, Japan, it would be make the most sense if you chose a Japanese name for your character.
Family names may be chosen freely. You may use the original Senshi’s maiden names, but you don’t have to.

In character we will not use the regular Japanese lore such as 'baka', 'onee-san', 'boku', etc.
In extension of that, we will also not use honorifics in any form, including '-san', '-sama', '-hime', and '-chan'.

The Resistance
The Resistance mostly resides underground, in the Catacombs, under Shin Tsukino's guidance (grandson of the original Shin Tsukino). They have had a history of good times and bad ones, but all in all they seem to be quite well off nowadays. Supplies are coming in steadily, there are quite a number of members, and they've managed to free one of the points of the star.
Nevertheless they have to remain careful. It took 48 years to free the first part of the city, and any wrong move could result in the district being taken over once again.

Because they are hunted down by the Dark Empire, they rely strongly upon one another for safety and security. It is agreed upon that only certain members know certain important things (such as incoming supplies, or outgoing attacks) and that no one knows everything, with exception of Shin. As the leader he keeps everything in check and under control.

It is estimated that the Resistance has upwards of 500 people, not including children. This estimate could be very off, as no one has ever had a chance to see the entire group as a whole and not everyone that is affiliated with the Resistance lives in the Catacombs. Only Shin knows the exact amount of members.

In the Resistance everyone does their part to keep it going, in return anyone who needs to reside in the Catacombs is given free lodging and meals. Certain jobs also allow the person to earn wages and build up a more normal life outside of the Catacombs as well.

Hiding the identity
The Dark Empire and everyone else believes the Princes and Princesses are dead, just like the Queens and consorts. As such, should the Heirs suddenly emerge, they will send their forces to kill them right away. Which means the group will have to keep their royal identity a secret from the world, including people of the Resistance, with exception of the leader.
Everyone that enters the Resistance is untainted by the Dark Energy, but it is imperative that the regular members of the Resistance do not learn their Royal Identity. Should a regular member somehow be captured and tortured to spill their secrets it could be devastating.

For now the Dark Empire will view the Senshi as annoying, but not worth putting too much effort into taking down. As such it will be less of a problem if their civilian identity is linked to their Senshi identity. As everyone thinks that all the Royals are dead they won't think the Senshi are the Princes and Princesses of old. This gives them complete freedom on how they handle their identity as Senshi.

While they are in the Resistance the characters will have to work to keep up appearances towards the other members of the Resistance. No one may slack off and do nothing, so everyone is given a task.

The Blue Moon Hotel has 2 side venues right by the side of the Hotel itself. It can either be accessed through the lobby of the hotel, or via a front door directly at the street.
The characters will only be working there twice a week, and they are payed normal wages. As they don't need to pay for meals and boarding they can spend their money as they wish.

• The Blue Moon Cafe •
This runs during the day. It is a simple cafe where mostly high teas, lunches, and (warm) drinks are served. It does have a small bar, but mostly food and drinks are served at the tables.
The characters that participate here will be waiting the tables primarily, or being a host/ess, depending on their capabilities.

The dress requirements during this job consists of a white shirt, pants or skirt, waist coat, and shoes. Any other accessories (socks, tie, belt, jewelry, etc) is up to the wearer.
If requested a full uniform can be granted by the manager.

• The Blue Moon Club •
This runs during the evening and night. It is a night club complete with DJ, dance floor, bar, and late hours. Occasionally it might have a live performer.
The characters that participate here will be tending the bar primarily, along with the many smaller tasks that come along with working at a club, unless they have a speciality that could be of use to the club setting.

Due to the setting and the laws surrounding the serving of alcohol, only 18+ year old characters may work in the club.

The dress requirements during this job consists of a white shirt, pants or skirt, and shoes. Any other accessories (socks, belt, jewelry, etc) is up to the wearer.
If requested a full uniform can be granted by the manager.


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