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Realistic or Modern The Going Away Club


I am a Corgi *3*

The Going Away Club

High school is a period of self-exploration, discovery; however, there is much more to it. Students have to juggle studies, friends, family, working-out, eating well, do extra-curricular activities, yet still maintain a healthy schedule with sufficient amount of sleep. Because of that, it puts a heavy amount of stress on students, to the point where they give up on school because of how difficult it is to handle. A student noticed this an fought for the idea of a club that can relieve students from the stress. It's meant to help students escape from their busy, day-to-day life and have a bit of fun like a kid is supposed to have. Which is where our characters come in. Everyone is apart of the club and every Friday, they go on a trip (the destinations vary).

1. Sorry, but this isn't first come, first serve! Simply posting a character doesn't mean you'll be accepted. A deadline will be set, and thus, JUDGEMENT DAY BEGINS. So do your best!
2. Max of two characters per person.
3. Keep in mind that this role-play takes place in Japan! Just... Remember that.
4. Size matters! One DECENT paragraph AT LEAST, but also remember that no one wants to read your thesis paper. I'm serious, please don't write eight paragraphs I'll cry.
5. Please wait a hot second before posting again! If it's always you --> person interacting w/ your character --> you, it's no better than a 1x1. If someone's taking forever, they'll be dealt with, so no worries!
6. Be nice... I'm too tired to deal with you guys being rude just don't. It'll make it more fun.
7. Talk to people! Make plans and backstories! It's more fun when the characters are all intertwined in some way, shape, or form!
8. Rules MAY and WILL be added if I or my co-gm see it fit. There will be an announcement in the OOC if this happens.
9. If you read this from the Interest Check, please skim through it again in the IC forum!
10. Have fun! This is really easy and lighthearted, so don't feel pressed!

If you read this far and are interested, click the picture to the right ---->

no slide​
code by pasta
I'm interested in this roleplay can I try out for a spot?
Of course! Remember that the "Member" spot is open for everyone, so even if you don't get a certain spot in the club (they don't do anything, they're just titles) then you can still be in the role play!

The Going Away Club

High school is a period of self-exploration, discovery; however, there is much more to it. Students have to juggle studies, friends, family, working-out, eating well, do extra-curricular activities, yet still maintain a healthy schedule with sufficient amount of sleep. Because of that, it puts a heavy amount of stress on students, to the point where they give up on school because of how difficult it is to handle. A student noticed this an fought for the idea of a club that can relieve students from the stress. It's meant to help students escape from their busy, day-to-day life and have a bit of fun like a kid is supposed to have. Which is where our characters come in. Everyone is apart of the club and every Friday, they go on a trip (the destinations vary).

1. Sorry, but this isn't first come, first serve! Simply posting a character doesn't mean you'll be accepted. A deadline will be set, and thus, JUDGEMENT DAY BEGINS. So do your best!
2. Max of two characters per person.
3. Keep in mind that this role-play takes place in Japan! Just... Remember that.
4. Size matters! One DECENT paragraph AT LEAST, but also remember that no one wants to read your thesis paper. I'm serious, please don't write eight paragraphs I'll cry.
5. Please wait a hot second before posting again! If it's always you --> person interacting w/ your character --> you, it's no better than a 1x1. If someone's taking forever, they'll be dealt with, so no worries!
6. Be nice... I'm too tired to deal with you guys being rude just don't. It'll make it more fun.
7. Talk to people! Make plans and backstories! It's more fun when the characters are all intertwined in some way, shape, or form!
8. Rules MAY and WILL be added if I or my co-gm see it fit. There will be an announcement in the OOC if this happens.
9. If you read this from the Interest Check, please skim through it again in the IC forum!
10. Have fun! This is really easy and lighthearted, so don't feel pressed!

If you read this far and are interested, click the picture to the right ---->



code by pasta

Ug the last few 'highschool' themed RPs I've tried to involve myself in didn't even lift off of the CS page xD I'd love to join!
Ug the last few 'highschool' themed RPs I've tried to involve myself in didn't even lift off of the CS page xD I'd love to join!
Do join! I'm posting soon, and hopefully we have some semblance of order in this role play haha

I would like to join this rp, sounds really good!
Join as you desire! I'll be putting updates about how everything's going in the OOC soon!

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