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Futuristic The Gift

Anastas hurriedly wrote down Alagos' answer. Writing rapidly on the paper trying not to miss anything. "God you talk so much..." He accidentally said aloud without thinking. "Personally, to me the meaning of life is aleatory." He spoke once again without thinking.
"While questioning the purpose of existence is a popular topic, I don't see how it has any relevance to this situation." He said putting his hands in the pockets of his lab coat. "I'll be honest with you Mr.Alagos, Aen left us with an open ended purpose of being transported to this planet. Do you have any recommendations of where we should travel to next once we are done here?" Roland said to change the subject.

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"Well, I'd have to recommend my home, Syreth. It's pretty cool, and also like the only one I know besides Ethaven, and you do not want to go there right now."


@Full Of Tate


((I believe our purpose in life is to a degree defined by ourselves. Here's how I understand our place in the universe (I could be completely wrong about this and whatever deity is real is currently losing his/her/it's sides). There is a God. Upon dying, we are sent to our various afterlives. Great, now what? Well, you can stay in heaven and have fun times, or work your way up there if you were naughty. If you're bored by eternal paradise, you can choose to go make your own universe, and try to convince your creations that killing each other is really stupid, basically just be God. You can outsource controlling various aspects of the universe to someone like Alagos, let him control the storms as long as he's good. If you get bored of being head god, you can give the job to someone else, ascend to a higher position, controlling a cluster of universes, perhaps. The highest universal position I can think up is controlling the seemingly random shifts in the quantum plane of space. From there..? Well, if there is anything beyond such power, I don't think our gray matter could comprehend it, so I won't try. TL;DR, I think the universe gives us opportunities to ascend to higher power until we go somewhere we're comfortable, or until we fully realize the Ultimate Purpose. Kind of like this one short story...


"It's a very different planet from this one. It's actually in a different universe. But you're human, so that probably means you already have some kind of way to travel between universes ACTUALLY, I just remembered something. So there's this one girl that was part of my crew... I suppose you have just as much of a chance of stumbling across her as I do, so tell her I said hi if you see her. Her name's Krystal, she's like me but blonde. And female. And hot."

Whoever gave this man caffeine had a lot to answer for...




@Full Of Tate
". . ." 

Even if Ssallw said to himself that he didn't want to take part in this conversation anymore. . . this man was upsetting enough to just bring him back and tell him how mentally left behind he is. 

. . . 

Wait, didn't he say something about a hot being?

". . . Are yee sayin that this gadgy is on fire?" He asked, cautiously.

"Then wuh bettor myek a run fo' hor! Git the wator! Wuh are ganin neeo!" He turned around, making lizard noises as he ran off into the ship.

"Oi, yee crackers thingy dingy. tek wor yeut iv heor wuh nee't tuh find we's that is on fire!" He shouted into or at the carriage as he jumped onto the control table of the ship and walked ontop of it, stomping down onto the buttons.

That caused the ship to go on and about, letting out steam or air or any sort of unknown gases out of the pipes that cover the top of the room or letting something blink, saying stuff like 'Danger-' and then something next to it like, 'low' or 'at breaking point'.  

He wasn't usually this radical or impulsive, but this was a person on fire they were talking about. Surely, the fire would keep them warm, but it wouldn't be nice when they'd become crispy, would it?
For a supposed god sort of entity, Alagos seemed to enjoy rambling on about things. The part about his home being in another universe entirely, however, caught Roland's interest. Hmm, cross universal travel. That's going to be annoying, lots of things can go wrong, needs a good bit of resources, and it also feels weird. Sorta like old versions of teleportation technology. Roland was about to ask how the other universe differed from the current one,but was cut off by Ssallw running off into the ship yelling something about water. A mere moment later the ship started to emit a siren sound. "Dammit, what is that lizard doing?" He says as he quickly heads over to the ship.

@CynicalSchmuck @Full Of Tate
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"No, wait! It's slang! What I meant was that she's really beautiful and I'd like to grab--I mean bang--I mean--uh, never mind that please stop stomping on the console."

The ship voice seemed perturbed.

I request that you stop smashing your lower appendages on my main console. At least ask me out to dinner first.

Michael was having a fit.


Giselle slapped her hand over Michael's mouth. While well-intentioned, this had the unfortunate effect of subjecting the archangel to the favorite pastime of Guatanemo Bay, in short, waterboarding.




@Full Of Tate

((I wondered when this would happen))
Anastas stayed quiet, not really paying attention to the conversation at hand anymore. But from what his brain picked up, they were probably going to another planet soon. He only started to give his attention back when Ssallw yelled something about a girl being on fire and then water. Next thing he knew, the ship started to blare sirens. Then Roland went into the ship, and then Alagos tried to make everything better but failed miserably, and that damn angel, decided it would be a great time to be child, then Giselle committed to choking Michael.  All in all, everything was going downhill. Well, at least the Halvoth seemed... Calm.

Two humans; one with a sword and a young adventurer, an archangel with anger issues, a lady slime that seems to be a tad bit out of her mind, a Sallok who has no comprehension of the present times, and a Halvoth who just hangs around... Plus a god with too much free time in his hands... Yeah, we should have all saw this coming. 

He turned to the god and asked, "Have you ever banged a man? Also, have we gave you our names yet? I don't remember doing that.." Anastas has quickly accepted that with this kind of team, stuff like right now was going to happen. They should probably all have a group session or play a game together at some point, just so stuff like this doesn't happen too often. He swear he'd go nuts if it did.

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Alagos looked at Anastas.

"Umm... no. Haven't 'banged' at all, actually. Constantly fighting to save the universe kinda killed the mood. I don't swing that way, if you're suggesting something. You don't have to introduce yourselves if you don't want to. I'd probably forget who you were within half a day."

@Full Of Tate
He nods and smiles, "Ah, that makes sense. Well, the name is Anastas. You probably will forget but might as well!" He turns away from the god not before saying, "Anyways, all of us should get going now. I think we've overdid our stay here. Byes!" And walks into the ship.

He covers his ears from the loudness of the sirens and looks to see where Roland and Ssallw are. He sees Ssallw stomping on the buttons and Seri telling him to take it to dinner first. He sighs, Roland can take care of it. "Hey Seri? Could I get ear buds or something to block out this noise?" He asks the A.I. This thing should still be working even if Ssallw stomped on it, right? 

"Neet neeo, carriage. ah am tryin tuh git yee graftin! excuse wor fo' this mannerless action." He responded to the ship, even if he had to ask himself how a carriage could eat dinner.

Then he heard shouting behind him.

Ssallw spun around to the flailing human bird that was shouting at him profanities in such a fast paced manner that only a hedgehog that can run faster than light could catch that.

As the slimy being put its hands around his mouth to stop him Ssallw himself only started to open his; "I'll hev yee knoon that this is neewt alike tuh me speech, sir an' that this is geet rude. sich baad behavior shud hev been corrected by yor mentally challenged ma an' yor fethor iv a farmor, ah dee sa see, sir."

How scandalous!

To bring salt to wound he gave a good kick into his direction to push dirt into his direction. But metal ground and a very well maintained ship didn't have much dirt on it, except maybe a lever or two, which he pulled one over.

The engines of the ship started in a jolt, letting Ssallw fly to the other end of the room, while the ship went slidding over the ground, then burrowing into it after a moment, at the direction of a mountain.

The only thing Ssallw could let out before he hit the opposite wall was 'Blimey' then he went on to trash around as the world started to loss shape for him. 


@Full Of Tate


(Schmuck. Getting sweared at with my own username, my life is complete.)
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Collision course detected. Manual control overriden.

The ship's front thrusters quickly compensated for the forward momentum, and stopped in its tracks.

The reptillian known as Saalw is now blacklisted for manual control.

Giselle finally moved her hand away from Michael's mouth. He gasped.

"I'm sorry, Michael. You, uh, accidentally ingested some of me."

Michael looked horrified, and promptly collapsed and began puking.

"Ugh... scratch that."

@Full Of Tate



((I had to eventually))
As Roland stepped onto the ship he had a mere moment to start looking over what Ssallw had done before the engines of the craft activated suddenly which threw him back from the sudden gain in momentum. Luckily,the A.I. stopped the thrusters before they collided with anything. "Well that's enough technological mishap for me today" he says picking himself up off of the floor. "Someone is going to have to teach you the basics of this craft if we're to all be crew mates" he says looking at Ssallw.

Ssallw didn't seem to have heard Roland as he was upside-down against the wall, still trying to figure out if above was down or down was above as the world was rotating for him. 

"A- ah Divvint leek.. . . 'technology'." He muttered irritated until taking the first step of regaining his senses by plunging to his side and looking around with an agitated face.

He pulls himself up as he finally sees that down was not up and up was not down.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem to realize that left was not right and right not left so he stumbled around for a bit, mumbling to himself something the line of angry liberals and partying conservatives.
Michael boarded the ship with a sigh.

"Just goes to show you can't trust reptiles to pilot a ship. Computer, am I correct in assuming you are capable of interdimensional travel?"

Yes, Michael. Doing so will take a few hours, but it is possible.

"Well, I have made up my mind. I'm going out to see everything I can. And preferably make some scientific breakthroughs on the way. Begin liftoff procedures!"

Giselle hurried in.

"Wait for everyone!"




@Full Of Tate

((I'm back))

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