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Futuristic The Gift

Ssallw, did drink the cup o'tea he had gotten from the carriage. As much of a pleasure as it was to have a calming drink, it was a bit unsettling to see the ship you are in depart into a gigantic space storm. One of the crew-members, the nice 'human' that cared to answer his questions and listen to his problems, was scared off by the thunder and lightning, one other going off to ask for his well being. 


The specimen of these liquefied people had finally noticed her own nudity, which he himself hardly recognized as he didn't see any private parts on her what made him oddly unconformable, and was off to cloth herself.

As he noticed that his cup was about to be empty he took one last sip, then put the cup on the trail to let it magically fly off if needed.

He took a glance at the pilot, 'Mikäl', the bird version of the human that was maybe a far off related species? He gave him a small bow with the head as he walked towards him.

"See, mikäl, yee seem tuh be takin care iv this carriage heor, canny wey, i'd sa." He spoke to him, respectfully, as it seemed that he tried to be the leading figure of this group, even if everyone seemed to have a mind on his own.
Michael looked down at the lizard.

"Erm... thank you, I think."

He looked out at the battle taking place.

"Odd, isn't it? I wonder what sort of events led to this. He should be an interesting fellow, at any rate. Assuming he survives."

"Well if you say so, but if you need someone to talk about your phobia with I'll be glad to discuss it with you." he said before backing away from the door. "I wonder what could have made someone so afraid of simple lightning like that..." he said to himself as he began to walk back to the seating area of the ship. 

@Full Of Tate
Anastas didn't answer him back but started to rock back and forth, tears cascaded down his face as he started to remember his time in the orphanage... He could basically feel the cold metal around his wrists and the heavy rain drenching him, as if he was there again. His mouth quivered, getting ready to yell until he thought, someone to talk to.., what if that's what he needed? Just someone to talk to? He quietly stood up, brushing the tears from his face. He opened the door slightly and called out, "Um... Sword guy, c-could we talk?"

Roland turned around when he heard Anastas open the door and call for him. "Hmm? Oh yes, we can talk." He said heading back towards him. "I should probably introduce myself so you can have something to call me. I am Roland Hemholtz, you can just call me Roland if you want. Now then, what would you like to talk about?" 

@Full Of Tate
"Oh, ah wud hev guessed the syem, canny sir." He said, looking out and through the window as the clouds ripped through space itself to bring down the shadows that lurked underneath it.

Didn't this god destroy 1000 of these demons just in the matter of a minute? This was definitely already decided.

He turned his head to the fleshy bird to also get his questions answered. "See, wot kind iv human are yee, mikäl? are yee sum kind iv sub-species, or somethin in that sense?" He asked blatant.

The sword guy introduced himself as Ronald Hemholtz. Anastas was itching to take out his journal and write that down. He backed up a little from Ronald and began to play with his fingers, "Um... Well.. I don't wanna drag this out longer then I have too but... I use to live in an orphanage till I was 9. It was an horrible experience living there so I escaped... While there, a group of kids chained me up outside. It was pouring so heavily, the ground was so muddy. And... The thunder. Well, you can guess what that did to me. They gagged me with a sock so I couldn't scream for help... I stayed there morning. The week after that's when I escaped..." Anastas finished, his hands trembling. He's never told anyone that story before, or even thought of telling people. It felt nice, to finally get it out even if it was to a total stranger.

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Roland looked at Anastas, he seemed to be shaking a bit. It was clear that the experience wasn't a pleasant one to retell to others and the trauma of the incident had caused him to fear storms. "I see...well, just know that you're not in that horrible place anymore. You've shown that you are stronger than that horrible experience, you escaped that nightmare and survived on your own, heck your even able to share with others what happened." Roland said trying his best to help Anastas, although these kinds of conversations weren't is strong suit he hoped he at least helped Anastas vent his fears. "Now come on out from there, I'll you my sword for that journal thing you have been writing in."

@Full Of Tate
"We scientifically classify ourselves as Homo angelica, but we also call ourselves Archangels. I am not currently aware of how I differ from humans, such would require dissection and anatomical study."


The ship landed with a slight bump.

You've arrived.

The door to the outside opened.

Giselle emerged from her room wearing a jumpsuit. (just imagine a slime woman in Mass Effect attire, that should do it. At least it holds her together)


@Full Of Tate


((great thread so far))
Anastas stared at Roland. Listening to every word he said. "Yeah... Yeah!" He said confidently, "I am stronger! I am strong!" He repeated, for some reason he got happier. He laughed and hugged Roland, "Thank you Roy!" He immediately let go, smiled at him, and left the room, taking out his journal and writing down where he left off. Alagos, the archangel, and his time with Roland. Anastas sat down to continue writing and didn't seem to notice that they arrived. 

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Roland smiled as Anastas mood changed and his confidence was built back up, and then he got hugged. Two hugs in one day from people I've just met, now that doesn't happen very often. Well, at least I was able to help him out, was worried I would mess up somehow. He thought to himself as he casually walked back to the main room area passing Giselle on the way who was now clothed. Roland wasn't sure why a gelatinous being required clothing, but he just assumed that there was probably a societal reason. Now back in the main hub area, Roland noticed that the door was open now that they had landed. Grabbing his sword off of the chair where he put it down, he goes and stands by the door. "It's time to investigate this storm god in the name of science. Who wishes to come with me?"

@Full Of Tate @Stormyface @CynicalSchmuck @Unravel
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Ssallw looked up to see that the human with glasses had moved to the now open door of the carriage. He could see the enthusiasm of his own race at the moment, something similar to his own, even if most of the time for different reasons then science but knowledge was still a noble cause.

He walked over next to the human, straightening his back and laying his claws against his sides. "I'll cum wi' yee, weakly human! Fo' the syck iv seein this haggard universe! Evon if fair forced." He let out a loud hiss what is similar to the victorious outcry of a human and made a small jump of happiness.

The first. . . or second place to visit after my unwanted take-away, he thought to himself. He shrugged, lets make the best of it.


(Heh. . . . cum.)
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The door opened. You step out into the storm.

It was raining buckets. What you had thought was a hill was in fact a pile of twisted corpses. They were strangely shaped, as if half-formed, and bled a thick dark liquid. A man in a black hooded coat beheaded a creature with a sword, sliced another in two, and grabbed the remaining survivor's face. There was a flash of electricity, and the creature went limp. The man threw the creature down.

"Are you here to fight me, too? Or are you just passing by?" he said, keeping his back to you.



@Full Of Tate

Anastas, despite still being afraid, walked out with the group and hid behind Roland. He looked in front of to see a man in a black hood, though he couldn't see what he looked like for the man's back was turned to him an had his hood on. Anastas stayed behind Roland, but started to sketch the backside of the  in the hooded figure in his journal, who he assumed was Alagos.
Roland stepped out into rain and watched the hooded figure finish off the remaining mysterious creatures, he raised his eyebrow and considered sampling the creatures blood for later. "Nice sword, and no we aren't here for a fight. Aen suggested we visit here to 'understand how the creator of everything can be in trouble'  or something along those lines." 

"Aen... roughly translates to 'all'... oh, you mean him."

Alagos turned around and removed his hood. He had bright blue spiky hair and elf ears. Okay... looks like something only a Japanese animation studio would consider calling an alien, but the universe is vast.

"So Demon (I would only assume 'Aen' mentioned him) managed to get his hands on a metal that is capable of killing gods. I don't understand the science or magic or whatever makes it work, or why Aen even coded the laws of the universe to allow such a thing to exist, I just avoid the purple pointy stuff. I had this whole being born on a spaceship and meeting a really hot chick, Demon got super powered by the very manifestation of decay and darkness, and I've pretty much been trying to undermine his efforts to kill everyone ever since. I think he's angry cause his wife died."

The god lost track of his thoughts, and began absentmindedly pouring some sort of liquid over the pile of corpses.

Michael stared at Alagos blankly. Giselle nodded along like his words were gospel.


@Full Of Tate


Roland shook his head in confusion. Nothing this man said made all that much sense. "I don't understand if this metal is so dangerous then why can't an omnipotent being simply will it to not exist or change its properties? And even if this Demon individual had powerful enough offensive capabilities to rival something all powerful they still wouldn't have any kind of meaningful defense to protect them from instantly losing." Roland stated, trying to get across the confusion he had regarding the plausibility of the supposed situation.

Anastas sketched down the spiky hair and ears of the god, not the feeling the need to question the situations Alagos claims to have found himself in. He looked up to Alagos, asking, "Excuse me, since Aen is the Creator of things. Did he create you? Doesn't that technically make him your dad? Also, what is that liquid your pouring?" 

"Maybe Aen's handicapping himself because he's bored. I dunno."

Alagos finished dousing the bodies.

"Huh. I suppose that would make him my dad. And this is gasoline."

A bolt of lightning came crashing down from the heavens, igniting the pile of bodies. The clouds disappeared soon after. One of the bodies stood up and began flailing and screeching.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. It's not even burning you yet, you have to wait until--I SAID SHADDAP!"

Alagos ripped a vaguely gun-shaped device from a dead creature's hands and blasted the flaming fiend's head off.

"Heh. I'm keeping this."




@Full Of Tate
Anastas jumped at the lighting bolt and grabbed onto Roland's arm, slightly shivering. He immediately let go of his arm, "S-Sorry Roland. The lighting scared me a little but I'm fine!" He said with a smile on his face. He stared at the god, and wrote down in his journal, "Has a weird affection for killing things.. Or weapons. Probably both."

Roland looked to see what grabbed his arm and saw that it was Anastas "It's quite alright, no need to apologize." He said to him. Roland was just glad that Anastas was facing his fears.  "I suppose this all could be some elaborate way for Aen to entertain himself, but I still think something doesn't add up here..." His voice trailed off a bit as he thought "What are these creatures anyways?

@Full Of Tate @Stormyface
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Ssallw finally waddles out of the ship after a moment he had waited inside the ship as he didn't like the rain. He didn't want to have his only pair of clothes be wet.

Strangely, the clouds disappeared after just a moment and very fast. Considering that this isn't one of the strangest things to happen yet he showed it off as something common on this plane here.

He only found this new kind of human very strange that towered even above the not-so-pointy-ears humans and came to an halt next to them. If he stitched it right together then this must be the God of Storms. How peculiar.

Salloks didn't believe in gods, as the optimism they laid on in the day pushed them on even without a god, so that made religion something obsolete, even if there were many people to claim things about their whereabouts and origin.

So he took the moment by the top of the hair like a human.

"Wot is the meanin iv life?" He hissed out, casually into the pot of questions.
Alagos looked at the humans.

"They're twisted creations of Darkness itself. Demon walks into populated areas and bends the inhabitants to his will. These are the result."

Alagos started upon hearing Ssawl's question and looked over at him.

"Well, the meaning of life, or the answer to the question "What is the meaning of life?", pertains to the significance of living or existence in general. Many other related questions include "Why are we here?", "What is life all about?", and "What is the purpose of existence?" or even "Does life exist at all?" There have been a large number of proposed answers to these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds. The search for life's meaning has produced much philosophical, scientific, theological, and metaphysical speculation throughout history. Different people and cultures believe different things for the answer to this question. Most religions believe that life is a test from God. Some believe the prosperous journey of adjustment to any given environment to develop a sense of comfort and happiness in which enables reproduction and the ability to influence what you create, can be understood as the meaning of life.

The meaning of life as we perceive it is derived from our philosophical and religious contemplation of, and scientific inquiries about existence, social ties, consciousness, and happiness. Many other issues are also involved, such as symbolic meaning, ontology, value, purpose, ethics, good and evil, free will, the existence of one or multiple gods, conceptions of God, the soul, and the afterlife. Scientific contributions focus primarily on describing related empirical facts about the universe, exploring the context and parameters concerning the "how" of life. Science also studies and can provide recommendations for the pursuit of well-being and a related conception of morality. An alternative, humanistic approach poses the question, "What is the meaning of my life?" Personally, I believe we are all just cogs in a giant metaphysical machine. Perhaps Aen is like a child compared to other beings beyond the scope of our imagination, and our multiverse is simply a... playground. A giant canvas on which he paints and slowly learns about the universe and the nature of all things. Or maybe there is no purpose, in which case, we might as well just commit suicide because we don't amount to anything, really."


@Full Of Tate



((Most mortals would have to smoke a lotta weed to even begin to question the universe on this level. Luckily, I only needed about two grams. Now everything's... just right))
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. . . Well, if that wasn't disappointing. Not even a god had any idea about the meaning of life but palavered around it.

". . . Alreet, thank yee. . ." Ssallw got to the back of the two humans and told himself to just not participate in the conversation, as he really disliked this fella.


(Jesus Christ, dude. I didn't ask you for a wall of text with every sentence having the same meaning just said with other words.)
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