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Futuristic The Gift

The Sallok looked at Anastas for a moment as he tilted his head. What a weird mimic. He bared his teeth, being a bit amused.

He placed his tea cup on the plate; "Wey, warra wanted tuh ax is wot is. . . happenin, wot are yee, wheor am ah?" He asked, letting out all the confusion since the first seconds he was here. He remember something, let go of the handle of the cup and lifted his hand to show his wrist, where a metallic watch was, "Wot is that?" 

He breathed in, then got himself again after that waterfall of questions, fixating his stare on the being. Maybe now, his confusion will finally go away. Or he would wake up finally in a moment. He sure took his time to wake up then.

@Full Of Tate
Anastas let Ssallw ask his questions and smiled at the end of it. He readied his throat and spoke, "Well apparently someone named Aen wanted us to save our world and other worlds with his Creations. For some reason, he had to leave and go in hiding or something. What am I, you ask? I'm human. We're not a very strong or peaceful race. Except for some few... I have no idea where we are, sorry Ssallw." Anastas knew they were on a ship but that much was obvious. Ssallw grabbed his hand and pointed at the metallic watch. "That's what got us here. I believe that's what teleported us. Aen said that it has a camera installed in it and that it was important. That's all I know. Hope that clears up your confusion!" Anastas cleared his thoat. He wasn't use to so much talking, travelling doesn't leave much time for socializing. 

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And... there. Apologies for the delay.

A new voice rang out through the ship.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sorry I couldn't meet you in person, but manifesting a physical form would take too much concentration at the moment. I'm Aen. If you were paying attention, I was the one who sent you those devices on your wrists, and if you weren't paying attention..."

A nearly deafening crack drowned out all other sound.

"OI! Well, anyway, you've all got some questions and I'll answer them. Please hurry it up, though, I'm in the middle of a fight."


@Full Of Tate


"AEN!" Anastas yelled and stood up happily. Anastas shrieked and plugged his ears at the nearly deafening, when it was over, he laughed at Aen's clear struggling with whatever he's doing. Anastas looked around at his companions and then to the front, "Was there a reason in choosing us or was it at random?" He asked him.

Roland nodded his head after Anastas asked his question and then stood up from his seat, placing his sword on the chair, and adjusting his goggles. "I think I speak for all of us here when I ask this question, what exactly is the purpose of us being here? Is it something relating to this battle you are currently skirmishing in?" he asked simply. He had other questions, but felt it was necessary to clear up some of the primary ones that the rest of the group may wish to ask first.

"Calm down, you. I chose people who seemed like they would enjoy running around the universe, and that's what I want you to do. There's some guy named Demon trying to kill me and become a dread overlord of the cosmos or whatever. He might actually manage to do it, he's putting up a pretty good fight. So just go. Have a picnic and talk about yourselves or something. The watch thingies I gave you keep you alive, so don't worry about drowning or going somewhere without air or freezing/burning to death. If you want to learn more about why the creator of everything is in this mess, there's a storm god fighting about fifteen hundred evil minions a couple dozen miles away."




@Full Of Tate
While Aen was talking, Anastas still stood but was writing down in his journal everything Aen had said. He drew an outline of a body on the next page which was going to resemble Aen. He also elaborated more on Aen's personality, he didn't except him to be this carefree. "Aen, how old are you?" Anastas said without really thinking. "And while we're on that, could you describe what you look like?" It seemed he wasn't even paying attention, still writing in his journal.

Roland scratched the back of his head, this suddenly all became a lot more complex than he had imagined. From what he gathered from Aen's explanation, there were some extremely powerful entities fighting it out for dominance. And then there was the fact  that he had referred to something or someone as the 'creator of everything', with a title like that Roland assumed it could be an omnipotent being, but how could such a thing be struggling against anything. "Excuse me Mr.Aen, but are you suggesting we assist this 'storm god' "  he said trying to imagine exactly what Aen wanted this small group of fairly average individuals to do. 

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"I'm older than the universe, for sure. I can't remember anything other than lots of floating in the void and then conjuring a singularity, creating a universe. I can look like whatever I want, but right now, most of my consciousness is manifesting as a rip in the fabric of space bombarding Demon with all kinds of enemies, radiation, and various pointy objects."


"It's a lot more terrifying in person."


@Full Of Tate


"Sounds terrifying." He mimicked him, and of course wrote it in his journal. Aen must be really lonely if that's all he remembers. Creating weird doors, watches that prevent you from dying, and a A.I that seems fairly human... Guy must be coo-coo. "Demon..." He mouthed, while holding the pencil to his lips. He stared at the blank page in front of him, debating what to write. Anastas sighed, closed his book, and sat down. Deciding to give his full attention. 
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"Nah, he's fine. It's just if you wanna go say hi, he's there. Down to about 500 now. So yes, there's a very evil man trying to kill me. He's sided with the forces of darkness and everything, it might not seem like it, but I'm... terrified. And the only defense against him besides me is a dysfunctional group of idiots, god of storms included. His name is Alagos, by the way."




@Full Of Tate
The Lizard chips into the conversation of the three now after taking a sip from his cup o'tea, then layed it on his seat as no table was available, sadly. The weird noise from the carriage that struck through its voice or what is was called, 'Aen', certainly did put him off but he now got a hold of the situation. A gentleman kept his calm at any situation and Ssallw had to keep that in mind, even if he was put off course easily.

He adjusted his necktie, listening to everybeing talking to this Aen, these humans. As it seemed the universe was bigger than just Sallok, what already was theorized by many but never really confirmed. The Aen talked about a being trying to become a Warlord of the universe to oppose existence itself or out of whatever reason.

Ssallw hizzed positively.

"See, wot yas tellin wor, bein from the beginnin iv time, is that wuh hev tuh deal wi' a lad withyeut any reason tries tuh tek owor the universe wi' eez army iv darkness an' demons an' everythin bad?" He elaborated, pausing for a moment to let it all sink in, "Sounds tuh wor leek the bad fiction iv an equally bad fantasy writor." See, ah wud guess that wuh aren't deed in any dangor at aaal an' wuh will sev the da anywa. If that doesn't soond goodie."

What would appear to be mockery is just a blatant statement, except the end which was enthusiastically added by Ssallw which grabbed the tea by the heckle and took a sip. 

"See, wot are wuh suppose tuh dee?" He asked.


@Full Of Tate

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The voice paused for a few seconds.

"Wow, that's a thick accent. Look. I just want to give some common lifeforms a nice experience. Go see the pretty space flowers."

Michael scoffed and stood up.

"Who do you think you are? Talking about gods and demons. My kind long ago realized there is no such thing, and we're much better off."

Giselle quietly spoke up.

"I don't think you should--"

"I'M SO FED UP WITH YOUR KIND! OOH, BAD THINGS HAPPEN, a truly benevolent god would make everything SAFE and GOOD and RELIABLE and BORING."

Michael was flung into the back of the ship.

"YOU'RE LUCKY I'M NOT FEELING CRUEL TODAY! Anyway, I've given you all your purpose. Go see pretty stuff and take lots of pictures and show them to your grandchildren years from now BYE-BYE. GO FOR HIS NECK, TIM, WHAT DID I EVEN BRING YOU HERE FOR--"

Aen's voice was cut off.




@Full Of Tate

((Calm down, Aen, it's not like it's the end of the world))
Roland went to the back of the ship and offered to help the angel back up. "It seems I am not alone in my doubts about this Aen character. I suggest, however,  we do give this so called 'storm god' a visit, maybe get some proper answers about this situation. What do you think?"

Anastas stood up and his eyes followed Michael to the back of the ship. Geez Aen. Anastas scanned his companions faces and them taking in all this new information. He has a lot of writing to do tonight.... Sigh. Anastas skipped to the back of the ship following the other human, and neared the archangel, "Are you... Okay? That looked like it hurt." Anastas asked him, taking more of the archangel's appearance in... He'll have to touch up on his sketch.

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Michael got to his feet.

"Yes... let's."

He walked over to the front of the ship muttering something about idols in the wilderness.

"Computeeeer~! Take us to this 'god of storms.'"


The ship lifted off the ground and began moving toward some cloud cover in the distance. Michael cackled and rubbed his hands together.

"Just a hidden speaker and a quick change in gravitational force. Child's play! Some kind of prankster. Clouds? COINCIDENCE!"



@Full Of Tate

Anastas watched the archangel tell the computer to go to Alagos, glaring as he claimed this was just a prank. This angel really doubts this situation doesn't he? I oughta-... Calm down Anastas, you barely know him. No reason to get angry. He walked up to the green slime and waved at her, smiling, "Hi! My name is Anastas, what's yours?"

Anastas tilted his head, "Giselle? What a pretty name!" He put his finger to his chin and asked, "So... I've been wanting to ask you.. What exactly are you?" He took out his book and pencil, getting ready to write down her response, "I've been adventuring for so long and never came across or read anything that even remotely described you." 

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Roland followed the angel to the front dashboard area of the ship, "Focused changes in gravitational fields is quite an impressive feat to use it simply as a tool to keep up the facade of someone as being an omnipotent being if you ask me" he said watching the clouds, had there been clouds in the sky earlier when they were by the tree? He didn't recall bothering to check for them so he wasn't certain how common they were on this planet.

The Halvoth's mandibles seemed to flare as Raldirn's gaze swept across the small group gathered around him. If he held any doubts about life on other planets beyond Thernza's dying biosphere, he would stand corrected. The variety of the races present made him curious, but for now he holstered his pistol and took a backseat to the interactions happening in front of him.

Michael looked at the deformed, wingless man.

"Well, I suppose it would be if you haven't figured out the technology yet."


Giselle thought for a moment.

"I guess I'm just a slime. I can take pretty much any shape, but I saw this woman once and everyone seemed to like her, so I took her form."

She quickly covered up her midsection. Well, attempted to. Kind of hard when you're transparent.

"Don't look at my nucleus. That's private. Um, computer-voice? Is there anything here I can put on?"

There is a crew uniform in your quarters, if you really want it.

"We have quarters? T-thanks!"

@Full Of Tate

The ship flew underneath the storm. On a nearby hill, you could see several dozen figures fighting someone else. One was hurled into the air and struck by lightning.


Anastas wrote down Giselle's words. He was gonna ask another question when suddenly she covered up her midsection and mentioned "nucleus". Anastas gave her a questioning look then shook his head, writing down about the quarters. He looked up to see a figure get struck with lightning... Wait. Light.. Ning? Struck? Anastas shrieked and ran into a random room, locking himself in. He mumbled to himself, "I don't wanna be here anymore.", repeatedly. 
"I take it that your race is very technologically advanced then given your statement" he said watching the hill as a creature is struck by lightning "Heheh poor thing" he chuckled to himself before he heard Anastas shriek. Turning around to see what the commotion was about he sees him run off into a nearby room. "Oh boy, looks like someone is afraid of lightning or something." He said trailing Anastas and knocking on the door of the room he locked himself in. "Hey, uh...you okay?"

@Stormyface @Full Of Tate
Anastas was sat down, with his hands cupped on his head. He was breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down. Suddenly there was knocking on the door and he jumped but quickly realised it was the other human. "I-I-I'm fine..!" He choked out, "I j-just need s-s-some time to myself!"


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