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Futuristic The Gift


...huh? That wasn't there just now...

A small capsule had appeared in the spot you had been staring at. You looked away just a second, how did that get there?

Taped to the top was a small card, addressed to you.

Dear recipient:

Inside this capsule is a gift for you that will change your life, and the lives of your descendants, forever. I may be gone soon, and I decided I should share my creations with someone, anyone, lest they disappear unappreciated. Be warned, if you press the button, you might not return to this planet for a long time. It will send you to a place where you will meet with others like yourself. From there... the whole of Creation awaits. I took the liberty of installing a camera for you. Trust me, you'll want one.

My only condition for all this is that you respect and honor those who fight to keep your world... no, all worlds, safe.


Inside the capsule was what looked like some sort of smart watch. An icon of a red button flashes on the screen. Might as well press it, right?


(This is your character sheet. Be whatever you want, not all recipients are from Earth)





Physical Appearance:

Race: (whatever alien/catgirl/sentient shade of blue you are)


(Sexuality will make itself apparent depending on the direction the story goes)
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Name: Michael

Age: 63

Height: 5'8"

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Resembles a young adult human with brown hair, save glowing blue eyes, wings, and vastly different internal organs.

Race: Archangel

Background: The Archangels are a cultivator race, accelerating the growth of life on various planets to a certain point and leaving. They leave behind probes to gather data on the planet and it's new lifeforms in the name of scientific research. They haven't had a single success. The technology used in the process also accelerates the rate at which cancer appears in organisms, effectively wiping them out at the multicellular stage. Michael lived in Katharós, the Archangels' capital/colony ship.


[SIZE=10.5pt]Ssallw Rollsstek[/SIZE]














[SIZE=10.5pt]Race: [/SIZE]




[SIZE=10.5pt]The Sallok are a peculiar race of lizard-like beings, coming from a desert covered planet named after their race, with some jungles near the seas also named after their race.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]They themselves have come from the jungles and still mostly reside near them, as most nations are based around them aswell, even if border dispute and borders themselves are a thing that is generally ignored because of the following fact. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]You see, most Salloks are, because of their own understanding of reality and the build of their brain, all the time optimistic and maybe even happy. This may have evolved because their predecessors were cynical all the time and they thought ‘hey, that is not a nice way to live’ so evolution decided upon that thought ‘alright, lemme change that’. But evolution messed up big time as this change in mindset caused something most races would describe as ‘being retarded’.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]This is not at all like this because most Salloks are actually quite smart, even intelligent. The only thing is that they can’t comprehend are higher advancements of technology to even simple cog systems.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]But wait, wouldn’t that mean that the Salloks are still smashing rocks together in painted caves or live in a I-Will-Break-Down-In-A-Second straw huts? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Again, it is not like this. You see, the Sallok Race had small advancements in a long stretch of time, letting them push forward to the outer edge of what humanity would describe as the Victorian age of England. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]While most advancements can’t be comprehended by 99% percent of the Sallok Race there are a few, FEW factories littering the big cities. They developed simple clockwork systems and even weaponry that can be described as ‘OK’.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]So, the planet is ruled by the 1% of rich Salloks, smarter Salloks factory owner Salloks and so forth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Alright, finally done with th- Wait, what abut Ssalw?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Oh, right.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]So, Ssalw.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Yes, Ssalw.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Yes, alright, Ssalw, a Sallok living in the big city of Sso near the Sallok Sea was having the most common live a Sallok could have, mainly working in a factory next to children and old people because welfare and healthcare is unheard of on the planet and not even invented. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]You may think yourself ‘Wait, isn’t Ssalw a kid after what I read’.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Well, maybe you should pay more fucking attention because that only now got into your mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Anyways, Salloks live a short-lived life most of them dying at the age of 40, while adulthood is reached at the age of 6. That also comes together with the fact that Salloks only have a child-learning age of 6 months, where they barely can catch anything their parents or other adults say, so that walking, speaking and every basic has to be taught quickly or the child can be a stumbling, stuttering fool for the rest of his live.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Coming back to Ssalw, he is a normal guy, that has come a bit into adulthood and lives the normal life of a Sallok, greeting everyone dumbly, being dumbfounded by the most simple mechanic, getting into duels to death out of optimism and sportsmanship (What is a huge trend), gun duels (which can be quite tricky if you forget how to reload every time you use it) and tipping your top top hats (a variant of the top hat with another cylinder ontop of the cylinder) at females for whatever reason.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]So, Ssalw is in his own little way, pretty common.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Except that he can remember how to reload a gun. That is why he won every gun duel. Poor fellas.[/SIZE]


I am a sucker for Sci-Fi Races and exploration.
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"*click* ...noice."

Welcome aboard, Mr. Ssawl. Just don't touch the mini-sun in the middle of the ship anything and we'll be fine.

Wait but if he uses laser weapons is he gonna try to reload them

He is most likely going to use a fucking revolver instead of a plasma rifle. That is like using a spoon for spagetti instead of using a fork, what is possible but you are more known with the fork.

. . . Come to think of it, they don't usually have revolvering or repeating rifles in different universes and outer space, do they?

. . . Well, I guess he will try to reload one like a revolver and fail miserably, when the time comes.
((We'll burn that bridge when we come to it, I guess. I've given the thread a day for any newcomers... it's time to begin! I use double parentheses for out of character comments, FYI))

Well naturally, you pressed the button. I mean, if you didn't, you wouldn't be in this whole story.

The odd wristwatch device flew up and secured itself around your arm. You begin to feel tingly...


What in the--oh.


You stand beneath a swirly pink tree with two strange, confused beings. One was pale and fleshy, and had bird wings growing out of his back. The other was a translucent greenish... slime of sorts in the shape of a female. It yelped and collapsed into a formless blob upon seeing you and the fleshy bird-thing.

"Where am I? Identify yourselves!"

The fleshy bird pulled a device from his cloak and kept it pointed at you and the blob.

A confused lizard lay on the ground, twitching around in his short frock coat, then his hands began twitching to his waistcoat, nay, above his waistcoat so that he could tie his neck tie. 

The lizard shot up, twitching with one eye, then the other. Then he opened his wide mouth to say something, probably to the fleshy bird that he didn't even look at but then shut it close.

He got up, standing on his nearly bare and bend back legs, only covered by a cloth going around it. He adjusted his top top hat, until noticing that he never liked top top hats and never did buy one so he adjusted the air on top of his head. Perfect.

The lizard put his left fist between his chest and straightened his back to, what he would describe, 'smile' at the fields infront of him, which he never did see before because he never had such wonderful blossoming lands near or in his city or anywhere on his planet. 

"Wey, goodness wor, wot is happenin reet neeo?" He said in an audibly confused tone but o'so chipper.  He began rubbing his hands together nervously then turned to the fleshy bird, blinking at it with his left eye, then his right. 

He opened his mouth, letting his tongue slither out of it to lick his teeth, then began forming a sentence. "Blurk, are yee a taal yen." Said the 3'9 tall lizard being to the taller fleshy bird. "An' canny sonsy are yee neet an' aaal." He added ontop of his first comment, what was a bit more than less gibberish to most people. Alright, you couldn't understand shit.

He blinked, then remembered something, then bowed, beginning to hastly talk "Soz, abyeut that, a pleasure tuh meet yee, unknoon bein from the skies that kidnapped wor. a pleasure tuh meet yee." 

He said one thing twice in the sentence, probably to add a bit more genuity to the sentence, even if it already was genuine for something that shouldn't be genuine.
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A confused lizard lay on the ground, twitching around in his short frock coat, then his hands began twitching to his waistcoat, nay, above his waistcoat so that he could tie his neck tie. 

The lizard shot up, twitching with one eye, then the other. Then he opened his wide mouth to say something, probably to the fleshy bird that he didn't even look at but then shut it close.

He got up, standing on his nearly bare and bend back legs, only covered by a cloth going around it. He adjusted his top top hat, until noticing that he never liked top top hats and never did buy one so he adjusted the air on top of his head. Perfect.

The lizard put his left fist between his chest and straightened his back to, what he would describe, 'smile' at the fields infront of him, which he never did see before because he never had such wonderful blossoming lands near or in his city or anywhere on his planet. 

"Wey, goodness wor, wot is happenin reet neeo?" He said in an audibly confused tone but o'so chipper.  He began rubbing his hands together nervously then turned to the fleshy bird, blinking at it with his left eye, then his right. 

He opened his mouth, letting his tongue slither out of it to lick his teeth, then began forming a sentence. "Blurk, are yee a taal yen." Said the 3'9 tall lizard being to the taller fleshy bird. "An' canny sonsy are yee neet an' aaal." He added ontop of his first comment, what was a bit more than less gibberish to most people. Alright, you couldn't understand shit.

He blinked, then remembered something, then bowed, beginning to hastly talk "Soz, abyeut that, a pleasure tuh meet yee, unknoon bein from the skies that kidnapped wor. a pleasure tuh meet yee." 

He said one thing twice in the sentence, probably to add a bit more genuity to the sentence, even if it already was genuine for something that shouldn't be genuine.

Michael stared at the lizard.

"A... pleasure."

Perhaps it has mental damage. Or a thick accent. Maybe both... further investigation is required.

"I am Michael, of Katharós. What is your name, reptilian?"

The blob lady quietly oozed behind a tree and watched the exchange from afar.


((man, this guy is sure taking a long time to respond, I thought to myself. Didn't get the notification and now I feel ashamed. If I ever take a while, you can tag me by typing @Stormyface))
The lizard looked up, then straightened himself upright. "Me nyem yee ax, sir?" he sizzled under his breath. 

He put two claws on his chin and bared his sharp teeth, rubbing his chin while making a deep guttural tone that was audible and visible on his throat that twitched heavily.

"Me nyem is Ssalw Rollsteck, hinny sir, a gentleman iv a factory worka in the city iv sso an' gun duelor extraordinaire." He said, remaining in his self-satisfying pose for a while until making a circle in the air then moved on to a slumped over position, letting him appear even shorter then looked again at the fleshy bird that was apparently called 'Michael'. What a strange but dumb sounding name, he thought to himself.

"Wot the heck are yee, M- Mik- 'Mikäl'?" He asked, trying hard to pronounce the name right, then settled on this dead body of a name.

He looked around, optimistically nervous. It can't get worse than this, can it now? It never can because it goes always up from the point you are on. 

"Wot the heck is this?" He pointed at the wobbling thing behind the tree, then his pointing bare finger changed to the open fields of plants he had never seen. "Wot the heck is this?" He added, not helping in any way.

(@Stormyface Well, I thought to this myself, but a bit more destructive. 'Why the hell isn't this guy replying? Did I write something wrong? Did I mess up? Fuck!')
The lizard looked up, then straightened himself upright. "Me nyem yee ax, sir?" he sizzled under his breath. 

He put two claws on his chin and bared his sharp teeth, rubbing his chin while making a deep guttural tone that was audible and visible on his throat that twitched heavily.

"Me nyem is Ssalw Rollsteck, hinny sir, a gentleman iv a factory worka in the city iv sso an' gun duelor extraordinaire." He said, remaining in his self-satisfying pose for a while until making a circle in the air then moved on to a slumped over position, letting him appear even shorter then looked again at the fleshy bird that was apparently called 'Michael'. What a strange but dumb sounding name, he thought to himself.

"Wot the heck are yee, M- Mik- 'Mikäl'?" He asked, trying hard to pronounce the name right, then settled on this dead body of a name.

He looked around, optimistically nervous. It can't get worse than this, can it now? It never can because it goes always up from the point you are on. 

"Wot the heck is this?" He pointed at the wobbling thing behind the tree, then his pointing bare finger changed to the open fields of plants he had never seen. "Wot the heck is this?" He added, not helping in any way.

(@Stormyface Well, I thought to this myself, but a bit more destructive. 'Why the hell isn't this guy replying? Did I write something wrong? Did I mess up? Fuck!')

The slime retreated a little farther behind the tree.


Michael looked at the device fastened around his wrist.

"I don't see yours." he said suspiciously.

"I couldn't wear one of those. It was some kind of gel that I absorbed. Please don't hurt me."


((how could we even hurt you though you're sentient Jell-o do you even have pain receptors))
Name: Roland Hemholtz

Age: 27

Height: 5'6"

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Roland.JPG

Race: Human

Background: With how vast space is many things have yet to be discovered or researched. But not every location is safe, sometimes it take a more prepared expert. Roland Hemholtz is a self proclaimed "combat scientist". If there is an obstacle in the path of science and discovery he will do his best to work through it for the betterment of science.

Roland wields his sword (which he calls the s-calibur) which is a sharp and strong blade that is crafted to be light so Roland can wield it easily even with his lesser strength.
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Name: Roland Hemholtz

Age: 27

Height: 5'6"

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: View attachment 195007

Race: Human

Background: With how vast space is many things have yet to be discovered or researched. But not every location is safe, sometimes it take a more prepared expert. Roland Hemholtz is a self proclaimed "combat scientist". If there is an obstacle in the path of science and discovery he will do his best to work through it for the betterment of science.

Roland wields his sword (which he calls the s-calibur) which is a sharp and strong blade that is crafted to be light so Roland can wield it easily even with his lesser strength.

((Why not. Accepted. Swords are actually pretty light already. Gigantic greatswords weigh like 12 pounds))


The grass was a strange red color. A green slime-lady was hiding behind a swirly tree. An angel and a lizard-man were staring at her. The slime-lady wobbled.

"There's another one??"

The angel looked over at you, then recoiled.

"Oh! Who clipped your wings? Or were you born without? It's... oh, I can't look."

The angel looked like he was going to puke.



Anastas Pavlenko







Physical Appearance:





Anastas grew up without parents and lived in an orphanage for 9 years before escaping the hellish place. He went out for adventure and has been adventuring ever since he escaped. It was only natural that he would listen to "Aen". It sounded like loads of fun too, saving worlds and crap? Anastas would turn into a hero if he did that!



Anastas Pavlenko







Physical Appearance:




Anastas grew up without parents and lived in an orphanage for 9 years before escaping the hellish place. He went out for adventure and has been adventuring ever since he escaped. It was only natural that he would listen to "Aen". It sounded like loads of fun too, saving worlds and crap? Anastas would turn into a hero if he did that!






Swirly tree. Slime girl. Angel. Lizard. Human with a sword. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. Life is great because it's varied, is it not?


@Full Of Tate

After pressing the button Roland was quickly transported away to a distant world where he landed among a group of other individuals, however, they weren't like anything he had seen before. There appeared to be three other humanoid creatures, one of which was a lizard man, and the other seemed to have wings, there was also a mass of a goo like substance hiding behind the strange tree. While Roland was taking in his surroundings the angel asked him what had happened to his wings. "Hm? Wings? No, no you are mistaken. My species does not have wings, but it is quite interesting how similar in appearance we are." 

Anastas pressed the button and was immediately transported to another place. He looked around himself to find a beautiful pink tree surrounded with colorful grass. He was also not alone. There was a male angel, a lizard like thing, a green slimey blob that resembled a female, and a human like himself. He realized he was sitting on the colorful grass and stood up. "Hello there!" He said quite enthusiastically, "Um... Which one of you is Aen?" Anastas seemed to hold a slight Russian accent when he spoke.

@CynicalSchmuck @RatKing @Stormyface


Raldirn den Pollos



Height :




Physical Appearance






From the first stirrings of life beneath water, to the great beasts of ages past, to the very first blooming of a flower on the grassy savannahs of Thernza, the Halvoth are plantoids that evolved and eventually gained sentience. Their lifespans vary, with some living to only half a century and other living for millennia - the latter, however, can only be counted on one hand. 


Despite their seemingly peaceful looks, they are extremely bloodthirsty, having fought the equivalent of seven World Wars within the span of only fifty years using technology comparable to 21st century Earth. Large swathes of Thernza are still uninhabitable from the sheer volume of nuclear weapons detonated on it's surface.


Raldirn himself is a commander of a platoon, having served in all seven wars to date. He was assigned to the infamous meatgrinder of the current war, Calthea, waiting for the order to launch a counteroffensive against the enemy before he picked up the device.
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Raldirn den Pollos



Height :




Physical Appearance






From the first stirrings of life beneath water, to the great beasts of ages past, to the very first blooming of a flower on the grassy savannahs of Thernza, the Halvoth are plantoids that evolved and eventually gained sentience. Their lifespans vary, with some living to only half a century and other living for millennia - the latter, however, can only be counted on one hand. 


Despite their seemingly peaceful looks, they are extremely bloodthirsty, having fought the equivalent of seven World Wars within the span of only fifty years using technology comparable to 21st century Earth. Large swathes of Thernza are still uninhabitable from the sheer volume of nuclear weapons detonated on it's surface.


Raldirn himself is a commander of a platoon, having served in all seven wars to date. He was assigned to the infamous meatgrinder of the current war, Calthea, waiting for the order to launch a counteroffensive against the enemy before he picked up the device.

The more the merrier. Off we go again.


((I don't have to describe the scene again, do I?))

As you all mill about and try to understand what's going on, a strange craft descended from the sky and landed near you. The door opened, nothing came out.



@Full Of Tate


((biggest RP I've hosted for a looooooooong time now. Should turn out great))
Anastas watched the door descend from the sky. The door opened and he was expecting something to come out but nothing didn't. He looked at the people around him again. They could be other people that Aen wanted, they all seemed to be confused to a certain level. What if this is where Aen wanted us to go? With that in mind, Anastas started nearing the door.
Ssallw wasn't really doing anything now, When the two new wingless, scaleless and very strange looking birds appeared, what probably didn't make them birds, he did put his mind on the landscape, the flowers and the grass. Lush and beauty like he has never seen before and unexplained for him like the things that pushed on the tables that transported things to him in the big steam houses that equally confused him at times. He disliked it but liked it aswell. The unfamiliarity of the situation just did put him off course. And he wanted it to be familiar. So he thought optimistically as always.  

His not so visible confusion started to settle for the first time he had arrived here. Maybe this is phenomenon is just an accident of some sorts. Maybe he is dreaming and he will wake up soon, and this wretched ball he had was just one of them fancy ball of iron is some toy of these people who understand those things. This is all not real.

He closed his eyes, inhaled, then let out his breath, opened his eyes and saw that he exhaled steam.

Then he started to realize that he felt very, VERY cold. Then he looked up. Why was there just one sun in the sky?

He put his arms around himself and began to breath heavily, letting out the steam that came out of his mouth instead of air. He looked around in his reacquired confusion. He began to dance as the coldness swept over him, trying to warm up but it didn't help. After a moment he began to snicker. Wot a haggard endeavor, he thought to himself. 

He turned around trying to find something before he would perish of hypothermia and made a quick run for one of those creatures and put his arms around one of them, trying to get as much body heat from them as possible, only apologizing to the one he ran into;  "Ah apologies deeply, me sonny fo' this lack iv class."

He heard a strange noise coming away from the group but he was too busy trying to get warm as to look.


(Whoever wants to can be the one Ssalw is now burying himself into and hello to everyone that now came to this thread and their imaginative selfs.)
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