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One x One The Gathering of Death Eater Children - OOC

Ah alright, I almost forgot about the old posts where I asked about this before. I was just confused when I read the post in the rp thread. I was looking for more details. Thank you^^
August glanced at the scrolls, but he was not in the mood to read and find answers to any possible question when he was at a party.
August glanced at the scroll, but he was not in the mood to read and find answers to any possible question when he was at a party.

...hmm...and now mister not so gentleman-ish is escorting miss Lestrange out if this place...
...hmm...and now mister not so gentleman-ish is escorting miss Lestrange out of this place...
The boy described, in a smug tone, the incident from the Masked Man's perspective. - So did the boy tell exactly what he did and nothing different: That he faked a call with a muggle item: a cellphone in the boys' stall, left a syringe with poison and note on the edge of a sink and left, turned into a cockroach and followed one of the boys who went to the Whomping Willow and devoured this soul and disposed of his body and the syringe.

This is enough to suspect that he is not the real culprit. First of all, no wizard can devour a soul, they would check if he knows animagi and can turn into a cockroach. Second, they need to ask him where he disposed of the syringe and the body of the dead boy, where he got poison from. Also, check his belongings, does he have any muggle items such as a cellphone? Does he have more syringes? Whatever fake memories have been placed in his mind will lead to no findings of a syringe or a dead body. There are still more flaws, the string of memories...this student was probably doing something before this incident happened. Is the string of memories uniform and even or is there a sudden change, for example, he was doing something else that would not give him a reason to go to the bathroom with a cellphone and syringe with poison. Another flaw in this too wicked deed is that this student remained in the castle and confessed with the masked student's emotions and glee. A real culprit who is wicked and happy about his deed, would not remain and confess, but flee the place and try to cause more commotion and rebel. Let's take Bellatrix Lestrange as an example. Why would he remain in the castle and allow himself to be caught? Only a remorseful person who regrets his deed would turn himself in at once.

In the small court hearing that will take part, will Luna tell about the boy's confession to the ones she has asked to come? If she has not detected the flaws in this boy's story, someone else would. There are many things that could be investigated in this case before deciding on a punishment. Now the question is if the boy described exactly what the masked student did or was there something different in the story he told?
I need more details when Luna tells them about Cattermole's confession, such as House and age or year of the involved boys.
I only know that the boy whose soul was devoured was 14 years old
and Adam Cattermole is in his 6th year
The third boy who died in the bathroom, what's his age?

And their houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin?

And may you also give the two dead boys full names, please

It will make it easier for me when I write my next post.
The professors exchanged looks with each other when Miss Lestrange. None had been expecting a sixth-year student to be the culprit. When Miss Lestrange what? Or maybe you meant 'then'? I can't tell.

within just a few minutes..it feels too good to be true
within just a few minutes...it feels too good to be true

Flynn frowned, but entered as soon_he was requested to the room.
Flynn frowned, but entered as soon as he was requested to the room.
I'll write the scene with Nova explaining the game's rules in the next post. I'll be busy for the rest of today and I didn't want to avoid posting because I hadn't written the other scene (with Nova) yet.
Now this is going to be fun when I try to imagine I do not know the masked student and what he did and instead solve this mystery like the dectectives in Aghata Christie's books 😆
I'm done with the Halloween party scene that I was supposed to put in my last post. Would you mind if I put it in my last post instead of waiting for the next one? If you'd prefer for me to just post it in my next post it's okay.
It was a very long time ago when I read them, I was in Junior high and high school, so I do not remember which one I have read. I also read Enid Blyton's books a lot during that time. I have The Castle of Adventure by Enid Blyton in my bookshelf.

I would prefer it if you posted your Halloween post in your next post, please. I am going to edit my post a bit more and post it soon
Okay, I'll wait until my next post! ❤

Would you recommend The Castle Adventure by Enid Blyton to me, or was it just one of those 'eh' *shrugs* books? I've never heard of it. I could Google it, but I could just start reading it if you say it's good and not spoil the plot for myself. My favorite is when I get a recommendation from a trusted source and I don't look up the plot or anything and just jump right in and let the plot come as a surprise to me.
Well, I found this link: The Castle of Adventure eBook online Read, but if it does not work for you, try to google it and see if you can find it online. The one I have in my bookshelf is in Swedish and not English, otherwise, I could have scanned the entire book and sent you a pdf file.


As for my post, I want to perform all the suggestions which Alexander summarize in the end.

You may decide the outcome for number 1 & 2

and I will decide the outcome of the rest. 😋
I have some questions before I post:

(In regards to Alexander's suggestions)

1 - Cattermole will be able to vanish one of the children without remorse. I don't want to write that scene, just mention that he passed that test. After concentrating really hard for ten seconds, he performed the spell with minimal effort.

2 - Cattermole's parents have also had their memories rewritten, and fake drawings have been placed in Cattermole's room, along with a few other pieces of compelling evidence that suggest he was telling the truth. I want to actually write the interview scene, and I want to control his parents.

3 - The Masked Man actually stole items from the greenhouses and potions classroom for the poison, all I want to confirm is that you will make sure the missing items are noticed? He tried Cattermole's story as airtight as possible, so he actually stole the items. Other than that detail, I'm fine with you controlling the outcomes of Suggestion 3, etc.
If you don't want to write that scene with the vanishing spell, I can do it.

I have already researched the orange poison thing, so I know the ingredients.

But stealing from Mulciber is impossible because he has protecting spells and such. If the masked student can steal so easily, it makes him an OP, and is a demon supposed to overpower the wizarding world so easily? Also after taking over Hogwarts with the reputation of being death-eater children and being there for a short time, it is naturally for professors to protect their classrooms, storage rooms, and offices from being raided by students. I can agree that it is easier to steal from Melody, because Melody can have such an innocence that she believes all children are innocent, that she would not think about putting up protecting spells. But Mulciber is different.

Besides since the 17 aged students, before this incident, were allowed to visit other places than Hogsmeade during weekends, the masked student could have possibly bought ingredients in Diagon Alley or Knockturn Alley though put the fake memories about stealing since he can rewrite memories and if he has rewritten memories of Cattermole's parents, it means that he must have been outside Hogwarts to place those fake memories as well <<
Hmm....the Masked Man would've made certain to steal the ingredients properly, but if there were powerful anti-stealing spells then he wouldn't have touched them. He would've realized that it wouldn't have been realistic for Cattermole to steal those items, and merely bought them from somewhere else, fixing up the memories of the shop keepers as well to remember Cattermole's face around the time. He tried his best to make sure that every part of Cattermole's story was perfect when the professors investigated.

I didn't know about the protective spells that the potions professor placed, but once the Masked Man tried to steal from him he would've realized it and bought them instead. How can I fix that detail? Would it be too much work to edit it out to be changed to "Cattermole stole some ingredients from the greenhouses and bought the rest from an apothecary in Diagon Alley." ?
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That's not the problem itself. If you make everything airtight and flawless in the masked student's act, this will still make him into an OP.

What I mean is that we need to leave a few flaws in his made-up act, they should be enough to avoid punishing Cattermole though he will still be suspected as the culprit and placed under inspection and looked up in a small cell at the Ministry of Magic and his wand and trunk with everything and current belongings he has at Hogwarts confiscated.

Cattermole is able to vanish a human body, a teenager and not an adult yet - OK
Are Cattermole's parents wizards or muggles? If they are wizards, it won't be easy to rewrite their memories as with muggles, unless if they are too weak and would allow a demon to take over their minds. Muggles can also be strong enough psychically to keep demons away from them. Besides the masked student was only able to leave Hogwarts during the daytime and weekends. And also, how do the masked student know where the Cattermole lives? Why not leaving the drawings in his trunk at Hogwarts, it is easier that way. His parents do not have to know about their son's behavior. There are children who keep secrets from their parents, and that's normal. Let the staff believe he has a split personality lol. You do not need to have the parents weak and their memories rewritten, instead it can be a truth that the parents gave everything to their son to make him happy, but they do not have to know about the drawings. The staff will still believe that Cattermole's second confession is 100 percent true.
And the shopkeepers in Diagon Alley, they sell ingredients and potions to the majority of students and many wizards and witches. And the ingredients that a lot of customers buy, are the same ingredients that were used in the poison. Instead of rewriting the memories, why not using polyjuice potion and disguise as Cattermole to buy ingredients?
Nothing is found stolen from the Potions, only from the herbology, so that's one minor flaw
Syringes are not used at Hogwarts, must have been brought from the muggle world, a minor flaw
The orange poison will turn out to have ingredients from the wizarding world, here I do not want to reveal spoilers, but after investigating the poison, they will believe Cattermole made it. and I will describe the reasons in my post. - so not a flaw
The cellphone will be found bewitched, because the masked student made it work to fake a call - not a flaw

So leave the confession as it is, even with these minor flaws, they will still believe that Cattermole is the culprit. None, not even Raven will suspect the masked student or the other demons. And Raven should not reveal that she detect lies or read minds. It is better to have the staff believe Cattermole lied a little here and there, which will make them suspect him even more
*Shrug* My objective was to make sure that the Masked Man wasn't caught, but that Cattermole was punished instead (staying in a cell at the Ministry of Magic is a punishment). If my objective is accomplished, I don't care about the details. I trust that your logic makes more sense than mine because I can't decide what's too OP and what isn't, and I don't want to have any OP characters because I hate those. I just wanted to make the Masked Man a smart character who would go to any lengths he could to check every detail and make an airtight case to avoid being caught until he was ready. If it's a choice between having the exact details I want and having an OP character, or having a powerful character that isn't OP, I'll choose the latter. Thank you so much for helping me with the details! <3

I suppose they can logically see the lies Cattermole tells as him telling himself he's stronger/smarter than he is, and that he has a split personality, one that appreciates his parents' love and the other that wants a thrill and loves prison escape movies and draws pictures, etc.

His parents are: witch mom and Muggle dad. His mother's magical power level is here on a scale:


So let me recap the details here, in case I misunderstood something...

Cattermole is able to vanish a human body because the Masked Man taught him how.

The Masked Man knows where Cattermole lives because he told him about how he liked the view of the night sky from his balcony in that area.

Cattermole's drawings will be found inside his trunk at Hogwarts instead. - 👍

The parents will know nothing of Cattermole's 'split personality' (they're good parents that gave him everything and don't know about his 'split personality'). - 👍

The Masked Man used Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as Cattermole, bought the ingredients he needed from Diagon and a syringe from a Muggle pharmacy (where I am I can buy them at a pharmacy, and they're cheap), and put the fake memories of Cattermole buying the ingredients into his mind. Cattermole was boasting about being able to bypass the spells set in place to prevent stealing in the potions classroom. - 👍

The cellphone works via some manipulation, like Aislynn with her computer, so it actually works. 👍

The Masked Man would've been careful to get every detail correct, but it can be his flaw that he misses details when his mind is in disarray. He hasn't been feeling well lately so that's why he missed details. And like that, I can keep his high intelligence but lower it when he's not feeling well. 👍

(Thanks x 100 for your patience! 😌 I will post after I receive the answers to these questions.)
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I read the book The Castle of Adventure. *Shrug* I didn't dislike it, but it didn't thrill me, either. I won't be reading any more from that author soon. Your recommendations are the exception.
I have a question (Aislynn smokes sometimes, so I thought that maybe you did as well): How do you smoke? My Dad offered me one of these after telling me how to smoke one:


and I said 'thank you' and moved on, saying that I would try it again later because he tried his hardest to teach me and I'm not going to ask Leigh for instructions. It smells nice, but when I smoked it I just got a burnt taste at the back of my throat and a burnt taste on my tongue. I feel like that's not what smoking should be like. Can you tell me how to smoke, or is it like telling someone how to blow a bubble with gum or whistle; something you can't teach but eventually learn on your own? Everyone in my family (and multiple online tutorials) have failed, repeatedly, to teach me how to whistle or blow bubbles with gum. I've given up at this point. But smoking is something I want to enjoy, on special occasions. They're celebrating 4th July yesterday and today, so of course they're smoking and Leigh is getting more annoying with every beer she gulps, making everything about her. *Bitter laughter* It's okay if you can't teach me, thanks for listening either way.


(Characters represented from left to right: me, you.)
I can not teach you because I have never smoked in my entire life, never tried any, and will never try 😂. I grew up in a family where none smokes and were my parents sees all type of smokes unhealthy. And Also, I had a teacher in the sixth grade in middle school, who always warned me and my classmates from starting smoking, trying drugs or drinks. So that's why I never tried to smoke like some of my classmates at junior high school. I was the kind of kid who was brought up strictly and hence would listen to my parents and teacher and do as they say. Once starting junior high school or high school, it is common for students to start to smoke and do drugs and even drink alcohol despite the law forbidding them to do so. The Swedish law forbids drugs totally, forbids underaged to buy alcohol or smoke. Alcohol can only be sold to 21 years old and smoke sold to 18 years old. Though there are some underaged who get this stuff from older siblings or friends who are able to buy this stuff. When I was in the last grade in Junior High, my class went on a camping trip where they sleepover for three days, I stayed home because my mom did not allow me to go on that trip. When my class came back from the trip, I heard rumors that two of my classmates drank so much beer that they got drunk. I do not know how they smuggled the beer, because it was not allowed and could have sent them home at once if they were found. I'm an adult now, so I can go and start smoke if I like, but since one of my aunts got cancer because of smoking waterpipe, I rather stay away from smoke.
I am also the only one in the family who cannot blow gum bubbles or whistle. I think I also would fail if I ever tried to smoke...😂

My characters do many things that I do not do 😋

Well, Enid Blyton's books are more suitable for someone between 12-15 years old. I gave you the link to check it out because it was one of the books you have never heard of.

Alright back to the RP: Yeah, now it makes more sense when I read your recap. Cattermole should also be a popular student that is friends with everyone. so that none suspect the masked student. Since bad behavior can also be influenced by friends, it should not be obvious that he has a close friend who could have influenced him.

Before we go ahead with the posts about the investigation of the incident, I want the rest of the students to be sent to their dorms. Why should they remain in the Great Hall if they all are innocent?
Also, so Flynn can have a reason to request James Sirius Potter to his office, but instead, bring him to the where Cattermole is, without the rest of the students suspecting anything of what's going on.
This will be part of my next post because the Minister of Magic wants to say a few words to the students before sending them off.

Lol that picture 😂


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