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One x One The Gathering of Death Eater Children - OOC


Ghost Teller

Once I start reading a Ghost Teller story, I get really angry when it leaves off in a cliffhanger. So to ease my suffering, I wait until all the parts to a story are updated, and then read the story on the day the Outro is updated, that way I know for certain there won't be a cliffhanger. The current story is taking so long to update because there are so many parts, but that just means I'll have a really nice long story to read when it's done.

I started doing the same thing towards the end of Tales of the Unusual.

Are you doing something similar with webtoons that have a bunch of short stories, or are you braving through the cliffhangers? (I'm being over-dramatic about the cliffhangers for comedic purposes.)
I'm the Grim Reaper

YES! The season 2 premier finally updated! YES YES YES I can't WAIT to read more! I found this funny (in the credits):

Midnight Poppy Land

I'm missing Tora! It's been two episodes since I've seen his handsome-ness! (This last episode doesn't count because we didn't even get to see his full face.) It looks like he'll be showing up next week, though!
Wrath and the Dawn

Finally, someone showed Shahrzad how annoyingly obvious she's being! She was cunning with the cliffhanger idea to save her life, but seriously, the thing with the bow (where she wanted to shoot the king in broad daylight in front of a bunch of guys working for him) was really frickin' stupid. Thumbs up to the guy that gave her the advice.
That thing you said you wanted to happen in True Beauty might happen in the next episode! I hope it does! *Excited noises die down as I remember I have to wait to read the next page*
I am still working with the part about August in my post


and My Dear Cold-Blooded King is finally back


The author of Princess is a Total Deviant has released a new comic: The Rose Prince


And I think you might be interested in reading Ghost Theater on webtoons hehe

Ghost Teller
The last Ghost Teller story is the direction I see #Killstigram going in. I could be surprised with an unexpected turn of events, though. The MC is really annoying, so I wouldn't mind her dying.

Cat Gifs
I love your adorable cat gifs! I love kawaii animal pictures.

MDCBK & I'm The Grim Reaper
I'm excited for MDCBK, but even more excited for I'm The Grim Reaper. I think it's because I'm starting to like the MC for the latter more than the former. I find her more relatable than MDCBK's MC.

Your Post
I'm also SUPER-DUPER excited to see August's reaction to Celeste's difficult test!!! I imagine it is difficult to write. Did you make a surprised expression when you read about what this latest test is?

The Rose Prince and Path of the Fallen
I started reading The Rose Prince the day after it was announced in The Princess is a Total Deviant. The cover for The Rose Prince looks like if Celeste and The King (can't remember his name) from The Princess is a Total Deviant became a couple. So far, I can't tell if I like The Rose Prince or Path of the Fallen, I'm just neutral. The Princess is a Total Deviant is my favorite by the author, but only when it was about Celeste and the blue-haired prince (can't remember his name). When it focused on the blue haired woman and the king I found it boring for some reason. *Shrugs*

Midnight Poppy Landy
'Hand cream'. *Laughs* Even in historical romance, the characters that weren't rich (e.g. not pharaohs or princesses, but guards and pirates and cooks) always have perfect skin and teeth and hair...so believable. I'm with Tora on that one. Also (I'm really dense on this subject unless it's SUPER obvious) are they trying to make Quincey homosexual, or was he already, or is he just flamboyant and wimpy? Help me out.

Ghost Theater
I'm enjoying it. However, the stories in Ghost Teller are darker, and I like that art style better. But most importantly, I love darker stories. ❀
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Another recommendation which you definitely love: It's Mine

#Killstagram is scarier than Ghost TellerπŸ˜†

I can not relate to any of the main characters whether it is MDCBK or Grim Reaper. I prefer the former over the latter because the former is a historical romance, has characters with nice outfits. I am getting tired of the latter one, perhaps because of its colors. I am reading it because I am curious about what sin she committed before she died :P There's another comic, perhaps you can relate to it? Perhaps you will find it boring. It is a historical romance and in black and white, and I am enjoying it. Children of the Night
I have just started to read it and I do not know how the events will unfold later.

I have not read the Path of the Fallen. However, I have a hunch that The Rose Prince will be really good.

I think Quincey is just fooling around, don't mind him πŸ˜‚ You're still young and have not seen so much of the real world as I have. There are people in real who act like Quincey, but they are not homo. At my previous workplace, I had a colleague who used to fool around with another colleague whenever they went somewhere outside work. They are both men and one of them has a girlfriend. They called each other for darling and so on in public to fool people, because they found it fun to do that. Anyway, if you read the last episode again, you will notice that Quincey is acting normal when chatting with Tora, that's before Poppy rings the doorbell. Quincey slightly blushes because he thinks its someone who he is expecting. Goes open the door and are like cute and flamboyant until he realized it is someone else πŸ˜‚ Remember his message to Tora earlier: "My date blew me off". Quincey seems flamboyant, not sure if he was fooling with a woman or man before. If you also read the description of the comic you will understand more:

"After making a grisly discovery in the countryside, a small town book editor’s life gets entangled with a young Mafia lord and his intimidating bodyguard...even as every step she takes draws her deeper into the dangerous underworld of the city."

The green is Poppy. The young mafia lord is Quincey and the bodyguard is Tora. Why do they act like they are close or something? They basically grew up together, there was a bit of backstory in a previous episode, I do not remember which.

Do you remember the canvas version of Midnight Poppy Land. It is still there, but the author has removed its description. Do you remember what the old description said? :P The author changed the description to the new one, perhaps because the old one revealed too much? :P There are clues that hint that the story is about something else than BL stuff
Midnight Poppy Land
Thank you for explaining it.

It's Mine

Children of the Night

Finally! A vampire story where they're using the fact that they have to harm humans to survive to get rid of EVIL humans! Only the first page and a half were boring, and then the rest got more and more interesting. I'm enjoying it so far! Thank you! When I read that quote (Chapter 7 Part 1), I knew that I really liked the story. So far, I give it a 9/10 (-1 because it's in black and white, and of course I would love it better if it was colored but I'm still enjoying it).
I finally found a chart that perfectly describes the different moral alignments! Which one are you? (If it's too personal, you don't have to answer.) I thought it would be cool if I guessed yours before you answered, and after you answer (if you want to) you could guess mine, and then I'll tell you which one I am.

My guess for you is: Tempered Good.




Now I have FIVE Yandere stories to read (insert 9000 exclamation points)! (Stalker X Stalker, It's Mine, My Deepest Secret, #Killstigram, *censored title*)!

(I'm crediting my little bro for this perfect reaction image because I couldn't find one dramatic enough. I asked him for something that conveys the highest visible excitement, and he delivered! It's a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure picture of his favorite villain.)
You were close πŸ˜› I actually lean more towards Tempered Natural than Tempered Good. I used to be more Tempered Good than Tempered Natural when I was like 10 years younger, but after that, a lot of my friends quit being friends with me because I was unable to help them with things, I become more Tempered Natural. I only help friends who value my friendship and are understanding if I can not always help them.

I would guess you are.....Lawful Neutral, that's how I perceive you from the perspective of some of your RP characters :P

psst...which Yandere story is it that has the censored title? Is it on Webtoon? 😍


Test your personality - Game ( if it is alright and not too personal for you to play this game πŸ™‚)

Set up a list of the eight colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Red, Violet, Yellow. Set up the list starting with the color which you like most and ending it with the color you like less.

This is my list of colors (I like Violet the most and Yellow the least)

  1. Violet
  2. Blue
  3. Green
  4. Black
  5. Grey
  6. Red
  7. Brown
  8. Yellow

When you are done, check this "color horoscope" below:

Black: Black is the negation of color and means "No". Anyone who chooses it in the first position (which is rare) is in revolt against their fate.
Chosen as second, it means you are prepared to give up everything else to achieve what you want. It is normally put in the seventh or eight place, representing control of one's destiny and a balanced outlook. If yellow precedes black in the first two positions, then a change is on the way.

Blue: Blue represents calmness and loyalty. A person who favors blue is sensitive and easily hurt. You never panic and are in total control of your life and content with the way it is going. You desire to lead an uncomplicated and worry-free life and are prepared to sacrifice certain goals to achieve this. You need a stable relationship without conflict. Perhaps, as a side-effect of contentment, you tend to put on weight. The later blue appears in the sequence, the more unsatisfied you are, and the more you feel the need to break from the ties that restrict you. But you probably aren't unfeeling enough to walk out on a family or job; instead, you will suffer in silence.

Brown: Brown is the color of physical well-being and is an indicator of how healthy you think you are. If you put brown in fourth or fifth place you are not very concerned about your health and body. This means that you are probably in good shape. Those worried about illness tend to put brown earlier in their sequence. If brown is in eight place, you don't care enough for your body; you may not be as healthy as you think. Placing brown early also indicates the importance of a secure environment: refugees often pick brown first.

Green: Green represents firmness and resistance to change. In the first place, you are persistent, possessive, and quite selfish. You are a high-achiever and an accumulator of 'things' - like a penthouse, a BMW, a Rolex, a holiday flat, a compact-disc player. You want to be recognized and need to impress but worry about the prospect of failure. If green is a later choice, your ego has been bruised and you have been humbled by the resistance to your progress. Consequently, you can be highly critical, sarcastic, and stubborn.

Grey: Grey is natural and represents a point between two contrasting and conflicting motivations. Grey in the first position means that you want to shut yourself off from everything and remain uncommitted so that you can swing with the option and emotions. You hate joining anything with "group" connotations and are an observer rather than a doer. Those who choose grey in the eight position seek to join in everything, eager and enthusiastic. Such people will try absolutely everything in their efforts to achieve their goals.

Red: Red represents passion and energy. Red in the first position means you are impulsive, sexy, and have a will to win. You are a good leader. You want to expand your horizons and live life to the full. Red in the seventh or eighth position means your desire for life and thirst for adventure have become less.

Violet: A mixture of red and blu, violet represents a conflict between impulsiveness and calm sensitiveness. The person who prefers violet wants to find a mystical, magical relationship. Both mentally and physically immature, you are stuck in a dream world of wishful thinking and fantasy. Often violet is chosen by adolescents who still see the world through fairy-tale eyes. When violet appears in the latter part of the sequence, it indicates that the person choosing it is more mature and has outgrown the fantasy vision of life, confronting harsh reality head-on.

Yellow: Yellow represents happiness and relaxation. Anyone who chooses yellow in second, third, or fourth place is a positive, optimistic person who always looks to the future - never backward. You find life easy, and problems simply do not exist for you. Free from worry, you lead a carefree life, but this does not mean that you are lazy. You can be extremely hardworking, although not consistently. Yellow in the first place means that you are ambitious and eager to please. When yellow is in the latter part of the spectrum you have had your hopes and dreams dashed and you feel isolated and disappointed often becoming defensive withdrawn.
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Firstly, you got my moral alignment correct! Amazing! πŸ‘ In all honesty, it depends on my mood. Some days, I'm Lawful Neutral, and some days I'm Lawful Evil. Most days, I'm the former, so you guessed correctly.

Secondly, the censored title isn't on Webtoon, but I don't want to share it with you because *mumbles incoherently*.

My brother wanted to participate in the color personality test as well, so I labelled the lists.



Me: "This is literally the best quiz I've EVER taken! It's so frickin' accurate! And, it was fun enough for my bro to stick around voluntarily till the end. We took turns reading the color meanings and laughed each time it was right. Maybe we'll get father to arrange the colors without telling him why, and read the results in secret." (He dislikes personality quizzes for the same reason Soren does.)

Bro: "I enjoyed it and I found it incredibly accurate. It really uhm...hey, don't put the 'uhm' in there! Fine, fine, put it in. It was-" he pauses to laugh "-really accurate and I enjoyed it. It really managed to sink in and when I was reading the definitions of what the color placements meant, it was pretty cool honestly. That's it. Yeah. Okay, post it now! Stop writing what I'm saying."

Me: "Do you have any more AWESOME, accurate quizzes?! Gimme more!"

I'm going to ask my bro about his moral alignment now.
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I had my parents put theirs in order without telling them it was for a personality quiz, but I will only post my mother's because I want to respect my father's privacy.

Green (She talks nonstop about material things she wants, such as diamonds...)
Violet (She's delusional, in the worst way, and has a convenient memory that is based off of her imagination of how things happened)
Brown (She's always obsessing about her weight, and can't go a day without talking about it)
Yellow (She's always talking about how her hopes and dreams have been taken away from her)
Grey (She always wants to stick her nose in everyone's business)

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Who do you ship the MC with from Children of the Night? I forgot to ask. I'll reveal mine after I've heard your answer...perhaps I can see it from a different point of view.

Oh, and MDCBK is back. *Rolls eyes* Great, I came for a love triangle and now I dislike BOTH guys. I'm happy that Mei is happy with whats-his-name (long black hair guy) but now that the fighting's over I'm worried it's just going to be boring.
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I have not reached that far in the Children of the Night yet. I will tell you when I have made my decision πŸ™‚

I think things will be getting interesting since powerful ppl are being against him to be the king and her to be his queen.

I actually guessed your brother as Chaotic Neutral, because of his RP style with me, the once I RP:d with him on Hex. And also his way of changing attitude towards me, first being nice and sweet when he roleplayed with me borrowing your account and then suddenly coming back as a 180 degree different person with his own account on Hex. πŸ˜‚

Seems like everyone in the family favors black as the first color xD

Fun fact: I got this personality test from my English study book from high school
Do you have more personality tests?

Brother (who read over my shoulder again): "The reason why I was acting nice on her account was because I didn't want her account to be deleted because she enjoyed role playing so much. When I got my own account, I had more freedom, so I acted the way I normally act in real life...being a" he pauses to laugh and I remind him again that he can't cuss on here "...edgelord."

Or so he calls it.

Brother: "Something something toxic masculinity."

Me: I roll my eyes and post my reply.
Ok, I understand. He needs snickers πŸ˜‚

At the moment I don't have any, I will see if I find some more personality tests later another day :P
Snickers is actually one of his favorite candy bars, but it's not helping. XD

I think this is funny:

Tokyo Ghoul IN 5 MINUTES

(But it's got some cussing and stuff so I'm not going to put the link here. It's the Tokyo Ghoul anime from my perspective. The video is 5:58 minutes long, and the uploader's username is Gigguk. Please let me know what you thought about it. When you made the Snickers joke it reminded me of this video, and since you've watched Tokyo Ghoul...*shrugs*)

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