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Realistic or Modern The Freakshow


When you think of a Freak show, you think of either two things. You will either think of the American Horror Story season or those black and white photos of women with beards and people with horrendous growths covering their body. Freak shows were a popular and common thing up until the 1950s where people realized how wrong it was to exploit people with disabilities, honestly I wonder why it took humans so long but that's not the point, Freak shows are something of the past, never to be seen again or is it? It seems that there is one last freak show; Francine Hall's traveling freak show and it seems to have arrived at the County Fair.

(( You can play either one of the freaks or a visitor. Your character has to be at least over the age of 12)
It's a musical film about Hell being a carnival and the punishment is themes on what the person did for example a person who's greedy is learned of winning a diomand in a toss for diamond game stall at the carnival. Of course they loos and then they get punished. Im thinking of creating a rp based on it. But more circus themed.
Name: Fiona Hillcrest

Show Name or nick-name: Spiderwoman

Age: 23

Country of Origin: Transylvania

Years with circus: 4 1/2 years

Species: Spider demon

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: (I'm gonna have to put that at the end)

Appearance other: When she uses her power, her eyes are red like blood, spider tattoo on her back

Personality: She's very quiet and will do anything she's asked. She's very smart and loves her new family.

Background: No, receiving spider abilities doesn't come from being bitten by a radioactive spider, it comes from being found, as a little girl, by strange Transylvanian spiders the size of house cats and observing them until she ends up receiving her powers from having slept in their webs since she was found.

Abilities: She uses her webs similar to how acrobats use their twine and such. She can walk on it and even sew with it, mending costumes that are torn from time to time. Sometimes, when there is an open wound, she uses her thread to stitch you up. :)

What do you do in the circus: (in the abilities, kinda) Also, if acrobats were to fall, her webs would catch them without fail. She's quick with her creations.

other: not much, other than the picture!

I know I sound kinda rude but she sounds more paranormal then human. We're going for a realistic rp. But... I think I can make a few exceptions...
Oh, well, I saw freakshow and I already had her for another rp. I don't know if anyone can make a realistic freak, though. :)
Well I did. Also Translyvania is now called Romania o3o. Just sayin

Also, did she gain her powers in a magical way?
Ah, but it was known as Transylvania when Fiona became the Spiderwoman. She was found and raised by a rare species of spider that lived under a queen. They're called Gargantulas.
Aren't those from a video game? :P And how did she get her powers? A human cannot just gain magical spider powers by just living with them

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