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Multiple Settings The Founding of Hogwarts

Yeah, we watch National Lampoons' Christmas Vacation every Thanksgiving and do a Gingerbread-house decorating contest for the kids.
Gazimon X Gazimon X i don't know if i said before but i think that both my students Genevieve and Nicholas would probably get along well with Mars, especially Nico since he is the same house and age, but since he likes to be around his little sister she'd probably see Mars often too if they were friends. One of them may even develop a crush lol

I thought it would be fun if Nico, Sebastian and Mars formed a Slytherin trio Zombie. Zombie.
Gazimon X Gazimon X i don't know if i said before but i think that both my students Genevieve and Nicholas would probably get along well with Mars, especially Nico since he is the same house and age, but since he likes to be around his little sister she'd probably see Mars often too if they were friends. One of them may even develop a crush lol

I thought it would be fun if Nico, Sebastian and Mars formed a Slytherin trio Zombie. Zombie.
I'd like that :closedeyessmile:
All characters who have been accepted are currently on the list in the cs thread. Also I’m not accepting any more Slytherins until we get some more of the other houses. (This doesn’t count the people who have wip Slytherin characters.)
Also I should be available for plotting soon. My character Angelique is currently finished and on the cs thread if anyone wants to look at her form. I’ll also have Calista up sometime soon as well.

(Also haven’t forgotten about plotting Sebastian Black and Draven Black lol Just trying to figure out Draven’s personality real quick.)
Ooh Draven Black is such a nice name, I like it
Alrighty would you guys rather us start with it being the first day? Or all the students have already been in school for about a month or more?
I'm good for Lyra to be with anyone, if it happens
But I'm good for friendships with her and she'll interact with anyone at least once
If anyone wants to plan any friendships/rivalries/relationships with my characters, feel free to PM me with ideas. I'm open to anything :)
Found new face claims for my twins, I should be able to work on their CS's tomorrow.

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