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Multiple Settings The Founding of Hogwarts

Zombie. Zombie. the code for your character sheet is so nice! Also Sebastian seems like someone the Beauregard siblings will like quite a bit. Nicholas can definitely relate to him and they’re the same age
Thanks! Took me a while to rearrange but it was definitely worth it. I can drop you the code for it for any future rps if you want haha. And lets make them friends! Especially our Slytherin boys

Alrighty does anyone have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for me? I’ll be going over all the forms today and approving/denying them!
Mine's done besides the family/backstory section, I dropped you a dm to talk about that (but take your time) :closedeyessmile:
Thanks! Took me a while to rearrange but it was definitely worth it. I can drop you the code for it for any future rps if you want haha. And lets make them friends! Especially our Slytherin boys

Mine's done besides the family/backstory section, I dropped you a dm to talk about that (but take your time) :closedeyessmile:
Ooh yes please, send me the code when you can :)
Either way, I am hyped 😂 although I think Genevieve may be the only ‘fifth year’ so far so she’s all on her lonesome as the youngest
Zombie. Zombie. Thank you! I have no idea what people are plotting right this moment
If you have any plotting ideas involving Sebastian feel free to lemme know :) I know it'll be interesting since Esme's a halfblood and the Blacks are all about being pure and noble, but he's gonna have some character development along the way where he changes his opinions and becomes a lot kinder
If you have any plotting ideas involving Sebastian feel free to lemme know :) I know it'll be interesting since Esme's a halfblood and the Blacks are all about being pure and noble, but he's gonna have some character development along the way where he changes his opinions and becomes a lot kinder
I'll make sure I'll let you know!
Might not be able to have my sheets done until Friday, I’m helping my friend cook for Thanksgiving

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