• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Fort | Zombie Apocalypse | Characters


The First of Her Name

Essential Characters Needed
  • A Doctor - A doctor of some sort, or at least a professional in the medical field.​
  • An Engineer - We will need one person with a great intellect that has experience with machines but also has a scientific background.​
Multiple Characters Needed
  • Fighters - We will need a multitude of fighters, hunters, military, perhaps even criminals. We will need a brutish bunch that will be able to go on runs and keep the group safe but also keep their wits and stay alive.
  • Guards - Once we are at the Fort, we have to remember that we are still not safe. The walkers can't swim, but other not so friendly survivors could always find their way to our gates. Almost everyone will be a guard of some sort.
  • Domestics - We are going to need characters that are going to help with building, cleaning, cooking, looking after children, and all the things that will act as the glue holding everyone together.
These are not the only characters needed, obviously, but these are just some roles that will need to be played. The essential ones are three singular characters that will need to be made but other than that you have the freedom to create whomever you want. Anything is really possible, and feel free to come up with what ever type of character you like. We will need new characters as time goes on, so we will always be accepting new characters.

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[CENTER][B]general information[/B][/CENTER]
[B][U]full name:
job at camp:[/U] [/B]
[B]birth date[/B]:[/U]
[B][U]place of birth:
zodiac sign:[/U][/B]
[U][B]previous occupation: [/B](pre-apocalypse)[/U]
[CENTER][B]appearance + health[/B][/CENTER]
health conditions:

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(eight bulleted events or at least two paragraphs)



    general information
    full name: emmett james reid
    nicknames: reid, his family called him ej once upon a time
    job at camp: leader of the fort tortuga safe zone
    age: 34 years old
    gender: male
    sexuality: heterosexual
    birth date: march 29th
    place of birth: tampa, fl
    zodiac sign: aries
    previous occupation: marine sergeant
    appearance + health
    height: 6'2 ft - 187.96 cm
    weight: 185 lbs - 83.91 kilos
    hair: a deep chocolate brown that is cut in between short and medium length.
    eyes: dark green
    birthmarks/scars: he has various moles that he's had ever sense he could remember and multiple small scars from the days he was in service.
    race: his background is a mixture of european lineage, most prominent being english and german.
    tattoos: he has "semper fi" tattooed across his back on his shoulders, in bold writing. it's a pretty large tattoo.
    allergies: he has normal allergies, like to pollen and dander. although he has a severe allergy to morphine that he found out about when he was injured in the military.
    health conditions: he is completely healthy other than a bit of dehydration and hunger due to constantly being on the run and looking after the group.
    addictions: he had a severe caffeine addiction and the first few weeks of the apocalypse he suffered really bad caffeine withdrawal headaches.

    + honest and very direct
    + responsible and dutiful
    + practical and a fast thinker
    + order enforcer and natural leader
    + protective and fatherly
    - unshakably stubborn
    - vengeful
    - a bit of an elitist
    - he has a very volatile anger problem
    - can be arrogant

    his biggest fear is failure
    ↑ after years in the service he as acquired a great deal of survival skills
    ↑ he is very strong and a great fighter
    ↑ he has a natural knack for leadership
    ↓ he is very set in his way and it's hard for him to take advice
    ↓ he often lets his emotions control him
    ↓ doubting himself sometimes keeps him from viewing the full picture of a situation

    • he was born on march 29th in tampa fl to a single mother after his father left before he was even born.
    • his little sister was born five years after him after his mother married his step father who was an abusive man years later on once he developed a drinking problem.
    • he put his step father in the hospital with multiple broken bones when he was only 16 after he had enough of him putting his hands on his mother.
    • he moved out at the age of 18 and joined the military to start a better life to get his mother and sister out and away from his step father once he had enough money.
    • during his first deployment overseas his mother,sister and step father were all killed in a car accident coming home from his sisters dance recital. he blamed himself for not being there and it has haunted him for his entire life. after that he dedicated his entire life to the military.
    • when he was 27 years old he met a girl in the service with him and they got married when he was 29.
    • his daughter was born two years later and it was the best day of his life
    • he had to put down his own wife after he got home to see that she had turned and killed their daughter. he has nightmares almost every night and flashbacks frequently.
    - military grade backpack
    - a M1911 pistol
    - a Beretta M9 pistol
    - a USMC Straight Edge knife
    - water canteen (x2)
    - food rations (enough for about a week right now)
    - first aid kit
    - compass
    - basic survival kit
    - solar powered flashlight
    - change of clothes (x2)

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  • Saffron Dayes


    General Information

    Full Name... Saffron Mae Dayes
    Nickname(s)... Saf | Sunflower | Strawberry
    Job at Camp... Agriculture Professional (Biologist)
    Age... Thirty
    Gender... Cis-gender Female
    Sexuality... Heterosexual
    Birth Date... 11th November 1987
    Place of Birth... Queensland, Australia
    Zodiac Sign... Scorpio
    Previous Occupation... Marine Biologist | Herpetologist | Botanist


    Height... 5'8''
    Weight... 60kg
    Hair... Light Brown
    Eye(s)... Light/Honey Brown.
    > Not exactly a birthmark but she has some separated freckles running on the bridge of her nose and cheeks.
    > Being a herpetologist, Saf handled her fair share of reptilian creatures, especially snakes earning her some fair share of bites. Manly on the palms and round her hands.
    Race... Italian lineage
    Tattoo(s)... A small tattoo on the side of her wrist, 'Joy' in cursive. The name of her kid.


    It seem mother nature does not love her as much as Saffron loves her. The female has severe allergic reactions those primarily being cinnamon, nuts, lavender, pollen, lactose and general wheat products.
    Health Condition(s)...
    Saffron was born with one lung since she was a pre-mature baby. She has an over-all good health however there are episodes where she tends to have a slightly severe breath attacks that slowly passes by. She has an aid from a breather which is a sac-like structure and her inhaler for her asthma. Other than that her body seems to react with a rather severe irritation upon contact.
    Asthma is proven to be an issue however. Due to having one lung the female has a very weak breathing system. That being said the female takes products lacking gluten and wheat due to being celiac and also lactose-free products when necessary.
    > Toast... damn those carbs.
    > Reptiles especially morph-ball pythons which was why she was travelling to Australia.
    > Wildlife - Flora and Fauna - especially seas and oceans!


    + Brave
    + Cautious
    + Considerate
    + Diligent
    + Knowledgeable
    + Accountable

    - Weak
    - Conceited
    - Envious
    - Irritable
    - Wild Emotions
    - Crabby

    Flying or being in motion in the air
    Failing. Be it in a simple task or in life
    Dentists and Doctors
    > First Aid/Nurturing Skills. Being a mother of a young kid, the female acquired nurturing skills and caring nature not only towards her reptiles and marine animals but also to a human being. Being where she is the female also took courses on first aid. True mainly include animals but on humans as well. However she can mainly aid other living organisms.
    > Animal/Plant-Friendly. Avery worked with animals and plants more than half of her life. She has good and excessive knowledge on how to approach, handle and treat reptiles, amphibians, marine animals and majority of flora.
    > Work under pressure. True that her work has her working in a laboratory environment and also hands-on experiences however that allowed her to learn to work in a certain amount of time, hence, under pressure.
    ↑ Nurturing
    ↑ Focused
    ↑ Knowledgable
    ↓ Self-defense.
    ↓ Social Abilities.


    Award winning scholar, Saffron Dayes was not always inclined in the studies she is currently and had currently undergone. Ever since she was a little girl, Saf always wanted to become a lawyer. It had nothing to do with the area of study she is doing right now. In fact, she started her course with botany, followed up by herpetology and ended on marine biology for now.The brunette did have a knack for studying and getting to know new things.

    At a young age, her childhood was not an easy one. The brunette was born at 6 months, as a pre-mature baby. Giving that circumstance, her lungs were not poorly formed, leaving her with a functional one lung that kept giving her trouble till the age of 18. It was then that things had gotten for the better. It was when she was eligible to perform a lung transplant. Finding the right donor, it was a chance she had to take. A chance she did not regret... as ever since her life became much simpler and she kept living it how she wanted to.

    At that age, Saffron started taking a liking into the biological aspect of life. Taking interest in plants and reptiles. The young Australian had moved to Miami, Florida, in hopes of proceeding her dream in becoming a botanist and a herpetologist to which she actually succeeded. Lifestyle changed and she knew no one. It was until she was on the plane where she met up with a young scholar such as herself who was a scientist. A marine biologist in fact. The young male, around her age, by the name of Nicholas became her first acquaintance aboard. He was American, travelling back home from Australia.

    Across the years, Nicholas and Saffron kept contact, growing closer and closer. At the age of 20, her and Nicholas were officially going out, hence upon spending more time with him she realized that she was intriguing herself in the study of marine biology and it's wonders. It was a course she initiated and proceeded into getting a place in Nick's lab as his partner, lab partner that is. Given tasks together at the laboratories. She progressed in her line, achieving scholarships and certificates and even graduated twice in botany and herpetology respectively, earning herself her doctorates along the age of 25.

    It was only a year later, at the age of 24, she got pregnant. Unexpectedly. An unplanned pregnancy was not something she had in her agenda, especially while still dedicated to her work. Being undergoing rather mixed emotions, she decided she would abort it however upon approaching Nicholas about it. He disagreed. He wanted to keep it and after some back and forth Saffron decided to keep their baby. During her fourth month of pregnancy the couple moved in together. A smooth pregnancy sailed ever so smoothly. Nick and Saff are now two proud parents of a young baby girl, Joy.

    As years passed, Nick proposed and the young family managed to struggle through everyday complications, however when Joy was just 5, last year. Saffron and Nick had an urgent boat trip, leaving Joy with Nick's parents and them heading off in the wild oceans. A boat trip in the middle of a rough winter was never what she wished but when business called it was rather urgent. It was that day that her life turned upside down.

    The raft that they were on, collapsed and was wrecked, leaving them both at sea. Only they did not have the same outcome. She survived to rescue but by the time they got to Nicholas. Nothing. No sign, no trace. Nothing but rough waters. Days... Weeks.... Months pass till the rescue team, found his body washed up at shore. Motionless. He was dead. It was the most mortifying episode that happened to her.

    Nowadays, Joy is six years old, with only her mother and her grandparents. If it wasn't for his parent's help, Saffron would be utterly crushed with the aid of raising her little girl without the presence of her father as for Saff without the presence of her fiance. Taking an opportunity to rest herself and get her case straights.
    Phone/Charger - Laptop/Charger - Basic First Aid - Sanitary Objects - Neck Pillow - Head phones - Sleeping mask - Water Bottles - Extra pair of clothing/underwear - Some small pocketed snacks - Journal with her entries - Pens and Pencils - Biology Magazines (mainly on what she excels in) - Polaroid Camera/ around 10 re-fills - A notepad filled with all the species and organisms she encountered in reality with pictured evidence. - Wallet

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general information
full name: Dylan Romana Evergreen
nicknames: Ro, Green, Mocking Bird
job at camp:All around;most does work for the fighter roles.
gender: female
sexuality: Demi-Sexual
birth date: feburary 17th
place of birth: Lake Worth, NC
zodiac sign: aquarius
previous occupation: Night Shift at a 7-Eleven; Fight Club on the Weekends
appearance + health
height: 5'5"
weight: 137 pounds
hair: Long, wavy, redish brown, nor.all has it up in a ponytail or bun
eyes: Green
birthmarks/scars: she's littered in small scars, mostly on her torso and arms. However, there's a long, deep scar on the small of her back
race: Icelandic, second generation immigrant
tattoos: she has a mockingbird tattoo on her inner left forearm; hence the nickname
allergies: seasonal allergies, can't eat shellfish
health conditions: has mild depression, insomnia, and is two weeks pregnant. currently unaware that she is. Also suffers from chronic migraines
addictions: a bit of a masochistic, but none anymore. Was addicted to caffeine, but had started to ween her way off a few weeks before the apocalypse started per doctor recommendations.
+ strong
+ loyal
+ hardworking
+ kind
+ open-minded
- untrusting
- distant
- stubborn
- hot-tempered
- realist
↑hand to hand combat
↑using melee weapons
↓takes longer to warm up to men
↓migraines can leave her out of commission
↓she can't stand to leave anyone behind
  • was born in Lake Worth, NC
  • orphaned at the age of 5
  • started living on the streets at the age of 12
  • spent two years traveling around
  • joined a fight club at the age of 15
  • got a graveyard shift job at 16
  • had to kill her best friend once the world went to shit
  • was raped by a trusted member of the group, is too afraid to tell anyone
- spiked wooden bat
- machete
- .45 caliber pistol
- medium sized back pack
- basic medical suppiles
- two bottles of water
- granola bars
general information
full name: Soloman Leonhardt
nicknames: sol, leon
job at camp: guard
age: 32
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
birth date: december 8th
place of birth: NYC, NY
zodiac sign: sagittarius
previous occupation: tv star
appearance + health
height: 6'2"
weight: 254 pounds
hair: short, brown
eyes: dark blue
birthmarks/scars: no permanent damage, though he a few faint scratch marks on his forarms, and hands
race: caucasian
tattoos: N/A
allergies: deathly allergic to penicillin
health conditions: asides from being a little dehydrated, nothing but some healing scratches stand out
addictions: he's a smoker, but has cut down quiet a bit
+ charismatic
+ strong
+ intelligent
+ intimidating
+ tactful
- two-faced
- short fuse
- spoiled
- arrogant
- down right evil
getting old
↓fucked up right shoulder
↓blind in one eye
↓refuses to work at night
  • born in new york city, new york
  • by the age of ten had a few bit parts on various tv shows
  • by fifteen was the main character of a paranormal tv series called harper's
  • by 24 he was married
  • when the world went to shit, he had to kill his wife and son
  • started to travel and soon found the group
  • made himself well known and trusted
  • raped dylan while she was weakened, got her preganat, threatened her if she told anyone
- semi-automatic assault rifle
- combat knife
- knuckle dusters
- small back pack
- walkie talkie
- a bottle of water
- dried apple chips

general information
full name:
Tyson Thomas Scott
nicknames: Ty
job at camp: guard/Fighter/Mechanic
age: 28
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
birth date: April 26th
place of birth: Melbourne, Australia
zodiac sign: Taurus
previous occupation: Automotive Mechanic
appearance + health
weight: 233 pounds
hair: dark brown, Shaggy/Wind blown
eyes: Deep green
birthmarks/scars: Has various scars on his hands and forearms however he does have a horseshoe scar on the left side of his ribs from getting kicked by a horse.
race: caucasian/Australian
tattoos: is covered in tattoo's, has both arms with full sleeves and a large piece on his back, plus a tattoo over his heart.
allergies: Allergic to pollen
health conditions: well aside from being dehydrated and exhausted, Tyson is rather sea sick.
addictions: he's a heavy smoker.. Abused drugs earlier in life.

+ strong
+ caring
+ intimidating
+ Brave
+ Cooperative
- Blunt
- short tempered
- arrogant at times
- Would rather act upon a situation then think it through

dying by zombies
getting scratched

↑Automotively Inclined
↓Being straight forward
  • born in melbourne, australia​
  • by the age of fifteen, Tyson and his family moved.​
  • by sixteen he was fixing vehicles and tinkering with engines​
  • by 23 he was a fully certified mechanic​
  • when the outbreak of the virus happened he was forced to kill his parents and two of his childhood friends​
  • started travelling and found the group not to long afterwards​
  • made himself known in the group as a skilled mechanic and not-so terrible hunter​
- bolt action rifle with scope.
-semi automatic pistol
-upper thigh holster for the Handgun
- large buck knife
- custom made brass knuckles with thick spikes on the ends
- larger back pack
- walkie talkie
- 2 bottles of water
- variety of cereal bars
- Old box of crackers​
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general information
full name: Apollo Lionel Degear.
nicknames: Pollo, Pol, Doctor D, Baby Face, Doc.
job at camp: Doctor|Nurse.
age: 25.
gender: Male.
sexuality: Pansexual.
birth date: May 2nd.
place of birth: Havana, Cuba.
zodiac sign: Taurus.
previous occupation: Doctor.
appearance + health
height: 6'0.
weight: 200 lbs.
hair: Brown.
eyes: Brown.
birthmarks/scars: Many from being rowdy in his youth.
race: Mixed Hispanic/Caucasian .
tattoos: He has a sun between his shoulder blades.
allergies: Cats, Penicillin, and Pollen. Doc was lucky enough to slip away with only few allergies, though one could end up being his demise.
health conditions: Bad eyesight.
addictions: None.



↑Works well under pressure
↑Easily able to adapt
↑Decision Making
↓Changing his mind
↓Being patient
↓Staying still

Apollo was born to a young couple in Cuba, his father being an American college student on vacation who slept with the pretty waitress at his favourite restaurant. Once he had to go back, the woman decided that once her lover was gone, that she would leave her son with her parents to go find him. And off she went, leaving the only piece she had of him in the dust to chase the rest of the ghost.

Once he grew old enough to talk, Apollo would not shut up, and would not stop moving around; which pissed off his grandparents to an extreme. However, grounding him didn't work, so his grandfather was forced to beat the poor child, the wounds eventually being nursed by his grandmother, who in his eyes; was an angel. After years of abuse, Apollo left home on a beaten, but bright path and walked all the way into medical school; where he vowed to be like his beloved grandmother.

- Medical Kit/supplies
- Protein Bars
- Extra set of clothes
- His wallet and keys
- Books
- Winter coat
- Umbrella

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Michael Logan


General Information
Full Name: Michael Logan
Nicknames: Tank
Job at Camp: Fighter/Guard
Age: 30
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Birth Date: March 10th
Place of Birth: Unknown
Zodiac Sign: Pieces
Previous Occupation: Behavior Correction Professional (Mob Enforcer)

Appearance + Health

Height: 1.9 m
Hair: short, brown
Eyes: brown
Birthmarks/Scars: Scarred knuckles
Race: caucasian
Allergies: none
Health Conditions: Has trouble sleeping
Addictions: none

+ Honorable
+ Strong
+ Determined
+ Protective
- Violence is his only answer to most problems
- Dislikes Authority Figures
- Distrusts Soloman
- Hates swimming

Deep water.
That the group will get rid of him if they know about his past.
↑ Strong
↑ Competent Fighter
↑ Good aim
↓ Doesn't think ahead
↓ Very little education

● Not sure where or exactly when he was born but was raised in New York
● Was raised by his father who while being a thief, was also kind and honorable and only took from those that could afford it.
● Was enlisted into a gang age 19 after his father was arrested.
● Rose through the ranks and became an enforcer.
● Killed a fellow enforcer who attempted to involve local kids in the drug trade.
● Started a one man war against the worst offenders against his code. Rapists, drug dealers and kidnappers were the first to feel his wrath.
● Was arrested after a shootout with a gang of dealers.
● Escaped custody when the apocalypse started.
● Joined the group but told them he was a construction worker.
- Shotgun
- Crowbar
- Radio (pulled from cop car)
- Bullet proof vest (too small for him to wear)
- Two water bottles
- Lighter


general information
full name:
Charlie Joy McDonald
nicknames: CJ
job at camp: guard/Fighter
age: 27
gender: female
sexuality: heterosexual
birth date: October 4th
place of birth: London, England
zodiac sign: Libra
previous occupation: police officer
appearance + health
weight: 130 pounds
hair: long, straight brown locks with blonde highlights.
eyes: light greyish blue
birthmarks/scars: Has a few on her hands and then one on her back from a bullet wound.
race: caucasian
tattoos: she has quite afew.
allergies: Allergic to penicilin, pollen and. Large build ups of dust.
health conditions: After taking a fall down a small flight of stairs, Charlie is fine shes just got abit of a sore and scrapped knee.. She walks with a small limp for right now but she pushes on just fine.
addictions: none

+ Brave
+ caring
+ Obedient
+ Observant
+ Cooperative
- Impatient at times
- short temper
- Can be Venegeful
- keeps quiet, Doesn't like to speak unless spoken to.

Killer crows
Losing humanity
Going insane

↑Easy to talk to
↓Can be hot headed
↓Being straight forward and to the point
  • born in London, england.​
  • Got through school but was bullied and she attempted suicide in her middle school years.​
  • After highschool she went to college for police.​
  • by 22 she was apart of the LPD​
  • When the dead began walking, Charlie was on vacation with her mother and aunt in NYC​
  • started travelling and not long after had to kill both her mom and aunt.​
  • Raided the local cop shop of their guns.​
  • Upon finding the group she agreed to join them.. But her trust only lies in Emmett and she allowed him to take her bag of guns and ammo.​
- fully automatic machine gun
-semi automatic pistol
-upper thigh holster for Handgun
- large knife
- larger back pack
- walkie talkie
- 2 bottles of water
- canned foods
- 1 bag of veggie sticks​
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general information
full name: Brent Williams
nicknames: "Mayan"
job at camp: Fighter/domestic
age: 21
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
birth date: February 14
place of birth: Boston, Massachusetts
zodiac sign: Aquarius
previous occupation: Unemployed, Hobbyist Mechanic
appearance + health
height: 1.75m
weight: 50kg
hair: Ginger
eyes: Blue
birthmarks/scars: Few cut scars on his hands and back.
race: Caucasian
tattoos: None
allergies: None
health conditions: Minor depression, this depression being more of the psychological than physical.
addictions: None

-Too straightforward
-Slow wits

Being alone. This hits him harder in the wider sense of being alone in the world.
↑ Experienced in close quarters/melee combat
↑ Jogger: Can keep up a fast pace without tiring
↑ Some (car) mechanic knowledge
↓ Most intellectual things
↓ Gun combat
↓ Social skills: Not exactly good at persuasion

Brent was born in the suburbs near Boston to a well-off middle class couple, meaning he didn't have any financial problems growing up. His older brother was a certified genius and Brent felt unappreciated in the family from a young age. In his early school days, around 7-9 years old, he started hanging away from home as much as possible, meeting the more shady people around town and by the time he was 11 he was already in a gang of chavs, who mostly just ran around and acted like I'm uncultured, but occasionally pick pocketing or shoplifting.
His parents noticed this and tried to get him to stop, mostly by enacting punishments like grounding him, but Brent was already too far off and constantly ran away for a few days. By the time he was 15 he had stopped going to school and after some infighting in the gang when he was 17 he ran away from Boston, heading to New York, where he lived with some of his other friends and mostly worked as a mechanic for them and other acquaintances.
It took him 3 years to make peace with his parents and get some of his shit together and was even planning to go back to school a month ago, but then...
- Baseball bat
- Switchblade
- Backpack
- Over the counter painkillers
- Some bubblegum

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Ray Cavanaugh


general information
full name: Raymond Walter Cavanaugh
nicknames: Ray
job at camp: Fighter primarily, though is compatible with most roles
age: 76
gender: Male
sexuality: Heterosexual
birth date: June 19, 1941
place of birth: Fort Worth, Texas
zodiac sign: Gemini (as if it matters)
previous occupation: Carpenter/War Veteran
appearance + health
height: 5'11"
weight: 154 lbs
hair: Brown (long since greyed)
eyes: Brown
race: Caucasian
tattoos: None
allergies: Cats
health conditions: Walks with a slight limp on account of his bad right leg. Can run if necessary. Has occasional night terrors
addictions: Has a history of alcohol abuse

+ Dauntless
+ Dutiful
+ Assertive
+ Diligent
+ Self-reliant
- Irritable
- Stubborn
- Brutish
- Crass
- Spiteful

Becoming useless
Losing his dignity
Failure to adapt
↑ Capable hunter; knows his way around a gun
↑ Trained carpenter
↑ Basic wound care (sutures, setting bones)
↓ Slight limp
↓ Isolated
↓ Can't swim as well as he used to

- Born in Texas to a working class couple
- Completed an apprenticeship in carpentry after finishing high school
- Was drafted into the Vietnam War in 1967
- Served a second tour the following year, during which he suffered a leg injury and an honorable discharge.
- After being sent home, he continued to practice carpentry before retiring in 2007
- He never married or had children
- Escapes Texas through sheer force of will when the apocalypse began
- Meets up with the group
- Hunting rifle (20 rounds)
- Revolver (12 rounds)
- Boot knife
- Binoculars
- Backpack
- Two bottles of water
- First aid kit



General Information
Full Name: Jessica Conagher
Nicknames: Jess, Engi
Job at camp: Engineer/Mechanic
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight as a spanner.
Birth date: 23rd Oct.
Place of birth: LA, California
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Previous occupation: Engineer Graduate

Appearance + Health
Height: 1.85m
Weight: 52kg
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Race: Caucasian
Tattoos: The closest thing Jess has to tattoos are black smudges of oil from the machinery she maintains.


+ Tech-savvy
+ Light Sleeper
+ Outgoing
+ Persuasive
+ Cool-headed
+ Intelligent

- Assertive personality, doesn't enjoy being told what to do
- Irritable while working
- Rather argumentative/defensive
- Hesitant to kill non-zombies, despite hostility
- Short on modesty

Being shot at
Group in-fighting

+ Endurance
+ Repair Skill
+ Trap Construction


- Low Firearm Skill
- Low Unarmed Skill
- Heavy weapon limits attack speed

Biography: Born in the 'kill or be slaughtered' city of Los Angeles, where one either succeeds or fades into the mist, Jessica studied to become mechanical engineer, graduating shortly before the apocalypse began. During that brief period, she began traveling all over the world as part of an experience project before getting serious about her career.

She survived the initial outbreak by hopping across the country, repairing vehicles that fleeing citizens had abandoned. Very few zombies were taken out by her own hands, and those that did were mainly roadkill or victims of one of her various contraptions.

Her family, presumably to her, perished in the outbreak. Her extensive studying and working life left little in the way of romantic relationships - a loneliness that became redundant to her after the apocalypse.

Over her life, Jess developed a passion for jogging. A weekly jog at her teenage years became cross-country sport in her adult life. This particular skill was quite invaluable in her survival.

- Automotive Tool Kit, portable w/shoulder sling
- Handheld Hydraulic Pile Driver
- Water Canteen, 750ml
- .32 civilian-grade pistol
- One .32 round
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