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Fantasy The Forgotten Swordsmen

"Your name sound very familiar ... u think ive heard your name on the time my teacher thought me about History" she said as she look at him "to the book it said u were executed" he aded "yet what ever have done this to u it must have an anger issues on u
"It's possible I've been part of major conflicts and I was praised for my sword skills"

Arius said as he stood up and walked walked over to Elise

"I answered your questions what else do you want"
Elliot walked into the mansion. He walked the way he'd remembered seeing Arius and Elise going, and eventually found them. Since he saw Elise, he figured Arius was in there as well. "Um...excuse me?" He asked quietly, hoping he wasn't interupting their conversation. @Astaroth Suzumiya @Alaster Von Grim

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