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Fantasy The Forgotten Swordsmen

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/latest-6.jpg.183d89513577b581850b90f76aa135c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/latest-6.jpg.183d89513577b581850b90f76aa135c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Her name was yuki, she was the love of my life, she was kind, sweet and loving"

Arius said before he put the photo away



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"She got sick... and she couldn't get better no matter what medicine she was givin she didn't get better"

Arius said as he turned around and walked over to the window and sat down on the floor
"Oh... im sorry to hear that." She said as she sign and look in the sky and try not to talk about sadness... as all she ask him keeps having some dramatic and sad answer "hey... have u gone out of the mansion?" She ask him
"I'm bound to my place of death"

Arius said as he looked up at Elise

"You've been asking me questions this whole time, how did you find this place"
Elise look at the sky and pout "well i was picking some flowers for my grandmother ... she loves flowers" she said with a smile "but then i heard your flute o i got curious enought to inspect... sorry"
"When you can't leave your property you take up a hobby"

Arius said as he pulled out his flute and started to play as soothing melody
Elise smile and lisyen as she take out a leaf "have u ever tried playing a leaf as an intrument?" She ask him as she play the leaf in a soft tone.
Elise smile "well On playing a leaf u just have to blew it like a wispering blow" sh said with a smile and gave him another leaf "just like this follow me"she said as she said as she blow the leaf and made a soft tone of music.
"Horrible, every nerve starts to burn as your life slowly fades from your body"

Arius said as he puts his flute away

"Prey that you never experienced such torment"
Elise look at him and smile "sometimes Ghouls are honorable to die yet i dont know why..." she said as she take a deep breath "but from how u explain it i dont ever with to die."
"Is still don't know who killed me but I curse the descendants of the one who killed me"

Arius said as his voice filled with rage and the mansion started to rumble
"I don't care what happens they will scorn the actions of their ancestor for murdering Arius Hellfire"

Arius shouted before he walked inside the mansion
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Elise sign "i hope its not my family" she said as she take a deep breath and just sat there for a while and look in the sky "i wonder what would happen... next..."
Arius walked into an old room with a futon in the middle of the floor, a skeleton laid under the blanket, there's a slight scratch on the spine where the neck was
Elise stand up and walk by the wondow as she take a moment of time and think fot what life could go upon her as she smile the fact that she soudnt think much about it so she walk out and walk around
Elise look at the skull and trace her eyes on the gash in the skull "do u like have an enemy?" She ask him "i think i could help u out on this

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