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Fantasy The Fatebound - A Modern Fantasy Adventure



Deer Lord

Joseph Lowery
Villenborough - Ohio

The day of the Invasion began like any other.

The sun cast away the shadows of the night, making way to a brand new day in Villenbourgh, Ohio. The sizable town, however, was already awake hours ago. Trucks with valuable cargo reached the stores and businesses, people already commuting to their jobs, starting yet another day on the city. Some people, however, were lazing around in their bed, cursing the sun from waking them up on their day off. One of those people was Joseph. He woke up begrudgingly, right after trying to cover his face with the sheets. He made yet another mental note to change the bed position, one that he forgot almost instantly when he saw the two handed axe sitting on the floor.

He stared at it for a solid minute, unsure of what to do. The sun incident made the vivid dream that he snapped out of vanish from his mind for a moment, but now he remembered. The Light, the Void, everything. The end of the world. He shook his head and rose out of bed, ignoring the medieval weapon sitting on his bedroom floor and headed for the bathroom. Washing his face, he stared at himself for a while, questioning his sanity. “Okay, so a prophetic dream talked to me that I was chosen to save the world, and now there’s a weird axe on my floor.” He talked to his reflection. “Am I going mad? I mean, I’m talking to myself here as well, so I’m pretty sure…” He sighed, shaking his head. I’m going to go back there, and nothing will be on my floor. I’ll go eat some marshmallow cereal, and then play some video games, and the day will proceed as normal. Okay? Okay.” He left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom, screaming a loud “OH GODDAMMIT” when he saw the axe still on his floor.

He crouched down next to it, tentatively touching the handle of the axe with his pointer finger, to see if it wasn’t a trick of his mind still. When he grabbed the axe, lifting it off the ground, he felt a surge of energy flowing inside of him, a energy that seemed like the one he felt on his dream. “What the…” He placed the tip of blade on the floor, trying to measure it, but he dropped the axe instantly, rushing to the kitchen, when the carpet caught on fire. Dousing the fire, he grabbed the axe and sat on his bed again. “Now what am I going to do with this?”

He wrapped the huge thing on his blanket and made a strap to put it on his back. He left his apartment, just a few blocks away from the main street of the city, set on finding a library with books on occultism. He had to know what the hell was going on.​
A brisk, but cheery midwestern sun crept through the apartment windows of an already well awake Verloren Longshore's room. With a compelling mix of fascination and worry, he admired the expertly crafted rapier from the sanguine, velvety material that covered the hilt, to the tip so sharp he stabbed his fingertip on it from a mere tap. "I suppose this makes it obvious enough to me that I no longer see things through dreaming eyes." He assured himself as he rubbed his finger with this thumb softly. He returned the blade to the matching sheath that had also miraculously appeared in his room just a few hours prior and sat down at a humble writing desk. "Now if only the message I received that night made any more sense, then perhaps I could continue my day in clear conscious." He mumbled to himself as he shifted through a well-worn notebook full of lyrics.

I hear your voice familiar
though I know no face or name.
The gift you gave peculiar

but I'll accept it all the same.
You tell me I'm a hero

to fight some ancient fiend.
That I must find more like me
and our world will be set free.

Verloren wrote haphazardly. He looked at the words and nodded. "Not particularly bad for having only wrought those words from the air just now." He closed the book and lumbered over to the shower to freshen up. "No sense in drawing any more attention to myself than a sword would." He said as he threw off his shirt and questioned the legality of carrying a sword around with him, as he was not exactly up to date with Ohio state ordinances. As Verloren washed, he absentmindedly hummed a song he had been working on. "I watched you sail out from my heart..." He began, he heard some strange shifting sounds through the water but ignored them. " But still I feel it sighing..." Again, a clatter arose and Verloren suspiciously lowered the pressure of the shower. "There are the days my heart forgets..." He continued, with an ear to the bathroom door this time. The unidentified noise went along with the beat of his song as if it were dancing along. Adorned in a nearby bathrobe, Verloren poked his head into the main room and saw the rapier floating gracefully off the ground. "But still I end up crying... For what's the use of candlelight, when above your head is brightened sky, and what good are the sun and moon when you're not by my side..." He sang with ever-growing suspicion. Sure enough, the red blade danced and swung and parried along the air, slashing suddenly into walls and knocking over a lamp with a crash and the tinkles of shattered glass. Verloren was too stunned to say anything. He finally grabbed the first collection of clothes he could get his hands on, sheathed the sword and bolted out the door into the generally lackadaisical city streets. He hadn't the slightest clue where to go, but if this sword really was magic, then the message in the dream was just as real. And if that dream was real, he had to find those others and fast. His apartment was right on the city square, where, most notably, a library, some mom-and-pop shops, and a public performing area were cozily snug along the main street. Verloren took a deep breath and shook his head at how absurd he must have looked right now lugging a fine crafted Italian styled rapier around with him with the look of frenzy in his eyes. "Nonsense, Verloren, you don't look absurd, you look like a psychopath." He scoffed at himself and sat down on a bench with his head in his hands. He bounced his knee incessantly as if he expected to be waiting there a long time.
Eden Elswyer
Currently: in the library on 5th and Burke

She was certain that this wasn't happening. In fact, she was so certain that when she woke up this morning, she almost laughed. The book, the purple book her mother had given her, the one that laid dormant on her bookshelf for years and years... she woke up clutching the thing to her chest. But it must've been a prank, some odd dream and her brothers just happened to be pulling a fast one on her in the same night. "This isn't funny, Harden!" Eden yelled as she sat up and set the book beside her, flinching as she felt some odd magnetic pull from her fingertips to the distressed purple leather. This book had always freaked her out. It was too... odd. She hadn't a clue where it came from, or why it was so locked up with these brass fixings. "He's not home dear!" Alissa replied in a sweet voice. That was right, the boys all went away for Alec's, the eldest brother's, birthday two days ago. Eden's heart sank as she slowly glanced down at the book before her, rising slowly from her bed and towards her dresser. There was no way in hell that that book got there all on its own. Then how...

There was no way that that stupid dream was real. Not a chance in hell. It was most likely just all the fantasy novels she had gotten into recently, right? Of course.

But it was so clear.

"We chose you..." Eden muttered as she tided her endless ginger locks back into a ponytail, some strands slipping out to cascade in front of her face. She could recall what they said, or... what it said. The thing, the thing in the dream spoke to her, but it was of no face or image. "...being of virtue to... fuck," She muttered under her breath, unable to remember the rest of it. Plopping down on her window seat and picking at the frayed edges of her pajama shorts, she couldn't help but watch the goats outside. But more entertaining, watch Lillen attempt to herd them. She placed the back of her wrists gently to her knees, palms up as if asking for an answer. And it came to her rather quickly. She sat up a little straighter with wide eyes, looking down at her palms as she whispered, "Being of virtue to inherit the power of the light."

With one blink the dusty purple leather book flew over to Eden, resting in her palms as if there were truly magnets connected between them. No, there was no way... however she was never known to have bad eyesight.

Eden didn't make a sound as she got dressed, too anxiety-ridden to react. She simply put the purple book down and didn't dare remove her hardened gaze from it as she pulled on light blue, high waisted jeans, her black Converse, and a light olive green sweater that fell off one of her shoulders. She didn't realize her skin was littered with goosebumps until the moment she was rolling the sleeve of her sweater up towards her elbow, grabbing her old leather backpack and shoving in her laptop, charger, wallet and that fucking book.

"Going to the library, be back soon," She hurried out the door and into the old white Ford Ranger that was given to her by Alec once he got his new truck, shifting the thing into reverse and peeling out of her driveway. "There's no way, not a chance in hell," She repeated to herself the entire way, glancing at her bag every ten seconds to make sure a black hole wasn't forming or some random creature wasn't crawling out. By the time she actually arrived at the library, her face was red with anxiety. She pulled in, shoved the truck into park and ran inside to the third floor; fantasy and lore section. There had to be a book she's read, something she's seen before to explain this. At this point, she just hoped that maybe, just maybe, she was going crazy.
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Iza Miles
Villenborough - Ohio | Iza's Bedroom

Iza wakes from the dream with a start.

Her first thought is about the sweat creeping down her back, making her pizza-stained t-shirt stick to her skin. Her second thought is about the dagger clutched within her hand. She looks at the dagger, admiring it, and wondering how it got there, just in the palm of her hand. She frowns. How it got there might not be very fun to think about. She thinks of last night - but finds nothing more than a frown-worthy pizza-binge and a dizzy Netflix marathon of Orange Is The New Black.

She stands up from her bed, and it groans, and she places the dagger underneath her pillow for now and heads for a shower. As she annoyedly tugs through her thick hair, she thinks of her dream. It's the most vivid dream she's had in a while, and she's actually surprised by how clearly she remembers it. Connections to the dagger are made in her head, and the last sentence, in particular, sticks out. Find the others, and work together to defeat this evil. She swaps her stained shirt for a newer one and pulls on a cap. There's leftover pizza in the fridge. She shoves the dagger into her backpack - along with her phone - before heading out into town, heading to the town square, resolved to investigate her lucid dream but, in all honesty, not expecting to find much sense in her confusion.


Villenborough - Ohio | Town Square

In the town square, Iza finds something peculiar. No. Someone peculiar. A tall man, sat on a bench, head in hands, with what looks to be a rapier by him. Iza stops to stare at him, and she notices that other people do, too. She could visualize the clues adding up like little blocks in her head and she dispels the thought to start wondering whether or not carrying a sword around in public is even legal. Dryly, she remembers that, in Ohio, it is. She also remembers that deadly weapons are only illegal if concealed and, thinking back to the dagger secured in her backpack, hastily removes it to instead awkwardly hold it in her hand. A quick look around gives her confidence that no one that knows her is nearby nor can see her carrying around a fucking dagger.

She approaches the bench the man is seated on and sits next to him, tentatively avoiding sitting on his rapier. "Hey, so." She holds the dagger in her lap, and it almost seems to shine. "Do you know what's going on? With the whole-" She gestures around with palms out-stretched. "Light, and weapons, and everything?" Iza is very aware that this man totally does not have any idea what she's going on about but figures she has nothing to lose. She does not know him, and the worst thing that can happen is he thinks she's insane, and, well, he's the one with his face buried in his hands next to a fucking rapier.​
Verloren pulled his head from his hands suddenly and turned to the speaker next to him, then at the weapon she gestured to. His mind rushed, as it usually did in the presence of women in a one on one conversation, and his eyebrows furrowed involuntarily. "I..." He started to say as he looked back at the blade's sheath. "I fear I haven't the slightest inkling." He said after a deep breath. He didn't bother questioning how she knew about the light weapon. His face relaxed momentarily then lit up as if he had come to an epiphany. "Wait, if you have been gifted an inexplicable weapon of light, surely it could mean..." He spoke originally to her but with each word directed to the thought more and more to himself. He turned and looked at her, accidentally made eye contact. He recoiled a bit and said while looking straight forward. "You must pardon my helter-skelter disposition, it has been a strange morning." He chuckled. "You wouldn't have happened to have had a strange dream shortly before noticing the weapon was in your position, would you?" He asked, still a bit too sheepish to look at her.
Joseph Lowery
Quill's End Library - 5th and Burke
The library was calm for this time of the day. The start of the semester on the local college brought heaps of students to the libraries, seeking textbooks and whatnot, but today was peaceful. Joseph thanked the stars for that, he didn't want to cross over excited freshmen with a hunk of steel on his back, one that set things on fire. He did a once over of the place, trying to find the occultism section of the library without needing to ask for anyone, but it was fruitless. He approached the front desk , where he could hear someone working under it. "Uh... where's the occultism section?" A woman rose from the floor, a pile of books on her hand. "It's on the back, right next to the..." He stopped, looking at the wrapped axe on the man's back, but decided not to pry. "Next to the Fantasy and Lore section." Joseph nodded and silently trudged towards the area.

The place was indeed occult, if anything. Right on the back of the store, filled with black, red and purple books, filled with titles such as "Demonology - A Close Study" and "1001 Rituals for Your Everyday Needs". Sighing at the insane titles, he looked around, only registering a young woman on the fantasy and lore section. Thinking she was an employee, he approached her, reluctantly. "Hey, uh... Do you have any books regarding the..." He stopped for a moment, trying to remember. "The Light and The Void?"
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Ashley Skye
Current Location: Ashley's House

"...............Damnit!" She slammed her mouse onto her desk and gave a sigh of frustration.
"Damnit.....I was so close...." She looked back at her screen.
"Why is it always the damn commons. They're so broken...."
Ashley had been trying an Expert Realism run on Swamp Fever in L4D2. She had made it to the finale and was ready to get into Virgil's boat but before she was able to, a common had punched her from behind, stopping her dead in her tracks and that gave the Tank enough time to reach her and down her.
"Jeez....Why is it that when I first started playing, the Specials were giving me more problems and now...." She sighed and turned off her PC.
She looked at the magical crossbow she had been holding on to ever since she woke up.
Surely this was just dream. A...very...long...and realistic dream.... Nobody would believe her if she just told them and actually show it off. In front of people? Ha. Funny joke. She just did what she could and saw that she could somewhat cook food with the flame arrow.
"This.....Jeez....I think I need more sleep...." She threw herself onto her bed and tried resting but couldn't. She didn't even let her eyes stay closed for more than 10 seconds. She quickly opened them, got her phone and started searching for any new shows that had been released.​
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Eden Elswyer
Currently: in the library on 5th and Burke w/ Joseph Gabe Gabe

There were enough purple books, ones about the anatomy of demons, and some on ritualistic practice to make yourself young, all sorts of nonsense that Eden, frankly, didn't have time for. She was still reeling, tapping the book in no rhythm with her thumb and index finger in hopes that maybe the thing would just talk to her, tell her what in the hell was going on. "The Life and Afterlife of Demon Hunters..." She whispered in an almost mouse-like volume to herself, crinkling her nose in disgust. She was a fantasy lover herself, but this section was for people who actually believed that all this existed. Like her one friend in elementary school, Camille, who was convinced that dragons once lived in her backyard and wanted to dig up bones to prove her point. Camille lived in Egypt now, an archeologist... funny how that worked.

Shaking her head of the idea, she continued her search until someone abruptly approached her, scaring her in the slightest and causing her to take a step back. She almost felt she was carrying a loaded weapon in her hands, this book that moved as it pleased and whispered things she couldn't quite take hold of. But as she turned to face the man, it seemed he was more armed than she was.

He was tall and tanned, and how he managed to be tanned here in Ohio was amazing to her... then again she didn't frequent the outside much unless it was to visit the animal. His skin was littered with tattoos of all sorts, some more defined and thought out than others to Eden, but none the less, she was intrigued by them. The black, strict lines challenged her own floral, naturalistic tattoo that swept her shoulder and halfway down her arm. And because of the stark difference in appearance, she couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by the man. These were the types of men who, in high school, were on sports teams, straight A students, and yes, perhaps she was stereotyping, but how could she not? It wasn't until the man actually spoke that her gaze halted where it was, looking over his broadened shoulders and inked arms, her eyes flying instead to his eyes.

"The Void?" She squeaked, standing up a little straighter in an attempt to at least look twenty-three instead of sixteen. "Being of virtue to inherit the power of the Light... the Void has reached your plane..." Eden began sputtering, looking down at her book as she felt it pull, almost towards this stranger. There was no way that they had the same dream, the same happening, a mere coincidence, yes? Yes. Without question, but...

"Who are you?"
Joseph Lowery
Quill's End Library - 5th and Burke
Joseph took a second to study the girl. After she turned to face him, it was clear that she was a customer just like him, albeit a little scared. He felt uncomfortable, especially with a humongous weapon like a double handed axe on his back. The girl was pale, the red hair partially obscuring the freckles on her face. Her green eyes stared at him, the color heavily contrasting with her fair skin. He wondered how does one maintain such a pale skin right on spring, but then again, he hauls cargo to the store he works almost everyday on the sun. She looked like some kind of shut in girl, probably those bookworms that sit inside on libraries all day. She looked young, perhaps still in high school, but the way she dressed and the way she was staring down at her book made her seem older.

He froze for a second when she recited those same words he heard on his dream. "Find the others... defeat this evil... He took a step back, aghast. "I... I should ask you the same thing. You had it too, right? The dream?" He unconsciously reached to his back, feeling the surprisingly light weapon brush on his hand. He chuckled, but the laughter didn't reach his eyes. "So I'm not crazy, right? The world is really about to end..."
txlos txlos

Eden Elswyer
Currently: in the library on 5th and Burke w/ Joseph Gabe Gabe

It felt as if a cold gust washed over the back of Eden's neck as more familiar words from her dream spilled from the stranger's lips, her arms almost instinctively hugging the book tighter. This was something out of a Mortal Instruments book, her meeting a strange man in a public place who has had the same dream as her. She loved Cassandra Cree's work, but wasn't mentally ready to take on the storyline. Shaking her head back into reality, she nodded towards the man. The dream, the dream about the Void crossing dimensions and crushing them, about the Light growing too weak to stop it, it all was either real or she really was going insane. It wasn't until the stranger mentioned the world ending that she got the slightest bit of a grip on herself.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to take it so far as to say the world is ending," She chuckled nervously, brushing a loose piece of hair behind an ear and staring at the floor, eyes darting side to side as though she was looking at a map and trying to make sense of it. "This is crazy, this... isn't there some T.V. show out right now about Light and Void and maybe we just fell asleep watching some show I mean I don't... I don't even know you!" Eden gestured towards the brunette man, a nervous smile pinching her face before she looked back down at the book. She knew that wasn't true, she wasn't one to watch much television. Feeling defeated, she dragged a hand down her face, rubbing her eyes before looking at the man again.

"I'm Eden," She managed out, eyes softening in defeat as she looked at the weapon on the man's back, covered haphazardly by an old blanket. "Woke up with that, huh?"
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Robert Dawson, aka Bob the mechanic, pulled out his keys to unlock the shop for the day, but found the door already unlocked. He mentally prepared himself for anything from having to yell at some punk kids to breaking an armed robber's neck. It was too early in the day for him to play nice with some dumbass trying to rob him. He pushed open the door, in one motion reaching for the length of metal pipe he kept just inside the door to scare off the Jehovah witnesses. But he didn't have to break any eardrums or necks, the intruder was just Liz. The green-haired woman was sitting in her usual corner working on something that had her distracted enough to not notice Bob's entry.

Technically Liz wasn't an intruder, since she did work here, and it wasn't even that odd for her to be around so early in the morning, it was pretty regular for her to stay at the shop all night when she got really engrossed in her work. What was odd about the whole situation here was that Liz had left for a night of drinking yesterday, and Bob had been the one to close shop. She never came to work on time, let alone showing up early, especially after a drinking night. Bob mumbled something about her being on drugs as she shuffled over to see what the girl was working on.

Liz was muttering unintelligibly to herself as scribbled on a piece of graph paper with her left hand, her eyes fixated on the device held in her right. As the reading on the device fluctuated she noted down each output in between her scribbling. After a while of this her eyes flicked over to the paper. "Three in a row, I win," she announced to no one. Indeed, next to a long list of meaningless numbers on the page was a dozen completed games of tic-tac-toe. Apparently she'd been winning?

"So whacha fixatin on?"

She nearly topped off the stool she'd been sitting on when Bob suddenly spoke up from where he'd been leaning over her shoulder. "God dammit Bob, don't do that! Almost gave me a heart attack!" She punched the much larger man in the arm, hard enough that most people would have winced, but Bob just laughed. "How long have you been there?" she asked him once her heart had recovered.

"Few minutes," he shrugged. "Was tryin to make sense of the thing you got all those cables stuck on, then I got distracted by makin sense of how exactly you were winning games of tic-tac-toe against yerself."

Liz launched herself from the stool in an arc towards the item in question and landed with a flourish. "May I introduce you to Spa-" The stool clattered noisily against the floor, interrupting Liz. She coughed. "As I was saying, this fine piece of machinery is called Sparky." She slapped the side of what looked like a thick cylinder covered in gold and gemstones and generally garish colors, in addition to the collection of black and red jumper cables and smaller cords Liz had connected to it. "He's a-"

"Why did you connect a car battery to a cannon?" Bob poked the side of the cannon in question, a spark of electricity jumping between it and his finger.

"It's charging it," she replied with an evil grin.

Bob decided to let himself be led. "And why do you need to charge a cannon with a car battery?"

The woman's grin widened. "No no, the cannon is charging the battery."

Bob crossed his arms and took a seat on Liz's abandoned stool. "Yer gonna have to explain."

And so she did. Liz started with drinking last night, then going home and having a strange dream, then waking up spooning a cannon, and then her rushing over to the shop to run tests on the thing. "And that should be everything," she finished.

Bob sat there, not moving for a while. Then he got up and walked into the side room, where all the paperwork got tossed. He came back out with a bottle of wine, strange considering he usually didn't drink on the job, let alone wine, which he referred to as "rotten sweet water". He took a large mouthful and sat back down. "You sure you weren't just drugged at the bar?"

Liz shook her head. "Doubt it. Besides there were plenty of finer girls there last night, so they'da have to had dropped the stuff in the wrong glass."

Bob's glare told her he was not amused. He let up after she backtracked with a quick apology. "Fine, so no drugs. Where'd the fancy cannon come from then? Stolen?" Liz opened her mouth to object, but Bob pushed forward. "I ain't sayin you stole it, maybe someone who did dropped it with you for hiding."

"I told you, some glowing voice just up and dropped it into my bed when I was sleeping."

"God stuck a cannon in your bed?" Bob downed another mouthful of wine.

"Yup," she stated confidently. "Probably."

"And said cannon charges car batteries?"

"Yup," she repeated. Then she ran over to pull off the cables she's stuck onto the cannon. "But that's not all he does." She turned a knob on the side of the cannon. "Ten percent should do," she said to herself. The pink gemstone on the side of the cannon started glowing, quickly getting brighter. Bob downed some more wine. Liz pulled down her goggles, took aim at a sheet of scrap metal on the far side of the room, and fired.

The room was filled with a loud boom and a flash of light, quickly followed by the scent of ozone as a streak of electricity jumped between the mouth of the cannon and the impromptu target. The sheet of metal was left with a glowing red circle in its center, a darker circle of burnt metal surrounding it, with more streaks radiating all the way out to the edges, continuing across the wall for a few feet. " " Liz said.


Liz repeated herself, but it was a few more seconds before Bob's hearing came back enough to make sense of it.

"I said, it also does that!" For someone who'd nearly blown up her place of work, Liz looked pretty happy with herself.

Bob downed the rest of the win and stood up. "I didn't see nothin," he said to God, then he picked up his keys and walked right back out the door. Liz could have sworn she heard him yell something along the lines of, "Why couldn't it have just been drugs?" once he'd gotten out the door.

Liz pulled off her goggles and blew her hair out of her face. "I think," she said to her cannon, "that means we've got the day off! Guess we might as well got on that whole finding others job the big guy gave us then"

She almost walked out just carrying Sparky like some kind of handbag - which to be fair wouldn't have been the most idiotic example of women's fashion she'd witnessed just this week - but thought better of it. She went back inside, covered the cannon with a sheet, and then used some more fabric to make a strap. That done, it basically just looked like she was carrying a really large duffel bag, rather than carrying around a weapon of mass destruction that she definitely should not have the ability to lift. "Good to go!" She left the shop to begin her hunt. Wait, she shouldn't be calling it a hunt when she was carrying around a weapon. That might imply that she was going to shoot them if she actually found another of... who was she even supposed to be finding?

"Dammit God, you have to be more specific with these things! Get with the time, give me locations I can put into maps!"
Joseph Lowery
Quill's End Library - 5th and Burke
"Lowery." Joseph sifted the weight of the axe slightly, looking at the books on the shelf. "Yes, and this jackass burnt my 10$ carpet. I'm surprised that it didn't burn the blanket yet." As if by magic, or perhaps it was, Joseph started to feel a rather pungent smell. Looking down, he saw that the blanket covering the axe was half burnt already, and although it didn't expelled any smoke, the smell of burnt cloth was already permeating the air. "Oh, shitshitshit" He dropped the axe to the floor, extinguishing the blanket of the small embers that formed, exposing the weapon within. "And now this jackass burnt my 25$ blanket. He sighed, sitting on the floor. "I believe yours isn't as destructive as this, right?

Villenbourgh's Town Square - Main Street
Villenbourgh's cars were almost flying on the asphalt of the large street, and the square was as lively as ever, the gentle sun of spring shining on an active Thursday morning. That soon changed when the sky turned into a rather violent shade of red. The ominous clouds obscured the sun, making the sky seem like it came straight from hell, and even the drivers stopped on the side lanes to watch. A tug at the cores of the chosen ones indicated that something was wrong, like a burning pain on the chest. The raiper singer and dagger school star felt it first, then it expanded like a shockwave. The crossbow shut-in, then the axe wielder and grimoire reader, to finally, the cannon mechanic. As if a force pointed out the path of least resistance, directing them to the source of the invasion. Something tore a hole in thin air, opening a gash in the space that warped vision on its edges. A deafening roar came from this... thing, as it spat out an amalgamate of things, that the mind had difficulty in grasping. The horrendous mass of flesh, bone and blood slowly formed itself, as if commanded by something, rearranging its structure until it was cohesive enough. The being, now a two meter tall clawed being, with jagged teeth and pitch black eyes screamed the same roar that the onlookers heard the first time, and chaos ensued. People start running away from the thing, the monster, the nightmare, as other masses of flesh poured out of the rift. The invasion had begun.
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Ashley Skye
Current Location: Ashley's Room.

After finishing up the last episode of KonoSuba, Episode 2, Ashley turned her phone off and got up to go eat something.
"Jeez....Why can't my life be like that.....Having a group of friends fighting in a fantasy world..."
She opened up her fridge and got out an apple and began eating it.
After finishing it rather quickly, she threw it in the trash and looked at her crossbow
"....Is this real life....or is this just a dream..."
Her entire room was almost completely dark. Curtains blocking any sort of light from getting in, no lights were turned on and the only light that was inside the room came from the TV. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in her chest.
"O-Oh no. W-what." She started panicking and sweating. This was real pain. This can't be a dream. Was something happening to her? Was her unhealthy lifestyle finally affecting her? She didn't know but what she did know was that she had a weird urge to look out the window. She decided to take a peek and when only a bit of light entered in, she opened the curtains. She stood there, stunned as she watched a hole in the air starting spitting out an amalgamate of things. She continued watching as it finally formed into a being with claws, jagged teeth and pitch black eyes. Her eyes widened as the monster gave off a big roar.
Chaos began, people were running for their life, more monsters poured out the hole and Ashley just looked in surprise.
"Wh-What........What? Oh....Oh my....T..That looks so cool!" She moved her hand from the curtain and started jumping up and down in excitement.
"Ohmygoshthatissocool!!!And terrifying!!! It looks like a boss from a video game! What is even happening!?" She started quickly changing emotions from excited to anxious to panicked. Ashley looked at her Crossbow and her eyes widened. "The void...." she said quietly. She ran over to her bed and grabbed it.
She started contemplating about what to do.​
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Eden Elswyer
Currently: Quill's End Library w/ Joseph Gabe Gabe

Well, an axe that also doubles as a fire hazard... beautiful. Eden couldn't help but stifle laughter as she watched this grown man stomp out the charred edges, cursing and complaining about his blanket. Not that it wasn't a serious issue it's just... not something she would envision someone like him getting upset about. Nevertheless, she nodded and looked down at the torn, battered book in her hands. "Not has destructive, no," She chuckled, holding up the book. However, as she did, she felt it almost... pull away from her. Coupled with that, a sinking feeling as though she had just found out horrible news, or maybe as if she was struck with a sudden agony. Nothing was wrong though, not that she could think of. Her life was alright, besides this weird dream that had invaded her sleep the night before. But then again, perhaps that was it.

"I bet this is all just a-" Interrupted by blackness. The entire library went dark, along with a chorus of screams. The only light that shown into the building came from outside, a horrid red-orange hue that assaulted an otherwise beautiful spring day. It was barely noon, she knew that much, and concluded it couldn't have been a sunset. And the screams that lifted from the city below the second story of the library confirmed her hypothesis.

Leaving no room for hesitation, Eden walked briskly past the man, Lowery was it? She couldn't remember, and at the moment, she didn't seem to care. Her chest and book were simultaneously pulling her forward and towards the exit. The baggy sweater she wore seemed to wave along with her quick movement, flowing behind her in an attempt to keep up. It wasn't until she was down the stairs, pushing open the entrance of the library that everything of her stopped on a dime. It was when she saw it.

It took no true form and no recognizable specifics. It was simply just... "Horrifying," She managed out, holding her purple book tight in place as she felt the thing pull towards the hideous beast. "No!" Eden demanded, pulling it towards her chest, and to her surprise, the book opened, and instead fell open to a page with what looked like instructions... but what the hell were they?! A chant of some sort? Anxiety-ridden with a thundering heart, she whispered the words to herself, hoping she wasn't accidentally summoning another one of these monstrosities. "From pristine fingers raises ash's lust, may flame turn this evil into dust... how cliche," Eden shook her head, snapping the book shut and putting it in her bag. It was only then she noticed how warm her fingertips felt... oh there was no way.
Iza Miles
Villenborough - Ohio | Town Square

Iza pardons the man's anxiousness. "I did, yes," she says, smiling as it all starts to come together. Iza looks the man up-and-down and recognizes him to be some sort of wreck. Maybe it's his theatrical way of speaking, maybe it's his ruggedness, or maybe it's the fact that he possesses a fucking rapier. She chastises herself, reminding herself of the dagger also in her possession. She thinks back to the dream and attempts to remember. She's surprised at its still-there clarity. "You are not alone. Find the others, and work together to defeat this evil?" she questions. This still felt like some elaborate fantasy to her, but she was absolutely willing to indulge. It'd been a while since she worked on a good mystery.

The sky turns a hellish red, and the pain Iza feels in her chest is very unlike her other chest pains. A beast crawls from its hole that also happens to be the sky.

She, uh. She freezes on the spot, and she looks to the man by her. Even though they've just met, they are connected through the simple matter of being the only people she knew that had been given a weapon, that had had the dream. She reaches out for his arm to pull him up, intent to lead him to somewhere safer, somewhere not so out in the open when there were even more horrendous things coming from the sky. "Uhh- I think we need to leave." She readjusts her hat as she stands, peering out through the crowd of screaming people, and looks for a building to take shelter in. Any building, really. Her eyes land on a rather pale, red-headed girl, standing in the library's doorway. It's peculiar. The connection she feels with the man pangs through her again as she looks at the girl.​
Liz doubled over as a sudden burning pain filled her chest. She groaned and stood back up. That had hurt like hell, but at least now she had a direction. "Hey God, is it too late to add a side of fries to my order?" No response. "Tch, cheapskate." She turned in the direction the flare of pain had seemed to come and started walking. But as she got closer to the city square it quickly became clear that something was up. The sky was all wrong. Was that the sound of people screaming? She started jogging faster. Something let out an unnatural roar, something big. Liz's cheerful humor was gone as she sprinted towards the source of that roar. She figured she'd see something bad when she got out onto the main street. The void dumping its contents into the city, all hell breaking loose, people dying.

Her guess was proven spot on a few minutes later, and she still wasn't prepared for the scene that met her eyes. She would have thrown up just from looking at the things that were crawling around if she'd had anything in her stomach. She wiped her mouth and pulled her goggles over her eyes. "Yo God, no chance of getting those fries I ordered? Thought so." She cracked her knuckles. "Well hellspawn, it's your unlucky day cuz I'm about to exercise my God-given right to blow you the fuck up with my cannon. Say hi Sparky." She lifted up her cannon-shaped duffel bag and pointed what was hopefully the killing end down the street, then reached into the back to turn up the power to max and fire. Aside from the pink crystal starting to glow slightly through the fabric of the bag, nothing else happened. "What do you mean it has to fucking charge up before firing!? Do that after they're dead you stupid cannon!" The closest of the monsters turned its head - or what approximated to a head, the things' anatomy made no actual sense from an earthling's perspective - towards Liz as she yelled at Sparky. "And you wonder why atheism caught on?" Now she was yelling at God again. "I promise to not charge any more car batteries with you if you just fire," she started bargaining with the cannon as the monsters moved closer.
Verloren felt an odd sense of relief that this random girl shared his same sentiments of confusion about the cryptic events of this morning. He felt himself unconsciously clutching the hilt of the rapier as she spoke. When he finally realized he was holding it, he realized the strange sense of calming he felt as he held it.

Suddenly, his heart wrenched as the sky turned a malefic shade of crimson. The girl took him by the arm and lifted him, as an abomination ripped itself into existence. The girl said something, probably along the lines of, "we should leave." But Verloren's focus was on the beast first, then the people, scrambling helplessly for their lives. "And there I was, not a moment ago, thinking talking with a woman would be my most difficult challenge today." He couldn't help but say as he stood firmly and watched the unholy creature wreck havoc on the city he had come to know. In the face of his helpless fear, his blind chivalry swelled his heart. He turned to the girl and drew his rapier.
"You remember the dream just as I do. Look at how the world we knew has been desecrated before our very eyes, and tell me that whatever power it was that gave us these weapons did not give us them for a purpose." He said firmly. His sword began to glow as these, admittedly bravado fueled, words spilled from his mouth. " We are the only ones who can save these people, and your first idea is to hide? And where will they hide!?!" He gestured in any direction as people fleed. "Whether they know it or not, we stand as the bastion of their hope. We stand as their ONLY hope to survive whatever apocalypse this is." He swung the sword to point it at the nearest beast and only now realized it grew closer and closer. "Where would we leave to? What good is our safety if the ones we are meant to save perish as we do." He said, half entertaining the thought of running. He turned his head and also sees the girl in front of the library. Somehow in the midst of all the conflict, his heart faced he knew exactly that she was one of them. "I cannot ask you to join me." He shook his head and tried his hardest to look the girl next to him in the eyes, "but I will go to save these people. You can go with her and plan something more conducive to our own safety if you wish." He bowed to the girl and sprinted as hard as he could back to the apartment building.
People scrambled and panicked and wept and prayed. It was a cacophony of wails and calls for deliverance. "Get to the basement, NOW!" He yelled lifting the sword above his head (he only just then noticed the now very vibrant red glow of it) as if it were some symbol they would recognize. To some degree, it worked and people en mass rushed to the doors of the cellar and piled into them. The earth now shook with each step of the beast, but Verloren was still sure there were more people that needed saving. He pushed up the crowded stairs, suggesting they stayed calm, and ordering them to the cellars as he went. As he got the residential floors he cursed as he realized he had no way to check for any straggling civilians. For lack of a better idea, he swung his glowing sword at the door and to his relief the door crumbled to splinters. He ran past every door with the heartbeat of a rabbit and slashed it with a yell of, "GET TO THE BASEMENT NOW!" There was nobody on the first floor, a blind and deaf old woman that Verloren had almost missed on the second. A group of scared children whose mother was out somewhere on the third. Nobody on the fourth (but he managed to salvage his poetry book and put it in his vest pocket), a hysteric drunk man who attacked Verloren on the fifth, and on the sixth floor, as he was growing weary of yelling, splintered the door with his usual, "GET TO THE BASEMENT NO-" He saw a girl with brown hair and big blue eyes with an uneasy but determined look on her face and a shimmering crossbow in her hands. There was clearly no time for explainations. " As you can see, I am one of you. I guess we've both been thrust into this hellish nightmare a bit faster than we were prepared for. it is good to see we have another to join our ranks." He said very quickly and in one breath. "There are others by the library." He nodded to her somberly, "but I am determind to find any other stragglers and lead them to the cellar. You are free to do whicher is to your liking I suppose." Verloren bowed slightly.
Joseph Lowery
5th and Burke
Joseph raised an eyebrow at Eden, the book she clutched was nothing compared to the massive weapon on the floor. Did they have the same amount of power? He felt a heart wrenching pain just like Eden, which made him stop all thought for a second. Faltering his breath, he took a moment to recover from the pain, looking at the girl leaving the library. "It's probably them." He muttered to himself, before unwrapping the axe completely and leaving the library, only to meet Eden reading her book to herself. "From pristine fingers raises ash's lust, may flame turn this evil into dust... how cliche," she said. "You tell me...He looked at the street, finally seeing the monsters.

The monsters took a rather abstract form, much like humans, yet it looked like they were learning. Learning the best way to deal with the apex species of that world, killing, eating, assimilating. They were indiscriminately attacking whoever was closest to them, silencing screams and opening horrible wounds on the mangled corpses.

Joseph felt his stomach churn, but steeled himself. "Now what? Do we attack those creatures?" People rushed to the inside of the library, terrified and panicking at the sight of those monsters. One person bumped into Joseph, and it was only then that he realized the girl holding something big and heavy looking. She was two blocks away, seemingly talking to herself, as two of the monsters started to close in on her. Clutching his axe, he pointed at her. "Oh fuck, that one is just talking to them! He didn't wait for his... partner? Ally? He didn't want to think about that now. He started running, desperately trying to reach the girl before she became another victim. Screaming, he rushed at the blind side of the monster, the axe's blade igniting, an orange fire engulfing the magical weapon. The axe split one of the arms of the monster, the same arm he was using to sustain himself, the blade already sizzling with the blood caught on itself. A horrible smell of burnt flesh and blood was only masked by the monster's own smell, one of rot and death. It toppled to the side, roaring in pain as the other lashed his arm-like appendage at the warrior. Joseph was thrown a good meter away, clutching his chest. However, he managed to do what he tried: Distract the monsters from the girl. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? FLEE NOW!" He bellowed, as the monsters changed targets. They were closing in on him now, as he started to get up from the dizzying blow.
OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi txlos txlos
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Eden Elswyer
Currently: Town square, the Initial Attack Gabe Gabe OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

There was too much going on. People screaming, running, shoving Eden. These things, these fleshy, barely human things attacking anything in sight. She was socially incapable as is, and now these vile things were invading the streets one by one, causing death after death. She could feel it, the pull of her book in her arms and the odd warmth of her fingertips, and yet there she stood. Frozen. Unable to conjure up the will to even hide. And something inside her was indicating that this wasn't something she could lock herself in her room, read a book and forget about. This was something, for some reason, was her responsibility.

It wasn't until Joseph charged away from her side, full throttle, running at one of the things that Eden was able to shake herself from her paralyzed state. A girl who wore green hair and oil covered clothes was surrounded by the looks of it, and it was Joseph who felt the need to single-handedly step in to save the day. "Idiot," The redhead scoffed under her breath, shaking her head and groaning. She knew not the power that the axe the brunette man wielded held, but she gained some faith in it as she watched it set one of the horrifying creatures ablaze. The green haired girl looked like she was struggling with something, but she couldn't quite figure out what. And, to be fair, Eden had no clue what she was to do... until she saw one of these monsters whip and appendage around in an attempt to snap Joseph. "Watch it!" Eden shouted as if he could hear her, pointing at the thing as if it wasn't clear enough. What she wasn't expecting was for her index finger to shoot and blaze of directed fire at the thing's head, crumbling to the ground before the man and the grease-covered girl. She stared in amazement at her finger for a minute, green eyes wide with amazement. "You're kidding, no that's not..." Flustered, she ran over to Joseph and the new girl with a blanket hiding something that Eden hoped could be of use. "I did that!" Eden smiled, genuinely, for the first time all day. "With my hands I did that! How many twenty-three-year-olds do you know that can do that?!"
Ashley Skye
Current Location: Ashley's Room

She looked out the window again and saw as some people with medieval looking weapons, that looked like they came from a fantasy game, fighting the abominations. ".....Seems like there are other people....??? What even is this...." She looked at her weapon and back at them. Before she could decide anything, a man came bursting into her door. She immediately screamed in fear and feeling on the floor. She didn't hear anything the man said, she was busy
panicking inside her head. Who was this man. He introduced himself quickly but that's all she heard. She immediately covered her face and pushed the man outside of her room "J-just go and fight or whatever!" She went back into her room, grabbed a curtain and put it over her door in a way that it acted like a curtain for the door. It took a moment to regain her composure. She looked outside the window and knew she had to do something. She grabbed a black scarf, put it over her mouth and neck and went over to the window.
"Come on Video games....don't fail me now...." She got into a sniper position, laying on the ground with her cross bow in front of her. She targeted the small ones and started sniping each and every one of them off with her fire arrows.​
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Liz spat a few last curses at God and Sparky - she'd started just lumping them together for sake of cuss-efficiency - when it became clear that the cannon wasn't going to be done charging by the time the closest of those abominations reached her. "Guess I'll have to deal with the first few the old-fashioned way," she grit her teeth. She really didn't want to touch those things, but oh the fuck well, she didn't have a choice here. She'd just about let go of Sparky to face down the monsters with just her own fists when the arm of the nearest one was sliced off my a man swinging an axe. Oh, and the axe was on fire. She wasn't able to react as the monster send her... not savior, she'd probably have been fine on her own, the best she'd give him was helper... the monster sent her helper flying away with a blow from its other arm. She turned, uselessly aiming her cannon towards the monster, but the monster was felled by a blast of fire from the other direction. She kicked it to make sure it wasn't just joking about being dead.

There were more monsters getting too close, but now most of them were focused on helper-boy. He had that axe, and someone nearby, she hadn't seen exactly where the attack that had killed the monster had come from, had some kind of ranged attack. Could the three of them - she was including herself using her fists - take on a whole mod of these things? Liz didn't exactly favor the odds that popped into her head as she considered that. Thankfully, she wouldn't need to. The soft pink glow coming from inside her duffel bag suddenly lit up brighter. Given the situation, the grin that spread across Liz's face looked downright terrifying. Sparky was done charging.

"This is what the FUCK I'm doing!" she yelled at helper-boy as she swung her bag around to line up the shot. As she stared past the nearest monster to make sure there were more behind it to hit Liz was without a doubt terrified. But she was far too stubborn a person to let a little thing like monsters from hell cause her to lose her composure. And more importantly, helper-boy looked just her type. She lifted her bag to one side, planted her feet, and fired.

Everything went silent as the roars and screams were drowned out by the sound of a higher power passing down judgement. It was less a singular boom and more the sound of rushing air increased into a high-pitched scream as the entire space in front of Liz's cannon was replaced by a blinding beam of what looked like pure light. It lasted for a full second before dying out, the beam fading and breaking apart until all that remained was a singular spastic arc of electricity looking for something to latch onto, and then even that faded. Where the cannon had fired there was nothing but a line of molten asphalt where everything else had been completely burned away, and off in the distance the beam had continued off the road, completely searing through the first few buildings as it continued out of view. And then the boom hit, shattering the windows from nearby buildings.

Liz jumped back as Sparky clanked heavily down onto the road. The golden parts of the cannon were glowing with heat, it looked like the whole thing should be molten like the street, and the pink gemstone was blinking with a dim red light. Smoke poured out of the mouth of the cannon, and electricity arc wildly from its surface down into the road, leaving little question as to why Liz had suddenly dropped it. It was very clear that Sparky would not be firing again, at least not anytime soon and without maintenance.

Something caught in Liz's throat, and then she suddenly burst into laughter as her legs gave out and she fell back onto the ground. "HahahahaHA!" She took off her goggles and wiped at the tears from laughing so hard. "Did you fucking see that!?" She laughed herself into choking and had to take deep breaths. "Do... you have... any further questions?" She continued to giggle as she found a scrap of the fabric she'd used to cover Sparky. It seemed like most of the stuff had been burned up when the cannon had fired. She should probably be dead just from how close she'd been to that blast. The energy, the heat, the light, the sound. There was no way she should be fine after that. Oh God, she'd done that. Liz let loose another burst of laughter.
Joseph Lowery
Town Square - Villenbourgh

Joseph rose from the ground, staggering. His first thought was "Is that Eden girl really twenty-three?" That thought vanished along with the monsters in front of them, thanks to a beam of pure light that came from the girl he was trying to save. Clutching his chest, he stated to himself, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Two broken ribs..." The adrenaline made the pain a little more bearable, and he clutched the axe with both hands again, seeing more monsters. However, a laughter by the cannon girl made he turn around, glaring at her. "Do you think this is a fucking joke? Look! He pointed with the flaming axe at the street. A pair of monsters were gurgling down on a mangled woman, and a couple were running away from a third. A car was half molten because of the beam, and a monster slowly rose from the wreckage, his left appendages missing. The whole street was a catastrophe. "This is not the time to sit down and laugh! If you're going to help, get on your feet, fix that thing and kill those monsters!" His outrage was half fueled by adrenaline, but half of it came from the fire of his weapon. The color of the axe slowly turned from orange to a vivid red, burning more intensely. He didn't register, but the heat could be felt by everyone in a 3 meter radius. He sighed. "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. You're... You're probably just as clueless as I am." The flames on the weapon dwindled back to its original color. He turned to Eden, nodding. "Thanks. You probably saved my life there. He placed the tip of the axe on the floor, leaning himself on it and making a small fire on the concrete, but he didn't care. "What's the next step? That rift is pouring more monsters by the second. If we don't close that thing, we'll be facing too many a monster to actually handle."
OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi txlos txlos
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Eden Elswyer
Currently: 5th and Burke, the Initial Attack Gabe Gabe OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

Eden shook her head and rubbed her hands together, waiting for the burn to return to a normal tingling heat like it was before. She almost had to laugh at herself for thinking this was at all normal. That green haired girl though... she was something else. Eden hadn't a clue how someone could be doubled over having a laughing-fit while these fleshy beasts were raining havoc down on their city. It seemed odd to her, and apparently to Joseph as she listened to him shout at her to pay attention. Her canon was useful, Eden could see that, but the strange girl needed to learn how to use it. It was clear that civilians were now staring at the thing and at these monsters in the same, horrific gaze. "Just... aim a little next time?" Eden did her best not to sound angry, smiling at the girl instead and standing next to Joseph. Without a word, she scanned. She hated this, she hated rushed decisions and she just needed two minutes to think. The one on the left who was missing some limbs would be easy for Joseph to take out, she knew that much, and the other two who were... devouring the woman... well Eden had gained some confidence in her magical little fingertips. Just as she was about to turn to the axe-wielding man beside her to talk out a game plan, she noticed him hunching over a bit, a hand tentatively hovering over his ribs. "You're hurt," She muttered without hesitation. It was written over his face, and although she hadn't known this man long, she knew a look of pain when she saw one.

As if it had been listening to her, the grimoire slipped out of her grasp and fell to the floor to an open page with the words Nurse's Heal scribbled at the top of the page. She now only hoped that the name matched the effect. "Of blood and bruise we do fall, hands of Light may heal us all... God, these are so corny," The redhead groaned before flipping some hair from her face, kneeling down so she was eye level with Joseph's torso. Bright sage eyes looked up at him with an almost apologetic smile. She was just hoping she wouldn't horribly disfigure him... he was too pretty to have that happen. "Sorry in advance," She shrugged, pushing her hands up under the man's shirt to place her palms against his ribcage. She could feel it the minute she laid hands on his (surprisingly muscular and non-sweaty?) midsection, the slips of bone that were supposed to be fixed together but obviously weren't. Within a second she felt it - the pulse race through her hands and into Joseph's skin. She heard a slight grinding noise, a pop, then nothing. It wasn't until she opened her eyes that she realized they had been shut. Cautiously, Eden traced her fingertips over the brunette's skin, outlining his ribcage... his ribcage that was perfectly back in place. "It worked..." She sighed heavily, her body and mind exhausted but her face beaming with a smile. "I-I-I healed you. Your ribs, they aren't broken anymore, it worked!"
Verloren was dazed for a moment at the crossbow wielder's response but ran to the next floor all the same. "It'd be a lie if I said I hadn't had worse reactions from women." He thought aimlessly. The only inhabitants of the seventh floor were cats and dogs that clearly had no business being there. Not like they had anywhere else to go. Finally, he got the eighth floor but to his horror, he was too late. The entrance to the roof was torn asunder and one of those hulking fiends lumbered from door to door with the half-eaten torso of a man already in its clutches. Before Verloren could say anything or even move, the beast turned its head (or so he thought, he didn't care to know these thing's anatomy), saw the blade and made a sound like a thousand snakes in a pit of a thousand mongooses. Veloren instinctively fell into an en garde position, but the beast had no such adjustment to make. It charged at him with a roar and flung the body away. With a quiet apology, he effortlessly slashed the projectile corpse in twain and held his ground for the beast to come within lunging distance.
"Foul creature from depths I will not know, do you not see you rush to meet your end." He found himself saying as its pace only grew faster and faster. It leaped off the ground with fangs and claws extended, Verloren made a double advance and a quick roll to get escape its grasp and lunged at it from behind with a triumphant, "HUZAH!" He recovered his blade to its position from the hellspawn's corpse and turned to see another meandering through the entrance. "Pestilent demons of flesh and fang, do you not know who you fight?" He continued his soliloquy, "What weapon I hold?" He smirked as he made a clean gash into the new abomination's abdomen (?). It groaned but did not fall, not as easily as the first one. it swung its claws, which Verloren parried and reposted with another, "HUZAH!" as the blade slipped through the creature's unearthly flesh. He ran to close the door (as best it could be) just as another, angrier, beast barreled through and raked its claws across the bottom half of Verloren's torso, sending him crashing into a wall bleeding and immobile. He coughed and struggled to stand, but just in the nick of time parried another swipe. "I hold a rose's thorn..." He still felt the need to finish his thought, " From a garden, you will never see..." He made a sloppy double retreat and nearly tripped over the corpse of the other creature. This new one made a choking sound from the back of whichever orifice it made noise with then lunged at him again. Verloren cursed and thrust the sword forward as he ducked and shut his eyes. He opened his eyes a few moments later sandwiched between the corpses of two of those things. He pushed the top one off and winced as he got down the stairs as quickly as he could. As he hobbled along he wasn't sure whether to tell the crossbow girl that they had gotten into the building.
"It might behoove you to know that they have infiltrated the building from the top floor." He said through gritted teeth as he passed the curtained room. As far as Verloren was concerned, she probably knew what she was doing. He looked back at the stairs to the next floor and closed them, just to buy her extra time if she would need it. He then hobbled down the stairs hoping there were not too many more in the lobby. To both his relief and frustration, the lobby was empty except one more of those beasts that had just broken through the door. It didn't yet have its eyes set on the door to the cellar. Verloren's wherewithal was running short, and his vision grew blurry. He didn't bother looking at the wound that felt like it spread from his abdomen from his calves. He knew damn well it was bad. His sword still gave a strongly inspired red glow and Verloren was at least happy to see that. The beast smelled the blood of Verloren's wound and Verloren pointed the tip of the blade at the beast to the best of his ability. " May this battle serve as a metaphor for our inquisition of your wretched kin," Verloren said as loud as he could. "We stand from high ground with nothing but our will and our destinies to stop you." He said quicker as it started running. " And it is more than enough to stop the likes of you-HUZAH!!!" He finished with a squeak of panic finding its way to his voice. He ran the beast through by its gaping maw, its fangs just inches from Verloren's hands. He kicked its body off the blade and leaned against the railing of the stairs with desperate breaths. Maybe the other girl was right... Help would have been nice.

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