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Realistic or Modern The Family Of Secrets

Nikita nods to Jeb"Lexi is fine thank you very much for your kindness with the paparazzi I am very glad you were there unlike my son who should of been."She said. She was still not happy about it."Also I am not sure if you heard my earlier comment Jeb, but you look very nice today. She saw his look toward her daughter and she smiled. "Once my daughter gives her answer why dont I show you Mr.Edward and Ethan around the house. Let these two talk."She said.

Nikita looked at her daughter and smiled. "Like I said my dear your choice."Nikita said. She leaned back in her chair the door was opened by Ghost. She smiled at the dog who had come running in. Nikita pet the dog."Midus will you take Ghost for a walk."She said.He nodded and took the dog out.

Death to all betrayers
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London took a seat in her mother's office across from Edward. "So, you see, I'm actually taking a break from acting during my senior year, but I may reconsider modeling," she explained. She knew she couldn't pass this offer. Edward Duve was one of the most famous fashion designers. Everyone was dying to buy his clothing. London wouldn't spend thousands on his one of a kind outfits, they were too formal. She was more of an Abercombie and Fitch or Hollister type of girl. She never found the need to wear expensive clothing outside the runway. She could be stylish with out spending thousands. Even though formal wear wasn't her style, she couldn't pass such a big offer. This was big. Her talent for dance, music, and acting could easily be discovered after this.

Alexia woke up tired. She was still a bit angry at Taylor for not warding off the paparazzi. She combed her hair and made her bed. She slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Lexi then hopped down the stairs. She noticed that Jeb and two other guys were here, but it wasn't a big deal. She followed London into her mother's office. "Hey London, what's up?" she asked sweetly. Lexi didn't care if she interrupted anyone. She hopped onto London's lap, and London brought her close to her. "Morning," she whispered quietly. "Shh, don't interrupt." Alexia nodded and stared at the man in front of her.​
(@coolname is not going to be online during the weekend so I'm controlling his characters . We already agreeded on what is going to happen with out characters.)

Andrew woke up when his phone started ringing, he remembered falling asleep after he finished watching a movie with Elizabeth. He quickly grabbed his phone and checked who was calling. He thought it was weird that his uncle would call but he decided to not think about it and just answer.

"Hey kid, I need your help"

His uncle said with a serious voice.

"What is it?"

"I need more teenage clients"

His uncle replied, he was a very important music producer and Andrew thought it was really weird that he needed his help.

"I thought you had many clients already, besides, some of them are really famous because of you."

"Look, everyone is just using stupid people who use a lot of auto tune and act like assholes just to be famous. I want people who have morals and everyone loves teenage stars so I wanted to make a proposal. You told me that you were in a band with that Blackwell girl. Why don't you two come over and I'll see if you're good?"

"I don't know... Elizabeth hates the spotlight"


"Alright, but you owe me one"

Andrew quickly hung up and woke up Elizabeth and told her about his uncle.

"Fine, we'll do it"

Elizabeth said crossing her arms.

"Now we just need to get out of here before my parents know that you spent the night."

She said as they walked towards the door and opened it quietly.
He was not surprised when Taylor came up and tried to make him jump. He had heard him coming. "No not spying." he told Taylor. I am talking to Ethan here about business and as your mother and Mr Duve talk about modeling." When Jeb asked Nikita how Lexi was doing and found out she had been mobbed by the paparazzi and Jeb had rescued her he looked at Taylor with a very stern look, He had taken Lexi to the park and was suppose to be with her. He took his son by the arm and excused himself from Ethan. He took him to the Kitchen and then laid into him. "What is this about the paparazzi and Jeb saving her from them.? Where were you at?. You were suppose to be with her!"

"Please do my dear. Your mother and you are perfect for my new designs. My show will be in two weeks and I already have people coming in from all over the world to see it." he stood up and moved to Jeb shaking his hand. "I am so glad you told me they would be available. Perfect, just perfect my boy. My heart is a flutter with anticipation of the show now." He turned back and walked over to Nikita. "Oh thank you for accepteing my dear, You and your daughter will make the presentation a grand presentation. He kissed her hand again. "I would love to see your beautiful home." He and Ethan went with her then leaving Jeb and London alone, well with Lexi as well.

Once alone, he smiled down at Lexi, "Well I see you are none the worse for you encounter yesterday. You have to be careful with those vultures." he told her. "Could you let London and I have a bit of alone time?
Taylor rolled his eyes. "I was bored. I was at the park just leaning against my car. One second I turn away to ask who we were playing Friday night jeb is shooing off a crowd of paparazzi!" He sighed. And went into the office before his father could make another comment. "Actually, Jeb, could I talk to you first? I am sure that mouth to mouth contact is important, but I need to speak to you."
Alex listened to Taylor's excuse. He was about to go on further with it when Taylor seemed to run across to the confrence room to speak to Jeb. He was not finished with his oldest son. Besides a reputation one had to make a commitmet to what they were doing. In this case watching out for his sister. He followed behind him and stopped at the door as he asked to talk to Jeb alone for a bit.

Jeb sighed as yet another interuption had come in the form of Taylor, London's and Lexi's brother. He wanted to talk to him and Jeb could see Taylor's father not far behind him. He wondered if he was ever going to have a moment with London so he could try again and ask her out. "Ok." he said to Taylor and turned to London, "I will be only a moment." He then turned and walked past Taylor and his father to outside of the room.
Nikita smiles and blushed as Edward kissed her hand." Aww well thank you dear."She said. She had lead Ethan and Edward around the house. She ended the tour at the kitchen and filled up wine glasses for them. She smiled"well I am very glad you came by this was a wonderful suprise. Also Ethan you have a lovely boy. He is very well manored."She said

Nikita smiles and looked at them. "Thank you both for coming. I have a few meetings I have to go to soon, but feel free to stay I am sure my Hus......"She stopped as Midus whispers in her ear."Never mind he is home."She says. "Excuse me a minute."She said. She walked to find Alex she found him."so your home."Nikita said. She leaned on the wall and looked at her husband.

Death to all betrayers
Alex was about to interupt when he saw Nikita and Edward coming back from a short tour of the mansion. She approached and Midus whispered something to her and then she excused her self from the two men and approached then leaned against the wall. They were not close enough to hear their conversation so that was a good thing. So far he had gotten to talk with Ethan and got an invitation to come talk with some politicians that were holding up a big fat military contract for his company. Jeb it seemed had made a big impression on his wife now with bringing Edward to the mansion and offering the chance of a life time to her and London. She had actually left it up to London instead of saying she would do it. She was giving London control of her life which he had wanted her to do. He had also saved his reputation by not saying what had happened the day before.

"I was hard on you last night." he said. "I think we both made some big mistakes yesterday. I am sorry for my words and if they hurt you." he said. "All I have wanted was to build up the reputation of this family so it opens the doors to places that might be closed to our children. I want them to have what ever they want, to be able to find their own way in life," he told her. "As you have just seen, your reputation as a model and London's has made it possible for you to work with Edward. Without it, you would have been just like many of the other models wanting the job." he hoped she would see what he was talking about. It was not all about him, but the family.
Taylor smiled, "thanks." He took a sip of his orange juice. "I just want to say that I am sorry for yesterday and jumping diwn your back. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" This should have surprised everyone in the room. Taylor didn't apoligize for anything. If he committed murder he probably wouldn't apoligize for it!

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Nikita crossed her arms with a glare at her husband. She pursed her lips." Yeah great you are sorry. "She said. Nikita pushed herself off the wall and grabbed smokes. She walked over to the other's. "Gentleman I beg your pardon but I must take my leave Mr.Duve thank you so much please contact me any time here is my card."She said. Nikita smiles and nods to them."Ethan pleasure is all mine you and your son are welcome any time in our home I am sure my Husband wishes to speak with you."She said. Nikita nods to both and walked out the front door with Midus.

Outside she lit a cigarette. She walked with him and Ghost."you okay Mrs.?"he asks her.Nikita sighed. "No Midus I am not I haven't smoked in months. I mean does he really think I fall in his arms. When he wouldn't even try last night to work it out. Then I give London her choice and all is okay. No ugh I am so mad at him. Nikita was beyond mad. As she walked with Ghost along there yard. He leaped and bounded a long with her. He liked to stay at her side. He knew when she was mad. Nikita found hmthe spot she always sought. Her husband's favorite place even though she was mad at him she still found her feet carrying her to the old oak. She sighed and subk to the ground. She blew out her smoke and sighed. Nikita loved her husband, but they had there issues and he had every chance to talk to her the other night, now he was saying sorry. She was to head strong for that.

Death to all betrayers
Jeb smiled at Taylor. He did not know him as his siblings did. He took his apology with the thought that he was indeed sorry. "It was a bad day for many I think. We all had problems yesterday." he stuck his hand out to shake Taylor's. "Perhaps we can be friends, I know I have to get to know the rest of the family." He heard Nikita's words with his father and smiled. He wondered if he would be welcome back in his more casual attire. "Now I think it is time to try once more to see if your sister would like to go out on a date." he grinned,

Alex could see his wife was still not seeing his side of things, and it made him mad again. He shook his head and fingered his phone in his pocket. One call is all it would take and things would really get messy. She probably thought that she could take the kids and take off somewhere with them. Not any more. If it came to that Elizabeth, London, and Taylor would finish their schooling and at eighteen be able to decide what they wanted to do. They could go and do what every they wanted to. His three youngest would stay with him. He had a more stable enviornment for them then she did. They had a school to attend, and he could be around more then she could with her modeling. He didn't even have to use his powers to get what he wanted. So let her stew and if she didn't come around well he had his option.

He walked Ethan and Edward out to the Limo. "I will send it back when my son calls." Ethan said. "I will see you on Monday then and we can talk to these politicians together." Alex shook his hand and watched them drive off
"Yeah maybe you can come and play some hoops." Taylor laughed. "Oh and don't worry about my mother and her 'clothing expectations'. She shouldn't have a problem with that anymore." He said as Jeb left to talk to his sister. Taylor watched Lexi walk out and pet her head like he does every morning. "What mysterious work are you up to today?"
Nikita stood when she saw the Limo doors openm she breathed in out and watched. She made her way back into the house. Nikita was not happy. She looked at Midus,"Thank you for being here. Let's go to the training arena."Nikita made her way upstairs and changed into her sports bra and shorts. She made her way into the training room and turned up the music. This was her outlet. She set the training level to a notch above what she could do.

Nikita started to go after dummies. She didn't use her powers. She didn't need to ever unless her or her children's life was in danger.Nikita went at the dummies she rolled out of the arena when she couldn't keep up. Nikita stopped the combination and layed back on the mat. Nikita breathed in and out heavily. She looked around the room Nikita got up and shook it off. She took her Ipod and went out for a run instead of more training. She had sent away her guards.

Nikita ran and just kept running her hair bouncing behind her as she ran.Nikita hadn't seen a van following her till she turned.Nikita looked and saw the door open. She cursed and turned to face them. They came at her she fought them off when she ran down an alley and made her way back to the blackwell mansion. She scaled the Blackwell wall. Nikita dropped to the gravel drive way and groaned. She held her shoulder and layed on the gravel breathing heavily. Ghost came over barking and alerting the house. He was barking and running in circles. He went into the house and was snarling at Alex.

Death to all betrayers
*party on girl. Alex Nikita are having marriage issues. Kids are talking to Jeb and a black van tried to take Nikita.Nikita made it home laying in the gravel bleeding from her shoulder. )

Death to all betrayers
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Alex really didn't know what he should do. His hand was on his phone in his pocket and he was looking over at Taylor and Lexi and Jeb and London. He knew his son and what he did was something that us very unuseual and very manly. He raised his brow at it and nodded. He may have messed up but he was manning up to things and accepting Jeb. Alex figured that he had learned his lesson quite well and would never leave Lexi alone outside the confines of the Blackwell grounds. London had never had a boy friend, had no interest in a boy, even though there had been so many that were attracted to her. The day before she had totally destroyed a boys dream when he had called and asked her out and she had said "NO" with a tone that would have hurt more then being turned down. Then she had laughed about it. Had she gone that cold. He blamed Nikita for that and himself because he had not again put his foot down and set up some rules for London and Lexi for their modeling. But Jeb seemed to have changed her mind set. He certainly had now won his wife over. Even Lexi seemed not to be trying to irritate London or put a wedge between the two. This made him like Jeb even more. He seemed to be bringing his family together.

As he was thinking of these things Ghost came running up whinning and barking, running in circles and then came in and growled at him, which he had never done before. This was strange behavior for him and usually he would be with Nikita but he wasn't. "Shit!" he said, loudly and then was out the door as Ghost now began running infront of him, leading him some where.. He finally lead him to Nikita what was laying on the ground breathing hard and not looking good. "Damn it! he mumbled. He ran to her and picked her up into his arms. He yelled out, "Midus, you worthless thing, call Dr Wells Now! Have him here immediatly!" He began moving as fast as he could back to the house holding Nikita tightly to him, all the other thoughts now gone from his head.
Nikita lay holding her bleeding shoulder. She could feel the gravel in it. She had landed hard on the gravel. She was unable to breathe she tried to call Ghost and tell him to shut up.Nikita all she could do was cough.

Nikita breathed staring up at the sky. She couldn't move every time she tired to. She would feel a blinding pain in her shoulder. Nikita heard a voice and tried to find it. She saw a figure go to pick her up in defense dhe radiated electricity over her body. She stopped when he knelt down closer to pick her up and she saw it was her husband . She let out a yelp as he picked her up and kept one hand on her shoulder. Nikita breathed and leaned into her husband.

Midus had just thought Ghost was being eccentric again. He personally just thought the dog was weird and should never be off his leash. When he saw Alex running he followed. He saw Nikita and cursed. She had told her guards to stay even him. He should of gone with her. Yes Alex thought that Midus was a useless bag of bones, but he had more powerful then Alex knew of. He got out his phone and called the family physician Dr.Well am He knew nothing of there powers, but had been working for them for years. He never asked questions about superficial wounds. He never reported them it is what he did and the blackwells were a family who could end his career just because of there money and status.

Nikita felt her body being set down on something m she opened her eye's and looked around. Her pulled away slightly from her shoulder. She looked at the blood Welling up and put her hand back.She turned her head to look over at Alex."I...am...sorry.... Alex.I..."Nikita made a face and held her shoulder tighter.She gulped and tryed again.

Death to all betrayers

(I never said that London had never had a boyfriend or ever was attracted to guys. She obviously had a boyfriends before. London also may have some attraction to guys, its just that it annoys her that she gets so much attention. )

Lexi rolled her eyes. "I'm not leaving you two alone, Jeb. I'm not letting my sister get molested!" she exclaimed. London picked Lexi off her lap and got up. "Com'on Lexi, let's go," she said carrying her out of the room. She dropped her off at the couch. "Ok, watch tv or practice ballet or whatever," she said and shooed off her sister. Lexi rolled her eyes. London walked back over to Jeb in her mother's office. "Hey, aren't you gonna go? I mean, your dad left," she said to Jeb.

jeb chuckled. "No I am staying awhile, I hope you don't mind. I wanted a second chance at asking you out. My father is having a benifit for a politician nest week, a week before Edwards show. Was wondering if you would like to go with me to it. Might be fun and well a chance to get to know each other." he told her. I don't think your mother will mind this time. So I don't have to go until I am ready to leave or......" he chuckled, "I get kicked out again."

It was not long after Jeb was asking her out that the door slammed open in the kitchen and Alex came hurring in with Nikita in his arms and laying her on one of the couches. "Clean warm water and a few small towesl. He said to Taylor as he saw him and Liexi in the leaving room. "Don't talk, just lay still and the doc will be here soon." his voice was soft and low, he caressed her face and waited for the water and towels so he could clean her shoulder up.
Elizabeth stuck her head out of her bedroom door to verify there was no one there and then looked at Andrew.

"Alright if my family finds out that you spent the night here then we're dead... We'll knowing my family I'll just get grounded until I turn 90 and Taylor will kill you and dance around your corpse" Elizabeth said with a grin on her face.

Elizabeth and Andrew got out of her room and quietly walked downstairs until she saw her father entering the kitchen with her mother in his hands and took Andrew's hand as fast as she could and ran towards the kitchen. When she saw her mother's condition she gasped and looked at her father.

"Dad? What's going on? What the hell happened?" She said as Andrew took her hand.

"Can't you just use your powers to cure her Lizzy?" Andrew said.

"No it doesn't work that way. I don't have healing powers. " Elizabeth said and looked at her father again. "How can we help ?"
Taylor ran to get towels. He was worried and got a bit clumsy on the way. He grabbed a clean bucket and ran hot water into it. When it was filled he set the towels and water on the ground next to Alrx. He turned to his father, "anything else I can do?"
Alex looked up as Elizabeth and Andrew appeared. He had not seen Andrew come in and looked at his clothing. They were the same he had seen him with the day before and they looked rumpled. His eyes narrowed at him and then at Elizabeth. Then Andrew said something that made his heard almost stop. Use her poweres? He had asked her to use her powers! He looked at Elizabeth with a stern look then at Andrew. "You." he pointed to Andrew, and then the couch where Lexi was siting. "Sit!" Then he turned to Elizabeth, Clean water and towels and then you and me are going to have a talk!" How did he find out about her powers. Did she tell him. Then his clothes, had he been there all night? Oh she had some explaining to do. When Taylor returned with what he wanted and asked if there was anything else he could do. "Yeah, watch him." he pointed to Andrew. His voice was not a happy one. His voice softened once more when he talked to Nikita. "This might sting some. He told her and began cleaning her shoulder.
Elizabeth looked at Andrew with an angry look. Why did he had to mention her powers in front of her father? Elizabeth knew she was in a lot of trouble and the fact that they were using the same clothes as yesterday only made things worse. Andrew noticed that Elizabeth was angry and made a silent "I'm sorry " before standing near the couch where Lexi was sitting. He wondered what was Alex going to do to him after they fixed up Nikita since he looked really angry and he knew that he was really strict. Elizabeth ran upstairs and grabbed some fresh water and clean towels from the bathroom and then ran back down and gave her father the things. Elizabeth looked down and then looked at her father. "I'm really sorry"

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