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Realistic or Modern The Family Of Secrets

"Your real funny, lex. Isn't she funny? She thinks I am going to take her to the park after how she treated me. Ahem, NO!" He dug his feet into the floor and stood firm so she couldn't pull him. He was going to ask her when she wasn't being such a bitch, but now? Nope. He knew things would get violent because she was a spoiled brat, but he was prepared and the rest of their family was near. "You know," he edged her on. "The twins are right. You ARE a spoiled brat." He stuck his tongue out mockingly
Elizabeth was filled with excitement as soon as Andrew kissed her for the first time. She always thought that kisses were not really important and were over rated but that was because she had never kissed someone before. She felt like the happiest girl on earth. When the kiss stopped, she felt a strong feeling of guilt and then realized why, Andrew always told her his secrets and she did the same with him but there was one big secret that she never told him and she felt even worse now that they were a couple. She was about to say something until her nervouseness, mixed with guilt and thoughts about her powers made her completely invisible.
"Okay then! That's totally fine!" Alexia said cutely. Her smile soon turned devilish. "Well, you get to pay the price!" she said. Lexi was extremely flexible. She did a high kick that kicked Taylor in the neck. She kicked him in the stomach. Alexia pushed him on the ground and pulled his curly hair. She sat on him to make sure he couldn't get up. "Bring me to the park!" she whined.

Andrew was shocked when he saw Elizabeth dissapear, he felt like he was going to pass out in any second but he continued to think of logical explenations but nothing made sence. "What? How did you- where are you?" he said trying to keep calm but the only thing he wanted to do was to shout as hard as he could.
Elizabeth knew Andrew was terrified and became visible again. She had no idea of what to say, she just dissapeared in front of him a minute ago! What was she supposed to say? Elizabeth thought about that for a while until she realized what she had to do. "Andrew, i´m really sorry for not telling you this before but... I have powers. I know this is very weird but I swear I can explain!" Elizabeth said before taking a deep breath. "I was born with powers. I´m not supposed to tell anyone but what I did was not meant to happen I swear! Please forgive me for not telling you before!"

She said, scared of what Andrew´s reaction could be.
Andrew was still trying to process everything in his head. As far as he knew, his new girlfriend has powers and she was not supposed to tell anyone. He felt a bit sad that Elizabeth didnt trust him enough to tell him before but he decided to let it go since that was probably really difficult for Elizabeth too. He smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ít´s alright, I dont hate you and I understand why you couldnt tell me. And yes, it is weird but I still love you and having powers only makes you even more special than you were before." he said, as soon as he was about to kiss her again he recieved a text message and rolled his eyes. "I have to go, but I wont tell anyone about... well... you know" he said as he began to walk out of her bedroom. He looked at her siblings and wondered if they had powers too, that would explain why everyone loved London more than they loved Elizabeth but her other siblings and parents seemed completely normal. He quickly stepped out of the mansion and began to drive towards his house.

(I have to go, ´night!)
Taylor laughed and whispered, "you have forgotten my powers, huh?" He had one power that Jeb wouldn't notice. He rocked for a while, then rolled over so he had pinned her. Careful not to let her hand go, she reached for his keys. He grabbed them and jumped up sprinting for his car, so he could get away from the she devil.
Alexia had forgotten about his brother's powers. The family had rarely used it. She ran toward her brother's car, determined to go to the park. She was quick and caught up to her brother in no time. Lexi walked toward her brother with a pout and puppy eyes on her face. She could charm and persuade anyone. That meant that her brother couldn't get away from her. She stared up to him with her big, blue eyes. "Taylor...." she started with fake sniffles. She looked up, making a tear drip from her huge puppy eyes. "Can we please go to the park?" she asked softly and sweetly. "Please?"

Gilmoregirl12 said:
Death to all betrayers
So, Jeb is currently trying to persuade Nikita into letting him take London out. Alexia stirred up a little bit of trouble with the twins (some teasing, that's all). Elizabeth and Andrew kissed upstairs. Elizabeth and Andrew are an 'item' now. Liz revealed her powers to Andrew. Lexi is bored and she wants to go to the park and dragg Taylor along. Alexia got violent with Taylor. Lexi forgot that Taylor had super human strenght. Now, Lexi is using her charm to get Taylor to bring her to the park. (The scene you're currently in hasn't moved at all)
Taylor couldn't get pass those big blue eyes. "Oh alright! Hop in." He drove to the park and locked his car. The one thing about having an expensive car is that everyone is trying to get into it. "Go have fun." He said once Lexi got out of the car. He cured her boredom but now what was he to do?
Alex heard the comotion going on in the other room but was engaged in something else at the moment. He knew Lexi would be a pain for Elizabeth and Andrew, what younger sibling wouldn't be. But at the moment he didn't want Jeb leaving. He looked over at Nikita and crossed his arms. That was a sign that he was not happy. He was trying to look out for the family and that meant making sure that his older daughters had good relationships with people with wealth so that should they decide to leave the nest, they could maintain their lifestyle. Jeb's family was like them, rich and his family had a business that would continue to make money. They dealt in experimental technology that the military used and once you had a military contract like that the money kept coming. Again he looked at his wife with a look that told her he was not happy by the way she was acting and making him look like he had no say about what happened with the family, that he had no authority at all on what happened. He comments were demeaning and would give Jeb the wrong impression about him. She might be looking out after her family, but so was he. "I say let London decide if she wants to go or not." his voice held a bit of anger in it. No Alex was not happy at all.

When Nikita called Ghost in, Jeb looked at the hell hound and smiled. He had learned a couple things from a trip to the Outback in the land down under. He looked down at the dog and brought his arm up and extended it pointing his hand at it with his thumb, fore finger and little finger extended and the other two bent down (Crocadile Dundee) He slowly moved his hand down and the Hell Hound sat down and looked at him. He then moved to Ghost and petted his head. "What is wrong with a motorcycle and the way I am dressed?" he asked. "I only dress up for formal type things and meetings with my father's clients. No one will be going to the concert in a suit and tie." he noticed the tension between London's mother and father. That was something he didn't want to be the cause of. He looked over at London and shugged his shoulders. "Well perhaps another time then he said and turned and headed to the front door as Taylor and Lexi were getting into the car and driving off.

(some how missed a lot. several pages of stuff. Guess it was all last night or something because I didn't get any alerts all night on it before I went to bed.)
Nikita sighed Ghost only layed down for a minute then got up growling he snapped at Jeb."yeah sorry he only listens to one person and thats me.So thank you for thw offer like I said she isn't going when you come back with a proper ride and attire and proper venue to take my daughter then we can talk till then you know where the door is." When Jeb left Nikita turned to Alex. "What the Hell really you let some guy waltz into our house and say it's okay to take out our daughter looking like that and on a motorcycle for shit sake." She muttered. Grabbed her phone."Midus and Ghost let's go we have work to do. Midus grab London we have to go we will be late." Nikita passed her husband with a glare."we will talk about this later and remember the couch is open tonight."She said. She walked out with out wanting to hear another word.

( Crocadile Dundee Bahahahahaha. Win dude win @Questor)

Death to all betrayers
Alex glared back at Nikita, "Well I guess it is alright for Elizabeth to be going to some Hard Rock Metal concert with Andrew but London can't have a social life? Oh yes they would be talking later. He was the head of the family and he was the one that made the important decisions. Nikita had her modeling business and London was a part of it, but the girl was growing up and would soon be old enough to make her own decisions and move out of the mansion if she desired. Niketa was to controling and needed to ease up. She had spoiled Lexi already with modeling and had the little kid grown up already. She didn't have a childhood that she should have. It was always modeling and she was around grown ups all the time. It was partly his fault for that, for he did not put his foot down about it and keep Lexi from modeling.

He moved past his wife and left right after Jeb. He slammed the door behind him as he headed for his car and got in. It roared to life and he took off down the drive and then out onto the street as the gate opened for him. He was in a foul mood. His wife had undermined his authority as head of the household, in front of someone, not to mention the son of someone that was rich and powerful as well. He took his phone out and dialed a number, but then canceled it. Oh how easy it would be to call the organizers of the photo shoot and have it canceled. He was tempted, he was that angry.
Nikita rolled her eye's and just kept walking. She let the door slam and just ignored it.normally her husband agreed when it came to there children, but not when it came to her work and everything he never saw eye to eye. Nikita found London"Come on let's go."She says. Besides she was London's agent and mother the men she dated had to fit the standard and profile of a Model.Nikita walked towards the door holding her clipboard. She really wasn't in the mood to be late or defied.

She put Ghost in the car with Midus and sighed waiting in her daughter. She was talking in the phone and making a few calls as she waited. She and her husband definitely be in a fight later. She knew Lexi should come but, not with the way she had been acting. Nikita tapped her fingers on the dash as she waited on London. She was acting as an agent back there. But that was part of her Job description and that was how her and Alex met. She sighed and closed her eye's this was her life and work. Yes it shouldn't be at home but London wanted in then Lexington she didn't say No to either, but gave them her rules. They wanted to Model she be there Manager and on Model days no going out with friends. This was nothing new to her family m maybe she just stop taking both girls.She didn't need the headache from her husband anymore.

Death to all betrayers
Alex drove down to the club and parked his car in his usual spot. The place was not yet open for business, that would be later at night when everyone was off work and able to come and enjoy the music, dancing and other fun things. He walked in and up to his office overlooking the club below. He stood there looking down his arms crossed over his chest. Nikita was to controling over London when it came to the modeling career. London was one that could get any modeling job she wanted, because of her good reputation as one and her looks. She didn't have to take all the jobs that her mother signed her up for. Yes Nikita was her manager, but that did not give her the right to run their daughters private life. As the model London had the right to pick and choose what jobs she wanted, not what her mother demanded she take.

Perhaps it was time for London to find a new manager. His wife should not be the one doing it. To blinded by being to close to the subject. He knew her so called strict outlook on what men that dated models should look like. He had to laugh at that. There were so many so called bad boys dating the super models of the day it was rediculous. Basket ball and football players and the like, and they didn't all dress up in suits and such. He prefered Jeb over a lot of those that would want to date London, from the modeling crowd. Oh he thought there were a number of them that wanted to, but they did not fit his criteria for any of his daughters.

He turned and hit a button on his personal intercom to his secretary in the outside office. "Call my lawyer Gibbins, I wish to talk somethings over with him." he told her. He then went back to the large two way mirror of a window and looked down. His guest would be arriving soon and he could see everything was being set up for the entertainment and lunch.
Andrew decided to walk towards the Blackwell's mansion and soon as he reached his houde . He felt terrible for leaving Elizabeth alone like that as soon as she told him about her powers. He was still trying to figure out everything but the information he had was enough. When he reached the mansion, he decided to climb towards Elizabeth's bedroom instead of entering the house since he was scared of the possibility of her family knowing about him knowing about Elizabeths powers. Luckily, Elizabeth had Left the rope she used to sneak out and night outside giving Andrew the opportunity to use it. He quickly climbed the rope and saw Elizabeth again. "Hey Liz, I'm really sorry for leaving you like that. I was a jerk"
Elizabeth almost screamed when she saw Andrew in her room but then remembered that she left the rope outside which gave anyone the possibility to enter her room. She smiled at Andrew and hugged him.

" I'm not angry, it has to be hard to know that your... Girlfriend has powers. It's completely understandable " she said as she let him go and started to make her hands glow. She quickly made a flower of dark energy and gave it to Andrew. "This is my I'm sorry for not telling you I have powers before gift. I doubt there's a card for that. " she joked. " But my parents can't know that I told you or they will KILL me, so NO talking about powers when they're around OK? Also, my siblings can't know or they will tell my parents and Taylor would probably kill you because of that and because we're dating." She said. That was the good thing of not having a career with managers since she could date whoever she wanted.
(Reply when I get off apparently a day off is no longer a day off

Death to all betrayers

London sighed as Jeb walked out the door. Was her mother really doing this again? Her mother expected some prep to come in. She was actually looking forward to phasing Monica and partying with Jeb. Apparently she couldn't go either way. Even if she didn't show it, London was honestly quite flattered about what Jeb said. Whenever she asked a guy about why they liked her, they were usually stumped and ended up saying that she was 'hot'. London walked up the stairs. "Yeah Mom, I'll be down in a minute," she said rolling her eyes. Even if Heavy Metal wasn't her thing, she still wanted to have a bit of fun. Dubstep, hiphop, EDM, pop, and rap were more of her thing. There weren't many dubstep or EDM concerts, they were usually at clubs. And if they weren't at clubs, there were usually a bunch of high druggies hanging around. She wasn't old enough to go to a club, and her mother probably wouldn't want her to go to a rap battle or any type of concert. London walked into her room and changed into more formal outfit. The designers would be fitting her into a nicer outfit, but it was better to arrive wearing something nice. London didn't bother to put make up on, the stylists would be doing that. She hopped down the stairs and slid into the passenger seat of her mother's car. "Kay, let's go," she said.

Lexi smiled and hugged Taylor when he eventually relented. Her charm never failed. "Yay!" she giggled grinning. She hopped into the car as her oldest brother drove her off to the park. She knew exactly why Taylor 'despised' London. She couldn't help but giggled at the fact that James would feel exactly like Taylor when he was in highschool. Her powers would evolve, even if she liked it or not, and make her a 'guy magnet'. "Hey, your sister is, like, so hot," would eventually bother James. Alexia giggled to herself and watched the houses go by. She hopped out of the car as soon as Taylor parked. "Whoooo!" she giggled spinning around. Then, a horde of paparazzi began flashing a bunch of pictures of her. "Hey! Go away!" Lexi complained sheilding her eyes from the bright light. "Taylor! Help!" she said shooing the paparazzi. The lights continuously flashed. The paparazzi wouldn't go away and stop asking ridiculous questions. "Taylorrrrr help!"

@Gilmoregirl12 @divergentgurl1 @Questor
Jeb had left the mansion and had hooked up with a few of his friends. They were all on motorcycles. They usually went places together. Some asked him about London and he just shook his head and closed his eyes. Her mother reminded her of the moms on TV with the little brats singing and danceing and being dressed up to look as if they were twenty one or something. Controling and irritating. He didn't see how London put up with it. As they were passing the park he noticed one of the Blackwell cars pull up and then the little girl, Lexi he remembered got out. He had heard her carrying on in the other room when he was there and knew she was spoiled and was much like those on the one TV show. But when a bunch of paparazzi swarmed out of no where and began taking pictures that was to much for him.

He pulled his bike up and stopped and the others followed him. He got off his and made his way to stand in front of Lexi. "Buzz off jerks or do you want to be in jail by the end of the night. You know it is illegal to photograph a minor without the parents permission. Some stopped and looked at him, "Yeah right a couple said, and Jeb took his cell phone out and took a picture of them all. "Photo should do the trick when the cops get here. Oh and not to mention being sued by the Blackwells as well." he smiled. The others that had come with him moved to join him. They all looked at the paparazzi and with evil stares. That made them frightened and they began running off. He sighed and turned around and looked down at Lexi. "You alright?" he asked. "You had best have your brother take you home. Those idiots will be back when we leave."
Taylor rolled his eyes. "You may be able to charm London, but I am watching you kid! I was on my way to help her!" He pulled Lexi close to him and held her hand on the way back to the car. "I am sorry I wasn't there for you." His smile dropped. "I promise I was on my way! I andi sorry!" He was

a bit discussed by the words coming out of his mouth, but shook off the feeling immediantly. He didn't feel bad for jumping down Jebs neck because that was his responsibility in Lexi. He could take care of her himself. Just because he was super human doesn't mean he is fast. She was farther away and couldn't hear her nor did he know where she was at in the big park!

@Keira Winston @Questor
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Jeb hated people like the paparazzi. He did call the police and sent them the photo of them all and told the cops what had went on. "I think you need to get a hold of Mrs Blackwell and let her know what has transpired. She may want to press charges against them." He had to give them his name and information before he could hang up and then him and his friends were on the road again heading up to the concert. As he rode off he shook his head. Lexi's brother should have been out there with her and not sitting in his car. To many perverts were around that preyed on kids like her. Calling him kid. he had to laugh, he was as old as he was. What a family London had he thought. But for her he would put up with it, if she could escape her mother's grasp.

Not a long time later Nikita's phone rang and it was the cops relaying the information that Jeb had given them, along with his name and everything that had transpired and that Lexi was with her brother being taken home. "Do you wish to press charges against these paparazzi? If so we will need you to come down to the station and make a formal request."

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