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Realistic or Modern The Family Of Secrets

( xD @PaigeAmbrose uh, Alexia "Lexi" Blackwell is also a blonde, just sayin'. Anyway, I'll do London's POV once @Gilmoregirl12 replies. I'll do Lex for now. I also have cheer today, so I may not be on much)


Alexia giggled as Taylor messed up her blonde hair. She would usually get mad if someone touched her hair, but Taylor always made everything better. She couldn't believe she was grounded and couldn't go to the modeling shoot. She didn't know she was causing a lot of controversy since she was modeling at such a young age, and she wanted to model as much as she can. She was quite girly, and she loved the attention. Lexi turned her attention back to Taylor. "London was just on the phone with Nick, and she broke his heart. Now she's with this Jeb guy. I don't think she actually rejected him," she explained. "That's sad though. I think this Jeb guy is forcing her on a date or something. I mean, I don't think she actually wants to go party with him or whatever," she said. Lex didn't know exactly what was happening, and she just blurted out her assumptions to Taylor. "Anyway, he's not even worthy of London. I mean, look at him! He looks like the player in that show!" she complained. Alexia pointed her finger to the TV which was currently showing some show on Disney Channel.

Taylor smiled at his little sister. Of all the siblings he had, she had to be one of his favorites. They were very simular disputes their gender sand ages. He nodded. There was a guy he had never seen before and one of his friends. Both taking his sisters out. Taylor didn't understand all the fuss about London. She and her sister looked exactly the same. London's power was very strong, but not strong enough for him. EWWW!
Elizabeth smiled at Andrew, she had been waiting for the concert for a really long time and could hardly belive they were actually going. Sadly, the concert was not going to start shortly, meaning that Andrew would have to be in her house for a while. Elizabeth had no problem hanging out with Andrew but she hated when Andrew came over when her family was still home. She knew some of her siblings knew she had a crush on Andrew and was afraid they would embarass her. "Yeah! This is going to be awesome!"
Alexia smiled. "Hey, Taylor, watch this," she said with a devilish smile. Just because she was grounded, didn't mean she couldn't have fun. She got up and ran around Jeb and London. She was quite naive, and she didn't know that her Mom was about to kick Jeb out. "London's got a boyfriend! London's got a boyfriend!" she sang as she skipped around her sister. London rolled her eyes. "Shut the hell up!" she said and pushed Alexia off. Alexia pouted, but she brushed it off. She then skipped over to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth and Andrew sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" she said giggling. She loved embarrassing her two oldest sisters. It was fun. Lexi skipped back over to Taylor in the kitchen and laughed.

Elizabeth was about to yell something to Alexia until she remebered Andrew was with her so she decided to let it go. "Oh Lexi, you and your childish imagination! Andrew and I are just friends! Maybe you should go back to play with your dolls. Who knows? Maybe there´s a dark energy monster waiting to attack you as soon as Andrew and Jeb leave! I would be VERY carefull if I were you" she said with a smirk. Talking about dark energy around Andrew was not a problem since he had no idea that she had powers.
Alexia rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you know I'm 8 right? I started watching your stupid gothic movies since I was 6. Don't underestimate me," she said to Liz annoyed. "Plus, I know more than you think. We all know you have some crush on 'Andy' or whatever," she mocked. "Oh! And your 'dark energy monsters' don't scare me anymore," she said. She crossed her arms. She knew she wasn't supposed to talk about powers, but everyone else would assume its a game they play. Lexi got along with Taylor most of the time. She fought with Elizabeth and London most of the time. She disagreed with Elizabeth mostly because they were very different. Lexi disagreed with London because they had very similar powers and it bothered her to have someone else so much like her. Lexi sat on the couch and continued watching Disney Channel.

Elizabeth had to contain her anger in order to not use her powers to attack Alexia. "Normal 8 year old girls should be playing with dolls and singing kiddie songs, you´re just a little spoiled brat so you´re not really normal. And yes, I tooootally have a crush on Andy and we´re going to get married and live in a beautiful castle full of roses and little hearts!" She said as she winked at Andrew to let him know it was just an act. "You should be scared of the monsters since they can become invisible and attack you ANY time" she said. She used the "dark monsters" for an excuse to talk about her powers in public. She turned to Andrew and smiled, "Sorry about my sister"
Alexia rolled her eyes. "Normal 6 year olds, to be correct," she said to Liz annoyed. "And you know you aren't normal too, so don't blame it on me," she said indicating to the powers indirectly. "You should stop watching gothic movies, maybe then guys will fall for you! I see why guys like London and not you!" she teased. London rolled her eyes Lexi was annoying her too. "Can you shut it? I'm not a guy magnet!" Lexi ignored London and continued. "Oh, I make my own money, so I'm not spoiled. How 'bout you? You jealous that Mom chose to make me a model and not you?" she mocked. "Oh, and btw, wake up! You're not gonna live in a stupid castle once you grow up!" she said. "You should know that you aren't allowed to send a monster out for me. Mom will never let that happen. She'd kick your butt!" London rolled her eyes. "Andrews practically the only guy that likes you!" Alexia continued

(@coolname is not going to be online for a while so he asked me to control his character"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and smiled at Lexi "Believe me, I hate being the center of attention so I always stick to the shadows. Besides, gothic movies are awesome, and I do get my own money, there´s something called working and why would I want to be a model? I hate when people take pictures of me, I dont care about fashion or make up and I hate posing! Being a model is my nightmare so I rather not do it" she said smiling. She found it funny that her sister tried so hard to be an adult when she was just a little girl. Andrew smiled at Elizabeth and decided to help her. "Why do you like being in the spotlight anyways? That has to be really boring and Liz would be a great model. London is one and she looks just like Liz so what´s the big deal?"
Alexia shrugged. "Trust me, they don't look exactly alike. As a matter of fact, no one on earth looks exactly the same," she said to Andrew. "Why do I like being in he spotlight? Well, its 'cause it gives you major cash," she said shrugging. "Its not like I seek attention. Though, I like being pretty just to make money!" she giggled. "Plus, you should start as a model if you have real talent, then people would recognize you when they discover your talent!" she said. Lexi got off the couch and did a pretty twirl on her tip toes. She was advanced at ballet for a young age. After she twirled, she did a few leaps and landed in splits. "I'll make major cash in a short amount of time!" she said smiling. London shrugged. "You know Lex, people say your too young to be modeling in short shorts," she said pretending to be strict. Alexia shrugged. She didn't care that she was bringing a lot of controversy. "Well, at least I got talent.... unlike you," she mocked London. London rolled her eyes. "I do hiphop, unlike your ballet trash. Plus, I sing and act, anything else?" she asked crossing her arms. Alexia smiled and stuck out her tongue. "Well, atleast in ballet, you don't twerk!" she said. "What the fuck are you talking about? And when did you learn that word?" London asked. Lexi rolled her eyes. She could be quite naive at times, but she knew a lot for her age. "Look London, after Miley Cyrus is what everyone's talking 'bout. After Hannah Montana, she began twerking for a living," she said like a know-it-all. "I'm not that dumb," she added. London rolled her eyes. "Twerking is not hiphop. Twerking is trash," she said. London didn't bother to deal with her younger sister and turned her attention back to Jeb and Mom. "Good luck on your date! You may as well get molested!" Lexi teased. London couldn't believe Lexi knew so much. All of this was inappropriate for her age. When did she hear about twerking and molesting? London sighed and ignored her sister.

Taylor had a wide smile on his face. He loved it when his twin sisters fought. It had to be the most entertaining thing that happened on his family! He walked over to where Lexi was and held up his f its for a fist bump. It was his way of telling her good job on getting them going. "You girls are hillarious. Are you seriously fighting over looks?" He laughed.
(Actually, London and Elizabeth aren't fighting. London and Elizabeth are fighting with Alexia. Everyone has something against Lexi)
Andrew rolled his eyes and looked at Alexis "Whatever, money is not the most important thing in the world and modeling is not even a talen- "

He was about to finish the sentence until Elizabeth hade him stop and shook her head and whispered. "Dont say that, things could get really serious if you do" Andrew was about to reply until he understood and nodded. Elizabeth looked at Lexi and smiled. "Yes Alexis, modeling and money are really important and i´m suuuper jealous" she said rolling her eyes and then looked at Andrew again. "What do you want to do until the concert starts?" she asked and noticed Andrew frowned. "Well, the concert got moved to another day due to technical difficulties so... we could practice our act for the talent show." He said making a fake smile. The school´s anual talent show was going to happen in a few days and they had agreeded to perform a song together. Elizabeth nodded and started to walk towards her room with Andrew

Alexia continued practicing her ballet moves. Elizabeth got on her nerves a lot. She didn't even listen to her. She never said that modeling was a talent. She said that being a model helps promote you, so agents can recognize your actual talent. Lexi rolled her eyes. They didn't understand that money was important either. "Wannabe hobo," Lexi muttered annoyed. She did a few back-walkovers and flips. She landed in a split. She stretched and walked back into the kitchen toward Taylor. "Liz and London are so stupid," she said. She did a blackflip and landed on the couch. She continued watching shows. She finally realized that her mother was about to kick Jeb out of the house. "Kick his butt!" she yelled to her mother.

(I'll post once Gilmore comes back)​
(If anyone wants to make any secondary characters, please post them in the CS but you dont have to put a lot of things. Juest name, age and others. They can have powers but very small ones)
(I feel like I could take another character. I love all the drama. I don't know who i could make though. Any roles I could fill? )
(Might make a girlfriend for Taylor.... Maybe. I was waiting to see how many more characters we would get though.)

Taylor laughed and replied to Lexi, "I have baby pictures of how ugly London was, if you would like to use them for blackmail." He whispered. After Lexi ran back to the tv, Taylor yelled back to Elizabeth, "you guys have fun! Just don't get too carried away!" He joked. His 'older, protective brother' side wanted to beat Andrews ass before he would let him be taken to Elizabeth's room alone, but his 'annoying sibling side' just wanted to make inappropriate remarks about it. He couldn't choose which to go with.
Alexia rolled her eyes. "Eww, I don't wanna see those stupid pics, why would you keep them?" she asked. "You're such a pervert!" she yelled. "You probably look at her baby tush!" she accused. "Bad Taylor!" she said. "You're a disgrace to the modeling community! If you put those out, Mom would kill you!" she responded. Lexi grabbed a pillow from the couch and ran after Taylor. She continuously wacked Taylor on the head with the leather pillow.

(I´m back!)

Andrew heard Taylor´s comment and rolled his eyes before shouting loud enough so he could hear him. "We´re just friends you pervert!". He quickly entered Elizabeth´s room before Taylor could kill him and looked at Elizabeth right in the eyes. He had been awake all night knowing that he had to tell Elizabeth how much he liked her before it was too late since he knew other guys would love to be with Elizabeth. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "So... please dont kill me after this but.... I might have a crush on you?" he said waiting for her reaction.
Alexia stuck her tongue out. "See Taylor?! You are a perv!" she said. "No wonder you're such a loser!" she teased. "You should be glad that I'm nice to you," she said. She leaped around gracefully and did a few twirls. "I'm so bored," she complained. "Gah, I wanna go to the park," she said whining.

"Chill! Ow! Blackmail isn't a bad thing, dumb ass. Besides mom is to busy worrying about you younger kids to worry about her oldest!" He grabbed the pillow and wacked her once before throwing it back on the couch. "Why in the whole world would I look at the ugliest person in the galaxy's rush? I would say I would rather marry a pig but it would be like London was looking in a mirror." He snickered. He absolutely despised his twin sisters. All his friends at school are like , 'dude your sister is the hottest girl ever!' It annoys him. They all ask her out and he had trouble making friends without going to the geek league who won't craz over her. She makes his life misserable!
Elizabeth rolled her eyes when she heard her brother´s comment, she knew he was just trying to be a good older brother but that was a bit too far. She smiled at Andrew and as soon as she heard his words she felt like her heart had stopped working. She felt the exact same thing for Andrew and was really happy that he liked her too. "I... I feel the same way!" she said trying to control her excitement. "I´m so glad you feel the same way!" she said with a big smile on her face. She then realized that since Andrew liked her dating him would not be such a bad idea, she knew it was a bit early for that but they had been best friends since middle school and asking wouldnt hurt. "So... do you want to... you know... be boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"Eh, you're ugly, you'd marry someone uglier than a pig. Maybe a cockroach!" she laughed at Taylor. "Anyway, you gotta take me to the park!" she whined. Lexi usually got violent if she didn't get what she wanted from Taylor. She wasn't afraid to hurt anyone. "Come on! I'm bored as heck!" she complained. "Comeeeeeee onnnn!" she said pulling Taylor along. "OH BTW! Mom! Liz is dating Andy!" she yelled to her mother. Her mother had high standards. She wanted to see how her mother would react to this. "come on!" she said to Taylor. She continued pulling him along.

Andrew opened his eyes as soon as he heard Elizabeth saying that she liked him too. He shook his head a bit to confirm that he was listening correctly. He had dreamed of that moment for a really long time and was very exited that Elizabeth had just asked him if he wanted to be her boyfriend. "Of course I want to!" he said with a really big smile on his face as he hugged Elizabeth thightly. When he broke the hug, he looked at Elizabeth right in her eyes and began to get nervous. Usually, in the movies that was the part when the boy kissed the girl but he was not sure of how Elizabeth would react. He had never been in love before and Elizabeth was very special to him. Screw it. He thought to himself as he kissed her.

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