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Fantasy The Fairy Tree


This role play is for me and @katisacat

Fairies live among us. Well, not among us, in the forests beside us. The light fairy's tree is dying and the Queen must send her daughter to find a new one since she has passed her sight onto her when she was born. However, danger lurks in the shadows of the forest. The dark fairy prince wishes to capture the princess and make her his own. Three guards are sent to protect the princess and a human boy discovers them? What will happen with this strange mashup of characters?
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"But mother!" Ama protested as her mother explained to her that she would have to go out and find the new tree. The new tree! How could her mother put upon her such a task? She was young, inexperienced, she wasn't ready for something like this!

"No more buts Ama." Her mother replied with a sigh. "I know you're scared and you don't think you can, but you're the ONLY ONE who can, you're the only one of us with the sight to find the new tree, I passed it onto you when you were born. Now go, I have had a servant pack a bag of some necessary items for your journey, your guards are waiting for you in the willow room." Ama stared at her mother in shock before nodding reluctantly and walking down the hall to the meeting room titled 'Willow Room.'

Shana was pacing as she waited for the princess, she couldn't believe this, she actually got chosen to be one of the three guards to protect the princess on such an important mission, this was so exciting!
Lucas was right outside the Willow room. He was reminiscing the time he spent here.

Clovis sneaked into the Willow room. He looked around and he hoped no one caught him. "Hey, Shana. Where is Lucas? Isn't he suppose to be here?" Clovis asked as he noticed she was the only one there.
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Shana sighed in frustration and nodded. "Yes, and no, I don't know where he is but I'm going to kick his ass if he doesn't show up soon. The princess should be on her way."

Just then the door opened and Ama walked inside with a soft sigh as she looked up and smiled softly. "Greetings, you must be my guards." She looked around curiously. "I thought there were going to be three of you..."

Shana's eyes widened and she quickly bowed down on one knee. "Forgive us your highness, it appears our comrade is running a little late..." Ama smiled softly. "Do not worry, I don't mind waiting. May I have your names?" Shana lifted her head and nodded. "Of course your highness, my name is Shana Loon."
Clovis didn't really want to be here. He only came to look for Lucas. He started thinking of this one time he was looking for Lucas when they were kids and he remembered finding Lucas talking to the princess. Lucas was smiling as he talked to her. Was it because she was the princess that he smiled? Or was it something else? He never liked the princess so he tried to sneak out of the room. "Just ignore me, Princess. I just came here looking for someone."

Lucas came right in when Clovis was trying to sneak out. He grabbed Clovis by his wings and dragged him back. "Clovis, stop trying to sneak out." Lucas let go of Clovis and bowed to the princess. "Please, Your Highness, forgive my friend for his rudeness. He was always like this. I'm very sorry for my lateness. Please forgive me," he apologized. "Clovis, you show respect as well."
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Shana narrowed her eyes and was about to call after Clovis when Lucas came in and she nodded to him.

Ama looked over at Clovis and nodded as he tried to leave, not realizing he was meant to guard her. "Oh... I see..." She said softly then smiled when she saw Lucas. "Ah, Lucas. I didn't realize you were the other guard." She said, seeming a little happier knowing he was going. She then nodded. "It is fine on both your parts." She looked at all of them. "I much appreciate all of your service for helping to protect me on this journey." She dipped her head. "If you are all ready we may leave immediately."
Clovis quickly bowed only because Lucas asked him to. Then he sighed. Great. Now I am stuck protecting the princess... Clovis crossed his arms and leaned against the walls of the Willow Room. "Yeah.. sure whatever... Not like I can leave now..."

Lucas gazed longingly at the Princess for too long and quickly averted his attention away from staring at her.
You can't love the Princess... It isn't right. He pinched Clovis's side when he disrespected the Princess. "Be more respectful," he whispered.Then he gave his attention back to the Princess. "Yes, Your Highness,"Lucas responded.

"Oww... fine..." Clovis responded quietly, but in pain. "Yes, Princess. I am ready."
Shana nodded as well. "We are ready when you are your highness."

Ama smiled softly and nodded. "Very well, once again, I thank you for your assistance on this journey." She turned and began to head out of the Willow Room. "Let us go then." A servant was waiting at the door with a satchel and a hand bag that had everything she would need for the journey, clothes, a couple water canteens, and her precious items that she insisted she never leave for more than a day without. Ama thanked the servant and took the bags.

Shana hurried after the princess. "Your highness, would you like one of us to carry your bags?" Ama smiled and shook her head. "Do not worry, I can carry them."
Lucas looked over at Clovis. "I hope your not thinking of staying here. You know you have to come."

Clovis sighed again and slowly followed while feeling unmotivated. Clovis suddenly thought of a way to get away from this situation. "Lucas, I'm not feeling really well... Maybe you should tell the Princess to get a replacement." He then stopped moving and touched his head. "I'm heating up, Lucas. Believe me."

Lucas smacked Clovis on the head. "Your not sick. Now come on," Lucas responded. "The Princess doesn't have time for your lies," he said with a sigh. Then he followed the Princess and dragged Clovis by the arm. He then let go of Clovis after he pulled him out of the Willow Room. He headed toward the Princess. "Are you sure you do not need help carrying them?" Lucas tried to grab the bags from her and he accidentally touched her hand. He began to blush, but he tried to stop his feelings and just moved his hand away. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. Please forgive me again." When Lucas was younger he use to talk to the Princess a lot and eventually his parents found out and forbade him to continue. His parents didn't want to get in trouble with the queen.
Ama blinked in surprise as Lucas blushed and smiled gently as he asked for forgiveness. "Forgiveness for what Lucas? And yes, I am sure, I am fine. You will need your hands if anything should threaten us." She giggled softly and they made it out of the tree into the expansive forest, they began walking away from the dying tree.
"I touched someone I was never suppose to..." Lucas said too quietly. He didn't really want the Princess to hear what he said so he didn't look up and said it quietly. He continued to follow the Princess as if nothing happened.

Clovis had pretty good hearing and heard what Lucas said.
Does Lucas love ...the Princess...? Yeah, right. "Hey, Shana. You ever been outside the tree before?"

The forest they lived in was one of the most beautiful ones in the world. In the dark the stars and the moon shine brightly down on it. There were usually a lot of fireflies lighting up the forest at night. In the day it is like an adventure. It was many different colors in the day. It wasn't just green, brown, and blue. There were a vast amount of flowers and different kind of birds of different colors all through out the forest during the spring. The forest contained many sizes of trees. It had wide, really thin, and just the right size kind of trees. Some tress had flowers blooming and there was some wild flowers growing on the floor.

In another part of the same forest though existed a darker and more frightening part. Where the dark fairies existed. In the dark part of the forest lived an evil fairy prince, Aeron Mallor.

"The light fairies tree is dying... I wonder when I will see my princess once again?" Aeron Mallor said as he played with the lives of the light fairies that wandered too far into the forest. He was sitting on his 'throne' and ordered for the fairies in front of him to be burned to death. He then faced his guard beside him. "Isn't it fun to watch them squirm?"
Ama didn't hear what he said but she smiled reassuringly at him. "You did nothing I see that needs an apology, but I thank you for apologizing when you feel you did something wrong." She then continued walking, looking around curiously as Shana led the way through the forest, as they got further and further away from the tree she began to grow nervous.

Shana looked over at Clovis and nodded. "I have, but the tree has never been out of my sight on such occasions. But, from what I understand, we will have to scan a great deal of the forest before her highness will be able to identify the new tree. So it is a new ordeal for all of us."
Clovis patted Shana on the back in an overly way too familiar way. "Not for me. Not for me," he responded as he smirked. He looked around the forest feeling as if it was a new adventure. Finally some freedom!

Lucas didn't bother to pay attention to Clovis. He did notice the Princess feeling nervous though. He was about to grab her hand to calm her, but he kept his hands to his side. "Your Highness, everything will be fine. I'll protect you from harm. Shana will too," Lucas said to try and reassure her. "It is our duty."
Shana raised her shoulders a bit tensely as he patted her back, looking at him confused by his overly friendly behavior. She then looked up and nodded in agreement to Lucas's words. "You're safe with us your highness."

Ama looked over at Lucas surprised and chuckled softly. "Am I that obvious?" She then smiled at them and nodded. "I know, thank you."
Clovis was about to start flying off into a different direction to escape. He took a quick glance to make sure they were still taking to the princess. Clovis started to fly upwards. I'll come back another time, maybe...

Lucas saw Clovis in the corner of his eye. He grabbed the back of Clovis's shirt. "You aren't going anywhere. Clovis, it is your duty to help our Highness," Lucas said firmly as he held onto Clovis. "Please stop with your antics." Lucas looked back in the princess's direction. "No, I just wanted to reassure you. And, it was pleasure to be of service," Lucas said with a bow of reverence.

Clovis sighed and continued to travel with the them. It got darker outside and the fireflies started to light up the forest. "Shana, did you ever want to be something other than a guard?" as he kicked up the dirt. He stopped kicking up the dirt and looked upwards. "How do we even know she can even find it?" Clovis said more quietly so the princess did not hear him.
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Ama giggled a little as the two male guards interacted then nodded to Lucas. "I know Lucas. Still, thank you."

Shana glanced at Clovis and shrugged. "As a child I wanted to be a musician." She said simply then shot Clovis a warning look. "She will, she is the princess and has the sight. It may take a while but she'll find it." She whispered back as they continued onward.

Ama glanced over at Lucas as they walked, she was a little sad when she looked on him now, remembering how they would play together as kids. She still does not know why he had suddenly stopped hanging around her. She put a smile on her face however and asked. "So... how have you been Lucas? How is your family?"
When the princess laughed, Clovis looked at Fae and felt like she was laughing at him. He then responded to Shana, "A musician? Nice dream. Only crazy Lucas would want to be a guard..... Forget that last part." Lucas got closer to Shana and whispered, "I'm not saying she isn't the princess. I'm just saying how do we know she can actually find it? I mean she is like the rest of us. She just has more authority and her mother is the queen."

Lucas didn't notice the princess's sadness. He was busy looking around for enemies and anything strange. Then he heard the princess ask him something, but he was too absorbed. "Your Highness, what did you say? Forgive me, for making you repeat yourself."

Shana shrugged. "Something about her bloodline is special, her mother found our tree didn't she?"

Ama blinked when Lucas didn't even seem to hear her, her face saddened softly and she shook her head. "Do not worry, it was nothing..." She began looking around absentmindedly.
The forest was really dark and some of fireflies flew off. It was getting kind of humid outside and clouds started to gather.

Clovis thought for a moment about Shana's question. He didn't really remember. Every time his parents tried to tell him the story about the queen, he always said he had to do something. "I guess...?" Clovis replied with a shrug. Clovis felt like it was getting really dark and noticed there weren't really any fireflies flying around. Clovis began to feel like it was really moist and warm. He examined the sky and noticed the abundance of clouds.

"Are you sure? It does not seem like nothing because you seem sad," Lucas said with concern. "I did not mean to make you feel ignored..."
Ama shook her head softly. "I am fine, I promise." She said, wiping her forehead as moisture built on it.

Shana noticed as well. "It appears a storm is coming. We need to get to some above ground shelter." She said, opening her wings to take flight and try and find a well protected branch or something.
"Wouldn't we still get rained on?" asked Clovis as he thought about how the leaves will drop water on top of them. He started remembering the time he was drenched, and he wasn't ready to experience that again. His wings were too wet to fly, he smelled bad, and the feeling was just disgusting. Clovis already felt really uncomfortable and it was about to get worse.

Lucas knew he had to take quickly take action before the rain began. Lucas ignored Clovis's remark to look around for a solution, and he scanned the place for some kind of shelter. He noticed there was a tree with a hole in the middle that looked like a enough room for them to fit. "We can take shelter there," Lucas said while pointing at the tree with a hole. Then he gave his attention to the princess. "Your Highness, where would you like to go? We will go where you wish."
Shana shook her head. "We can use some leaves to ward off the drops from above but we'll get washed away on the ground." She then looked over at the tree hole and nodded. "That will work." She said and looked to the princess for confirmation.

Ama looked at the tree hole and nodded. "Sure, let's do that." She said and flew in while Shana grabbed a thick leaf to bring in and press against the opening like a door to ward off any stray rain drops.
Lucas looked over at Clovis. "You head there first. I'm going to grab more leaves," Lucas said as he flew up to where the luscious green leaves where. Using his discerning judgement, Lucas quickly plucked four leaves of the tree for each one of them to use.

Clovis nodded and went to the tree hole. He looked at the tree and came in after moving the leaf, so he could come in. He slowly moved more in and felt a bit wary about the situation. In the dark hole, Clovis could only faintly make out two standing in there already. He sat on the side and looked over at the other two.

Lucas came in just a bit after Clovis. He carried four leaves for whatever needs they had. He moved the leaf in the entrance, and then he put back in place. Lucas gently put the leaves down. ""You can use it as covering or something to lay on."
Ama flew in as well and used her magic to make a little mini light in her hand so they could see and thanked Lucas, pulling a leaf out of the pile and laying it on the floor to sit on. Not a minute later they'd hear the loud wind and heavy rain of the storm. "Wow, glad we got out of that when we did." She murmured. Shana nodded in agreement. "I don't think the storm will last too long, storms that come on suddenly usually leave in the same manner."
Clovis felt kind of tired, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lucas could finally see the inside a lot better and it was pretty bland and dirty. It felt like there was an animal that use to live here because there was acorns in there. Lucas looked at the Princess and asked, "Where should we head after the rain is gone, Princess? Have you sensed anything since you left?"
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