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Fantasy The Facility (OOC)

Before reading please ensure you are in the discord because I will be posting whoever is picked as the winner in there.

Arc 1: Omega vs Zeta

Omega and Zeta will take part in 1 on 1 combat mission against each other in a setting of Pika’s choice.

- Winner of 1v1’s has been decided by an online chance machine. Winner will post how they win and loser will reply, loser shouldn’t get ‘rekt’ so please keep that in mind or I will reverse the result. They are all trained professionals and should be treated as such. Also, please don’t be a sore loser. You haven’t lost because your character wasn’t good enough, it was purely chance and that’s all.

- There will be no physical injuries. It will be a case of non-lethal neutralisation via removing the opponent’s headband (Blue for Omega and red for Zeta).

- There will be four posts per match, two per character.

- Two posts will be the intro, one post each (Entering the arena, finding each other)

- Two will be the actual combat, one post each again (The fight)

- There will be an into/aftermath between each match written by Pika.

Round one:

Priscilla Vs Cyke

Round two:

Ryker Vs Avacyn

Round three:

Aurelia Vs Solomon

Round four:

Zerili Vs Alfonso

Round five:

Angel Vs Chrys

Round six:

Aaron Vs Reynolds


Any questions then let me know :)
Argh, I gotta read back through every CS to make sure I can actually give the correct info for each lool XD so is she like on each side helping info or just stating facts like strengths or weakness to eahc others tactics? curious :3
For this arc, facts and weaknesses. Also making general commentary. She has to stay neutral in this situation
Good point, yeah so simply basics out there like Priscilla's stealth versus say strenght? I dunno XD
lool, argh I probs wont have her go full mission mode for this, maybe kinda slipping in and out, serious anf fact knwoign one moemnt and then a stumbling mess of papers the next? yeah. XD
Yeah something like that! Whatever you can think of really! Sorry I know it's a difficult role
Ah, no prob sounds relaly interesting actually, lots of room for slight comedy or running gags of what she's doing wherever she is, I suppose back in the chair, just like her first sentence after is half muffled by cookie eating.
Lol poison dart frog against a wolf!!! XD in reality they probably kill each other. That is if a wolf would ever eat one lol
plz don't eat the innocent little frog

Yeah it's gonna be quite the interesting fight xD Looking forward to writing it with ya~
Danidify Danidify I was actually in an rp on a different site and I made a character with a poison dart frog experiment as well. Although with Ginger she had to take these specially made shots just to be able to touch anyone. They also had an antidote made because she had killed about 5 scientists when she tried escaping.
Wow that sounds amazing haha! Well luckily in this RP Alfonse can actually not really harm anyone when not shifted, so I think it'll be okay xD.
Haha it was a fun rp your character just reminded me of her, I had a lot of fun playing the nervous girl who was scared to get close to anyone.
Great haha. I made Alfonse just be naturally distant and not really like physical contact to fit in with the whole poison dart frog thingy. I think he'll most likely use his shifted form more as a threat to others than something he's personally conerned about xD.
Hell I've had issues with the invites to Hosted Projects before. I'd invite the rper and then they would accept it but couldn't find the RP or get into it for that matter it was rather odd

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