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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah. I mean you won't treat me like a prisoner. Or so he said...by the way, what protocol?''
"He's not supposed to reveal anything about CROSS, that protocol. Now then if you have agreed to come with us, I shall make the proper arrangements."
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]"He's not supposed to reveal anything about CROSS, that protocol. Now then if you have agreed to come with us, I shall make the proper arrangements."

''Alright......like a kimono for me?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫This just made her more unconscious☫...
Fake Seria sighs, rolling her eyes and waking for Natsumi to wake up so that she could give Natsumi her three choices of ways to earn freedom. If Natsumi didn't wake up in the next five minutes, Fake Seria wouldn't give her a choice. Meanwhile, actual Seria's eyes glazed over as she stared silently into the distance. She stood up and looked around. She was still in Cinder's home. She started walking towards the door, trying to find her way out of the place and moving rather slowly and clumsily.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Alright......like a kimono for me?''
Breeze blinked for a moment before turning away and pulling out a phone,

"Drifter I know your still watching, open us a door way home, and please get us some new clothes, Ms. Akeno would prefer a kimono, eyeball the sizes please."

Before the trio, another glass plane like gate way showing the interior of a modern house appeared.

AriaTheWatcher said:
Fake Seria sighs, rolling her eyes and waking for Natsumi to wake up so that she could give Natsumi her three choices of ways to earn freedom. If Natsumi didn't wake up in the next five minutes, Fake Seria wouldn't give her a choice. Meanwhile, actual Seria's eyes glazed over as she stared silently into the distance. She stood up and looked around. She was still in Cinder's home. She started walking towards the door, trying to find her way out of the place and moving rather slowly and clumsily.
''Seria? Where're you going...?''

...☫Cinder asked as she began to follow her☫...

...☫Natsumi soon woke up on the 3rd minute☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Seria? Where're you going...?''
...☫Cinder asked as she began to follow her☫...

...☫Natsumi soon woke up on the 3rd minute☫...
Seria didn't say anything, and just kept walking silently towards the door with a glazed look in her eyes. Fake Seria rolls her eyes. "Unless you want me to kill Seria and Cinder here and now, you're going to stay right there and listen as I tell you your options for freedom."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Seria didn't say anything, and just kept walking silently towards the door with a glazed look in her eyes. Fake Seria rolls her eyes. "Unless you want me to kill Seria and Cinder here and now, you're going to stay right there and listen as I tell you your options for freedom."
HimeragiSeiker said:
Actual Seria walked straight into the door and collapsed. Fake Seria sighs. "Here are your options. You either make a complete copy of yourself without any memories in the next three hours to serve as my new test subject and servant, let me drain all your powers and assimilate them and then let me send you back home as a useless shell of your former powerful self, or allow me to alter your memories and become my servant and test subject. Of course, you can deny all of these and then I'll go kill Seria and Cinder."
AriaTheWatcher said:
Actual Seria walked straight into the door and collapsed. Fake Seria sighs. "Here are your options. You either make a complete copy of yourself without any memories in the next three hours to serve as my new test subject and servant, let me drain all your powers and assimilate them and then let me send you back home as a useless shell of your former powerful self, or allow me to alter your memories and become my servant and test subject. Of course, you can deny all of these and then I'll go kill Seria and Cinder."
''I....can make...the copy...alright?''
AriaTheWatcher said:
Haiiro smiles before realizing that there was only one silver dress. It was way in the back, and, well, was not one that she'd even thought about until now. It was...not dangerous, but would make the wearer perform embarrassing and humiliating stunts that wouldn't be harmful to the wearer, but would definitely not be something that they'd want remembered.
Hakosu shook her head. "I can't find anythinggggg..." She whined.
YoungX said:
"Ah so you also have a deity within you? Pretty cool stuff," he said as he looked at his new appearance. In any case, he would strike at him immediatly. About two large golden arms appeared once more and started hammering away at where Takeshi was. As the strikes would finish, about a hundred or so blows were thrown.
"It's been awhile since I last fought, so let's not get too crazy with our powers. I don't wanna pay for the destruction you know?" Eryk would be calm, but would would plan on intercepting any attacks thst would come at him.
Takeshi Takahashi The Fallen Swordsman God

Takeshi sighed to himself. That's not what I meant. I used to be a god. Until I got overconfident and got f*cking murdered. Now I just have a bunch of hunters after my @ss because I'm a demon and they are "A threat to all of existence..." He finally decided that he had enough of storytelling for one day. He parried most of the punches that were thrown at him but it was obvious that he was still injured. Ow. That hurt. He motioned at something with his hands. Eryk's shadow sprang from the ground in the form of razor sharp spears and impaled themselves into Eryk. Whoops. That looks reeeeaaaly bad... I went a bit too far...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e589e3098756da4a5256582049bb0ba7.jpg.8b677998e61c03280f2b8b7a70897220.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/e589e3098756da4a5256582049bb0ba7.jpg.8b677998e61c03280f2b8b7a70897220.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Should've uploaded this last time)



  • e589e3098756da4a5256582049bb0ba7.jpg
    14 KB · Views: 46




...?Haruo lay at the base of a small tree within the School's courtyard. His heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across his face as he slept. At peace, his consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world. He lay as still as a brick. The only movement was the slight rise and fall of his chest as he breathed quietly. His dreams took him back to the rainforest he'd visited earlier. In the soft light and humid air, he would tune into the noises like they were an auditory jigsaw puzzle. On each conjuring of his sacred place, he felt a frisson of joy, the same kind as he felt when his parents greeted him after a long day, only many times more intense. The leaves would feel wet and more tough than they appeared, the aroma went right to his brain, intoxicating, rich. Then with a steady gaze, he'd pick one small place and stare until he had unmasked the camouflage of the creatures hidden in plain sight. In the dream, the sky was blue, the birds sang and there was a bee on clover nearby. The streams ran clear and there were fish in the river. Next to Haruo was a small boy and he told him how he saw the world. His answers to Haruo's questions were so precious, to the point of pure innocence. He asked him if Sanctums should care for the world. The boy said "Yes" like he was surprised Haruo should even have to ask. He asked him if Humans should be nice to animals, his response was the same. He asked him if Humans should kill or harm animals and his eyes filled with tears. He asked him if humans should kill one another and he ran, ran like he'd just seen a monster. Haruo called after him but the boy wouldn't return. Haruo sighed. He was a child, and like all children he was still able to see through the light of God. He was never taught the answers, he felt them within. And here was Haruo, now standing in a field filled with flowers, beneath a large tree. With a shrug of his shoulders, he sat down and lay against the tree's base. He closed his eyes and took in the peaceful bliss that was around him. His dream continued?...

no slide no slide no slide





...♅Akira raised his hand and spoke, shortly before a golden aura appeared around Suros♅...

Reverse Polarity.

...Suddenly, Suros was split in half, and reduced to nothing more than clothing. Tyrael spoke as he flung one of his Anti-Sanctum bombs towards Akira, it being the most powerful bomb he could create☄...


...♅Akira raised his sword and allowed the bomb to impact it's edge. Instead of the bomb exploding on contact, it was sliced in half, causing both sides to fly past him. It exploded soon after. Akira spoke as the explosion set the ground behind him on fire♅...

I control the Alpha Law. Your powers of Higher technology creation are nothing when compared to my own powers.


...Tyrael dropped to his knees, all hope escaping his body as he looked up at Imperius. He raised his chin and exposed his neck, talking to Imperius as he closed his eyes and awaited his inevitable fate☄...

Then kill me, and be done with this.

...♅Akira grinned. He raised his blood, which was smeared with blood from both the Shuron and Sanctums. He spoke as he traced his armour-plated hand along the blade, a faint sense of satisfaction being evident on his face♅...

Often when we guess at others' motives, we only reveal our own. It seems you want me to kill you.


...Tyrael grit his teeth and shouted in anger☄...

Kill me!

...♅Akira grinned and planted his foot into Tyrael's side, sending him spiralling off into the air♅...


...Tyrael made it ten feet before Akira appeared above him and slammed his head into his forehead, sending him crashing into the ground and causing a small crater. Tyrael pulled himself up off of the ground and extended his hand. He shouted☄...


...♅Akira stood unaffected from the attack. Not that it wasn't powerful. In fact, nothing had actually occurred to warrant a response on his end. Akira placed one of his fingers into his ear and began to clean it, even though it was already clean. He spoke, a small tone of boredom being evident in his voice♅...

Is something supposed to happen here?

...Tyrael tensed his arm once more, at an attempt to strike Akira, yet nothing happened again. He spoke in frustration as he looked at his hands and beat them into the ground☄...

What the?! Why aren't my powers working?!

...♅Akira grinned and replied as he walked over to Tyrael♅...

I took them from you, along with your Sanctum genes. I also made it so that you cannot die from either suicide or external forces. Meaning you'll die through old age. As a Human.

...Tyrael staggered backwards slightly☄...

Wh-what are you saying?!

...♅Akira sighed and smirked, shortly before he planted his fist into Tyrael's stomach. Tyrael flew across the ground until he impacted a building, causing it's wall to crack. He spoke♅...

I'm saying you're now Human, Tyrael. And because of that, you are no longer welcome here. You will live out the remaining years of your Human life on Earth. Powerless. How does it feel? Knowing that your whole life of perfecting your powers, has been taken from you. All that time, wasted.

...Tyrael dropped to his knees and shouted in frustration☄...

Why won't you just kill me?! Stop showing mercy!

...♅Akira tilted his head and spoke, shortly before he walked over to the kneeling Sanctum and crouched infront of him, placing his hand under his chin in the process♅...

Showing mercy? No. I've taken everything from you. Your powers, your Sanctum genes, your immortality, your home. You'll live the remainder of your Human life knowing that you came so close to finally fulfilling your life long dream of becoming King, only to fail at the critical moment. It's the worst thing I could've done. Death is an easy way out, and that is why I made it where you can't commit suicide, or force others to kill you. Enjoy your new life, Human.

...♅Akira clicked his fingers as Tyrael was ripped from Euphoria, and flung down to Earth. Akira spoke quietly to himself, shortly before he turned around and addressed his people♅...

Good riddance. You all may return to your duties. Euphoria will repair itself of damages soon, and will revive the Sanctums that died from the Shurons in the initial assault. I shall be returning to Earth momentarily.


...☬Ariadne looked away from her son, a brief flicker of happiness coursing through her mind. All of the other Sanctums returned to their day to day tasks, as if nothing had ever occurred. She looked over to Ragnarok and nodded☬...

...ΦRagnarok looked at Ariadne and nodded, shortly before they both returned to the Fukushima EstateΦ...

...ΨKenji watched all of the Sanctums leave the area. He released a sigh of relief, knowing that everything was returning to normal. He walked up to his elder brother and spokeΨ...

Mind if I join you on your trip? I have to go to the school anyway.

...♅Akira released a short sigh, shortly before he heard his younger brother's voice. He spoke as a smile formed on his face, his form returning to his base Sanctum form♅...


...♅Akira placed his hand onto Kenji's shoulder and they vanished, returning to the school. They manifested within Akira's office♅...

So, what will you do now?

Wait for my class to start, I suppose. Which reminds me, I found something of yours.

Oh? What?

...♅Akira opened a small portal in the air and extended his hand into the void. He then took out a piece of paper, which had been folded neatly. Kenji immediately recognized the paper, and made a quick grab to take it from Akira, but sadly, he missed. Akira spoke as he began reading the note, a grin of amusement forming on his face♅...

Oh my sweet Lumina, how much I want to feel your touch. I would give my arm and leg, just to fell that rush~’, Doesn't even rhyme-

...ΨKenji's face burned bright red as he extended his hand at an attempt to take the paper from Akira's hands, but ultimately failed once moreΨ...

H-hey! G-give it back!

...♅Akira's grin never left his face as he used one of his hands to hold Kenji away from him. He spoke♅...

Oh, here's the best part~ ‘A thousand suns burn bright for you, my fiery princess, I want to-’ Oh my~

...ΨKenji spoke once more as his hand quickly took the paper from Akira's grip, his face lighting up more, preventing him from finishing the sentenceΨ...

I-I said give it!

...♅Akira laughed and spoke, shortly before he sat down on his chair♅...

Wow~ Who knew you were such a poet, Kenny~ Did you take lessons from Shakespeare himself?~.

...ΨKenji's face remained bright red as he clutched his love poem to his chestΨ...

Sh-shut up!

...♅Akira laughed slightly and spoke, his grin slowly fading♅...

Ah, I'm just messing with you, Kenny~ Anyway, how're you feeling?.

...ΨKenji's face slowly returned to it's normal colourΨ...

I'm fine. I feel better, somehow.

...♅Akira nodded and smiled♅...

That's good. Welp, you better get going. I bet you're eager to start school.

...ΨKenji noddedΨ...

Yeah. Also, thanks for back there. If it wasn't for you, Lumina and I-

...♅Akira shook his head and sighed, shortly before he spoke♅...

You don't ever have to say thanks to me, Kenny.

...ΨKenji smiled lightly and spoke, shortly before he left the roomΨ...

I know.

...♅Akira grinned and waited for lunch to be over. Half an hour remained on the clock before his class started. The student timetable sheet stated that the combat class would begin outside in the training field, and the day was warm and beautiful, so it was the perfect day for an outside class♅...

no slide no slide no slide

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MrEvilMexican said:
Takeshi Takahashi The Fallen Swordsman God
Takeshi sighed to himself. That's not what I meant. I used to be a god. Until I got overconfident and got f*cking murdered. Now I just have a bunch of hunters after my @ss because I'm a demon and they are "A threat to all of existence..." He finally decided that he had enough of storytelling for one day. He parried most of the punches that were thrown at him but it was obvious that he was still injured. Ow. That hurt. He motioned at something with his hands. Eryk's shadow sprang from the ground in the form of razor sharp spears and impaled themselves into Eryk. Whoops. That looks reeeeaaaly bad... I went a bit too far...


View attachment 292666 (Should've uploaded this last time)
(Yeah the impaling is definitely auto hitting. You shouldn't do that since it doesn't give my character time to react. Anyways)

Eryk removed the Spears and would do some stretching. "Well that was nice, but I think we should rest now. If I went all out I think we might destroy the place. My name is Eryk. What's yours?"
NeoClassical said:
Han looked at the rattle. "You're not gonna cry right?" He said as he slowly took the rattle.
Akuren starts giggling and clapping his hands together like Han taking the rattle toy was hilarious.
TheDragoon said:
((I missed yours))
(I'll write a new one)

"Shooie? What now?" Lena asked softly, slowly sitting down on Shoo's knees, wrapping her arms around his neck, looking at him lovingly
JJKab said:
(I'll write a new one)
"Shooie? What now?" Lena asked softly, slowly sitting down on Shoo's knees, wrapping her arms around his neck, looking at him lovingly
Shuu blushed a lot at how close their faces were. "U-U-U-Umm... I'm not sure..." He stammered from embarrassment.
Lena giggled softly, leaning her forehead on Raja's, with their noses touching.

"Hey.... Why are you blushing?" She whispered, smiling lovingly at him

Lena giggled softly, leaning her forehead on Raja's, with their noses touching.

"Hey.... Why are you blushing?" She whispered, smiling lovingly at him


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